A 45-year-old Malawian man who is HIV positive in Mchinji district raped a 4-year-old girl on several occasions to cure his HIV and to get rich.
In an interview with Malawi24, Mchinji Police spokesperson Kaitano Lubrino confirmed the arrest of the man who has been identified as Peter Eliot.
Lubrino said the suspect who is on ARV treatment was arrested after the mother of the girl noticed a change in the size of the child’s private parts.
“The mother of the victim was bathing her child and that was the same time she realised that the girl had been sexually abused.
“The development angered the woman and she was prompted to report the issue to Gumba Police Unit where they were referred to Gumba Health Care for examinations,” Lubrino told Malawi24.
A medical report from the hospital disclosed that the child had been raped more than once and that she is HIV positive.
After being asked, the young girl mentioned the suspect (Peter Eliot) to be the man who has been raping her.
Police instituted a manhunt and arrested Eliot who confessed to have raped the child two times.
Elliot said he was instructed by a witchdoctor to have carnal knowledge of a virgin if he wanted to change his HIV status to negative and become rich.
Meanwhile police have charged Eliot with an offence of defilement which is contrary to section 138 of the penal code and he will appear in court in soon.
He hails from Chisaka Village, Senior Chief Mkanda in Mchinji district.
Ish koma dzikori” ngati pari msika oguladi anthu chonde munthu amenei agulitsidwe ndalamazo apasidwe mwana ochitilidwa chipongwe chotelechi
But y?
He is Lucky that you give him a chance to live again… If I was there i could have just shoot him .. Those dogs deserve to die..
akufunika kumwetsa acid nkumusiya azipita kwao
If I could see that man I could use shaliya no more hesitation,people like him are no longer needed these days
Aphedwe pomugenda miyala ameneyu
to think of it if kamuzu was alife damm that man would be food gor the lions
can some one plz educate that dickhead about HIV
Its just that pple today they are very ignorant tangoganizani HIV ichoka bwanji pogona ndi mwana?
Kupusa kumeneko
very bad
enawa ongofunika life sentence…..Akazi onsewa.??
is the word rape correct in regardless to chikd?i think it should be defiled coz she is a chikd,had it been that she was a women could be raped
Thats disguisting…..
Stupid beliefs
Mutayeni ameneyi
This guy deserves a death penalty….
This guy has fried his Brain
He must be sentenced for life prisonment
If This Man Wont Be Killed In The Next 24 Hrs The Come And Kill Me. He Must Be Killed
Mmm kabambo iwe ngochimwisa,umbuli chani,uphedwe
Kill him
angotsowetsedwa bax afe coz azatelonso kwa mwana wina kmwe ndikupha!!!
These misconceptions are misleading us God hav mercy on us
Lamulo ligwepo
He deserves death ….
Aphedwe ameneyo
this is foolish nthendayo anatenga kwa ameneyo kut achosele
Lyf in prison
awa ndiwofunika kuwanyonga kundende kulibe malo awo
Smh …this man needs a death sentence …that poor baby will never recover from the abuse he has done to her .I pray she gets all the help she needs
Umbuli ulipobe my Malawi? Brutallity
He must be deleted (killed)no need to have him on this earth
Lyf in prison kapena afe imfa yowawa
Thats a sin
Aphedwe ameneyo!
Wen it cumz to dis s*** .. ndiziwanda guyz nde ziwanda zimayenela ku burnedwa…#burn_burn_burn
help me! Is this rape maybe defilement maybe is jst z same?
Defilement not rape, one can’t rape a toddler.
I wondered!
oh no no
Kodi nkhani ya gwaladi yogwilira ndikupatsiranso hiv msungwana waku phalombe uja ili pati pano? Admin tafufuzani.
gwalad sanagwilile zinal zopanga koma chomwe tinaona chinali chot ndalama yomwe anapeleka siyomwe anagwilizana
Castration is even too good for him.
Malawi must protect the female population by enacting the following the following long overdue laws: (1) Every convicted rapist must have his penis amputated (cut off). (2) Anyone who knowingly infects another person with HIV should be charged with a case of conspiracy to murder. This includes both male and female who hide from their partners / spouses that they are HIV positive, thus preventing them from making informed decisions. The amputation of rapists’ penises should be done by experts at Government facilities. These two measures would eradicate/drastically reduce cases of rape and HIV transmissions. Let Malawi be rapist-free and HIV transmission- free.
Eeeeeee koma ameneyi ndi nyere yakeyo ofunika aone nayo zokhoma eishhiii if i were u i could hav jst neel down and ask him to make me rich than doing that stupid behaviour. Ndipo wangonditalikira mkanakukhoma 6inches bas mxiill
Oh my God what about witch doctor
ohhhh several occasions???? are e people alive there? ooooh!!!!
Thus bad
Pandani munthuyo!!!!
wicked man God panish you,
on several occasions??? is he still alive? why are people in his area letting him breathe? why just why?
