Leader of the Roman Catholic Church Pope Francis has given Malawi US$ 500,000 (about K365 million) to support hunger stricken families in the country.

Announcing the donation in Malawi, Cardinal Filoni said the money will be used to buy food aid for the victims. He said the money will be channelled through church organizations that work with affected communities.
This comes after Vice President Saulos Chilima paid a visit to Pope Francis to extend an invitation from President Peter Mutharika.
The donation also follows reports that nearly half of the country’s population is food insecure due persistent dry spells and floods in the last growing season.
Earlier this year Mutharika appealed for well wishers at both local and international levels to help the victims.
and hw much goes to him from poor malawians
Thanks @Pope & #Damn Malawi leaders
Our pope our pride! He is peoples pope
Mudyeso iiiiiii koma akanyimbi awa aaaaaa sadzatheka
Thanks to Pope he knows our problems but president is busy buying his K105 million kwacha car does he care or not ?????? Rubbish president
GO TO HELL THAT BEAST. He must no that what ever he do is un appreciative before True Living God.
God bless
Akubaso kkkkk
Makape amene mwalandla ndalamazo sikut zithele mthumba zigwre ntchto yake mukapanga zachamba musanduka botolo la frozy!!!!!
Gratitude to the pontif.The good lord should countinue blessing him& give him good health.
Ndiye muzigawane.
Thank you man of God for helping Malawians, God will replace where you have removed
Anthu alemeranso!!!!
To God be the glory, year of mercy at its best!
Amen munthu wamulungu, koma winawe usayitenge ndalamayo ngati yoseweretsa, chonde igwire ntchito yake mwandondomeko yabwino.
eee unduna owona za ngozi zogwa mwadzidzidzi amwetulira, koma mudya bwinotu,
olemelawo awonjezele zuma zawo abe thanks pope. for me iwill never vote again eeee athu nga kuba
Good gesture by the Catholics as a whole.Hope others will emulate
Thnks god
More blessings to Pope Francis.
What a gesture,thanks Pope Francis, Malawians show your patriotism and integrity on this donation
Thanx pope 4 yor donation but ask malawians whre is that donation? They hav alread filled pockets ths stupid and greedy leaders. Out side they looks like sheep but inside are cheatars
Under what condition?
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God bless you pope francis
Don’t waste your time critisising Pope. If you are a good Giver, why don’t you assist those who need urget help?
Apadi akanangogawa aliense 3 million ,ikwanira
May God bless pope Francis
w@s behind de donation?…Nobody really knwz
Whatever it is, with da leadership, the needy have to assisted. Thnx to god for my pope.
Osamayankhula mau onyoza kwa anthu ozozedwa coz muzatenga nazo matembelero. Ngati mwaona kut akulakwitsa just forgv them coz nawonso ndi anthu. So kuthandiza ts nt a problem. Long live pop Francis & thanks for the help.
Kunyozana sikwabwino, Koma musati munthu ozozedwa àdamuzoza ndi nďani?
Peter,u hv spoken u r own views,i wonder why pipo are compromising? this is democratic country and ontop of that u hv freedom of expression,no one should scare u.It’s all about country and it’s pipo,u can’t entertain an error,gud day.
Thnx Pope Francis
Thanks pope
God blessing u
Saving lives is responsibility of christians , thats good for pope francis amen!
money will go straight into there pockets yet people r dying with hunger.indeed its good to donate food than money..
Ndamala zomwe atumiza ndi zija zanu zomwe kukatolika amati chakhumi ndizina muziwa momwe zimakhalira muja,ndiye musade ndikhawa ndi zanu wakudya azidye basi.
Pope gives 365 million for 2019 campaign nt for Malawi hunger victims. Dont use Malawians for ur gain.
