Two men are behind bars for being found with fake money amounting to MK58,000 at a drinking joint in Karonga.
Karonga police deputy spokesperson George Mulewa has identified the two as Patrick Mhango, 27, and John Mwangwelo 29, who are currently in custody after being found in possession of K58,000 in fake K2000 notes.

According to Mulewa, Mwangwelo and his friend, Mhango, in the morning of Sunday went to a well-known place called Club Erosion within Karonga boma in order to drink beer.
“In the process of drinking, the bar man suspected the money which the two were paying to be fake. He called one of the people in the bar to be a witness as Mhango and his friend Mwangwelo were to be searched,” Mulewa said.
After the search, the two were found in their pockets with the rest of the fake K2000 notes and all the money amounted to K58,000.
A day before the incident, the owner of a nearby bar took to Police Station seven K2000 notes that are also suspected to be fake.
Two months ago, three men were also arrested by Police in the district for a similar offence.
Meanwhile, people who conduct their businesses during the night have been advised to be observant when receiving money from their customers.
Patrick Mhango comes from Mwenevumo village, Traditional Authority Nthalire in Chitipa district while John Mwangwelo hails from Mwangwelo village in the area of Paramount Chief Kyungu in Karonga district.
They will answer charges of being found in possession of fake currency contrary to section 382 of the Penal code.
The recovered money is going to be surrendered to Reserve Bank of Malawi for examination.
KACHAMBA jongwe lelo madata alibe kkkkkkk
You don’t have courts of law in Malawi… do you? Why beating him?
Ukatuluka kupeza tipange zina ana achepa mlomo uphwela uwoo
Kkkkkkllkkkkkkkkkk tumbuka mwaziwa kuba pano jongwe
Kkkkkkkk ishiiiiii
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk amuswa
Ehhh koma amusosola..panel beating iyi apangawo amaziwa kuwongola. ..ulemu wawo
Wapandwa NDE chichewa chake kkkkkkkk akukwanitsa kudya koma?
Apolice musawalekele amenego
OK thus y he has bin beaten?
tsono mlomowo bwanji…. Nchifukwa chain a Malawi mumathamangira kumenya… Kupusa kumeneku Nchifukwa chake a ndale akungotibera ndalama ife til busy kugwerulana mano….tindalama timeneto kuyerekezera ndi take chaponda ndi maulendo 1000000
Nde chifukwa chowamenyera mwati ndichani?
Palibe pamene palembedwa kuti anthuwa amenyedwa munkhaniyi. Komanso pachithunzi chayikidwa pankhaniyi sanalembe kuti munthuyu nda amene anali ndi ndalama zafekizo. After all nkhani ikuti anthuwa anali awiri osati m’modzi.
Mukapanga zina mudzandigaile man osaopa
Nanga tdzingomva kuti achaponda apezeka ndi Ndalama kunyumba kwao basis,aliponso madolo ngati amenewa.Bigup man mukatuluka kukapanso zina
Wakumana ndi malango kkkkkkk
Nde yawagunda ndi sitima adao, kapena dzibakera?
Hahahaha ameneyi kufuna kumudya kuyamba ku mchotsa milomo kaye kuti adyeke bwino.
Mulomo ukungotupabe kkkkkkkkk
Koma anthu mumapha
What has to do between fake notes and his mouth? Sanabere munthutu uyu nanga wamenyedwa chonchi?
Ndiye mlomowo watupa chifukwa chosula ndalama?? Kkkkkk.
Kkkkkkk! Koma nde amuphikatu
olakwa ndibomwe amakonza machine opangira ndalamawo
Hw come fake kwachas to this assorted mouth? Kkkkk
Panel beating… Koma nde kumusakaniza eshii
Vuto siyeyu bt alipo wankulu wina bomamu amachita naye zimenezo iyah
Anthu otelewa amaika chiopsezo pa buznez ya munthu
MMMMmmmmm,,,,body face panel beating iyinso eeeeeee. anthu amadziwa kuongola u panel beating. ,
Hw come u give us a photo of a different story , is this photo over here the fake kwachas or what ?
Nanga mwajamburawo ndimakwacha!? Mxiiew
Panel beating
so adm why dd you beat him
Man, mukupwetekeranji chonchi
Kkkkkkk kma yeah.
Ndi udolo koma zasowelamu???
Hahahhahahah koma ada awa anakomoka coz nde eee amutikatu
Bava zikuluzikulu zili bomamo osazimanga bwanji
Koma nde kuchigaya2 chitsulo osati masewera
Kkkkkkkkkkkk nkhopeyo
Koma thupili lizakasimba kwa Ambuyeyo asaaaa khope anga ndasi lathilidwa yeast wambiri chonchi eshiiiiii anthu mumanziwa kulanga.
Ha ha ha ha
Umphawi wabvuta Ku Nyasaland nanga nkutani Nyasa akulita heavy
bola sanabere munthu dziko lathu kupanda kutero siudya .ingowasiyani
Mphavu ya ulesi Ndikuba, Konthesera Mphavu zi ndi kundende Kkkkkkkkkk
amulakwila sanabelle munthu the case is him against the republic of mw,bwanji osakamenya achina chaponda ,thus real hustlering bra u deserve to be in jozi pretorious street HB
Koma mesa amagulira mowa ndalama ya fake…. Akufuna anzake business isayende?
amamubela amene amamugula katunduyo ndimkana amuongola fender yo,
Mowa omwe amamwawo ndiomwe amutikitira kkkkkkk
Amchita bwino apapa akunikatu pannel bting bas
koma guys kkkk i suggest maybe he is not a smart boy ,anponya nsanga joka kumusiya pick two k
guys muwauze anuake a page izitibwelesa zokoma ngati izi kk
Zikumachitika chifukwa chosowa kwa ntchito,poor country
Kkkkkkkkkkk koma ndie kumupanga zina ndi zinatu
Kkkkkk Mustafa Sumani mesa ndi jomba mnzako uyu chaponda kkkkk
Koma ndeee amutikitatu??
Hahahaha iwe Jongwe McNeil Frank usayiware wina uja waba ndalama zankhaninkhani mudamtani kkkkkkkk
Kkkkkk ntchito za achawa achina Mustafer Alih M’doka n Mustafa Sumani kkkkk
He is lucky he is in malawi if he was in SA i don’t what wud hv happened?
Munthu watikitidwa uyo iiiiii
Momwe alilimo mwamumanganso?
I guess they sobered up immediately
Kumufotokoza mzanu
mwamutani nkhopeyo nzanu.
ndiye mumamenyaso? anthu wakuba ndalama zeni zen m’boma osamenyedwa.
Panel beating yeni yeni…..♡♡♡♡♡
Hahaajhhhahahahahah koma lero ndizingoseka man mwandiwaza hvy panel kodi eti
Ma looks abho braza big up