Malawi President Peter Mutharika was among the SADC leaders that snubbed Zimbabwe new President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s inauguration.

Mnangagwa was inaugurated today after replacing veteran president Robert Mugabe who ruled Zimbabwe for over 37 years.
At the inauguration which took place in the capital Harare, some SADC leaders attended the ceremony.
Zambia was represented by president Edgar Lungu as well as former Presidents Kenneth Kaunda and Rupiah Banda.
The Presidents of Botswana and Mozambique were also in attendance at the event.
Conspicuously missing were SADC head and chair Jacob Zuma of South Africa and Malawi President Peter Mutharika.
While other countries in the region sent high ranking officials to the ceremony like Namibia which sent its vice president, Malawi was only represented by the High Commissioner to Zimbabwe.
President Peter Mutharika was seen as a friend to Robert Mugabe who was forced to resign so that Mnangagwa could take over.
Koma heeee akayenda akuononga ndalama zaboma( misonkho yanthu) akankhala he is shunning koma munthu sungamumvetse alingati chimphwisi chimakupeza uli pamalo osayenera kuti nkuphwisa. Zovuta kumvetsa
Sometimes lets try to be realistic…..in dont believe in politics, inu nomwe akanati wapita bwenzi mukuti akuononga ndalama za boma, kwenikweni mumafuna chani?
fearing for himself, bwampini!!!
We all have choices, if a court can not find you guity after after failling to attend your brothers wedding so why all this fuss?
No African leader is real and none would be. This man wass a part of the ongoing regime but because constitution he’s reintate now as the president . Dont be surprise because during the time of election this man will says it’s time for him to contest as president and after succeeding may even rule more years than Mugabe. Remember he has finished 37 years a Vice and now the interim president. If he would be accepted to run for presidency how long would he have been in the presidential position and when will the youth age smell the same position in Zimbabwe. Be wise!
He knows next its him resigning
The President is right
Comrade once said and i caught we are not colonised by british leave us do wat is best for us do not involve yourself in this…strong presedent a man of his words..love u mugabe
Unlike terms repell….. ayez can see ….
How do you know maybe he wasn’t invited?
I am agree with you Mr President pachifukwa ichi zinakakhala chimodzimodzi kuchosa Kamuzu Banda ndikuika John Ntembo
Mukamaliza mubwere kwathukuno
its only peter who dint go? ngati mwasowa cholemba kungosiya basi
Mnangagwa will either not attend his funeral…
Mnangagwa and John Tembo same whatspp group.
Our Boss was busy doing marvellous Job at Mafco kkk respect him
Profesor as usual has no clue of what is happenning in zimbambwe kkkkkk
There was no election and this is just finishing off Mugabe’s term no new thing
what ever the case maybe …but done , lets wait and see failure to fulfill we can push him again . we will never tolerate any rubbish #anymoreeeeee!
With the exception of Botswana all the SADC presidents supported Mugabe. Even though he killed and plundered his people and country. They all looked up to Mugabe in awe. Again, except for Botswana no country condemned what was happening in Zimbabwe. The economy in tatters, people’s lives destroyed, corruption, no water and power in cities, opposition party members beaten and murdered. Companies closed their doors and resulted in 92% unemployment. No one had the back bone to say this is wrong. No one stood up for what is right. No one stood up for the PEOPLE of Zimbabwe who were now helpless to get rid of Mugabe. What happened in Zimbabwe is repeating itself in South Africa. The same SADC presidents who stood behind Mugabe are standing behind Zuma. They see the corruption, what is happening in South Africas parliament the errosion of the constitution and Mandela’s legacy but they don’t say or do anything again except for Botswana. By the way Botswana is Africa’s least corrupt country according to a global survey donr in 2016. Zimbabwe was almost at the bottom of the list as most corrupt country world….starts making sense now doesn’t it.
