A 23-year-old man is in Phalombe Police custody for stabbing to death a 31-year-old man who had attacked him with a knife at a beer drinking joint.
The suspect has been identified as Steven Nampinga who hails from Chanasa Village in the area of the Traditional Authority Mkhumba in the district.
Police publicist in the district Augustus Nkhwazi told Malawi24 that the victim known as Wyson Mbalule was drinking beer with the suspect on Saturday evening.
Later, a quarrel erupted between the two and Nampinga the suspect tried to run away but was caught by Mbalule the victim.
“A fight broke out between the two and in the course of the fight it is believed that Mbalule produced a knife with intention to stab the suspect but the accused grabbed it and stabbed Nampinga around the neck,” said Nkhwazi.
The victim was rushed to a health centre in an effort to save his life but he was pronounced dead upon arrival.
Post-mortem results have disclosed that Mbalule died due to internal bleeding.
Meantime the Police have arrested the suspect who is expected to appear in court soon to answer the charge of murder contrary to section 209 of Malawi penal code.
The deceased hailed from Mangoza Village in the area of Traditional Authority Nkhumba in Phalombe.
Yappp tru that
Pepa wagwesawo ndi m’bawa.waboma pepa
Wafuna kukadya xa boma ameneyo, akanaziwa sakanacita
Its called self defense for the rich and famous
mmm..guys tiyeni tizimwa mowa ndi ma friends abho. apo ayi wekha kumwa sikuti amalesa ayi
Ophazake aphedwe basi lamulo ligwire job basi
A case of self defense…winayo amakatani ndi mpeni kumowa?
Self defense
Anapanga chisankho chake chifukwa akanapanda kutero bwezi pano ali iyeyo ataikidwa m’manda mzakeyo ali mchitokosi. Anawona kuti bola ku Maula kusiyana ndi kuntheradi
Self defence
Amadziteteza kupha munthu mwangozi sikupha mwadala chonde koma mwini mpeni anali ndani ndipo anali nawo cholinga chanji ngati wakuphayu mwini mpeni ndiye anakonzekera potenga chida ameneo
Kuipa Kwamowa And Anthu Kumaphana Ngati Nkhuku.
(RIP) Rest In Prison
people realy need to understand… they think the accused is bad but that was self defence other wise he could be the one dead… itx just sad somebody lost life here, that billy kaunda song “OKONDA LUPANGA, LUPANGA NDILOMWE LIZAKUPHE..so yaah that has to be cause if somebody is running away and you grab him and start a fight with an intettion of producing a knife…this has to be… give fair judgement to that young fella in court
people realy need to understand… they think the accused is bad but that was self defence other wise he could be the one dead… itx just sad somebody lost life here, that billy kaunda song “OKONDA LUPANGA, LUPANGA NDILOMWE LIZAKUPHE..so yaah that has to be cause if somebody is running away and you grab him and start a fight with an intettion of producing a knife…this has to be… give fair judgement to that young fella in court
Dats Why Some Pple Put Blame On Beer But De Reason Behind Is Loss Of Morals Dis Man Deserve Hard Punishment Bcoz Of His Babalic Acts.
Babalic? Or barbaric
Choose One
If Your Post Says The Truth Then I Hope This Guy Will Be Released Soon Coz Thats Manslaughter And He Wox Acting In Self Defence
Some people deserve to be killed
Apolice malamulo anu omatenga munthu nkumuthawitsa munthu kuti adzikatha ufa wa boma,ndi zimenezozo 50-50 opha mzake aphedwe mukuti ayi! kodi winayo samafuna moyo? kumanyengerera zopusa basi!! anthu amenewa mawa ndi nkuja muwawona mbalangu-mbalangu!!!
za anthu oledzera okhawo sitingaikepo mlomo
Okupha mnzake aphedwe lamulo lakwathu kuno
Could u plz! tell them to release him?
Really no crime is made has killed a lion approaching to him
Nde ife mmatiseka kuti azikazi athu anatidyesa mankhwala timangokhara pakhomo, nde izo ndizabwino
Vuto ndilakuti winayo waluza moyo otherwise inali self-defense,read the story then comment
Self defence. Anakumana ndi Jet Li.Anyway RIP
zofuna mkhauliseni aziwenso kuti mzachabe zomwe anapamgazo
Ee Milandu Iwiri Pamenepo! Wina Wa Pansi Pano, Wina Wa Kumwamba!
Ndnamaonatu Zonsezi
So Sad Akut Mchiyan Kma? Ngat Mchiwewe Akathere Ku Maula Bas Naye Aphedwe Oky
So Sad Akut Mchiyan Kma? Ngat Mchiwewe Akathere Ku Maula Bas Naye Aphedwe Oky
Yoooo R I P
Chili chani?
God way is better 2 buy a beer drinking at hme kwinaku ukuchatisa mkadzi wako. dan izizi izi .RIP 4 Life in Jerry
Eish kd polowa ma Tarven samasecha ngati maiko aanzathu?
Ameneo ndie matarven akumalawi amangolowa basi
Eish pachabeeee
Lupanga lawo lomwe. Sad!!!! RIP
So sad
Murder ! Asazatuluke kundende for life .
Koma akanabayidwa yeyo ….be reasonable sometimes.
Eti eti!! It was self defense moreover the suspect amathawa koma adha kuchita kumugwira kufuna kumubaya… Lawapha lupanga lawo lomwe.
Murderer? Serious? I don’t think so…read again
Too bad!