The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has said the main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) will never rule the country under its current leader Lazarus Chakwera.
This was said by DPP Secretary General Glezelder Jeffrey during elevation ceremony of Paramount Chief Kawinga in Machinga district.

In her remarks, Jeffrey said Chakwera cannot be the leader of the country claiming that he is not even wanted by other members of the MCP.
“His fellow party members are not happy with him and they are calling for convention to show him an exit door. MCP under Chakwera will never rule Malawi unless otherwise,” Jeffrey said.
She further challenged all opposition parties in the country that they will not defeat DPP in 2019 general elections.
Speaking at the same function, United Democratic Front (UDF) president Atupele Muluzi revealed that he is happy with the coalition between his party and the ruling DPP.
Atupele said President Peter Mutharika asked UDF after the 2014 elections to work together in developing the country and they accepted.
Muluzi later accused other opposition parties of not accepting results of the 2014 elections hence being involved in tit for tat with the ruling party.
“We don’t want to accept the results of the elections that we have lost. All what we want is to disturb the president so that he should be handling state affairs under pressure,” Atupele said.
“UDF has accepted that if the country is to make strides in development we need to be united.”
Kawinga’s elevation to Paramount Chief means that he is a mega leader of Yao people in the country.
Among notable figures who attended the function include former President Bakili Muluzi, Minister of Local Development Kondwani Nankhumwa and Minister of Energy Bright Msaka.
Chakwela woye MCP Boma 2019 akufuna peter ndani pano olo utamufusa mwana akuuza kuti peter sidilu!!! am with u chakwela u have my vote
Its foolishnessSG umbava wonse mukuchitau mukuona kuti amalawi sakuona?zazi ati
Chenza bwino si chifukwa kuti boma lakubaphani.zopusa.
That’s what we call politics, even in DPP some members do not support how Peter rules the country. In family, church, school, govt the misunderstandings are there Jeffrey.
CHAKWERA ndi massive. The Electoral Commission can start counting my vote for him!
Akunama amenewa
Dep will never talk good about MCP, full stop ✋
Musanebe azanu inu bfiye mukulamulira bwino umbava uli nthee
2019@ mulungu ndye adzwa
this is true
Ameneyo ngati anasiya za Mulungu nkuyamba zandale asazinamize kuti azalamulira Malawi. Mwina azalamulira dera lakwawo. Akalambilamo ndiithu asazinamize bola angozisiya sindikukhulupilira kuti zomwe anapangazo Mulungu angakondwe nazo kaya tiona.
We need Chakwera 2019 as Malawi leader. Dpp is not God,it is agroup of thieves without vision u must parish together with lost son kaliwo.
If not MCP then nothing
Vuto chipani cha Dpp chili ngati team ya Manoma yoti ikangowina imakhala ikutukwana team ya Maule
pomwe tikati timuike pa muyeso Dpp ndi Noma onse amalemela ma 2kg ndiye chonchi mwana olemera 4kg kunyamula 2kg mkosavuta
Uku ndiye timati kupusa do you think anthu akusangalara with the current adminstration?go into the villages you will see kuti people are suffering
Well spoken! He will not rule unless other wise. Who knew that Bingu would rule this nation while in 1999 had handful votes. When God say yes no one can say no. Who ever will rule this nation 2019 is known by God himself and all we can do is to pray for him and our current leader. Zokanganakanganazi will just keep on dividing this nation and led us no where.
Now you talk
An opinion from a harlot cannot be taken seriously
The facts this was pronounced by DPP makes me not believe.
DPP ikungoyenela kusamala asayiwale chipongwe anayipanga UDF en this lady is UDF
Education scam bwa?? poti mulandu unawakomela akufuna ndalama za compasation zituluke mosavuta
akadalankhula wina ndikanayankha koma poti ndi dada naçhita manyaze !!
Let 2019 judge for itself it’s too early to say that
Koma inuyo si mulungu, simungakhalenso mulungu zofuna zanu sizamulungu. It’s just a song and am just singing
Poor Perception..
Mtengo ukagendendwa kwambili ndekuti uli nzipaso…
Akumaidanda a DPP
ayamba kale ayamba kale …
Bwanji osanena kamlepo Hihihihi
Tikumvesani kutentha simunati..
#Beatrice Chakwela alindidyela why anasiya ubusa penapake amalawi muziganiza bwino
Its true ndimunthu watsoka anagwa manja mwa ambuye kuyamba ndale olo atatani zangadzawine ndipo sadzalamulira even mudxi wakwawo.
OK because Malawi is DPP?
I wlll vote for Chakwera and MCP forever.
But we still love him
Munthu anali m,busa ndiye kusiya ubusa kayamba palibe chabwino ayi
Gayz ndale zikuchedwetsani just work hard
Words from a docile mind.
I find it so difficult not to believe these sentiments. Especially when its coming from horses mouth so highly trained in votes masterminding and specialists in votes rigging. I didn’t even bother opening the link, not worth to worst my hard earned internet bytes in this trying moments where we are buying #sugar# @ k1000
Nanu amabungwe muli ziiii uku nyanja ikupita palibe chomwe mukunenapo kumbali ya nyanja
Eya?so who will?
