Three WhatsApp groups have raised money amounting to 50,000 Kwacha to help former Dwangwa and Big Bullets goalkeeper Trust Lunda who is admitted at Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe.
The groups are Northern Region Football (SIMAMA), Radio ABC Sports Bag 89.8fm and Tnm Sports Update.
According to organising chairman Ronald Kasanga, the three sports groups decided to mobilise the funds since the former Bullets goalkeeper sent a word for help.
“We came up with this as he sent words to all Malawians who feel to do so and we decided it is good to use WhatsApp especially sports forums. Thank God a lot of people came in to pledge a little something,” he said.
Kasanga added that the door is still open to those who feel they can help in any way to do so.
“Lunda is our brother not because he was a player but he is a Malawian who did what many people appreciate in football circles,” he said.
Trust Lunda hanged up his boots some years ago and he started suffering from cancer two years ago.
In his career he played for Dwasco fc and Big Bullets before going to South Africa for greener pastures.
NBB munthuyu anakuthandizan kwambiri,mwapangapo chan???? It was #Nevigator Dzinkambani,den Douglas lero ndi Trust kuchipatala koma no help yet mwalandra 7 mita dzana dzanali
munthuyu ali ku central hospital,anthu ambiri timadutsa pompaja tsiku ndi tsiku,bwanji pa nthawi yathuyo kungochotsapo 1hr ndikukamuwona munthuyu ku kuchipatalako,munthuyu akuvutika kwambiri tiyeni tigwepo pamenepa
Ths z da tym to help osati akamwalira ndie maliro pa Stadium,volunteers mbwee! Pa Maliro…
These groups are just helping no hard feelings, if some of u think its not much then, then put more from your pocket otherwise zip your mouth.
What are the procedures if one wants to contribute?
Iweyo ukunyoza 50 grand we wapeleka zingat mbuzi yamunthu
God bless those who helped him openly, and wish him quick recovery
The door is still open, those want to reach us just via 0995168469 or 0884443730.
Get well soon mr lunda
Get well soon in Jesus name Amen
Good news
Get well soon my brother
typical of Malawian football stars ……..always dying paupers
Wishing u a quick recovery
Wish u a quick recovery!
Get well soon afana
akapereke okha
akapereke okha
Anthu ena amafuna kuthandiza pokhapokha akadziwa chomwe munthuyo akudwala,ngati kuli kotheka nenani chomwe chikumuvuta kuthandiza munthu sindalama zokha Palinso njira zina zomwe anthu angamuthandizire munthu,God will help you.
Mwendo waku right unatupa then kusupuka, u can check kuli POP, u link me via 0995168469/0884443730 for any help
Vuto la matimu a ku malawi munthu osewela akadwala silimamusamala ngathalekuti munthuyo anasewelapo mbuyomo tokukuyenelabe kumusamala osati poti anasiya kale kusewela nde timunyoze it’s not good.
Kodi anthu mumangoti timusiye nzathuyi mmapephero kodi munthu alibe malaya iwe uli nawo ndiye uziti ambuye akudalise how,…osangotenga malaya nkupasa bwanji,..munthuyi akuyenela kuthandizidwa financially coz ali ndi family ndiye mmene munayambila muja ambuye amukhuze,..ambuye amukhuze,..kuti chiani.
Guys dollar sinapitebe as am writting yadutsa 70pin, mutha kusokha nawo via mpamba or airtel money 0995168469/0884443730 or National bank 3710025, ngat muli outside malawi use mukuru or money gram. Names shall be broadcast on radios. Xanks in advance
that’s nice
Tiyeni timuikize mzathuyu m ‘mapemphero, chifukwa pemphero langa ndi pemphero lanu likhoza kuchita zazikulu mwa trust lunda tigwirane manja m ‘mawa ndife, ambuye amukhuze ndipo chisomo chifundo ndi mtendere zochokera lwa mulungu atate mwana ndi mzimu oyera zikhale ndi trust lunda lero ndi kunthawi zonse. Amen.
