Nduna ilanda minibus chifukwa chotenga ma 4-4

Chiumia Obama Grace

Samalani oyendetsa minibus chifukwa ngakhale nduna tsopano zalowelela pa nkhani yolanga anthu onse ochita chibwana ndi malamulo a pamseu.

Chiumia Obama Grace
Nduna Obama

Nduna yoona za m’dziko a Grace Obama Chiumia anadabwitsa anthu mu mzinda wa Mzuzu pamene analanda makiyi a minibus chifukwa inanyamula anthu moonjeza.

A Chiumia ati anakwera nawo minibus imeneyo imene inali pa ulendo wolowela ku Karonga. Iyo inaika anthu anayi – anayi pa mpando m’malo mwa anthu atatu – atatu.

Minibus itaima mu Mzuzu kuti imwetse mafuta, a Chiumia anatsika ndi kupita kukatenga makiyi kumudziwitsa oyendetsa kuti ulendo wathela pompo kamba waswa malamulo a pamseu.

Iwo kenako anayitana Apolisi kuti azawanyamule oyendetsawo kukawatsekela.

Patachitika ngozi zoopsa mu miyezi yapitayi, Apolisi akhwimitsa chitetezo cha pamseu ndipo ambiri opezeka akuswa malamulo akulangidwa mopanda chisoni



  1. Tchito imeneyi asayisiyile pomwepa agwilero magalimoto apamdipiti chifukwa amaphwanyaso lamulo lapamseu amathamanga kwambilri komaso amayenda mbaliyosayenela kodi lamulo likamapangidwa mumafuna kwangokhaulitso osowa tonse ndife anthu palibe moyo woposa uzake!

  2. Azakumana ndi ma driver a chamba azasiya asiyiileni a police nthito yawo,tizimvaso kuti nduna ya gwira wa kuba ndalama za boma a cashgate tingasangalale kwambiri,akugwila min bus ngati was police,ma driver ena amapeleka ziphupu nde sazalandila,tisatengele lamulo mmanja.ndintchito ya police iyi abale.

  3. Stupt mind azapange Ku blantyre azaone kuno Ku bt ulibe makape or police timayasa ….ithnk azilanda ma kape a eraz kuchimake kwa zisilu

  4. Nosense ndimavuto angati omwe boma likulephera kuwathesa katangale thoo kukalimbana ndiwaminbus mmalo mofufuza ndalama zankhaninkhani zamphawi zomwe anthu akuba kubomako mkumazigwiritsa ntchito zapersonal shame u minster

  5. LETS BE REALISTIC. Ngozi zikamachitika its the govt being blamed. To my side I see nothing wrong for the Minister of Home Affairs intervening with the aim of trying to minimize the road accident

  6. On the part of the minister this is commendable. However, it speaks volumes of the inefficiency of traffic police and RTD

  7. M not a DPP fan nor keen in politics but this driver spoke rudely to the honourable minister and his vehicle was way too much overloaded. Mind u I was there ndipo mayiwa amipita kumaliro ku Nkhatabay.

  8. Ndiye Azt 2019 Boma Akunama Amewo Anthu Akuvutika Zikolawolomwe Panopa Makalipentala Akuvutikakumwelaku Akulandidwamipandoyopangapanga Akutikutetezachilengedwe Mmalomopitakukhalangokomweko Poti Akuyendandi amdf

  9. Chisanzo chabwino amayi moti uthenga uwu upite kwa zitsitsiru zonse zimene ziona ngati iwo ndi ofunika kuposa onse …. Sinthawi ino yoti chifukwa ndine pasenjala ndiye ndingamulekelere driver amene akundiyendesa kuti adziledzera kapena kuphwanya malamulo kuti apedze phindu lochuluka at my expence

  10. kod nchifukwa ninji malamulo akulunjika kwa minbus driver ekha osati ma bus driver?????cholinga chanu mkutolela ndalama kwa wa minbus kut mubenso sichoncho?????