Zaziiii mukulephera kuteteza nyanja tionana 2019 tizavotera mcp tikufuna nyanja yathu yokongola ija.kambiranani ndi China mu gule zida ndege zoopsa.komanso ku marire mumangeko barracks ya asilikali.izi mukunena apazi Zaziiii.ndikumurira bingu wa muthalika Tanzania imamuopa imaziwa u
Kuti kuli atate analibe masewera.or kamudzu.chonde gurani zida zaphavu ndege zoopsa.ngati ndalama palibe kambiranani ndi China kutenga pangongole kodi Mesa mumati Malawi ili under Britain bwanji osapempha zida bwanji kwamakolo athuwo USA.muli busy ndi kuba nyanja ikupita uku.
Vry true chakwela cant rule malawi
Don’t judge the books by its cover we never know kuti mawa kugwanji mwina nkutheka inu mukumalotseranu simupitilira ndi utsogoleri wanuwoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only Jahova God knows about the next leader!!!!
You are telling as whom should we vote for. Come 2019
Inunso adpp musanyoze achakwela inuyo kuti mulamulire muyenela kuyamikila amuluzi ndi udf
Chakwera is the only expected pearson to rule the country.Chakwera the president of 2019 and on,get prepared.dpp will steal the votes.It’s the party’s business .They are rulling now becouse of stealing.The dealth of udf is better than how dpp will be.If we put chakwera on seat then malawi will change.centrol and northern regions are for chakwera arleady.we dont want peter the president anymore.
he WL rule in Jesus name
he WL rule in Jesus name
Malawi sakutukuka ndi mbavazi kungodyela a Malawi basi.Eti kutifoilisa ndi zitukuko zothandizidwa ndi maiko ena.Dollar si ikulowa Ku dzera mu ulimi dziko lingatukuke.
kkkkkk ma prophet
Zachamba ife azalumula
Mwadzimvela nokha, musadzati sananene..! Kokha kuti aMalawi ena sakonda kuwudzidwa zoona..! Kodi Mulungu wake mukufuna anthandize Chakwera ndi uyu anamuthawayu? ”Lazarus Chakwera sadzalamulira dziko lino unless otherwise..” & i agree..! Zikomo
#Me politic view:none
Vote ndimumtima osamalimba mtima ndi anthu omwe amangofuna kukudyerani chabe,Mulungu ndiye azapereke uyo oyenerayo!Mantha basi,thus why Malawi sakutukuka,ndale za chisavage izi,cant we get a lessob from American Politics?Mukazakhala Mulungu tsiku lina muzayankhule zopusazi koma panopa msiyeni Mulungu basi
So if he can not rule then why are u stressing. Just to say this its a sign of stress.
Lekani zomanena za 2019 inu a dpp we never know zamnthawiyo tikufuna chitukuko ife. Boma lokanika ili, muzipita tatopa nanu nyimbo imodzi sachezera gule
oondiyekuti aDpp ndiamene akutiono ngela chipani bwanji akumayankhula zimenezo pakachitika khani ku Mcp mulungu akukuonani
Anyani awa apangapo chani maphala mukupakawo basii mutivute?
Chifukwa choberatu, pachirungamo munama, bwanji muwopa MA by elections?
aaaaaa very hard to believe ndi mulungu yekha adziwa zamawa !!!!!!
But we will vote for him.
So mutharika wants to mutharikanise the country. APA chakwera yemweyo kuti wa wa wa!!!!!!
Chakwera will rule the nation
Indeed!!!!!!go deeper
chelsea 3-0 EVERTON
That is your thinking madam SG. You don’t know malawians. Ask the then MCP what happened to them in 1994.
u are just wasting money kuwapasa adyera kuti aziyambisa chisokonezo Ku MCP. .koma sayikwanisa pasogoro ndi DR ChAKWERA…
Abwana amene akulamulira panowa mumadziwa kuti adzalamulira?Zitha kutheka ngati nthawi yao ikuwavomereza.
MCP izalamula pakazatha zaka 31 osati pano ndi a Chakwela anuwo ayi muyiwale zimenezo ife sitinayiwalebe ayi mcp mukumvekabe fungo la magazi.
If they believe that anakaisiya MCP alone,koma they don’t h3nce all the bladadash
Mumamuopa n’chifukwa chake mukulimbana naye.Nanga Atupele ndiyemwe angadzalamulire dziko lino? kkkkkkkkk
Muzachita manyazi
Tikavota ndifeyo ayamba kale kunjenjemera akuopa MCP
How ? your God to judge someone also very stupid
anthu omwe akubwadwira mulamuliro wa democracy angavotere MCP koma ine amene ndinabadwira muwulamuliro wa MCP sindingachite uve umenewo okavotera MCP.
Zinthu zisintha basi mbavazi zisowe I like chakwera’s style dats being a president osati kumangonyambita milomo
Chakwera will rule malawi never doubt it and DPP is on pressure afraid of the same guy
That’s ugly truth..!
Sakudziwa ndi mulungu
Unamukanika usogoleri wa Assembries nde akatsogolere Malawi yonse tabalotani nd lazalo wanuyo
They are not God to predict who is going to win or loose , lindani madzi apite ndiye muziti ndadala
Agalu adpp akuwonangati dzikolo ndilawo wina sangalamulile?zamkutu basi.