Bravo my bra Seretse Karma is a no nonsense man only president to tell Mugabe to resign long time & late Michael Sata of Zambia the rest they’ve got dictatorship failing to tell old man truth that’s the reason u saw Karma yesterday at Inauguration & he is leaving office next year Karma
Editor iwe chakukanika ndi chani kupitako
Who cares !!
Keep your Malawi
Umbuli uwu …president anali Ku pass out ya asilikali…is that shunning out…ngati multi a media muzizitsata
Ndekuti amaulukila limodzi…..
He has fear, it might happen to him. Malawi in constant electricity blackouts and continued poverty?
To hell with mutharika 4 not attending mnangagwa inauguration,he was busy wacking his sweet 16 MAMA GEE.
Of what use is going to inauguration. This was not an election so i dont think there is a problem with him not going. Further what difference doea it make between him and mugabe, they were together strategising to get the economy of zim to its current state. While am not even happy with what is happening here now but this is not an issue ours was busy laying foundation stone for business centre. Hahahahaha koma abale
Musiyeni zimene wawona Mugabe mawa ndi iyeyo.
Hahaha politics is a dirty game it’s .. Soon the truth will be revealed Mugabe will always be Mugabe ..for 37yrs this boy was in Mugabe pocket hahaha now he want as to believe Mugabe went out without a fight for nothing haha .. Bravo Mugabe well played comrade ..zim wake up ….malawi stand up
Kkkkkkkkk I know why he failed to go ! He got the same story with the fallen Mugabe , Grace Mugabe had a secret “Coup” on Mnangagwa to succeed the party presidency so is our very own Gertrude slowly crawling to this guy’s jacket , believe me
Mr President could have sent a representative not him.When a president departs for other nations it’s so much costing.
Peter and mnagagwa both are magogos
Even Mugabe himself snubbed it.
But what is the significance?
Tamalembani.zogwirina ndi.mutu wa nkhaniyi abale.
Mnagagwa another gogo for Zim yhoo shame on you better mugabe
Don’t worry He Will Attend The Ceremony After Emmerson Get It Through Ballot Box.
No news here.
If mutharika was busy with govt duties why to blame him? Let the guy do his work
Mind you my fellow Malawians President’s journey cost more money
Thanx Mr President peter munthalika your not stupid man
kunapita ma presedent enieni osati manyaka
Inuyo osapitako bwanji?kodi Mnangagwa is just an acting President
Muli ndi vuto inu. Basi kusapta kumeneko kukhale chifukwa. Bwanji ngati munaona kuti a president sanapiteko inu munatani osapitako mmalo mwa president wo. Nanuso olemba nkhani nkhalani serious polemba nkhani zazelu.
Nothing is wrong with APM tili ndi athu mavuto abakonza kut azachoke mwaufulu mtsogolomu
Well done mr president we really need brilliant people like you,osamangoti chagwa uku gokonko,mudzayimaso! 2019 Boma
Mnangagwa is not a duly elect leader. He happens to be a beneficiary of a military coup. He is in essence a caretaker leader of Zimbabwe until next elections are held in 2018.
He is afool
Ngat Akanika Kunena Pa Mbc Nkhani Ya Mnangagwa Ndiye Akanapitako?Naye Amadikira The Midnight 6 Yaku Zim..
I don’t think it was necessary to attend coz there was no election in zim that is the reason
My President was in Salima getting a fresh air breeze from the shores of lake Malawi..and he enjoyed roasted chambo.
Viatonkhani va malawi 24 vimalemba nkhani yopanda mutu mkomwe,vimasokora macoflict nyasi zanu
That’s awkward life, tomorrow we will need Zimbabwe, more over we will do the same.Go will do it for us
Sangapite paja Mugabe ndi m’bale wawo kuteroku zikuwanyasa
Whether he attended or not the answer is one
Bodza a president anali ku msokhano ku USA. Its when he attend the ceremony? Mmmmmmmm a Malawi kunama sikudzatha ndi Chifukwa mungosaukirabe Chifukwa chonama basi. DPP ndi boma lokhalo limene latsalilamo osati kumasonkhetsa madzira ku Thyolo at zokadyera ku msonkano wa a president koma iye ali ku Chitipa? Kumadulitsa azimayi woyembekedzera khadi mwana woti sanabadwe. DPP 2019 BOMAAAAAAA!
