Former officers of the Malawi Young Pioneers (MYP) have disclosed plans to hold a vigil at State House on Monday if government fails to give them their arrears and gratuity.
This follows a three week vigil at Area 18 memorial tower in Lilongwe in demand for the arrears and gratuity from government.

The matter was later joined by human rights activist Billy Mayaya who faulted government for failing to pay the ex-MYPs since the group was abolished.
The former MYP officers have since vowed to hold vigils at State House to have their matter being heard by President Peter Mutharika.
Leader for the striking ex-MYP members Franco Chilemba expressed worry over government’s delay to release the money.
“We are still waiting for the office of the president and cabinet to answer us, if nothing happens up to Monday then we will plan to go to the State House to see our father who is the head of the state,” said Chilemba.
Authorities have since disclosed that they will start paying the group on Monday following an audit.
Government owes the former MYP officers over K1.6 billion in arrears and gratuity.
No tears on these guys. They made us suffer wen they were in power.
They can go to hell n mourn with the devil.
Not these bastards again
Shoot to kill
Eshhhhh!!!!!! Anthu musatokote kwambili.Alandile zawo basiii.amagwila boma.mwaiwala etiiii mmmmmh
Akangowanyenyako uko
Dausi Alikuti Awauze Anzakewa Kuti Si Boma Linawalemba Tchito Koma Mcp Chifukwa Inu Adausi Munali M’modzi Mwa Iwo
They were employed by MCP so let them go and camp Ku mcp.fotseki
Kumeneko nde mukaishosha army ohooo akukupusisani akukukochaniwotu. Mutulutse ma file anu mulandila iyaaa
Ayelekeze Akawone zimene anawona PA operation bwenzani
Awa asatikwanepo apa these guys were not civil servants rather MCP battalion so MCP should pay them instead or smoke them out as per Bingu words
Amigwira ku ujeni uku bwampini. Alira chweee
Mission impossible
They shud go n ask Obaba o Tembo
Chakwera must pay these thugs not gvt,don’t allow a situation where party thugs are paid tax money
where is army, tawapangani zithu amenewo
u must go to mcp to take your money not to state house
asawathandize anazuza miyoyo ya anthu osalakwa
Friday lija zinatha bwanji?
Daysi alipopa?
Kodi mkhaniyi idakakulabe?,Alipo akufukisila moto,
Kodi mukuona ngat4 iwowo ndiopusa sakuziwa dongosolo?Amene munalibe abale anu ndi omwe musakudandaula
Ndie bwino tikakumana komweko. Nafenso tikufuna atibwenzere anapiye athu ankatibera aja. We will demand urgent warrant arrest for all ex-MYP Officers. Anthu ambiri anaphedwa komanso kulandidwa katundu osalakwa mnthawi yawo.
Ngati ndalamazo zilipo apatseni asilikali komanso Police ndi aku court
Thought these groups belongs to M.C.P under Kamudzu banda then why are their demand do not pay them anything ndi wowukira akapolo awa
i thought these guys were employed by MCP so how is it that akuvutitsa Boma
correction, the were employed by the govt that time not mcp.their mandate was even in our constitution that time
oky… Nde nthawi yoseija amatani akayambe zaozo panopa
Before You Comment Please! Ask Others To Quip U With Enough Knowlege
a rabson ine ndayankhula mofusa kuti ishould know more of wats goin on so dont be quick to judge other peoples comments as if you every single detail… So if you dont have information to share dont comment on my commentl
and evelyne thanks for the info
Very true!
awa si aja amazuza a malawi wosalakwa..???
Deal with them now where are you hiding
Kupusa bati,y ddnt u ask kamudzu and mukulu wanu oputsa bakili? Mitu bati.
Smoke them
Ndikuputsa kukamba za MYP,Anthuwatu amagwira ntchito yaboma palibe kanthu kuti kwambiri amaoneka ngati amagwira ntchito kamuzu,Kamuzuyo anali mtsogoleri wamalawi,choncho ngati amalawi ayenera kulandila ndalama yawo.Apa palibe kukamba zandale koma monga momwe azathuwa anazuzikira nthawi ya Oparation Bwezani.A Malawi ziwani kuti ndalama yomwe apasidwe anthuwa ndi Misonkho yathu.Tikati malawi sitithandauza Dpp kapena zipani zosusa ayi tikukamba zaliyense ngati mzika ya malawi,choncho ngati boma limakonda mzika zake anthuwa ndalama APASIDWE.MISONKHO YATHU SIYOTI ENA AZIBA KOMA IZIGWIRA NTCHITO MOYENERA NGATI IMENEYI.
@ chimombo I dont knw where u are working bt what I knw every job u regester the beneficiaries which suppose to be ur son or Daughter so dont confuse pipo just tell them to pay up 4thousand pipo are nt much what are checking there monie is there monie if u find fraud u will track them and get arrested
@ chimombo I dont knw where u are working bt what I knw every job u regester the beneficiaries which suppose to be ur son or Daughter so dont confuse pipo just tell them to pay up 4thousand pipo are nt much what are checking there monie is there monie if u find fraud u will track them and get arrested
mr Phiri was MYP under gvt or MCP party
Explain the difference betwin MYP,young Democrats & Dpp cadets????
those pipo ware employed it was nt volunteer like u mentioned man zats the difference ma man
Employed by mcp not govenment,they were the secret army of mcp not government.
@zat tym mcp were ruling so it was in government so yes there were employed by the government who was ruling
Kkk mukufunika kukuthilani machaka
Pitani Ku MCP
from Bakili tenure there passed 10 yrs. From Bingu’s reign padutsa zaka 8. from Joyce’s presidency 2 yrs….plus Peters 3yrs. Almost 25 years nthawi yonseyi munali kuti? Mcp cows waking up from long hibernation period.
Not at MCP headquarters?
These people are being sponsored by MCP to embarrass government.
nawenso ngati suzitsata khala chete. Mcp ikatume ku asokoneze boma, iwo mkumati ee tikupatsani dikirani? pumbwa iwe eti?
to do what at state house? akuona ngati kuli kamuzu?
MCP two pompus hv u ever head vigil up to state house????? pitani ku nyumba kwa achakwera president wa MYP
gubalihnyo this is govt issue not party issue.
pioneer its a government issue ?
Kod MYP idakagwirabe ntchito?
Kod MYP idakagwirabe ntchito?
Pitani kwa chakwera
Ok ndamva! Kathamangen kumeneko, komatu mukanadikira 2019 zinaz zichokepo kae zakhalapo
Ok ndamva! Kathamangen kumeneko, komatu mukanadikira 2019 zinaz zichokepo kae zakhalapo
Eeeee chipolopolo akuchiyambacho
Guys MYP Ndiya Kale Kale,koma Chondibwitsa Nchoti Majority Ndi Ya Chinyamata.Ndiye Kuti Kodi Wa Pioneer Sakalamba Eti? Ok Chabwino,,koma Mukuyi Shoshayi Mudziwe Kut Ndi Operation Bwezani Ina Kkkkkk
Operation simulandira
Zowonadi zimenezi ndi masewere akhanda ndithu! bwanji apite ku mcp hqrs ndi kukafunsa tambala wakudayo
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk angofuna kuba
Ndiwawuzira A Tchaya Kkkk
Tikakumana konko anthu oipa inu, munapha Gadama, kulanda nkhuku. Zimenezo muzimuuza Lazaro ndi tembo
Adikire idzawapatsa MCP ikadzalowa m’boma.
Akayombe akwiya apatseni zawo pilizi…