  11. Salute,sizokhazo ambirinso mwa iwo sakumasamba nde ukakwela minibus ti mabongo taoto pepani fungo lakelo.otelewanso ofunika chilango chokhwima musaiwalenso kudzalandako kwathu ku Lilongwe akumationjeza pakhani yotikweza mopilira atatu pa mpando.kmanso inuyo zomaba ndalama za Boma kapena kut anthu osaulafe chonde tasiyan tagwila miyendo yanu anthu inu ndalama simudzapita nazo kumanda ndizotsala pa dziko and musamaiwale ndi zomwe zinaphetsanso yesu,timveleni chisoni

  12. mukulimbana ndi wamin bus kusiya wa cashgatte minbus driver ndi wosauka kodi akabe za pa zimenezo OK osamangoba ndalamazo bwaji one ndekha tidzaferana ana anga adzali akeso adzalire

  13. Vuto limodzi la a Malawi limenelo lamulo ndilamulo we have adhere it anthu mukufuna kunyamula ma 4.4 koma tomato mumati angaphwanyike well done minister

  14. It is the work of each and every Malawian to see to it that drivers are not breaching with road trafic laws and regulations.I prefer to applaud her,she has love for those on the journeys

  15. Anthu opusa mukulimbana ndimanibus koma dziko silikuyenda bwino ayi cashgate bwanji kusowa kwamagetsi madzi abwino kulilongwe anthu kumwa suwegi malipiro ochepa 2019 musawelengele chonde ndiinu anthu oipa opanda pokomela kulanda Minbus ukutathauza kuti iweyo ndiozindikila uzalande yanga uzaone ngati suzathawa Malawi muno

  16. Bola akanawaimbira apolisi kut aigwire pa Dunduzu. Ngakhale mchitidwe okweza 4 4 ndiobowa ma minibus alimbwee basi mzisanja anthu ngat matumba achimanga Zoon a zimenezo?? Ngat ili profit kaya mwapedzapo 40% ndiyambiri koma kakakaaa 100%

    1. Nduna siyinalakwise kulanda ma key chifukwa awo mukuti ali pa Dunduzu ndi a chinyengo chifukwa zimandusa popo pa Dunduzu komaso sikuti iwo anayendesa ayi koma analanda ma key nikuyitana apolisi kuti angwire ntchito yawo

  17. That’s commedable from the Honourable Minister, she just had to do that considering that some traffic officers are corrupt who allow some minibus drivers to go scot free

  18. Thus what we call the responsible government aliyese ayenera kutenga gawo pokhwimisa malamulo athu osayang’anira kut unduna wake ndichan even Ife mapassanger titha kuthandiza boma kukhwimisa malamulo athu …..well done Madam Obama…..hope other ministers will do the same

  19. a 24 ndizisirunsotu cholakwika mchani lamulo limeñelo ĺa wina aliyense including ma passengers bcz mtengo olipira ndi omweo or apaniķizane

  20. pamenepa ndkuona ngat ndunai yaganiza mopambana ngt mphongo… chfukw tafika pano aliyense malamulo okhunza 4-4 akuwadzwa kut ndmulandu koma akondera mbali imodz, kugwidwa akumang drv nd conderctor…nanga okwerawo.. nawoso akanat aziwathira nawo zingwe.. kuwalipilisa ma two pin..chotero zkanabweresa mantha kw ma passengers kukwezedw ma 4-4

    1. Pali ena to this effect sakudziwa kuti kuli lamulo ku malawi kuno langati limeneli komanso nkhani yaikulu ndi yoti anthu ena tisanakwele timayamba tanenelera minibus ndiye simungayembekedzere kuti munthu wachoseledwa ntengo ayankhule ngati zinthu zina zikulakwika.

  21. kodi inu a malawi24 muzapangako publicify zabwino za Boma la dpp? mundiyankhe coz since I liked this page the political stories are full of against the goverment osangovomereza bwanj kut we are under them no matter what

  22. Anthu mini bus akutibera. Anakweza mitengo ndi cholinga choti tidzikwera 3 pa mpando koma mitengo yokwerayo akupitirizabe kutenga Anthu 4 pampando.

