Mutharika shuns Mnangagwa inauguration

Emmerson Mnangagwa

Malawi President Peter Mutharika was among the SADC leaders that snubbed Zimbabwe new President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s inauguration.

Mnangagwa Zimbabwe President
Mnangagwa inaugurated

Mnangagwa was inaugurated today after replacing veteran president Robert Mugabe who ruled Zimbabwe for over 37 years.

At the inauguration which took place in the capital Harare, some SADC leaders attended the ceremony.

Zambia was represented by president Edgar Lungu as well as former Presidents Kenneth Kaunda and Rupiah Banda.

The Presidents of Botswana and Mozambique were also in attendance at the event.

Conspicuously missing were SADC head and chair Jacob Zuma of South Africa and Malawi President Peter Mutharika.

While other countries in the region sent high ranking officials to the ceremony like Namibia which sent its vice president, Malawi was only represented by the High Commissioner to Zimbabwe.

President Peter Mutharika was seen as a friend to Robert Mugabe who was forced to resign so that Mnangagwa could take over.