People don’t understand this. This is the church’s own Sunday collections which are sent to countries in need as allocations. And this is going through Catholic Development Commission (Cadecom), which does all the allocations and make sure the help reaches the intended target. It hasn’t been given to the government
God bleess u
Pples of God the helpng indeed but our leaders the first to eat those donation thats why our country pples whose are on top they being rich and poor pple the becoming more poor specally villagers ! Pls God loock upon my country . Let me give thank papa for his helping my malawi now leaders they happy to eat it. So far about it totary is not good to help cash in malawi but day is coming
Now this is christianity
Thank you holy father.
Wamalamulo 12 uja ndi uyu kodi eti.Muzibonzana amuna kapena akazi nokhanokha yebo.Malawi,mwai wako ukhonza kukhala nyambo komanso ntendele sinsimatu ayi.#evison matafale sananame.
Bloodly money? How? A Malawi kusayamika_ inuyo tipatseni clean money poti ndinu oyera mtima
Dats cul bt zoneke bhoobo chonde xtkufuna tvutkexo ayi
Where do the money goo?
Dats good newz
muyipangeso cashgate
Thats why some of outside countries used to call us beggars just bcoz of stupid people who go out with there blood fucken head to ask 4 help in order 2 help the whole country but they take out half of that money and put it there account as there family budget just wishing u bad lucky and the graveyard penalty will be ur rewards ,people r suffering in hospitals,there is lak of medicines,no much xools in our country,and ofcause there is hunger in our country but why u were asking 4 money instead of asking 4 maize because the one who is hungry always asks 4 food but i asked 4 money ,hmm every little money u’ll try to take out u’ll have a reward 4 that , our country is on fire now and may The all loving and the all merciful protect us amen
A Malawi ambiri ndi osazindikira..
Kkkkkkk a cry from a concerned citizen
thanks pope, koma chenjezo ndalamazo wapeleka ndi munthu otumikila mulungu ngati ndalamazo mwapanga manja anuwo oipa lende kuthyolela ndalamazo mumathumba mwanu ndikulumbilila pamaso pa mulungu ndalamazo mupeze matembelelo ambili mpaka chi imfa chanu chonunkha anthu opusa inuchithandizo mayiko akunja amatipasa koma ndalamazo mudya ndi family zanu zamatchimozo foseki ndikunenesa pamaso pa mulungu ndalamazo zachokela muthumba la mulungu mukadya apapa ndiyemuonekela ng’amba ndi mavuto omwe mut mupeze chilango choyamba ndi kuvutika mavuto osatha chachiwili imfa amen
Musadane ndimkono womwe ukukudyetsani, koma danani ndikamwa yomwe ikumeza thandizo lanu. Ngati tikuluma dzanja lotidyetsa kodi mawa litidyetsanso?
There in America there is no poor but in malawi ? U better know that if u r buying lyf of people or our blood u’ll pay back and we know already that its ur contract to sacrifice people’s lyf but one day u’ll sacrifice ur self and that in the country of blind the one eyed man is king its 2reu we are watching you
Use that money to subside prices
Glory be to God
Thank u boss papa (zikomo bwana papa)
Agawana kale pano
Zisalowe kundale,,apangila kampeni
Thus better, may the Lord God bless Malawi in Jesus Christ name.
Vuto ra Malawi ndirakuti munthu wathandixa kma aaaaa 365 milion 100 inayo mukubanso AAAA xachixoni kwambiri mukanakhara kt mukamarandiri manthandixo ndikumaonazo momwe anthu akuvutikira aaaaa sibwexi mukuba kya pakuti ndikharidwa ranu bani
Bloody money
Thanx Pope, but stop waisting ur money coz the president n his followers r money hungry they gonna put in their pockets.
Ndalama zanthu zomwe izi.. Kufuna kutibaralitsa basi..
Mwachedwa, azigawana kale. Chimanga angogula matumba awiri, mumva zatha.