Zonyasa kwambiri
Mudyetseni tamec aferetu he is adevil
Masende ake sawona akadz osewa mangeni zaka 50 ameneyo
Ufiti ndi munthu woyipa ameneyu aphedwe basi
I Think this guy Flyed hìs Brain
just rock thebastard and throw away the keys
He has to be killed now.Chisilu
How can a grown up Old guy Rape a 4 year old girl SERIOUSLY!!!???
the man shud b handed to public & face mob .. chop off his private parts & sell them to support the victim financially.
ahahaha inu adha
Womupha munthuyu ndilipo ine ndazipeleka. Ndipo ndizayamba kumungwandula zala one by one, then lilime, mkuzamukolowola maso, mkuzatenga nacet razor blade mkumumulemba nkhopeyi. Akamazafa ziwalo zambiri akuziona kuti izo zili apozo.
what ashame
what ashame
he deserve death sentence nothing else!! He has killd the child !
Admin do yu know the guy why cant u report to the cops its sad he must face death sentence
Both the witchdoctor & the HIV man they supposed to locked in jail
Mmm!! That’s demonic
Tiponyeleni Kuno Ameneyo,Mob Justice Igwile Ntchito. Tiweluze Tokha.
He deserve to rot in jail bastard son of the whole
Ameneyu akafele kumaula basi
Mmmnnmm terrible than killing anthu adazi
Ameneyu aphedwe basi kkkkkkk iya.
Ufiti basi, mxiewwwwww
Vry Shameles.
Kungomupha basi..palinso chomapitira ku police apa? kumupha basi
my friend u wudnt hav been alive if u were in ndirande.
matayala a njale zokutha plus gasoline would have given your sentence & police would have got your ashes
What if you the man,what can gw’n wrong.
Chipheni chimenecho
Mudyetseni cement
Amunyonge basi
Heeeeeeeeeeeey !!! mayiweeeeeeeeeee!! wonders never ends.whaaaaaaat? Hand him over to us we will kill him with our own hands
eee rest in Jail
one day my comment will be on top and I will show my former teacher Mr chidonthi who says I can not achieve anything in my life!!!
Kkkkkkkkkkk am dead???
kkkkkkkk eish!!! You almost achieved it bra
eti man!!!
desperate times desperate measures.. he deserve to be hanged.. life in prison yachepa.
He is a deval and weaked man let him in prison
Enansotu mulipo apa onyenga ana musiiretu,malo molemera mukudzipalamulira mavuto
So bad
I cudu send him myself to the grave if l was the mother
Surely He deserve death punishment.
Surely He deserve death punishment.
Umbuli umaonongadi zinthu
Chop off his head
Surely He deserve death punishment.
Surely He deserve death punishment.
Surely He deserve death punishment.
Surely He deserve death punishment.
Death sentence
Surely He deserve death punishment.
He is now cured and rich, he will have free goverment lodgings, free food and menu to choose from once he is sentenced. As for a child, the experiance is irreversable. Sad.
These Kind Of People Need Not Spared Alive
Let him spend his life in prison.. please.
:: chida chomuphera ameneyu chikawodedwe ku south Korea
angophedwa basi coz naye wapha mwana ndi matenda thats bush sheet yunico igwire ntchito yawo
thats abusht
If our really understood “Justice”, a Life Sentence would have been the minimal for such crimes.
Braii bas
A chewa ufiti too much kugwirira ana kudula azimayi ziwalo kusanduka a fisi munakhala bwanji anthu openga inu@?
Thats stupid thinking hw is it asociate wth Chewa tribe?? R u crazy??
Kaya ziwanda zimenezi mumazitenga ku gule afisi inu?@
cosmas garu
Kkkkkkk KOMA yaa ufiti ndiye ulipodi siukunama
Pakufunika amageso ndi sing’anga yemweyo athu oyipa amenewo , akamusiya sing’anga ameneyu awonongetsa ana ambiri.
Cat his manhood off
Will that solve any problem?
Yes it will solve the problem, he won’t be able to rape again.
not good decision the man needs deliverance
Release him to the community am sure they would have loved to erase him completely
Life in prison
if i was the president#death penalty on this one#this is very wicked
unfortunately he is caught . … let him face the music and dance to his own tunes
Mmmmm koma abale anawanamiza ndani anthuwa samamva chisoni zinazi? Mwana ngat ameneyo ayambe treatment ya ma ARV? Mkulu ameneyu mkwiyo wa Mulungu umukanthe
life in prison is enough for him even death sentence is OK what a hell of man
He deserve death …… Dats more than satanism
Munthu Ngati Amenei Akufunika Kuphedwa Coz Naye Wapha Ka mfanaka.
Very sad.
Don’t waste tym jst kill that idiot. .
Iyeyo imuchoke mwanayo nde imutsalire? Ok!
Kkkkkkkkk,koma Mary
Ican kill him with my own hands
koma ku mchinji esh
Life in ………. .
Cage him