Willies Bitoni, u re true 100 percent, will never survive in 2018 election. He is more worse than Mugabe himself. Mugabe was killing and torturing people bcoz of him ( Mnangagwa). He’s a most corrupt leader ever, if Mugabe goes down, he’s the first one to follow among the ZANU-PF members. Rumours re going round that, the G40 members of the ZANU-PF led by the former first Lady Grace Mugabe will vote with opposition in 2018. Zimbabweans were afraid too much Mugabe, now bcoz Mugabe is out of the picture, 2018 the old Liberation Party will loose like MCP did in 1994.
Not just him…
What happened in Zimbabwe was a wake up call to most African leaders.
When Joyce banda was inaugurated anabwera ndan paja? Akanapita mnangamgwayo akawina thru ballot papers
wachifundo andgaileko crdt pliz… magetsi athima kuno
His fellow corrupt reader was unfairly dismissed so hopefully he was frustrated as well
Great, backdoor president
Palibe chalepheleka amulumbilitsa kaya anali busy kaya akunyasidwa pano m bale wakeyo ndi former President other leaders must take a lesson zachitika ku Zim
He would have gone to attend only if the new president was to be swam in at midnight as was the case with him!
He couldn’t travel, he is busy trying to convince Kamulepo ànd other mps to join Dpp
Congratulations to Mr Emerson.
Kuyambisa maposokoso a Maiawi
Not help full stand for Malawi!!! Retrogressive, to say the least!!! SHAME!!!
Mutharika and other African leaders,they were happy for $1000 000 that was donated by Gabriel Mogabe the ex president of Zimbabwe to African Union,while Zimbabwean people suffering. Mnangagwa is not gonna donate that kind of money while his people suffering,we believe in Mnangagwa to revive the Zimbabwean economy. Look what happening at Libya,what is SADEC and African union doing about this Slaughtering of black people
our president is not in good relationship with sadc countries and africa as a whole. he has never attend sadc and au meeting even once since he ascended into power, koma un amapita
Kodi iwe amane walemba nkhaniyo unafusa a President chifukwa chemene sanapitile ku Zimbabwe, osamango ulemba zinthu zoti muzimpezela zifukwa munthu ayi tawafusani Kaye ndipamene muzilemba zozungulila mutu zanazo, amenewo ndi asogoleli akuziwa chifukwa chake.
Osamapanga comment zinthu zoti simukuziwa kaka. Magogo amenewa adaononga ndipo akuononga dziko
Opusa ndi wa chinyamata amene amalimbikira kudzimva supporting nkhalamba zaku Africa on leadership yet the majority r we the youth. As a result we the youth r the ones who suffer a lot on various issue economically. Unemployment is the major challenge.
u want to mislead .Mlwns…….make t clean plz
How many sadic presidents came to witness the swearing in ceremony for Joice Banda that time?
He shunned the illigal government
Shangalai angobuula uku akuti tiwona nthawi yazisankhoyi
He Is Great, Thus Why? He Knws We Have Our Prblms To Solve. If You Are Bleming Him, I Repeat If You Are Bleming Him, You And All Wth Tht Kind Of Thinkig Are Very Stupid
Come 2018, ZANU PF is going to be booted out of power. This i can forsee. Once ZANU PF is gone, that’s when new life for Zimbabweans is going to begin. As for now nothing new really. Same pple in power, same everything.
angapiteko mesa mbuyake Bob Mugabe wachosedwa naye wakwiya nazo wasala iyeyo
Bad political calculation always. What is the logic behind the snub
Ngati sanayitanidwe panalibe chifukwa chopitila kumeneko…. Even anthu ena aku Zimbabwe komko ayankhula pa BBC kuti sanayitanidwe ku mwambowo. Ndiye munthu angapite bwanji ku malo komwe sanayitanidwe?