T like Peter Cyee’s comment. Thank you Pope the job well done
Abenso mbuzi zimenezi eish ayiwala kuti ndizamtchalitchi
Osabatu ndalamazo ndi umbava wanu opanda nawo manyaziwo
mugawanenso imeneyo ku parliament ko mudzigulira ma galimoto odhula,, zot anthu akuvutika musayendere ayi azaweluza yekha mulungu pa tsikulo
good news. God Bless you Pope Francis. I
Idiot people we chop this money poor people well still sleep no food why why Malawi
Anakakhala Bushiri mkunalandila??
Kutaya nthawi chabe
Ma Donaziwa muziyesako kugulilatu chakudyacho
Thank you holy father…it has really come in good time. People are really starving in the villages. I heard the vice president went to meet the pope. I guess u av a heart of helping others our vice president. May God continue guiding u wth wisdom. To all those who are busy insulting pope francis. May God forgive all ur sins.
Mphamvu yake mulungu ndalama imodzi nzotsatheka
Zithela n’thumba mwaanthu Ma Leader ake amenewa..Zithandizo ndie zimabwelat ndipo Malawi gt money koma awo olandilawo magwilitsidwe antchito zake ndramazo Sakwanilitsidwa..Tsoka kwaiwe uzuza mizimu yaanthu osauka iwe nkumasangalala ndi Banja lako.
God will punish u pope 4 what u r advocating,if u were really aman of God u would be ashamed with gays and lesbians,the world is turning 2 sodom and gomorah coz of u,am xory we r not interested in ur donation,its better to die with hunger than accepting evil donation,lol.
Im a Muslim but what you are talking about have nothing with his donation.
people are indeed stupid….. mmmmh even to say thank you is difficult…
Inuyo Muli ndi mphamvu yokana ndalamazi?
What does the issue of gays and lesbians have to do with the pope? open your eyes chap!!!
Kape iwe,,, think b4 action
Why not blaming your leaders who are busy encouraging homosexuality in the name of human rights
Zochtka m”masku otsrza
Good example God bless you.
Dzikomo kochuluķa mr Pope koma dziko lathu muñazaza mbava zophunzira muzipempherere ndalamazo zigwire ntchito yake zisapite mu account ya amfumu mix nduna
Azibusa munatolera zokolora kwa akhristu anu ngati zakhumi komanso masika onetsani chitsanzo tisadikire maiko ena pamene inu anthu amulungu mulindi chimanga choti simungakwanitse kudyanokha nthawi yamavutoyi
Its our own church offerings which our own brethren contributes on sunday services,he kept for us n now our coins are back in Us dollars wit som few interests I surppose,so doh make story give us another story.
GOD make every thing easy for him and gives him more to help some needy people next time.
Well done His Holiness Pope Francis for agud example u hav shown.
This is wat our lord Jesus commanded us to do. May God bless u
Iyi nde simuikana?
am proud of Roman Catholic Is My Too. Thanks Pope Francis 4r Th Saving Our Hunger. Jesus Feeds Five Thousand In Chaptel Luke.
Will not suffer
Ndalama zimenezi Pope wazipepherera ndiye tikazitengela zibwana kupakulapo wina zimumvuta becoz its adonation from man of God.Aboma chonde yetsetsani amphawife zitifikire.Exod14V14.
Ndalama zimenezi Pope wazipepherera ndiye tikazitengela zibwana kupakulapo wina zimumvuta becoz its adonation from man of God.Aboma chonde yetsetsani amphawife zitifikire.Exod14V14.
Ndalama zimenezi Pope wazipepherera ndiye tikazitengela zibwana kupakulapo wina zimumvuta becoz its adonation from man of God.Aboma chonde yetsetsani amphawife zitifikire.Exod14V14.
Ndalama zimenezi Pope wazipepherera ndiye tikazitengela zibwana kupakulapo wina zimumvuta becoz its adonation from man of God.Aboma chonde yetsetsani amphawife zitifikire.Exod14V14.
