Just days after the Blantyre derby between Be Forward Wanderers and Nyasa Big Bullets at Bingu National Stadium, the management of the facility has complained to Super League of Malawi (Sulom) after discovering foreign materials placed on the pitch.
According a statement made available to Malawi24 and signed by the Stadium’s Operations Manager Eric Ning’ang’a, the foreign materials were observed after both teams had trained on the ground prior to the much anticipated derby.

According to the letter, kitchen salt, sweet potato vine leaves, charcoal, pork and pork oil were found on the pitch with much concentration on the centre mark.
“On Friday, 27th October 2017 both teams were allocated time to feel the pitch. Be Forward Wanderers at 10am to 11am and Nyasa Big Bullets from 2:30pm to 3:30pm after both teams had trained on ground, we observed the following items on the pitch; kitchen salt, sweet potato vine leaves, charcoal, pork and pork oil all over the pitch with much concentration on the center mark.
“We observed that the soil on the center of the pitch had been disturbed, when the hole at the center of the pitch was dug a piece of pork wrapped in a black plastic paper was found,” reads part of the statement.
Ning’ang’a then warned teams to do what they are only required to do to avoid attracting the wrath of the management.
“We would like to condemn this behavior in strongest terms and caution the responsible parties that this sort of unprofessionalism will not be entertained at the facility.
The teams are asked to only do what they are required to do on the pitch without tampering with the ground nor surrounding areas. Such acts compromise the quality of the pitch which is supposed to be protected at all cost being a national asset.
The pitch being natural grass need to be carefully taken care of and application of salt and oil has serious negative effect on grass growth.
“Management in collaboration with security agents such as Police will not hesitate to take action on anyone found perpetrating this,” reads the letter.
The match ended 1-all.
Juju believes have taken center stage of Malawian football.
Show us that material
Yeyeye mudazolowela ma ground akuchiwembe. Derby zanuzo muzimenyela ku Blantyre konko. Tagwilizana ndi a FIFA kikkkkkkk
Kma bwanji Juju yu ma team samamutengera ku National team kuti mwina Malawi azimwa Mkaka?
Mbava za noma, zimene zimakanapo zija kufuna ju balaka hhhhhhhhhh noma juju akupha
Hihihi koma noma?
Tikhala ndi mbili yonyasa,even CAF will write us off.
Ndasiya za mpira mpaka nyanga
Neba Azipsamta ndi juju wake
Omwe adali atsiridza kupanga training pa groundpo, akudziwapo kanthu za juju
Kungot “nkhumba” basi taziwa anaikapo.
Tayaluka otsatira ma team awiri awa.
Ngati JK adamumenyetsa chi duka pa free Kik mmalo mwa mpira nde musowelanji umbini wina kuti ndudu imakhulupilira zitsamba?
Zonsachitanso kufunsa kuti ndi ndani wapanga zimenezo, ankhumba tonse timawadziwa, chomvetsa chisoni ena mommo ndi asilamu omwe safuna kugwira kapado, zoopsa kobasi,…
Wanderers kukonda nkhumba
Kakya juju bola league titenge
bola kumavala kabudula onyowa
Ndimadabwatu kut Anoma mphanvu yofanana ndi NBB anaitenga kut?popeza Anoma amangogonja mu league akakumana ndi NBB ndiyekut juju inalidi ya noma
Kkkkkkk komad aisova kamkodzo fc hahaha
Kuno mkumalawi wat u expect…?!
Kuno mkumalawi wat u expect…?!
Palibe team ina ingaike juju pa stadium kuposela bullets. Full stop
The problem is with fam. How can they allow kananji without caf A licence to coach a super league club. He is depending on juju for bullets’ success.
Your comment lacks substance, looks like unagwapo mu chimbudzi uli mwana
kananji is no longer the bullets headcoach, what are you talking about?
Mpaka Nebor kulowesa nkhumba yonse yamoyo mmmmh
mpira waku malawi, kikikikiki
Oyendetsa bwalo limeneli sakudziwa kuti mpira wa pa Malawi umayenda bwanji. ( ndi ana pa nkhani za mpira)
Iwo osangosangalala kuti bullets ndi koma are the only team omwe akumawapatsa ndrama zambiri bwanji?
What is the point of petitioning sullom and FAM. NDE akufuna kuti a FAM atani.