Anali kokuba ndalama za boma munthalika
peter mmene amalowa m’boma onse asadc analipo?bravo peter and chaponda kkkkk
Kkkkkkk,paja iwo anawalumbitsira kukhoti komanso usiku,pamene awa awalumbitsila ku stadium komanso masana mwina ndichifukwa chake zamubvuta.
Mnangagwa has been a staunch and right hand man of Mugabe for close to 37yrs. He is a cunning politician who is part and parcel of failed Zimbabwe under the tutelage of ZANU-pf. Zimbabwean scholars labeled him as the worst compared to Mugabe. Him and other several ZANUpf officials are master minds of the policies that have seen Zimbabwe fall. He has benefited from looting Zimbabwe just equally like Mugabe and several other ZANU officers. He has been eying the presidency for sometime and a dichotomy of two factions in ZANU emerged-that of Grace and the other of Mnangagwa. Grace’s tactics were less shrewd compared to the experienced Mnangagwa. The two were like playing the game of chess and tactically Mnangagwa has won. There is nothing new with the coming of Mnangagwa, it is the same ZANU-pf without the meticulous Mugabe. It is the Mnangagwas and the Graces who took advantage of the old Mugabe and looted and destroyed her. I personally see nothing to clap hands for Zimbabwe. The crocodile is home and dry to loot even more. Zimbabwe isn’t liberated at all.
well said
Big up man.
so Malawi is better than Zimbabwe? Keep on killing albinos
Malawi24 what’s wrong with you guys? Hahaha kma Mudziphadi sure! Inu Maiko ambili a mu SADC sanapite ndipo sanatume or Mthumwe I wonder you only see that Muthalika was not there? Hahaha Anali kolandila ma Generator aja mumati safika aja so what?
Umafuna anene zadziko lina?ndiye kuyiputa nkhondo kumeneko
Ndipo mayiko enawonso alemba zokhuza mayiko awo
Forgive them…
They don’t follow current issues.
Malawi kikiki
We believe in doing things our our way. l don’t think APM’s presence at out President’s inauguration was going to add any value to the event.
mind u he is not voted president! !!!! may be anakakhala
Joyce mujuru because she was on ballot paper not this one.kumazitsata!!!!
Mmmm nthawi inafupika nanu aa
Kodi akatuma munthu kuti akamuimirire ndiye kuti iye sadapiteko? President ndi munthu wotanganidwa ndi ntchito za boma tsiku ndi tsiku.
i have a question. Munthu uli ndi mnzako ndipo iyeyo ali ndi nkazi owoneka bwino kwambiri. Mwangozi nzako uja nkudzachita ngozi yapansewu nkumwalira. Kwinaku iwe ndi mlamu wako uja mumamvana bwino koopsya ndipo mumacheza bwino kwambiri. Anthu enanso pena nkumaona ngati ndinu chibwezi! Ndipo nkaziyo ndi wakhalidwe labwino losachititsa manyazi. Vuto nkudzangokhala kuti imfa yabwera. Mokuti olo mutayezetsa magazi akapezeka clear clear. Ine tsopano funso langa nkumati, ” *kodi magesi akuyaka kwanuko*?
I Solote the Zimbabwean defence force ..for what they did l hope Malawi defence force are lady to that without sheld blood and damages..
Yet it’s the same defence force giants who have been shielding him for the past 37 good years.
Eeeeee English amwene…
Kkkkkk anyway!