That’s my Pope n proud catholic
Mpingo wapamalo ponse
Kodi paja wachiwiri wa mtsogoleri wathu adapita kukacheza naye eti kikikikikiki
Malawi kulandira ndalama kwamlungu wadziko lapansi,,,,,lero chimwemwe mtsaya
Ndalama zimenezi Pope wazipepherera ndiye tikazitengela zibwana kupakulapo wina zimumvuta becoz its adonation from man of God.Aboma chonde yetsetsani amphawife zitifikire.Exod14V14.
Osadandaula ndi umphawi GOD will make it easy
Ndalama zimenezi Pope wazipepherera ndiye tikazitengela zibwana kupakulapo wina zimumvuta becoz its adonation from man of God.Aboma chonde yetsetsani amphawife zitifikire.Exod14V14.
Sikuti azitipasa kwinako kuli kutinyengelela mathanyula nde chamba chimenecho
U donors can’t u buy maize and beans instead of money 2 dese corrupt leaders
tizaonana nthawi yomaliza
Kodi Kumalawi Kuno Kuli Njala?
Anthu ambili ali ndi njala kupatulako khomo lakoro
Kkkkk Osamawanamizila Athu Apa Akudya 3 Times A Day Ngati Ine Ndemwe
Give them maize not money this pipo they knw hw 2 steal
Ndalama zafika kwa anthu acashgete
Stupidity and insanity the Malawi catholic will collect that money and send to their pope where he leaves.nothing good.all bullshit
Paja msilamu sumayamika,ukufuna kumuphanso paja,unya,nkhope ngati kumatako a galu
Thanks pope Francis
Koma ndalama akupeleka anthu ndi ma bungwe malo mothandiza anthu za njala mukukagula magalimoto ndikumapita timaulendo tano ta ziiiiii pomwe anthu akufa ndi njala Mulungu akuwona zonsezo
Bola cashgate isalowepo
Thanks pope
God contiue bless u Man of God for helping #MALAWI
Hunger gate will take place from that amount
Chithumba chinabooka zizingopitilira izi
ndalama zimenezo, sagulilanso chimanga vuto lakumalawi, abanso, musamawathandize awa ndi akuba, ndidziko la ntundu wanji lokanika kusintha umbava ulitho, maiko owandikana nawo anasintha kalekale pano ndiwotukuka, koma kumalawi kumangoba, posachedwapa timva kuti. He is richest in africa, zimandiwawa kwambiri
APM can even steal that if he so wishes!
Man of God
May those people who will handle the money try all their best so that the help must reach the people who really deserve it.May the Holy Spirit guide them .
Where sluggard get that money?
God bless our pope
May de almight bless u
If u want to help Malawi with money give direct to the needy pple bcoz our politicians r thieves they don’t care about poor Malawians
It has been given to Cadecom not government
Cash to Malawian leaders you just giving it to pot bellied men
u have just helped these selfish leaders mr pope!!!.u cud hv just donated some food
Dis money should makes the price of maize to fall up to k150/kg to help the poor dont jst enjoy urself God will punish u
The president and his family spent more than than for their mulakho thing, why begging from the pop, ndakwiya
This has been given to Cadecom which is a Catholic branch for development purposes. All in good hands and not to the government
Ndimve kuti amuna akwatirana okhaokha pamenepo heeeeeish
kma bola zgwile ntchto ndalamazo!! apo ayi tngogawana aliyense apange zache!!
do you trust our government
I just hope it never goes into the pockets of people.
God bless u pope ,u surpot my family not only malawi gorvnment
Agree with you Chimwemwe Nkhata’s views. Ndalama zimenezo sizioneka kumene zilowere.
Tidyeko Za 666
kkkkkkkkk Beast man tidyenawo zikanapezeka.
Zathuzomwe izi,tiswe zimenez.
tathokoza wawa, koma king of wu ndi akhakhakha ake omutsatira thumba limeneli sathera ma fees a adzukulu awo ku masukulu odula a kunja?