  23. asaaa, zafika pamenepo, ndiye ma minbus angothesedwa anthu akhale mwai omakwera nao magalimoto ooopuma kuthandauza kuti a police sakutha ntchito yao, koma inuyo anduna mukupanga zimenezo
    inu mukhale oyela mzanu akapeze mabvuto mumaleka. kungomuzuzula ndiye mongati inu nduna mulibe .upangili ongomulangiza munthu kuti izi sizabwino? koma kuonesa kuti inu ndinu NDUNA komanso wa traffic eti. mwana wa anzanu mwamuika m’abvuto ngati angamangidwe muzikhala ndi nthawi yomakamuona. komanso 4 4 ndiufulu waokwera kuti akafike, kodi zinaonesa kuti bus imenei siikafiikaaaa?

  24. Nthawi zambiri zopanga komanso zoyankhula za nduna iyi ine sindimagwilidzana nazo koma apa pokha mayi Chiumia achita chinthu chanzeru kwambiri ndipo apitilidze tili kumbuyo kwawo. Anthu a ma bus wa amawonjedza kwambiri kudelera. Mwayitha kwambiri anduna. Ngakhale muli munthu wamayi komabe tinena kuti inu ndi abig man.

  25. Zachisoni eve mitengo a maminibusiwa amangokweza mmene akufunira.Just imaging kuchoka mtauni-Lilongwe to Area 25 mpaka MK500.00 or amatha kufika MK600.00 pa munthu.Ku Lilongwe kunoku mitengo ya maminibus is not justified.Boma likanalowererapo zamitengo yamaminibusiwa.Nanga minibus fare pamwezi ipose minimum wage yamunthu imeneyi akulandira pa mwezi.Zomvensa chisoni Malawi is like moving without malamulo.

    1. Its too much indeed…..I stay in BT kma last month was in Lilongwe…..ndakwela minibus frm ntaun kupita Ku 25 pa simso paja kma mpakana 500 ine eeeeeee kunoso ndye sindingakhalekotu kkkkk ife timakwela frm limbe to lunzu ma 300 kma ndipatali ndithu sungafanizile from ntaun ya Lilongwe to 25….its just too much in Lilongwe indeed eish……..

  26. Nduna imeneyo sikulkwa no matter enanu muli ndi phapha, kod myo wa anthu nd phapha lanlo chofnka nchani? Akangokhalanso muvekele ngozi! boma silikchta how do can do? musatinyase agalu inu mwava? ife sitingamayendere lamulo lanu amagalimo chosecho mitengo mwakeza .

  27. Is that the work of home affairs? Kulowelela kumeneko. Ndiye minister of transport apite pa boarder azikaona ma passport kkkkkk

    1. it’s not her work but thus her responsibility…..komanso let me warn you sibwino kumutchula mkazi woti sunagone naye olo kumuonera kut hule……apa zaoneseratu kut ndiwe moyamoya

  28. That’s absolutely good move, God bless you mom, I believe even our traffic officers have learned from this too.

    If you think head chef doesn’t know how to cook think again, she is the head officer of traffic officers, do you think she can’t do what the traffic officers can do? Then Think again, I truly like what she did, it’s very good example, God bless you mama

  29. ndilekeni ndiyankhule ngati wazamalamulo… kodi pamenepa mwini minibus atamang’ala kubwalo lamlandu ndunayo ikakhala mbali itiyo?? kodi ndekuti wapolice aliyense ali ndi ufulu oimitsa galimoto panseu nkuyamba kuiunika ngati ili ndi zinthu zoyenera? kodi ndunai idakachitapo malamulo a zapanseu? kodi ndekuti nduna yaza umoyo ili ndi ufulu ophulisa chithupsa cha munthu kapena kuchotsa mano? mmm kodi ndekuti aliyense okonda dzikoli atha kupanga chomwe akufuna ngati akutetedza miyoyo ya wanthu? kodi nchifukwa chani galimoto za boma zimathanga kwambiri chonsecho mdziko muli a speed trap? kodi galimoto za boma zimasechedwa mma roadblock athuwa? ndekuti mwini minibus yolandidwayo akadalipulumusa khofi akadakhala kuti wamenya ndani? mmm zovuta zedi… pa chifukwa ichi tikuwapemphe Hon minister of health azatithandize ka procedure kenakake ku lilongwe Central hospital main theatre

    1. am following u with interest, akangomugunda basi, wat kind of ppo ongofuna zabwino zonse zikhale zao :angovomereza kuti dziko lawa kanika kuendesa with ve numerous problems in our country koma kuli ziii eg The Malawi ‘s back bon is farming ndiemuone mmene mbeu amwenye akugulira zautsilu ndikumalakhura mopanda manyazi kuti admark igura mbeu at. gud price, this is August funso mugura liti poti tasara ndimiyezi yocepa kuti mvura igwe tizarenso sins?