Tawelenga , tamva bwino lomwe zomwe mumafuna kunena Bwana Ussi. Umu simkalasi mopezerana zolakwika polemba chingelezi
Typing error. It was supposed to b *salute*
Let the Pete’s son to say anything but they know the truths
f so many african readers shunned this inauguration ceremony then thus gud n this should be awake up call to zimbabwians
A Malawi ndiinu ovuta kwabasi mesa a president anali Ku salima? Akanapitaso bwenzi muti kuononga ndalama
How many African leaders come to Malawi during presidential inauguration ceremonies?I think the Admin should have asked himself this question before posting this crap!
They are saying so as if Zimbabwe had elections.
Kodi kunali zisankho?
Mind you we have an ambassador representing us
Coz he is stupid
Iwe opusa eti? Tsano umafuna ku Mafco apiteko ndani? Ambuyako? Kuganiza ngati nkhuku mxiew
Mmene Akalumbilitsa J Banda Kunabwela Atsogoleli Ake Ati?? Inu A Mw 24 Ndimakape.
In Malawi they just killll kkkkkkk
In Malawi they just killll kkkkkkk
Palibe nkhani apa zaziiiiiiiiii mwatani kodi a malawi zilizonse ndale basi
Yaaa Because they dont believe what happened and panopa atsogoleri ambiri akhala ochenjera aseguka mmaso Chifukwa palibe olo munthu modzi amayembekeza kuti Mugabe angagwe chagada and I dont know if this countries got Army Uganda, Cameron , Burundi , DRC and Guinea Bissau if they got Army then do the job like Zimbabwe army Paul Kagame he is dictator but Rwanda is doing best now kulibe akuba ambiri mboma
many heads of states didn’t attend due to short time the event has occurred
ur day z Comming Fool, leave pple who r trying eir Best 4 e pple do
Anali okhumudwa paja ndi amulamu ndi Mugabe sangapite
Komabe ndi President basi olo a SADC wo zawo zimenezo.
Za utsilu bac mumafuna aononge misonkho yathu ndzainwakezo?
Saka zna zolemba mbuZ iwe osat imeneyi
Stupity Mutharika, he thinks if hez starving us Malawians wat eva he say z meanifull,Stupity Foool Mutharika.
mwaphunziratu kuyankhula
Kkkk kumapanga zinazake zaphindu osamangodalira
Mmmmmm amwene ndinu opusa zedi n muphunxire kulemekeza usogoleri–akanapita Malawi ikanapindula chani?
dats bulshit bro, I’m sure u bennesfiting from Mutharika, eyz never been a room for fools, I mighty b stupity but u e worst stupity Pat for enjoying wat Mutharika has done n z still doing
justifying e wrong z wat making Malawi poor
Pat u r a cancer dat Malawi needs out ryt now.
inuyo Hashim tikukufunani mukapikisane naye mwina
dirty or not , useles or not, I don’t make change on cancer , wen u enjoying wats Happening in Malawi en u r wrong being one.
I’m sure e way u talk if given a stand U’ll make ur pocket full aswEel.
Awa a peter awa 2 much kusolola abaso ndalama za kamuzu stadium ndiye mkumati ndimusogoleli ameneyo kkkkkk koma zinazi
too much @ #Hashim_Kambona wise up Love your Nation love your leaders
Kkkkk HASHIM sukulu yake mudaphunzira yakuti? Chizungu chavuta zedi icho…. Iyangulembani chichewa dala
I’m more learned Nkhala more dan u, U busy checking ma English as I’m busy making money, kikikiki, u’ll reamin asFaceboook educated u claim to b, wake up n smell e cofffe Boy.
the Problem u unEducated pple z u thinking if u surviving with Mutharika’s packages, wen things go well u’ll eat Dust.
Hehe :v Chingelezi dala kkkk
Adha awa akuti stupid wa ndi mbuli an intellectual sangayankhule mwachimidzi ngati umu…start giving constructive criticism… Mbuli inu
president was busy with other jobs that will benefit our nation.what will he get if he attended that ceremony.just nothing than spending our taxes.bravo peter.dpp 2019 boma ilio
How I Wish Wishes Were Horses
True man
To be honest am agree with you
the people u would have complained. ..why the president going out while we have problems mmm anthu tilibe pabwino
Fellow ancestor and a friend has been kicked out,how do you expect him to attend the swearing in ceremony of the opponent? Your friends enemy is your enemy. Koma phwaaaaaaa!