Dpp party of fools.
That’s true but MCP will rule with another one’s leadership.
ameneyo akuwopedwa heavy zikanakhala kuti sakumuwopa then no nid yomayankhula za Chakwela…Timagenda mwala mu mtengo wazipaso dont forget
Iwo simulungu ndani amadziwa kuti pitala angalamulere?.
ADPP,MCP,UDf ndi PP chonde Osanyozana.
That’s true
Why can’t you observe where the ship is going? In 2009 DPP won with close to 3 million votes, in 2014 ? Open your eyes malawi is not the she was. 1.9m seconded by 1,5m. Ndiye ndi mmene mwawanamizira ma civil servants za change yawo, kupha ma alubino, kupha education especially tertiary sector,cashgate I mean osati change chija Adaba amayi ayi, maize gate zina ndi izi ziululike pompano za drugs. watch out guys DPP is sinking. kulepheretsa by elections coz candidate wanu alive MEC ID ndiye sangaime pa Mp. Shine your eyes
And it was a big thanks to muluzi for choosing him
Only god knows had it been bingu is still alive you could have asked him if he was expecting to rule this country with his unknown party he had
Za Pa Fb Izi Kuwawata Mukuwawata Koma Zithela Kuwawata Komweko Kulakalaka Mutakwela Basi Km Tsono Basyi Imayenda Ndimafuta Ochuluka Kuposa Zina Zose Ngati Mukwanitse Mukakhale Papando Uwo Ngati Ai Muyende Yende Kufalitsa Mawu Amulungu Kuti Mutembenule Mitima Yaanthu Ochuluka Kuphatikizapo Ine Amene
Peter mantha akula almost everyday mukungokamba ya chakwera MUSOVENGE
U cant even predict what will happen to u in a minute or 2 from now and u are busy predicting the future.who knew Bingu would become President after that miserable performance in 1999?
ndi zona
hahahahahaha like wise, come 2019 DPP will be shown the Exit door.
kkkkkkk ulimbani ni zitsa zotsala ku dondo chakwera ni deal mwina mokozaso kuti asakupingeni
Time will tell kma ngati peturo ntalika sabera sangawine…..
If this declaration was made by God I would agree but since it is from man I choose to disagree with you. Only God has a final say over the future of his people. When people saw a slave in Joseph, Gods was seing a prime minister of Egypt.
koma ngati Pitalayo adakumwetsani magazi ake kuti mitu yanu isamaone zoipa zake ulendo uno musanza basi let us wait and see and just forget if you think mudzaberaso this time your time is over
The only threat to DPP is Chakwera and they are trying there best to destroy him. The only stable party since multi party era is MCP, all parties which were once in the government when are out akumatha ngati makatani,see UDF married with DPP to benefit few,PP where is the party heading, even DPP once is out in 2019 izathanso ngati makatani
Ine wa mcp. popanda chakwera sindingakhale wa mcp
Poti chipani sichiwina ndi voti yamunthu mmodzi chifukwa ikanakhala kuti mcp ndi dpp akudalira ine ndekha sakadawina, onse adalowapo mmboma mkulephera kutukula dzikoli olo mmene ndalama inali 1to1 ndi dola
Ngati mcp ai ndiye mukuganiza kuti a Malawi angavotere Pitala ndi mbava zinzake zankononozo he is about to finish five years since his inauguration what even one thing recommendable he has done apart from high rate of corruption in.this country?Anthu adzabotera Pieter just because ndi mtchona kapena chifukwa choti ndipredident wakuba kwambiri koma wooneka wothonya
Only God knows the next president of this beautiful country,Malawi.
That prophetic shall come oppositically true.
EXACTLY, MCP will be going to may 20 election of 2019 without any single councillor, or Mp from the whole southern region, close to 4million voters kkkkkk, and u know what, If Chakwera pick asouthernor, do u think the Msowoyas will be happy, kkkkk..
I too personally believe that.
and that’s truth
Achakwela adzawinanso
Tel The Dpps That They Are Not God, One Day Jesus Wil Turn Over The Tables Of Money Changers
Kkkkkkkk. DPP. manthatu. awaaa. Akumuopa. chakwera.
.Ndiye. angoganiza. zosocheretsa. anthu. …. surely. Chakwera. has. STRONG LEADERSHIP TRAITS
If you continue with this government you will never improve can you see the way kwacha is performing against the dollar and neighboring countries poor government
Mwakonzekeranso kubera mavoti???
Mwayamba u prophet kkkkk!!
Almost 70% of these comment are in favour of Chakwera, this means that the man ndi minga pachilonda cha anthu ena.
Democracy favours majority. The blues woyee!
Thus true!yes!