Tiziti oyendetsa bwaloli sapita kea sing’anga? Nkuthrkanso kuti analembedwa ntchitoyo after atapita kea sing’anga.
Osamadandaula za zimenezi. Umenewo ndiye mpira wa mu Africa muno baba.
Leave bullets and noma alone. Be happy kuti these giants are helping you to earn a living.
Words to hear
Kkkkk the problem is panakumbidwa pa ground-po, yet nthawi zambiri ma team omwewo amadandauza za momwe ma ground ena alili kuti ali so bumpy chonsecho akumakumba okha matimuwo kkkkkk
Manoma ndie achainyake a juju,, simunavepo za Ayaya???
a bullets amenewo
Katundu waneba ameneyo Nkhumba FC
Ndiye bwezi kamwendo atavulala kungomenya freekeec.kumumenyesa mwala nzanu maule mulindi nsambi kwambili
Inu inu. Ufiti kulibe. Ask Thindwa
Wasowa zolemba,et?
walembawe ndi kape sikhani yoti ungafalitse zaziiii
mmmmh! i wondered just playing a freekik mpaka kutuluka mu game osamangoti matimu akumenya bwino chonsecho akuma tchera anzawo miyendo.
Ndy solom ikutipo bwaaaaa coz nkhan zochtsa manyaz
Ine ndi wa banker zanu zimenezo
Musavutike ndi noma imeneyo paja amakonda zokhwima khwimazi
Bullets are the owners of such juju
analowera kuti mesa ma gate mumatseka
tazimenyani miyalayo
Do you believe there is an herbal doctor who cures HIV? I was HIV positive for 9 years and taking ARVS until I was cured completely by Dr Tiam. His herbal medicine is very powerful and reliable you can get him on call or WhatsApp: +2348037284837
Wachingabwe wayalukabe mpaka kutipwetekera nyamata wathi
ufiti uliko Ngongoliwa adamuuza APM lively!
mpila wake uti wofunika juju kkkkk them player akukhala pa rent alibe galimoto juju 4what 200thousand yomweyo koma kumalawi
vto ndchan kgwrisa juju?ngt iwe wa bullets juju samakyanja ndibwino mutisiile ife amene ziktyanjafe ….nsanje bas…munya…nde amenewotu ndmatelaz chabe..
mmene amakayika zithumwazo analowa bwanji inu muli komweko nda alonda anu chifukwa zayeneleka kuyikidwa mpira usanayambe ndipo anthu asanayambe kulowa
Anawafunsadi pa Zbs ,ati amawasia matimu okhato feel the ground
bodza2 limenelo zkukuwawan et bullets nd zamupira 2
ndi nkhumba nalimata fc ndi noma b4wrd imeneyo ndimene imagwiritsa ma futa a nkhumba kkkk ndi xinazo nde musadabwe ai
thore are big teams so one of them depend ayaya.Ayaya is a female witch doctor for noma.no doubt these items were from noma.
in malawi we don’t have witchcraft……… ndiye musatisokonezeposo apa…….
Kulibe boma linakana zaufiti kuti kulibe
kkkkkkkkkkk l know the truth but l just wanted to joke with them…..koma asamanene kuti….ufiti kulibe
I have suffered bitterly from the HIV/AIDS virus for some years, but God restore my health through Dr OGUNBA who gave me medicine that cured me completely from the deadly virus, it was a dream come true because i have tried different medicine but does not work even to a point i lost money to people claiming they have the cure, i did not give up and God did not give up on me too. am sharing this because i know a lot of people are suffering seriously, if you are one or you know anyone who needs his help you can contact Dr OGUNBA by calling his number or add him on whatsapp (+2348105415671) or Email:[email protected]
akumaikstu miyala kkkkk eee anzao akut yamikan mulungu Iwo akut yamikan fodya wa Nyasa
Manoma ndi buli zotheratu.
Kkkkkkkkk nkuona flames sipindula
ndnazwa ine kut zkambidwa zimenez Eeeeeiiiiiiiiiissssshhhhh!
Bullets Ikuti Bwanji Pa Mkhaniyi?
Ndichifukwa chake Silver ikumangowamenya matimu awiri amenewa, azolowera kukhulupilira zitsamba mmalo mwa mulungu.