Thanx @ pope mulungu azikudalitsani koma nkhawa yanga ili kwatsogoleliwa kaya ndalama zimenezi aguladi chakudyacho ndakayika poti kuno kumalawitu umbombo ndiumene udakula kufuna kukhutisa mimba zawo ngati enafe siife A malawi, koma ndalama iyi yokha ndiyiwone pothela sichifukwa kuti munakapepha ndinu koma ya bwela mudzina lofuna kuthandiza A malawi.
Mwathandiza andale zimenezo
Thanks so much our Pope Francis
This hunger is only seen by foreigners whilst our own president is buying state of the art Toyota Lexus V100. Government has punished all Malawian companies that they couldn’t afford helping their own valued customers,few days ago America, china, and others have donated huge sums of money and our government is busy right now buying heavy duty cars for the convoysof the president. Personally I don’t hate the buying of that Lexus but the timing is bad. How can donors feel, that they are donating huge sums of money to a country that seem better off, a country that is pretending as if all is well. What our mother Malawi has reached is a point of being set on autopilot we as Malawians we have boarded a bus whose Speedo meter is above 179.9 Km/h yet our tyres are all worn out. The end result will be disastrous and we may have very few to survive and stand on a tedious voter’s que in the year 2019. Most of us will be either dead or powerless. Watch out Guys these monies we are currently receiving its not a blessing but a shame
Kkkkkkk mutu wa mbuzi
Magetsi athima 5koloko m’mawa
Nanga choncho Mr Davie Gwazeni, but I can assure you kuti this magetsi problem is not natural, it’s the current government killing escom too much corruption there, some members of staff are at large, they are forced to give contracts to some selected individuals whose performance background is not in electrical, now Malawians are facing blackouts and those crooky bosses have gensets and they get free fuel on behalf of poor malawians. This is not fair at all.
I love you comment Moses… you have a concrete point ☝️
aziyambakale kuchitila mulakho pitala ndiwakuba kwambiri
I can see another cashgate, thank u Mr pope
Malipiro anu povomereza u gay and u lesbian pope doesnt pay were doesnt benefit open up he also done the same ku south africa last year afta kuvomereza gay thing wlcm to da world of pope and his team
satanic money from the devil himself
Chilungabo man, ndimadabwa, antu osewa kut ali mu dima?
U jst knw bra indeed
u have issues. #Catholic for life.
@Gift hehe no1 have issues here myb its u cuz we all say our opinion so ngat sizinakuwaze suck it up boy kusitizaopa kunena chilungamo ndi devil ndi devil u cant change him
Ndimaona ngati simkuonatu kkkkkk
Babulo afalikira dziko lonse lapansi ndipo posachedwa ofika nthawi okhulupilira mulungu wakumwamba amva zowawa ovomereza chilombochi akhalabe moyo okondwa koma mathero ake okhulupilira azaimba lokoma ikatha nkhondo imeneyi!!
Sun”day law ikubwera
@ati alinane ameen koma mukatero ena akudana nazo ndie eshii kkkk koma tisasiye kuphulisa chilungamo
@Rashid, in the first place you said to Gift that he should not get into your comment, cuz its your opinion, kodi opinion ndi chilungamo? and ndipo mpingo wanu inu unayamba utapelekapo chithandizo ku dziko losowa?
Khulupilirani Mau Ake.Bible Likuti Chani? Dulu Na Malezi Vikulire Lumoza,mwini Munda Ndiyoazammanya Pakuvuna.
proudly catholic
Kkk zikuoneka kut ambir zawaipira kobaaasi pepan #catholic ife kunena zomwe timadzwa cuz baibulo limalesa ukwat wa amuna okha okha koma uyu pope akuka nawalimbktsa anthu azikwatirana okha okha why against baible wich is words of God means akupanga against mulungu so onse otero amachdwa satana or devil and onse umusatira ndi ma devil worshper and ali ndi malo awo amodz ku #hell pepan ine mantha
Ahmed Rashid Kabichi, thanks bro for speaking nothing but the truth. I know people of this world always criticise whoever speaks the truth because they’re in darkness. This is a reward for allowing same-sex marriages and poor Malawians are clapping hands in the name of hunger, God help Malawi.