Dpp must be crazy,no1 was knowing Mutharika,now u thnk u have made it,and forsure mpc sizalamulanso 31 years inatikwana udf inapitanso pp zizavuta kulamulanso inunso a dpp mukachoka kwanu kwatha sindisapota chipani koma ndine nzika yaikulu ya mai Malawi
Mukuopa…..mukufuna munthu ofooooka osati ngat chakwera ndie munyatu…..sitikusintha iyayi tiyenazoni zikuyandikilatu…ndie osakodzedwa pano iyayi……
Tisamayikirane Malire. In 1999 Palibe Amkaziwa Kuti Bingu Munthalika Atha Kuzalamura Dziko, So Too Ndi Joyce Banda. Mulungu Yekha Ndiye Akuziwa.
Only God knows the future.What is impossible with man is possible with God.Time matters and God’s time is the BEST
Anthu ankadana ndi Trump koma anawina
The Boers in RSA also vowed that no black man would never rule RSA. Tell me, is Zuma white? Chakudza sichiyimba ng’oma amangwetu
Well said boss.Thats history
That’s true man even a DPPwo akudziwa kuti nthawi yawo yatha asapusitse anthu only blind and deaf
Olo anthu akumpoto adzalamulila dziko lake liti
Ineyo Kuvotera Mcp Ndine Chitsiru? Chakwera Wa Uku…..
Achewa angalamulile dziko lake liti mmalo molima fodya ndikusema nyau.kumwera ndiye deal
mumva kuwawa pure badmind
Are they God?
Mcp ilibe problem, u are just wasting your time. Mcp Ikudziwikiratu kut ili ndi anthu ambiri chifukwa chake mukufuna kuyisokoneza bt still more this man Chakwera ndi deal
Eya!Zaonekatu …2019 wanna be Peter vs Chakwera, of which Peter will be no MATCH of Chakwera
Ee!! zoona sangawine poti aDPP ndi mbamva akuba akthyali,kuteroku akukoyekera zoberanso.Koma ndiye mwatizuza kokwanira pano katundu wammakampani wadula.Mbeu yamulimi yotchipa.Mtengo womwe amagulira Bakili omweo mpaka lero.Koma zinthu pamsika zikujwera daily. Zisangalalani koma Mulungu sangakondwe tidzaona.Ine nde DPP yanikwana
Ankaziwa Ndindani Zot Inuyo A Mutharika Family Mungalamulire Malawi Wathuyu Kuti Mudzikamba Ngat Inuyo Ndinu Amulungu, Khalan Choncho Zose Ndinthawi.
Mukazaona wina akungenda mumtengo ziwani muli chipatso mmenemo akufuna kutchola ,uyuso uyu sakuwagonesa bwino anthu tulo ,only God knows
Only God knows who’s coming next,we only pray for someone not lyk the incumbent one, and also not lyk the crooks messing around
Was Malawi created for DPP! isn’t also dpp is ruling by accident or from back door after using the courts in 2014! God won’t let this corrupt infested govt to continue. When Pharaoh had tortured the Israelites for quite long, He rescued them through His own wisdom yet pharaoh was still dreaming of more hardships on them. Similarly if the same God of old is the same to now, He will rescue malawi too from DPP misrule and these glaring hardships!
kkkkkk that is why mukumagula anthu kut aziyambitsa mpungwepungwe mu MCP koma sizipindula kanthu….MCP mukuyinena iyi idzawina
Ngati iweyo ndi mulungu tikhulupilira but chakwera can do better than this pitalayu
MCP ikhoza kuzakhala Paul kuchoka ku Saul Mulungu atafuna…
Chakwera sangakhale president anathawa ntchito ya mulungu abwerere bas muziwe palibe angathawe Ambuye
Patiently waiting for 2019 elections. We will see.
Hehe ine sindizayerekezanso kuvota ndinasiya ndiye amene mumapezako cholowanu tiyeni nazoni
2019 Alamulire Chakwera Basi
ungodikira 2019 aise. achokatu fisi wanuyi,
Izo nde ndizoona! better UDF
Nanga munthu akulephera kuyanjanitsa chipani chake cha MCP angathe kuyanjanitsa dziko??? Analiku Synod ya Livingstonia chipwilikiti chinali thooo mu Synod ..kungochoka akuluwo bataa ….alibe utsogoleri…Eeeee ambuye Mulungu anadalitsa ndi maphunziro….koma adamanidwa utsogoleri.Amalawi dziwani…lero chipwilikiti mkulu wachbweretsa mu MCP…chisafike m’boma.
Kodi inu a dpp inu ndi amene mutadza vote bwanji mukulakhula ngati ndinu mulungu just wait and see kuti atadzalamulenda cz ineso ndikuti inu a dpp chanu palibe
Vuto ndinu bambo chakwera kubera ma vote kukumakuvutan!!!
Ndizoona Chakwera sadzawina MCP sidzawina ngati ineyo ndimadanayo ndi nzeru zanga zonse Iwish Mcp ingotheratu
Kakaulukitsa kamabzyola chisa.
Anthu Amayiwala Iwo Kopanda Muluzi Akanakhala Pa Mpando? Tsogolo La Munthu Lili Mmanja Mwa Mulungu Ndi Amene Amadziwa Za Aliyense! Zipani Kulikonse Kumakhala Phokoso Ndiye Munthuyo Pali Gulu Sizilephera! Aziyankhulira Ku Toilet Kwaokha Anthu Asamawamvere!