Zoona ma bankers
Kodi Muli Number Chan Paja? Ndipo Noma Inadya 6 Points Pamutu Pako Season Yatha Iwe Wadya 4 Points Nde Uti Chani Apa?
kkkkk nyau dzimakabudula dzonyowa asaa kma inu ndiye mudapeza mbola yasing’anga
Silver koma kuvala makabudula onyowa
Noma yake iti inatenga 6 points last season’ yo? yomweyi ikutha 10yrz osatengako league’ yi??? hahahahaha
#Chifundo Silver inaluza magame onse last season ndi wandalaz 1-2 komanso 3-2
juju even mafana amakozera pagolo juju
Kkkkkkk umbuli a Malawi heishiiiiii ….!!!
A herbalist in Africa has been curing hundreds of HIV patients using natural herbs. He has on countless occasions after curing patients presented lab results both positive and negative, together with the cured person. with joy in my heart i will like to inform the general public. i never knew there was a cure to HIV until my sister was cured from the virus by after four years of battling the virus with ARV. She took his herbal medicine for a month and some weeks and when she went for a test and she was diagnosed to be negative. you can contact the doctor on WhatsApp or call +2348147299781
Ati kumumenyetsa mwana wa nzawo duka mmalo mwa mpira bullets nyanga yafika nazo pa ugalu tsopano
kod ndzoonad kt kamwendo wamushutitsa njerwa ase?
ya ndi zoona man
Chande ndiyemwe akuziwàpo kanthu za ñkhan iyi cos anamuzà kit amenye anakàkamira then wamuuza kut aona
League ikakukanikani kutenga musoma anamapopa inu
Kapado FC
Chingambwe FC
Ndudu fc
Bola Kuti Simunapezeke Chingambwe Kapena Ndudu Iliyonse Koma Mwapezeka Mafuta Ndi Nyama Yankhumba. Mwachidziwiki Ndi KAPADO FC!
I forgot paja mu belo yachingambwe mumapezekaso miyala.jxt cum to manoma apa ana nde achepa!!!
Azolowela kusewela pa fumbi so atiwonongele stadium!!
kkkkkk kumumenyesa jk njerwa, nyasa bullets
Kkkkkkkkk koma ada.
kkkkk paja anamudindisad njerwa, sunali wopopa womweuja ana heha chiukepo
koma jk sanaimvetu, Njerwa yomweyo kukakhala cigoli kkkkkkk ana achepad
Anoma zamafuta ankhumba mukuchitabe?
Ndiye kuti yamafuta ankhumbayo mayi onse amagwiritsa ntchito asilikali ankakana kulowa ku dressing room pa MDC aja yesa anapeza a bullets mutatsira mafuta ankhumbaso kkk mix muli ndi a galu
Ndichifukwa chake nyamata wathuyu anamumenyetsa njerwa eeee technology yavuta
Njerwayo mwina mwina ndiya Noma adakagwira goloboy bwezi ili but in Jesus name it was a back sender.
ngatii mukukamba za mafutaa a nmkhumbaa mkodzo mlaandu umenewo muwafunse manoma!
Mankhwala a chani nde bwezi #Flames ikumaluza
kkkkkkk ngati padapezeka mafuta a nkhumba ndekuti ndi wandalazi chifukwa nde zizimba zao
Kkkkkkkk akumbutxedi an2wa, NEBA kukonda kukodza kapna mafuta ankhumba
Ubwino wake dziko likudziwa timu yomwe imayenda ndi mafuta a nkhumba. Mboni ndi Mangochi Police…..
Sangakhaleso wina ameneyi ayiii anyamata amawule akumudziii ngungaaa heavy kkkk
kkkkkk km abale malawi amwene sizatheka basi..
Chitukuko cha kumalawi ufiti basi kkkkkkkkkk
Bullets team yambuli
Akapado inu Mesa ndinu mumakodzera pa golo ndikuphunzla kwanuko?
Noma ndi team ya anamachende!
tikakamba za kapado aliyense amadziwa kuti ndi noma
Why mumadana ndi ngamo? Ndani yemwe sadziwa kuti bb ndi team yambuli
Polankhura nthawi zina mudzibwezako moto.
Juju mpira wake ndiye uti?
Entrance yaku dressin room panathlidwanxo liquid substance###mpira ku mw
Inunso munalowa nawo ku dressing room ❔
No doubt Nkhumba F.C they’re responsible