Tadyani za Satanic zo mukamaliza munena
But they will steal that money that’s leaders in Malawi
Ndalama imeneyi ikangogwiritsidwa ntchito mwachinyengo atsogoleri onse omwe akhunzidwe ndi chinyengocho adzafa ndi nthenda ya mphusi in a month nonse mudzatha phyitiiii!
Direct Or Indirect Funds?Surely Some Will Benefit By Building Their Own Mansions.
thanks for assist us God may bless you
Izi dzokha tidyeko nafe osati kugula galimoto chonde Ivanko.
Satanic Money
God bless you
365m taxed or not taxed?
Thanks big man wamkulu koma ma hunger victims alipo ngakhale ena ali ku ndende koma aaah ziwakwana. Pano ayambako kufuna malo omangira nyumba. Koma akamadzi a pamalawi ndi 1 no marcy achita nazo za ku kachisi
Ndalama zathu zomwe mmesa ndi zija timapereka kutchalitchi ndi kugula ma kolona bizness ya papa
eya man ndizanu zomwe zimenez
Hahaha you can imagine our moloseni is driving expensive car you will never have,everuthing in my country is upside down,but thanks Pontif.MOLOSENI SAZATHEKA
Amen……thanx man ov GOD
it wont reach the wright people corruption is among malawians
U mean corruption in Malawi is also a great threat as here in Kenya?
prince william muchomba people don’t care for the poor. I guarantee I that half thirds of that money will go to the people who are already rich
Anthu tonse tilimo 14m mudziko lan2,bwanji aliyense apatse pamanja yake ndalamayo awone prgm yenkha basi
Kkkkkkk sopano aliyese akati amupase pa manja tilandila bwanji bwanji? Kkkkkkk 365 divide by 14. = k26 pa munthu kkkkkk
Kkkk eya 26 anyanya kuba man anthu amenewa,kkk
bola anzathu
it wo t tea
Ena ake azipangira cashgate zimenez
Tanks Pope
Msasegule ma shop through this money paja mlindinjila zanu zopusisila ovutika
God bless the Pope
In my opinion as far as Malawi is concerned….. it is never good to give a donation in terms of cash….. he should have brought foodstuffs….. I doubt if that money will reach the intended recipients as its supposed to be………. Thanks Pope Francis….
Yea!He Should Have Addressed By The Social Welfare Through Giving Us Relief Food Not Cash.
Infact the donation will be given through organisations like CADECOM
pamenepo azichalira kale kudya ndipo sanananso kuti tayambapo kugawa cahkudya chaulere ayi, ,,Malawi wakeup
Koma umbuli siwabwino. Ndalama zomwe Pope wachita donate sizikukhuza Malawi govt. rather zikukhuza Malawi Country. The donation will be handled by catholic organizations, pronto. Musapusepo apa.
Koma umbuli siwabwino. Ndalama zomwe Pope wachita donate sizikukhuza Malawi govt. rather zikukhuza Malawi Country. The donation will be handled by catholic organizations, pronto. Musapusepo apa.
Iyi yokha nde musayelekese kubako olo 10 kwacha mupunduka
Kkkklkkkk zipita mumatumba awo
Bola ziwafike osowawo
Tidyenso zaulere amwene ,Zabwera Zokha bac .Lol Tho many thanks to God for the supprot tho Ndalamanzo sizikafika zonse kwa ma victims wo .koma Malawi ndi wina wina amwene .
Kodi chiyambireni chothandiza ,maiko ndi mabungwe zakwana zingati ndikufuna ndiziwe .tichite compare ndinjalayo?mbala inu mbabva mukudyera dzina lanjala
othandiza akuthandiza koma palibe chikusitha!! why????
Mmmmmm chilipo ku mwanza, nthyolo and phalombe anthu akulandila chimanga cha ulere.
kunali bwino kutsitsa mtengo wa chimanga, 12500????.