Only God knows
Game of numbers is always achieved by those who know where,how,when,and how much to catch.Yes! those who have enough territory(land/ground) to play the game.Right!, those having winning skills,and straitages.NDASIYA MUNGAKHUMUDWE
iiiiiiiiii ifetu zoti chakwera sazalamulila tinaziwa kalekale
zinganganani! ife tizingomvesera! poti khutu liribe chiseko! komano ozatenga boma alipheee!
Bola akanakhala waguleyi chifu kwa moyayi watonyanya
Igo for chakwera, sindili kuonapo chifukwa china chili chonse chovotera mbavazi, ndipo palibe chanzelu chili chonse chomwe ndikuonapo chiloweleni m’boma mbava menezi. Bwanji timuyese chakwera
If the world ends before 2019,u may be right and if not forget this government is an oppressing government too corrupt and non patriotic
Oky Ina Inu Mukt Mcp Singatenge Boma Cozy Ulamuliro Wake Unali Wankhaza, Chabwino Kd Dpp 2012 Inachita Chani? Mwina Mwa Iwara “1′ Kusowa Makwala MZipatala, Kusowa Mafuta Agalimoto, Kusowa Chimanga Mwa Adimac, Kupha Anthu Osalakwa, Atolankhan Kumenyedwa,ufulu Oyakhula Zakunkos Kunalibe Kms Mitengo Ya Kathundu Kukwela Kod Nkhadza Zipose Pamenepa? Pano Ikulamulira Si Ndi Dpp, Chimozimozi Mcp Izalamulilaso Boma 2019 Mcp Ndi Boma Ndipo Kupanda Kubela Peter 2014 Ija Panopa Chakwera Akulamulila Tiyeni Tiiwale Za Kale Maso Pansongol Tikatelo Malawi Azatukuka.
ZOONADI ZIMENEZI Palibe munthu ndimmozi yemwe wabwinobwino angavotele MCP ndi Chakwela
Aaaa mbuzi za Dpp muziona jst wait ……….
Asamapusitsike ndigulu lomwe limakhala pamsonkhano wawo asayiwale sapoti idali ndi JB ndani amkadziwa kuti angagwe! linda madzi apite ndipo uzitindadala.
Ulendo uno kulibe zonyengelerana,palibe amene ati akavote.Ndichiyani chanzeru chomwe mukuwachitila aMalawi,koma mukakhuta khobwe kutanganidwa ndikukamba za Vote,No more vote 2019.Tiwone kuti mudya chiyani andalenu.mbuzi zawanthu.
Ineyo chimandimvetsa chisoni pano wina kumakamba za dpp olo ndi manyazi omwe mulibe zomwe dpp ikuyendetsera bomali mkumati komkobe akutereyo amatamba ngati satamba matewera awana amadya WAKE UP MALAWI STAND UP
why not? if not Chakwela then who? becoz peter ndiye mbola
vuto ndiloti chakwera or mcp ali convinced ndi 1.5 million pipo ali pakati basi instead bwezi pano ali busy kulowerathu kumwera kapena kumpoto umuwona akukapanga msonkhano pamasintha or kumchinji anthu oti ndiake kale so 2019 ndipamene yakaliyakali fotsek it will take tme mcp kudzalamulanso
Afinye amenewa akuona ngati m’dzikoli tikusangalala? Tadikilani nanga mudzavota nokha tidzaonana pamtengo waKachele papelete akatembenuka wakumbuyo amakhala patsogolo wapatsogolo amakhala pambuyo.
Jeffrey iweyo ndi Mulungu? Sitidayiwale kuti paja ynaba nthawi ya Udf iwe mbava zokhazokha kuyikana kumbuyo. Mwalosera kuti 2019 adzawina ndindani inuyo? Rubbish
Come 2019 Chakwera will be Malawi’s president
Zandale zatikwana,tikufuna uthenga wachipulutso ife
Tikubwera kuzavota
Mighty DPP,I ja c t want 2 remind u about mighty Goliath ov the bible. Udf oz also mighty.
mukanakhala mulungu tikanavomera but you are not God
I hate chakwera
mukankhuta msatero muona maize gate yanu chakwera 20190boma
Ku DPP kuli mbuzi zokha zokha munthu wanzeru anganene zimenezo? chipani chosankhidwa chitukwane chipani chizake hahaha malodza
If not chakwera but whom is going to rule?
Mwayamba Kale Kunjenjemelatu Ndi Amai Omwe Aja Munawaonelera Powabela Km Na 2019 Kulibe Kubera Mudyeletu Misokho Yatuyo
New coach.
Mwayamba ulosi?Bwanji simunalosele za imfa ya Bingu!Mulungu ndi amene amasankha atsogoleri choncho dont judge for you will be judged.Mwa ma President onse Peter ali no 1 kulephera pa zonse.Palibe akuchita ai.Chomwe wachitapo pa zaka zitatu ndi kuika miyala ya maziko basi.Ntchito ikhale yolongolola ndi Lucius basi!
Bodza, mwasankha kusawona
Ayi anapanga chitukuko, round about ya ku area 18 kikikikikihahahaha Apa Palibe Munthu
Wasankha kusaona et, sukuona ptan uko nd lazalo wanuyi
Tatiuzeni chitukuko chomwe wapanga Peter kupatula kuika zigamba miseu yomwe anaisiya Kamuzu?Mbuzi!
a henry asyen anthu osAzndkrawa , angakutaitsen tym anthu akubawa!