    2. iwe utapeza munthu akuba ungomusiya chifukwa si iwe wa police?Inunso muli ndi udindo wogwira munthu ngati walakwtsa ndi,kumupeleka ku police.

    3. Nchifukwa dziko lathu ndi losauka kwambiri chonchi chifukwa ndikuona kuti anthu ambiri amaganiza ngati inuyo bwana #antonio.moti kusukulu munapita koma sukulu yanu ndi mapepala siyinakupindulireni kalikonse chifukwa simukutha kuwugwirisa nchito mutu wanuwo . …

    4. ACHITA BWINO KULANDA KUPELEKA CHITSANZO CHABWINO. Ngozi zikamachitika mumatukwana boma, ndiye boma layamba kuonetsa ukali kwaophwanya malamulo mwatinso lalakwa?

  30. She did well as resposible citizen,,but this is not her duty,she was only supposed to call nearest traffic officer to handle this,otherwise its unprofetional

    1. Akanapanga monga mukuganizilamo zikanalowa corruption…sizikanafika poti ife kuma commenta…uku ndikutopa ndi chinyengo amalawife mmmm ayi ndithu

    2. Kkkkkk yaa ndikukuvanitu ndipo maganizowo siolakwika,komaso musayiwale kudi dongosolo ndilofunika,chifukwa chisawawa chimakolezela kuononga zinthu nthawi zina chifukwa ena amangolowelelapo ndikuyamba kudyela anthu

    3. As a minister it simply means there are other ppl who are perfoming duties under her orders,not herserf overtaking them,that is not protocal

    4. Even the law itserf has protocal,u don’t just jump into conclusion,is it??? A police officer incharge can not just go arrest a boy stealing mango himserf,while there are several police men on the ground working under his order,kkkk i don’t think so

    5. May b there in Malawi,but here down south no police officer who is not in traffic,depertment can arrest any one on traffic offence without traffic officer approval,and hear there is mush worse on the road interms of driving than there,but i have never seen such thing like that,every happenes in order,but my b there things can b done any how

    1. You don’t know what you’re talking about it doesn’t matter kaya ndi nchito yako or not bola kupulumutsa anthu ku ngozi kumakhala ndi umunthu sometimes please

    2. Akanawauza a police # ya minbus not dat dpp lad 2 react bcz her duty z 2 make sure dat de police performs beta. i tic u understand dat guys

  31. Chitsanzo chabwino anthu otere ndiofunika m,dziko chifukwa chothandiza nawo kuteteza miyoyo ya amalawi ulemu wanu anduna mukanamumangitsaso wokweza 4,4 yo ku polisi

  32. Vuto lili pa Malawi khaya ndi umbuli sindikuziwa,Inu minibus iyenera kutenga anthu 16 kupatikizapo driver,ndiye nawo okwera akumalolera kukwera 4-4 osasika bwanji?.Apatu okwera,madriver onse akupwanyadala malamulo.Ine ndikanakonda akagwidwa otenga 4-4 wa okwerawonso azisisidwa ndipo osawalolanso kugwilitsa ntchito minibus yogwidwayo,aziyenda pansi kuti mwina okwelawo asamalole kutengedwa 4-4. Komanso otenga 4-4 wa akagwidwa alipilitsidwe ndalama,apite kundende miyezi 6 komanso akatulusidwa asayendetse galimoto kwa zaka 5,chifukwa akumapanga dala malamulo akuwaziwa. Amalawi ziwani kuti ndalama akupeleka anthu amenewa ngati chindaputsa choyamula 4-4 sichingafanane ndi MOYO WAMUNTHU.

  33. Thats very commendable. Anthu awa ndi mbamva zoba masanasana eni ake tikuona.
    Anakweza mitengo ya minibus pazifukwa zoti anauzidwa kuti azinyamula anthu atatuatatu koma akumanyamulabe 4-4 pa mpando nkumalipilitsabe mitengo yokwerayi.
    Ulemu wanu mai obama.

