Rivals Richard Msowoya and Sidik Mia who are secretly struggling for power in opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) joined party President Lazarus Chakwera at a rally in Nkhotakota.
For the first time, Msowoya and Mia flanked Chakwera at the rally which came following open fights in the old party which saw Msowoya and Mia trading subliminal jabs at each other.

At his welcoming rally in Chikhwawa, Mia is alleged to have referred to Msowoya as lebwedelebwede and hinted that he would take over his position of vice president to Chakwera for the 2019 polls.
Msowoya on the other hand addressed a rally in Mzimba where he welcomed mayor for Mzuzu and applauded him for using proper channels to join the party. His comments were considered as an attack on Mia who has been accused by others including estranged party GS Gustav Kaliwo of using shortcuts to join MCP.
At the rally in Nkhotakota however the two parties were brought together for the first time since their open jabs.
Party president Lazarus Chakwera who called on the two to stop fighting in the week urged his party members to embrace new members.
In his remarks, new catch Sidik Mia commented on his relationship with Msowoya saying that he is his friend.
Mia dismissed reports that his lebwedelebwede comments were targeted at Msowoya.
“Msowoya is my friend, I wouldn’t say bad words about him,” said Mia.
Msowoya however refused to say anything on his relationship with Mia, instead insisting to talk on the 2019 polls.
A political analyst Emily Luwani said that Msowoya’s gesture is an indication that all is not rosy in MCP and the rally was just a front.
My brother Inno, all politicians in malawi áre recycled . remember it is a dirty game. Just watch them.
Ku MCP kuli mtendere zogawanikazo tikumva inu a MBC
Mcp wina afune asafune 2019 ikulowa boma
Malawi2424.COM = DPP
Inno, what alternatives do you have?
Mr Happy ife tili ku South konko will vote 4 MCP,mmene zilili pano anthu ambiri will vote 4 Chakwera pokhapokha dphiphi should improve.isiye kuba,iyambe kuganizira osauka,iyambe kuganizira ma students,iyambe kupanga chitukuko nt chapakamwa or kumangoyala miala kaya madziko,osati chipatala chomanga Madona kumati mwamanga ndinu…a Malawi anazindikira pano
Mcp ndi Chipani cha mtundu wa Amalawi pomwe DPP ndi UDf ndi sipani sa ku banja la Muthalika ndi a Mulusi
olo mutani tonse ndi mcp
Mia wisely spending his “time & money” to give Chakwera & Msowoya a push which he’ll use, to rip the benefits if………….
In no time you will discover how democratic Mcp is as all these perceived frictions being fueled by other quarters, will amicably be resolved!
Makape A Mcp Mumadana Ndi Page Iyi Akatokota Ya Mcp Kma Akatokota Ya A P M Nde Kulogolola Nkumat Mw 24 Ndakatundu Kma Kogelesi Eeeee Panja Munazolowela Ku Weta A Ng’ona, Pano Nde Je!!!!
Umapeza Ma Comment Ambil Kudzela Kuzandale Adm Iwe Kapena Umasowa Zna Zokamba??
Enanu mwadya cha nkhotakota thus why mukukomenta mwaukape. MCP ndi chipani cha amalawi osati kagulu ka anthu kapena mulakho belt ayi! ndichifukwa chake anthu ambiri akulowabe chipanichi.
Msowoya is good but Mia seems to be the best,,,,like Obama style shaking supporters’ hands ,love dat craziness
koma bernard umamakhala pa chinchito chachikulu cha mcp mu zapusa nazo zimenezo 2019 ukuona ngati angavotele mcp ndani ku south chifukwa cha mia. mia nso ndindaninso ku south
Inu man Happy mumafuna atchule yemwe inu mumatsatira?Leave him alone .aliyense ali ndi makonda ake
Mmmmm zandale anthu kukomenta mpaka kutukwanana zomwez kkkkk asiyeni eni ake enanu zigwilani ntchito zanu km izi mmm kaya odi uko ine pheeeee zanga zikupita
Kdi amnewowo ndyaniso? nmesa vot opnya ndfe? zkanganan Dpp izakfotokozan molapsa mbon ndi Dausi.
I have never read positive stories about MCP from your publication .Thata is why you are still failing to penetrate into the market as you fail to balance up your political coverage
Power hungry politicians can not build our poor Malawi in anyway. After all, these are just but recycled politicians who can not take Malawi to anywhere so to speak. All we need is fresh blood finish! Mind you, we don’t benefit anything from your in-fighting and stuff like, rather our curiosity is for a better &developed Malawi, nothing else.
Cadet uyu
Munaona Nokha Zimenezo. Osatisokoneza Mcp 2019 Basi.
Chipani cha magazi
Tikatengera Za History Ndiye Palibe Chipani Chabwino. 20 July 2012 Mongokumbutsana. Wamva Chiponde.
magazi a nkhuku
kkkk poti aja amagazi mumanja monga Dausi,Mtaba,Binton kunsaira, Ted kalebe ndi ena ambirimbiri ali ku kwanuko ku dpp ndeno chipani chamagazi ndi chiti pamenepa? mbuzi ya munthu iwe.
pokhapokha generation yathuyi ipite yama 60z ndiye mcp izawina apo biii ng’ooo chipani chinazunza ichi chiziwina ku central konko
pokhapokha generation yathuyi ipite yama 60z ndiye mcp izawina apo biii ng’ooo chipani chinazunza ichi chiziwina ku central konko
Tsamba ili admin wake ndi Nyapapi zandale nthawi zonse kusapota akubawa shame
Bola Kuba Kma Kuweta Ng’ona, Chakuja Chake Anthu Eeeee Mcp Yakupha, Kkkkk Mwaona Kt Nkhuku Zanthu Zakula
Njaunju, Mbendela komaso Chasowa amenewa adaphedwa mnthawi ya Mcp? Wabadwa lero eti? Ukudwala chifine? Mphepoyi eti ?
What I like about you is.when the story is not favourable to Anyamata ang’ona then olemba alakwitsa even chitakhala chilungamo koma zikakhala zotukwana or zonyoza boma eeee kulumpha mwamba
Sizikubvekatu izi ulikuti chani kodi?
Yes come on!! Is Mr Mia now! I like this guy very much
Tambala wakuda 2019:::::Boma
Politics is never clean,always dirty
Politic its not dirty it is the ppo who are diety,A clever man can swim in it wisely and come out clean.the biggest question is why are you joining politics?
Majority join politics with ill intentions
Udzilemba Zoona kape uwe,Usasokoneze anthu anyway ndili NGANGANGA Pambuyo pa MCP olo utadzandidula chalachi uone gazi lutuluka ndila TAMBALA WAKUDA
eeeeeee amwene simunatope kukhalabe otsutsa? chimwalileni kamuzu mpaka pano? lowani Aford mwina mukawathanduzire kkkkkkk
Convention will tell, don’t confuse us.
What is wrong with you ?
did he refuse bt I was there I didnt c this coming why dnt confuse readers there was not such a thing
Point of Correction they are not rivals!!!
tell them the truth.we dont keep enemies
yap correct not rivals but they are Fools
kkkkkkk mpaka amwetsana tarmek!