Olo zowakiratu manda ake ngati Bingu uja ameneyu angaganize hahahahaha
Peter ndi mbuzi yamunthu palibe chimene wapanga,angokhalira kuba ndalama
Thats Completely Lier !! U re Nt God
if ppo wants to change, it can b someone else not chakwera, u kno y? its simply bcoz he is an mcp member, ask ppo from the rulal areas they will tell you that they will never forget hw they were oppressed in that mcp era. so with those memories they stay as far as possible away from mcp except anthu akunyau. so as for mi, I wil vote for someone else bt nt chakwera or any mcp buddy, I wil neva do that, neva! Chakwera may be a gd candidate(thou i kno he is not) bt also he is in wrong party…period!
That’s your opinion thanks. But we’ll vote for chakwera
i rest my case
Igo for chakwera
this song about what mcp did in the past tatopa nayo kuyimva , pekani ina, ofuna kuvotera chakwera azamuvotera basi angakhale mutayimba nyimboyo mopitiriza.
Chakwera yemweyo mutani mutani chakwera basi.
?????? ndaponda mnsomali?????
Yes rest your case indeed!
Iwe ndi ufulu wako kuvotera DPP koma ifeyo kuno wathu ndi chakwera osati a Mtchonawa ai!awa alibe mphatso ya utsogoleri ai nabolanso Bingu osati mavutowa ai!
Onse ali beside chakwera wth dis issu ndi anthu from dfferent parties.Eg pp udf mcp and many other.Its dis system dat wil make chakwera fall for de second tym.May b,unless opposition parties come together and make 1
Abwana Kumazsata Zn2z. Kapena Smukuzwa.Amene Anazunza Mukut Abale Anuwo Pano Onse Anachoka Ku Mcp.Ndkunena Pano Ali Nd Inu Ndpo Mukudya Nawo Mbale Imodz.Anazunza Abale Anu Szina Lakut Mcp Koma Amene Anal Mamembala Kalero Monga Dausi Mtaba….Ena Muwatchula Nokha.Osamangot Mcp Mcp Mcp Kumaona Zinthu Nd Mkat Momwe Madala.Tangowerengan Nd An2 Angat Aphedwa Muulamuliro Wa Dpp? Mzaka 10 Yalamulira ?
Even Peter kumene aliliko akudziwa kuti zake zidada basi ndiye wina uziti Chakwera ayi kugona eti kkkkk
Awanso cheap propaganda which parts of rural areas are you talking about…do you want LL rural simudziwa Dr Chakwera…
Iwonder cz mcp now is new blood onse anapha amalume ako ali mu dpp sory bro but u hve to think wisery
kerre kerton, u r late! its sleeping time??
Kkkkkkkk kuseketsa macomments a anthu achigawo chapakati tiyeni tingodikilira nthawi basi.Tizawona kui amene azadutse ndi ndani pau Prezident basi ife pheeee lekani kutokota monyansamo
Zomakamba kuti anyauzo ife zimati bhowa
#Frazer,sitonse amene tikufuna kale litabwerera timaakhala ku Lilongwe ? Tikufuna zina osati za Dpp,only hope ndi MCP umbava mukubisanawu mudzayaluka nawo,kuthawira kunja tidzachita chokokako chumacho nkukulandani kubwenzera ku Boma,anthu asamadzavutike ndinjala mpaka nkumafa nayo,Misewu yolimba zedi idzamangidwanso,dzipatala mankhwala adzapezeka ngati m’mene zimachitikira m’mayiko ambiri,wakuba kumangidwa.
am just tired with Peter,men!
Don’t fool us nobody knows the future except the creator and not even the son of man
I strongly believe that..
a tumbuka asamaiwaletu.
I believe so. Chakwera isnt capable enough. His type of politics resembles that of JZU. The man who could have led MCP back into govt after Kamuzu was Chakwamba. Chakwamba commanded the populace in length and breath of the country. Chakwera has no strong prowess in that nature. He is stuck and when he sees a magnitude when he conducts a rally in any district of central region, he is contented. The people who are surrounding Chakwera are novice. They lack political indepth on Malawian politics. Exposing your academic qualifications is a nonstarter in Malawi. Read people’s minds. Articulate and juxapose. So, really, you can mention God in all this fuss but Chakwera will not guide the folks out as the status quo is now.
I don’t believe that. Just know that we love Dr Chakwera.
I agree. he wont
he is also in a wrong party
Human beings….. Just because Chakuwamba died now he is a good man?
Igo for chakwera, sindine wakuba wakuti ndikavotere mbavazi
Sindili kuonaposo ubwino ulionse momwe adalowela m’boma
Kaya ali chipani cholakwika kaya chotan ine ndi Chakwera Basi 2019 BOMA!!!