  34. Good and patriotic people should defend the Minister. She is the minister of Home Affairs. The Traffic Police are under her ministry. Their duty is to ensure that laws on the roads are enforced including on capacity and roadworthness.

    If those minibuses kill people, you blame the government kuti ndi ya satanic, the responsible minister and the traffic police.

    Obama did well. Minibuses are supposed to carry 3 passengers pa mpando. Well done madam minister. That is being proactive and practical

  35. Serious business, akanati azitelo kwa onse okhuzidwa ndi cashgate aja bwenzi corruption ndikusakaza ndalama za amphawi bwenzi zitatha anduna limbikirani one mundipase nambala yanu ndizikutumizirani registration number ya minibus yomwe yatenga 4 -4

    1. Malamulo ake ati inu mulibe kanthu……..nduna zonse zizilanda makey dziko likhala bwino????? Vuto la amalawi wen ship is sinking u smile mukamazati timatani mwavulala kale…..this is dictatorship time in Malawi

    2. Tikanakakhala kuti tonse a Malawi tagwirana manja ngati mmene yapangiira nduna iyi zinthu zikanasintha.Tikuzunzika m’minbus ngati sitinalipire.Abale anthu akufa everyday pa nseu chifukwa cha overloading komanso overspeeding.Thanks anduna keep it up.Inu a Kanjanga ndinu achitsiru kapena mutu wanu sugwira.

    3. Futurewise Kanjangah komano iweyo mpaka lero sunazindikilebe kut ngoz zambiri amayambisa ndi ama minbus??.…ziwani kut ngoz zina ndizopeweka

    4. Kodi a minibus amawuluka mesa amayenda pansi nanga amadusa pati popeza every single kilometre mupeza pali traffic? Ndunayo ikakambe ndi a police wo not direct approach like this mawa ikamenyedwa muziti anthu oipa

    5. #Profigo udakali mwana ase mwaiwala PS ku Bingu stadium was manhandled with bullets supporter zimenezo zolowelera ntchito za a police zo…..who is minister inu munthu akakwiya sawerenga izi

    6. Ngoz ku Malawi zafika poyipa, wina aliyense akuyenela kukhuzidwa ndikuteteza zinthu ngat izi or mosayang’ani udindo wamuthu…ngakhalenso iwe amene monga mzika ya Malawi ukuyenela kutengapo mbali pa chitetezo…osamangot zilizonse devil kumachita kumtokosola dala ayi ndithu

    7. Zoona #Chimzy ngozi zavutadi I guess minibus zikayamba kutenga anthu atatu ngozi zitha! ! Nanga bwanji miseu yathuyi inside the cities,big towns miseu no lights. Mukati maintenance nde kumata phula kuikapo chi bump how will curb accidents?

    8. Kkkkkkkkk nde #Achimzy taganizani inuyo kuti kodi kulanda makey kwa minibus drivers ndi kukonza miseu komanso kuchepesa katangale ku a police apa msewu chinthu chomwe chingabweretse ubwino kwambri Kmanso mwachangu ndichiti?

    9. #Harlord_Phiri nchifukwa mukumwa madzi a manyi zimenezo zongoombera mmanja zirizonse just bcoz they r rulers..
      …..iweyo nde to hell with ur minister

    10. Idont see any problem line minister kulanda makiyi a min bus ngati woyendesa walakwira malamulo chifukwa amati at the end of it all amapedzeka akuyankha mafunso kuchokera kwa anthu amene akuoneka ochenjera mmayankhulidwe panopo its high time tinayenera kumakhala anthu ochita osati ongolamula chifukwa kulamula kaya mmati shouting orders has proven to be a problem ku malawi chifukwa cha anthu okonda ziphuphu ndi katangale.

    11. I bet you people have never read the Road Traffic Act, and you don’t know that it is within the powers of a line minister to execute duties within the purview of his ministry.

    12. Walakwa pati nduna? Akukhomelera mu njira yanji guys mmmmmmm ngati mumayendetsa minbus ingotsatani malamulo bro otherwise mukumana naye Grace lol

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