Rapist jailed for 18 years


The Blantyre magistrate court has sentenced a 19 year-old man to 18 years imprisonment with hard labour for repeatedly raping a girl aged 12.

The convict, Gift Maunda, is reported to have been sexually abusing the girl from the month of March to May this year.

According to state prosecutor Amos Mwase, the girl used to visit the convict at his house and the rapist found the chance to sexually assault her.

Mwase added that the girl was later noted to be pregnant and she got positive on a pregnancy test at Chilomoni health center.

ArrestedIn mitigation, the convict pleaded for a lenient punishment arguing that he looks after a wife and a child.

However, Mwase argued that Maunda deserves a stiff punishing since his actions showed that he was cruel to the young girl.

In his ruling Senior Magistrate Peter Kandulu sentenced Maunda to serve a jail term of 18 years as a lesson to would be offenders.

Maunda comes from Kamadzi Village, in Dowa district.



  1. anakakhala bale wanga tsikanayo ndikanangopha madalawo…chifukwa ali ndimaganizo opusa,,,,ndipo kundendeko nawo akawagwililire akamve kuwawa komwe amamva tsikanayoo

  2. Limenero nde vuto la judicial system ya m’malawi kuonelera amphawi basi.constitution of malawi imagwira tnchito pa amphawi.Ukanakhala mulundu wa cashgate ukanatha chaka chifukwa muva kuti judges are on holiday.sinavepo kuti auje aja anapha albino ,anaba intelesheti ya boma etc have setenced above 15 eaz jail.kodi kuthesa vuto la munthu mozi ndi many ppl pangatenge thawi yayitali ndi pati? imean kulanga munthu amene azunza 1p &pple whici 3 kan reci……the rest is reserved

  3. Limenero nde vuto la judicial system ya m’malawi kuonelera amphawi basi.constitution of malawi imagwira tnchito pa amphawi.Ukanakhala mulundu wa cashgate ukanatha chaka chifukwa muva kuti judges are on holiday.sinavepo kuti auje aja anapha albino ,anaba intelesheti ya boma etc have setenced above 15 eaz jail.kodi kuthesa vuto la munthu mozi ndi many ppl pangatenge thawi yayitali ndi pati? imean kulanga munthu amene azunza 1p &pple whici 3 kan reci……the rest is reserved

  4. Chinali chibwenzi vutondiloti samampasandalama mkaziyo ndye anatopa chifukwa anangom’mangisa chenjezo kwamalawi asamangokhulupilila zizonse anawanso ndi mahule

  5. 12yaers masikuano kumalawikuno simwana koma 19yaers ikugwila apazangonetseratu kuti mamunayi akuchokera kosauka uyu akuti mwanayu akuchokera kosauka Malawi juges shit !!

  6. This is too much…18 yrs z too much….Thats unfair seeing Murderers ..albino murderers…cashgaters..thieves…50yr old man defiling a 2 yr old getting 10yrs etx….this z too much….

    ma Court ammalawi sindimamvetsa olo….serius cases 7 yrs…very serius cases 5 yrs…a 19yr old vs 12yr girl akut 18 years….Rubish…

    am not supportin what this young man did…but the judgment z un-fair…this is too much…just too much…Akanakhala mwana wako (Judge) ukanamva BWA?…18yrs nkukhala mwana wako…Too much

    ma Judge mukapsa osat masewera ngat simulapa…u r full of corruption…U favour the rich

  7. Timangothamanga kumunena mwamunayo,tiyeni tifufuze kaye,nthawi zina pamakhala gwirizano wachikondi pakati pawo,mukuziwanso ana amasiku ano chiwerewere akumachiziwa ali ndi zaka 9 amuna sakuwaopanso.Tsopano akakumana nazo ndipomwe tikumati agwililira,tisamathamangire kumulakwisa mwamunayo.AMalawi amwene sazanvaaaaa

  8. Zigamulo za awa amakhoti sindimazimvetsa mumva bambo wazaka 40 wagwirira mwana wazaka 12 akakhale kundende zaka zisanu, pamene uyu wa zaka 19 mpaka 18. Kodi masection azaka za munthu amasiyana?

  9. Imeneyo ndiye ntchito ya a police athu opha albinism’ a cashgate akuba magalimoto kumango wasiya thi Malawi police and their courts are full of shit u said the girl used to vist a boy cant u see that she was enjoying having sex with him

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