I hate peter munthalika , watipweteka ndi ulova hevy, 3 years at home since i graduated, kuyesa kupanga invest mulimi pano zokolora mavendor akungolanda k70 /kg chimanga , bolaso joice koma uyu olankhula zosavekayu mmm
kkkkk usandigwetse nalo phwete mpaka chakwamba hahahaha
tin foil too tight
Believe me Chakwera is our next president. A malawi palibe chabwino chimene akuchiona mu ulamuliro wambava za DPP
Zoti MCP ndikutenga boma ndakaika, komanso DPP yaonjeza
Ine wanga ndi chakwera basi! koma uyu osatha kuyankhula ngati mthuthuthu otha ma ring yu ine ai ndakana!awa ndi maganizo anga usandiyankhe ai.Mtsogeleri wanji osadziwa kuyankhula ngati mbuzi ikubwira gaga.
Work up and write again , if Chakuamba was capable why did he failed?
Dont compare chakwera with chakuamba!These are two different individuals and have different political backgrounds.Chakuamba was a political prostitute unlike chakwera.People lost trust in chakuamba bcoz he was a political rapist who used to rape political parties in the name of Alliances.Bcoz of this instability in his political career,people dumped him.Chakwera is a man who has religious background,politically stable and visionary as compared to Chakuamba and he has the largest followers unlike Peter.All Malawians have agreed to vote for Dr Chakwera as President in 2019.Peter should stand just to sweep Chakwera’s Offices!
Achewa tabalotani chomwecho koma za mcp kudzalamulira malawi ndi 0% angaiwale ndani zonunkha zainu oiwalayo ndie kuti simbadwa ya dziko lino kuvotera chipani chilichonse apart from dpp mchimodzmodzi osavota coz umakhala ukuvotera zolephera kale
Let me just remind you people out there. Chakwamba was vice president and runningmate to Kamuzu in 1994 elections. And when Kamuzu died in 1997 Chakwamba became MCP president. The 1999 elections vividly were in favour of Chakwamba. MCP had MPs across the country. From Nsanje to Chitipa and from Mchinji to Nkk. I know some of you aren’t good in history so lend me your tantalising memories. JZU wasn’t fascinated with Chakwamba at the helm of the party and him at the second feddle. Bakili took advantage of this to divide and rule MCP where he supported JZU to assume the presidency. MCP was divided into two camps. Most people from center were behind JZU. Few from central region, MCP from the south and north were behind Chakwamba. The two camps fought loosing battles to outdo each other in courts and on the grounds until last convention which was convened at motel Paradise in BT in 2002 which saw JZU at the helm of MCP. In 2003 Chakwamba resigned from MCP and formed RP which together with PPM of Aleke Banda and other parties formed an alliance called Mgwirizano coalition which again God knows, could have made him president of Malawi. His party, the RP, swept more seats in the south and north. MCP then under JZU, had been confined in central region only. Though Chakwamba was placed at number 3 according to 2004 election results, in true sense he might have won the 2004 elections. By deliberate move so that he shouldn’t be so inquisitive he was cornered to position 3. How MCP became loosely concentrated in central region, it was the work of aTcheya and UDF to divide and rule. So here we are, Chakwera has no option, he has inherited the ripples of egoncentricism. Hope you have it why I said Chakwamba was better placed to be president of the republic other than all his predecessors of MCP. However am not saying someone from MCP will never make it. He/she will but not Chakwera. Not even now. No!!!
Chakwera akukudwalitsani mutu waukulu mpaka tulo kusowa mmaso kwatsala nkumabwebweta. Akadakhala kuti Chakwera is a weak opponent like late mai Abusa Sighn sibwenzi akunenedwa tsiku ndi tsiku. Bravo my president Chakwera. In GOD we trust.
Chakwera is man of the moment! Bravo Chakwela!Any one castigating men of God should die.These People are heavenly sent,so let anyone who castigates them be cursed and go to hell!Malawians are fed up with this stupid regime!How sure are you that this old granny will make it in 2019?Poor governance coupled by old age has characterised his style of leadership.A Man too arrogant to take on board views of his critics!I dont see him going beyond 2019! Hahahahaha! Sons and daughters of the wicked silently enslaving God’s people,stealing,drinking and womanising in the name of democracy.Gosh! Indeed God’s Time is the best!Lord,help us to remove this water bowser stuck amidst our way so that in 2019 we sing hossana,hossana hossana!Am out!Thanks!
Henry, I like your comment because it is coming from deep down your bossom. I can assure you the beauty of democracy lies in the freedom of speech, conscience, association, and whatever. But remember God the almighty doesn’t welcome the curse of a sinner. Anyone who curses fellow man shall in no way enter the kingdom of God. When a man who was once a soldier wants to join politics, he automatically ceases to be respected with the honours he possessed while in the army. Likewise, Chakwera by virtue of joining politics, he ceased to be called man of God. He joined earthly and materialistic profession. By earthly certificates,yes,he can be called “reverend, pastor, bishop, prophet,…etc. So understand me clearly Henry, its not flawed for you to wholeheartedly dedicate your life on MCP and Chakwera. Do it. Go for it. But you are out of the tangent!!!