Eya munthu wa Mulungu, bwerani nazo, tizidyee,timangire manyumba,tizigawane,tizigawire ache abale athu,osowa tiwapatsa _one tenth, eyetu nde Malawi ameneyo.
chonena ndlibe
Thanks Pope: But Dnt Steal The Money. Ndat Musabe Ndalamazo
With joy in my heart i share this testimony of how i was cured from HIV. This is a true story i owe the doctor alot for saving my life.Painfully, i was tested HIV positive 6 years ago. I kept on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me, but unfortunately, it kept on eating up my life until i came in contact with a lovely article on the internet on how this Powerful Herbal Doctor got a lady cured of the Hiv virus. So as a patient i knew this will take my life someday, and thoughts of this troubled me. So i copied out the Dr Whatsapp number :2348079062707 and messaged him immediately.He sent the herbal medicine to me and after a month and some days of taking it he asked me to go for check up. i went to my medical doctor only to hear from him that i am HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the test note, he ask me how it happened and i told him everything that happened with Dr ikuku so he ran another series of tests,i was still found negative. I am now so very happy.the joy in me is my reason for sharing this testimonies to everyone who seeks healing, because once you get calm and quiet,the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing. The doc whatsapp number :+2348079062707
Thief,you are trying to rob people
Thank you Pope for the gift. Don’t mind these illiterate malawians when they insult you on this gesture. They are very sick with jealous. Don’t mind them when they tell you our budget bought the presidential fleet instead of maize. Let them not bother you with all sorts of insults because what they want is to see the president dead and resigning or incapacitated. That’s our Malawi pope.
Krezy, do u know who speak that word? it’s spoken by morons. so aren’t you?
Stupid remarks
hope you can make you comment not this ‘stupid remark’ on my comment Benito
Za a katolica ndizoopysa mulangika nazo
Mungotigawaniza 5 million aliyense itikwana iyi yokha musadye nokha mutuluka nayo phudzi………
Kkkkkkk koma ubuli ndi matenda ovuta kuwachiza! Sopano mukatenga 365million divide by 5million. Answer ndi bwa? …… … ….. Ine ndikupeza 63. Ndiye inuyo mukufuna kuti akupaseni anthu 63 basi enao azifa ndi njala? Kkkkk
Koma agawe or ka 1 mitre aliyense kkkkkkk
Aliyese ndi k 26. Basi kkkkkkk
Sometimes by reading comments try to understand where the person means without going afar and calling mbuli(buli)….what the dude means is that at least before they use the money in their dubious ways at least kochepako kafikileko ovutikawo…..we all know not the whole chunk will reach the intended destination .
many thanks to #The_Pope.
Ndiye mube zimenezo? Akulemberani chizindikiro chamtanda mpaka kulichete utsikira.
Why wasting time with malawi? Come and see our leaders using the most expensive cars that even you donors you have never driven!
a lexus dude??
A Malawi simuzathekaso ndithu
Excatly lexus
that car is cheap…ma donors sakwela toyota
K365 million how much is lexus?
is #Lexus the most expensive car kapena dzinaro ndi lomwe likukuopsani…Lexus ndi Toyota imangofanana
kaya ozitsatanu
Ndima Lexus atatu amenewo
Kkkkk mu Malawi sazatheka sure
Mac umadziwa masamu ndekut aitanitsanso paja akufunika eight
prezdent wa dziko amafunika adzikhala ndi private jet ngati ali ndi akadzi awiri onsewo adziyendera ma posch kapena ferari inu chilichonse mumafuna mudzifana naye? inuyo kukhala mwana wake mukuyenera kumayendela galimoto yodura basi.
kkkkkkkkk Lexus its very expensive car koma amalawi vuto ndichani kuli magalimoto odula kunja kuno tsekulani maso muone
ine ndimazimvera chisoni kwambili chifukwa chokhala m’malawi amalawi ndi anthu omvesa chisoni komaso ochititsa manyazi
Tisaonekepo ozindikira apa tikamat something is expensive zimakhala kut chinthucho ndi chovuta ku chipeza so ngat amalawi tingapemphe thandizo la k100 million kwacha kut tithana ndimavuto ena nthawi yomweyo ndikugula such a car does it make sense? Kod galimoto ina yodula kwambiri ija anagula bingu ija yatha kale?