Jah Jah people 50k yachepa.
mutha kusokha nawo via mpamba or airtel money 0995168469/0884443730 or National bank 3710025, ngat muli outside malawi use mukuru or money gram. Names shall be broadcast on radios. Xanks in advance
Dzoko lamalawi limakonda munthu alibwino.trust lunda ngati amasewela mpira mutimu yadziko ndichomodzomodzi munthu ogwira tchito mboma.mboma lichitepa kathu
kodi kuthandiza kulikonse tizilengeza chonchi?
mutha kusokha nawo via mpamba or airtel money 0995168469/0884443730 or National bank 3710025, ngat muli outside malawi use mukuru or money gram. Names shall be broadcast on radios. Xanks in advance
mateam monga NBB and Dwangwa munthuyu anali wanu chitanipo kanthu.mesa a bb mumapulisa tom tom kangachepe mpatsen
Thax 4 donate
I can help the Medicine of Cancer for free please send me his number or His relatives can collect in Dwangwe Matiki 2 Mr Mhango the line of Wellfare or DCGL
Please all Malawian who are suffering from Cancer this is your opportunity , I’m first Chambaologist of Malawi who have Ganja Seed with high CBD , CBN and Delta 9 . But I haven’t registered/ obtained the license from Malawi Government # in my inbox for more information
Chonde ndipaseni number Yake anali muzathu ku Dwangwa or add me for Northern Malawi What’s app group akhoza kutenga mankhala ku Mzuzu .
Xanks boss for your hand. God bless u
Kasanga Ronard Thews your welcome but still waiting his number
Ok will get it from mike bango tommorow then send it to u. Xanks once again
No problem just wish me well
Simatama Amalawi akalandira Trust LUNDA Malawi 24 will update you
More information TIMPUNZA MWANSAMBO former Press Secretory of President
Please drope he number as well
Get well soon. I know this guy he is from nkhata kota in 2001 we go to the same school. Linga cdss
mwaphunzira pa CDSS eti nanga mmachita mwano bwanji?
Mwano wachani??
nde muthandizenitu…nanga akuvutika
So what have you done ??? At this moment kudziwana naye its meaningless kkkkkkk man do something rather to say ndamphunzira nae kkkkkkkk and so what ???? Huh ??
Who can we donate as well
Add me to that whatsap group
mutha kusokha nawo via mpamba or airtel money 0995168469/0884443730 or National bank 3710025, ngat muli outside malawi use mukuru or money gram. Names shall be broadcast on radios. Xanks in advance. U can halla me on airtel line wu add u
dola zimene amalandila ku Bullets anapanga nazo zotani mwina amadya ndi mahusha ndiye basi kanyela amupha ameneyo komabe big up to whatsApp groups yaine sainunkha
i didn’t ask your comment u cant’s
Mulibe umunthu amwene
Mathews mukamalemba mumakhara mutu mwakhalira..??
Wasuta ganja uyo khalidwe alibe mawa udzakhala iwe
Ukukhala ngati u have apit latrine in your head.
U R More Than Stupid, Idiot U Hav 2 Change Your Name From Mathews 2 Devil.God Bless U Abundantly And Shud Be With U And 4rgive U Cause U Dont Know What U R Doing.Amen.
very unfortunate Mr Phiri! do you know how much these players get? you comment is a total waste sir,may good Lord change your thinking because at one point or other you will need people to assist ! this player has been in and out of hospital how could he serve money ?
Uzaziona ngati siiwe azankhala m’bale wako.
Ngat kut akupemphetsa, mayaz man ndizaanthu oganiza mwaumunthu izi,,,
eish koma ndiye simudzayankhuranso moyo wanu onse a mathews , koma ambuye akuyendere mwapa dera
Amalawi tamakhalani ndiumunthu polankhula, chavuta ndichani olo atapempha? Zamatenda amunthu zilibe kanthu, nkhani ndiyakuti tizifunilana zabwino pamene nzathu wadwala. Enanu ngati mulibe ndemanga pankhaniyi mukanakhala chete, simunamveko kodi kuti chaona nzako chapita mawa chili kwaiwe? Ngati simungakwanitse kuthandizapo khalani chete.
Ngat siukufuna kumuthandza ndbwno kukhal chete than kuyakhul mwano chonch
lol lol lol koma yah petros mpaka kufika ponditukwana ook now its my turn go n lick your mothers pussy and after dat go n wash your balls coz they really stink and ndiwe chitsiru machende ofotawo ur mother’s hole.Tendai mwano amalankhula ndi amayi ako akamachindidwa osati ine nd go suck your mothers pussy
GWS Trust
Ayesesa osanyoza nanunso pangani mbali yanu wawa.Ndakunyadirani mwathandizanu mulungu akupaseni zambili kuti mawa muzachilensi ena.Thax.