Henry, I like your comment because it is coming from deep down your bossom. I can assure you the beauty of democracy lies in the freedom of speech, conscience, association, and whatever. But remember God the almighty doesn’t welcome the curse of a sinner. Anyone who curses fellow man shall in no way enter the kingdom of God. When a man who was once a soldier wants to join politics, he automatically ceases to be respected with the honours he possessed while in the army. Likewise, Chakwera by virtue of joining politics, he ceased to be called man of God. He joined earthly and materialistic profession. By earthly certificates,yes,he can be called “reverend, pastor, bishop, prophet,…etc. So understand me clearly Henry, its not flawed for you to wholeheartedly dedicate your life on MCP and Chakwera. Do it. Go for it. But you are out of the tangent!!!
We Will Still Vote For Him.
Azavota Iwo Okha Ife Ayi Chani
A sign that he is giving them sleepless night. 2019 is the year osakwela BP panopa kkk
2019 stability, unity,development & discipline
Mantha amenewo
Chakwera is next Malawi President
Only God knows .Jeremiah 29 vs11
Kodi mukanganirananji?
Dziko la Malawi olo litasintha President otilamulira ndi azungu malamulo athu sagwira ntchito!!
Kkkkk, atifusa kale ovotafe maganizo athu? Shame!
zooona Mcp hahaha amene ndinavutikapo ndi mcp ngati ine I will never never vote mcp.
Iwara zimenezo ndi history chabe moti ndithudi munthu wanzeru angadzanyamuke ku nyumba yake mkumati akukavoteraso mbavazi kkkkkk kaya mwina popeza kuganiza saletsana
Kkkkkkkk komadi zoona palibe angayiwale Maka zowauza azimayi oyembekezera kuti aziguliratu makhadi awiri mmmmmm kuwina ndiye palibe azingokhala potsutsa pomwepo basi
Mukuchita naye matha tiona 2019 .Takuonani khalidwe lanu agalu inu.Dziwani kuti amalawi pano tidasiya ku vota mwaumbuli
Sitinganeneretu pano Chakwera akukondedwa ndi anthu ambiri. Ife nkhawa ikutipeza kwambiri chipani chathu cha DPP anthu ayamba kutaya chikhulupiriro chifukwa cha katangale mabwana athuwa. Dzikoli likukomera okha amene ali mu maudindo basi
Iwe ndi God? Who knew about Muluzi, Bingu, and Joice Banda to become presidents. Time will tell the truth not you. Dzidyani nawo a DPP WO misonkho yathu kachetechete.
Talk about Trump in USA. who knew he could win. Kkkkkkkkk.
Ndani Amadziwe Kt Bingu Angafe Ngat Galu??Muzisamala Ndi Pakamwapanupo
Paja DPP kuba
Ndani Amadziwe Kt Bingu Angafe Ngat Galu??Muzisamala Ndi Pakamwapanupo
GOd iz great we shall see 2019
Remember David, his family thought he was nothing yet God almighty changed his status and gave him power. Never judge anyone
iwo nimulungu akulosera chotero palibenso zokambirana dpp 2019 kapande gule kwao anzaonso avineko kuba anthu awa alibe nichifundo chomwe kumabelanso munthu wakumudzi ovutika mkale
inu tatopa nanu ndikuba kwanuko akape inu tizawonana 20@9 ndiboma kale #MCP 2019Boma kulamulira
Mulungu simunthu achimwene eti ndani amkadziwa
Akhala liti Yesu iwowa ankadziwa ndani kuti adzaunyantha u President..athokoze kubera
Akuti kufuna kusokoneza wanthu podetsa mbiri ya Chakwera,ankadziwa mndani za iwo kuti adzalamula
Mau owopa sure
If they are more powerful than God then its true
Olo osatiudza zimenedzi aliyense mziko muno akudziwa zimenedzi zoti mkuluyu sangawine chitsankho cha dziko lino ndipo ali kutali
Koma mbavazi? Moti ndithudi munthu wanzeru zake nadzachoka panyumba mkumati akukavotera mbavazi? Kaya mwina popeza kuganiza saletsana
Even Tramp in America waz doubtful
Are u god to judge Chakwela?
chabwino tava
Tionetsana 2019, ife tizavotera yemweyo chakwerayo
Paja mumamubera eti? Samalani mayankhulidwe anuwo.Ndani amadziwa kuti Joyce Banda angalamulirepo dziko lino?
Komansoiwe nzeru ulibe mesa anali Vice komanso kulamula kwakuti wina wafa psamadalira ayi.Kulamula kweni kweni akanafuna kulamula ndichisankho cha 2014koma munawona bwanjoi.NdiepanopaDPP izakhala ikpitilira kulamula mufune musafune ulendo wake ndi umene ukubbwerawu
Kulamulirira ndi kulamulira bac sizitengeranso condition.Koma zoti inu a
DPP muzichita kuneneratu zamtsogolo
ngati kt inuyo ndinu Mulungu then u ar
cheating urself.Mwina zandale waziyamba lero udakali mwana ufunsire kwa akuluakulu amchipani mwanumo ngati ndi amzeru wamva?
I strongly believe that if Israelites are still alive and we ask them who would lead them out of the hands of captivity/slavery in the hands of almighty pharaoh, Moses couldn’t be the first name on the list
Thats completely fallacy! U r not God! We shall see!
Zioneka 2019