Ukhalira yomweyo yoloza dzala Presedent aise mmalo mopanga zako zoti zikuthandize
Ukhalira yomweyo yoloza dzala Presedent aise mmalo mopanga zako zoti zikuthandize
Stupid malawians indeed! Moti kudana ndichithandizo mpaka? mufa nayo nsanje and muonda ndithuuuuuuuuu! kutukwana president coz boma osati iyeyo lagula galimoto?
I’m to crash someone who says that car is cheap. Anything in Malawi beyond 100 million can not be termed cheap, so let’s not take things for granted here,we all know how cheap things look like. That Toyota Lexus is not cheap it is even afraid to drive in our Malawi roads. It’s the first car of that nature in Malawi soil.
Indeed Moses how many people are driving lexus in malawi? Even any car of that amount
Iiiiiiiii 100milion its not much money guyz,,,reality ,,,,,,Nde ife tigula jet ndi aja,,,,,izikanyamula ma tourist from Lilongwe to Liwonde,,Lilongwe to Nyika via Vwaza game reserv
Akaloza waloza bac ndani amene angatsutse? Guyz we must be patriotic, cndikutsutsana nawe but just imagine Ndi maiko angati amene akhudzidwa ndi njala? Tsoka kwa iwo amene amathyolera mthumba thanzizo la anthu ovutika.
Akulu Akulu Simukudziwa Chimene Mukunena Ngakhale Mukuoneka Ngat Kut Ndinu Ophunzila Koma Mulibe Chikondi Ndi Anzanu Osauka!!!! Peter Sakunama Uyu!
Thats true my bru
Ngati Deputy Mayor wa Mzuzu ayendera Corolla ya K19 000 000 akuti Mayoor sangayendere imeneyo nde President ayendere Passo yeti 0samayankhula kudana ndi munthu ayi. Ni nthawi. Yake kazillimmani kuti musakhale ni njala.
ndi president2 mmafuna aziyendera compressor???wangoenera kuyendera galimoto ya nyofwinyofwi basi musachite njengunje
Do want the president to walk by foot or to ride a bicycle?Stop being silly and jealous
Apanga Kale Maplan Osolola
Then you will see someone taking 100 million+ from the money to buy a luxualy car, i cry for my malawi.
Kodi landcruser tengo wake ndi bwanji?
Cha mma 38 mita, koma mzakale zimemezo pano kuli Lexus 111mita..kkkk
Despite these helps from well wishers its sadening that price of maize is high in ADMARK depots
Limani chanu muzigulitsa 2pin per 5okg.
Yeap zikanakhala choncho meaning chimanga chili pose pose now
Enock chimangacho chabwera ngati thandizo laulere mmalawi muno ndye chikakhala chodula means anthu mmamizi sapindula ndithandzo laulere lomwe akupasidwa
And tonse sitngakhale alimi ngat inuyo mumalima ndi zanu…musamandiuze ine zochita…
Yah!!!! Alemerenso ajawa…..mudzafa imfa yowawa sure!!
Sanje ndi matenda oooopya
The money is meant for pipo who r starving….wina akhala busy kuika muthumba lake….nde msanje apapa ikubwera bwanji nawe iwe??? Mayb u’ll b one of dem
Eeeh and officials will build good houses over it
Sunday low then 666 . End of time, Pliz repent
mukuti chani kodi?
Oweruza ndi mulungu musamaiware
Mmmmmm inuyo ndiye opephera kwambiri?
Man mukuso chan? Kumeneko ndkupanda chtukuko muuzimu nd thupi lomwe.
tiwona pamene ilowera
Thank you keep on doing good work
Mukhalira yomweo