Only K50,000 Mk you call them WhatsApp groups? Ndidamva kuti okonda team ya Manchester ku Lilongwe adasonkha more than 1million Mk kagulu ka anthu osakwananso mwina 100 kukathandiza odwala ku KCH. Koma munthu uyu wazunzika nthawi yaitali tiyeni timuthandize molowa manja osati ka 50,000 ndikumalengeza kuti WhatsApp groups.
Yamikirani kuti anvanu achitapo kathu abale
Iweyo wachitapo chani pamene ukunyazitsa za anzako? Pull Him Down syndrome basi. Iwe ukaganiza kuti aliyense amene ali ndi kufuna kwabwino ndi munthu wolemera?
Iweyo ndi galu wa munthu….thandizo silichepa wamva…osapeleka iweo ndalama yoseyo bwa??
Mmm chithandizo sichichepa.
Thandizo silichepa koma tizithandiza molowa manja #Felix this guy has been suffering for a long time.
unakakhala kut wasonkha iweo bwex ukutulitsa kau ameneo
#Richards I know what am doing I can do more than that koma ndikungofuna kulimbikitsa fans kuti tizithandiza molowa manja mzathuyu akuvutika kwambiri.
Marc Santos ngati mukuziwa kuti mutha kuthandiza kuposela pamene ena akwanisapo ingothandizani basi musachedwe ndikudzudzula ena. 1 is better van northing
Kuumila anthu inu koma kumwera mowa ndi mahule basi kuti tithandize ovutika sititha. Sindikudzudzula koma kukulimbikitsani. Amenenso mukulimbikiranu ndiomwe mukumva kuwawa ndi 50,000 yomwe ena athandizayo mukuyesa ndi ndalama yambiri.
Santos ngat ndalama ilipo nyamuka uyambe iweyo kupeleka molowa manja.
This is how we are we Malawians can’t you just understand? Kuipa mitima basi!
Just imagine akuti “magulu” kusonkha 50,000 ndikumauza atola nkhani…
Koma 50 yachepa Jah pple
50,000 is nothing we have to do more than that to save this guy’s life.
what have you done as an individual so that you can stand on open and talk,
I can’t come here and talk bla bla bla chifukwa choti ndathandiza. Or else I can just encourage my fellow folks to help this guy. Not like this only 50,000 from GROUPS and ndikumalengeza bwanji ikanakhala group imodzi bola not groups…
…….Mwachaje Satafuna…….Mphatso Siichepa….
ngakhale ikanakhala 1000 pa anthu 1000 osokha kwa ine ndiyambiri kobasi chifukwa ine even kobidi loboola sondinathandize. keep it up amene mwapanga zimenezo munthu amene samgayamike kakang’ ono ngakhale kumpatsa papakulu sayamikabe amati koma pakanakhala pakuti
Guys dollar sinapitebe as am writting yadutsa 70pin, mutha kusokha nawo via mpamba or airtel money 0995168469/0884443730 or National bank 3710025, ngat muli outside malawi use mukuru or money gram. Names shall be broadcast on radios. Xanks in advance
I’ll send direct to his wife.
ohooooo kod whatsapp group yasandukaso bullets eeeeee abale kusava ngende bwanji
big up NBB fanz
Akudwala chani
Pamene mwachosapo Mulungu awonjezerepo.
Welcome move NBB family…enanso atengerepo phunziro..
kodi anena kuti nbb yokha ndiyo ikusonkha ndalamazo ai mr koma wakufuna kwabwino
Koma nzeru ya bwinoyi yabweretsa ndi NBB family…..enanso otithandiza ali olandilidwa…
Thru Airtel money?
Ndiangati amene adwala oti sanamenyepo bb inuyo a bb ndikuthandiza? Mesa mwabwelesa nzeluzimenezo chifukwachoti kalipo
Ndalama imeneyi ikusonkhedwa chifukwa choti, trust adamenyapo nbb, ndipo ndi initiative ya masapota a NBB ya pangisa kuti dola imeneyi izisonkhedwa…ma team enanso atengelepo phunziro maka maka FAM pa national team
Asokhatu si a BB okha mutafufuza mupeza kuti ma group enawo ndi a ma team ena
Ronard kasanga aunenedwa mu story mo ndineyo am not big Bullets sapota. Izi akupereka aliyetse kaya official wa fam or sulom, pa list pathu pali anthu ambiri……………………..Guys dollar sinapitebe as am writting yadutsa 70pin, mutha kusokha nawo via mpamba or airtel money 0995168469/0884443730 or National bank 3710025, ngat muli outside malawi use mukuru or money gram. Names shall be broadcast on radios. Xanks in advance