Ndizoona pomwa walakwisa ndipoti 2019 azatenga boma Ife sitizavotera munthu woti zakaa zopitilira 50 ai zasitha
Aaaa you guys don’t be selfish like that,You know it was a big ceremony and Mutharika is a member of SADC so I don’t see much sense in your comments
Amayenela kupita basi koma nanga si athamangitsa nzake nde sangapiteko
Why spending money ngati kunali chisankho? He has shown.maturity. Bravo Professor.
There was no need for him to go there
Munthalika didn’t go there because he was busy stealing governments money that’s y he failed to go.
He could sent a representative not him.Do u know how much being used when a president leaves for other countries?
Buzy scheduling blackouts?
He was not invited either even after the problem started his country was not included in the SADC region to solve the Zimbabwe crisis because he did the same as what mgabe wanted to do.
it wasn’t a big ceremony. …
Mutharika is next to be confined by soldiers, because that’s the only way of flushing out corrupt leaders
Mumthalika he is a gentle man he can’t attend nonsense things
U kambalambalaza wat nonsese R u talking about, he sappose to send his vice
No wat for?
Which nonsense you talking about.
Read the story above
He succedded his brother,why must go?he is mourning his brother’s downfall;next year its u mr blackout
Forget that small boy ? with small mindset.
Komandiye maloto mukuonangati MCP iwina in ur dreams
Agalatia bwanji sanapite
Kkkk azotsogoleri ambiri mu Africa ava kuwawa kkkk they got dictatorship mentality
Before u leave visit that wise man ask him what happened to him to loose his sit
Don’t confuse saving tax payers money with shunning
Azitsogoleli ambili kunalibe koma mwaona inu Mutharika basi?even azitsogo a African union or Sadic kunalibe wy not mentioned them?
Yeah,ask Them Kumuonelera Mutharikayo Iyaaaa!
Ma haters asova 2019
I wonder why only Muthalika? Leave my APM alone please.
Malawi is good in finger pointing our leaders shame on you admin
Imagen even chairperson of sadc was there Jacob zuma
Eti eti nde koma ma South African palibe walemba
Zuma sanapite anthu ake sanakambepo kanthu koma MCP kumagotsutsa zilizose bwino nazo muzikambapo zanzelu kuti mwina tingakukondeni
Mfundo yanzelu
Anyapapi inu who is muthalika ? Is it mbava yakuba zaboma IJA ndiyomwe mukunena kodi
Knows that he is next chapter in southern Africa.
forget small boy ife a kasinja tilipo.
Everything starts with the kasinjas
Small boy with small mindset….i am not sure that nonsense will happen here in Our blessed Land Malawi we believe in peace
I’m not good be competitive with you the General . Of course very lucky we were born in peaceful country Malawi. And thanks for your job. But if you know the truth let me remind you this:Zimbabwe Defence Force soldiers was very happy with Mugabe in many years but one day things changed. Why??? and Who was expecting this to happen???? No matter beautiful and peaceful country is, but the way you are happy not the same to your close friend. Sorry if my comment makes you unhappy. Thanks
its obvious..Malawi cant betray its own son,Mugabe
He was busy
Has he been voted into that position?
A big ‘NO’
They were voted together since he was a running mate for Mugabe.
he is just bitter because we flushed his homeboy he must go to hell we don’t even begg him
He could not make it.if it were the wife of Mugabe being swon in he cud make it
Anali busy ndintchito za boma ku mafco
I think it’s sad that America has so much say on ‘What, When, and Were ‘ MUTHARIKA dose
You need to change, you need a MALAWIAN as your President , not an American puppet.