Pope Francis missed a step and fell to the ground before celebrating a Mass in Poland.
In a dramatic moment, the 79-year-old Francis, walking in his long robe with an incense holder in his hand, did not notice a step down from the platform and fell to the ground just close to the altar.
Like Robert Mugabe, 91, who last year stumbled to the ground after missing a step during a political rally, the pope was helped to his feet by team of aides and bodyguards.

Spokesman for the Vatican assured the Pope’s followers that there was no need for panic because the Pontiff was in good condition.
Unlike Pope Francis, Mugabe broke the internet with the memes that followed his fall.
You can watch the fall below:
Sorry pope it happens.
He is an evil man
very sorry
We r Holly because our’s it’s invisible!
Bwelera zonse mukukamba apazi,chifukwa choti munthu anagwa,kkkkk God must forgive us coz we know nothing.
The Devil Has Falls That Means The Catholism Falls
Zizawoneka pokolola pakuti tiligu tizamusunga koma natsongole tizamuwotcha.
Aaaaah! Inu chachilendo apa inu nchani?? Adzigwa ambuye Yesu,” Nanji munthu wamba. Simunaonere film ya Yesu atapunthwa kuphiri komwe ayesedwa ndi satana kuja eti?? Ambuye yesutu anapunthwa mpaka kuyenda chiwelamire pano ndi apo. Nanji papa mwatani?
And is this a big news.. Clowns commenting shit
How do you ridicule someone for falling down are you MAD?
angels achina respect our pope dont show your disrespect to the pope what if he was your grandfather would you say that?
Amen @E Rra
This is an indication of being a human being, we can just learn that we learn many things including those things that people do not even realise that we do just learn them e.g Walking
Zopanga like zmenez abale
Wrath of God he dispices Jesus
Ngati bingo amagwa mugabe anagwa nde poti wagwa papa ndi mavuto
Every one can fall so isee no strange thing according to his age his old.
Eeee inu apa mpang ‘ono nkhakhale Peter anagwa kale tsopano kwatsala Obama
Lol.@ Angels Achina Hardfronts M’geni
Amalawi timakhala Bize kumalemba nkhani zochitika maiko akunja koma mukapita maioko akunja simungakapezeko nkhani zakumalawi
The mark of the beast
The mark of the beast
All shame!
Palibe nkhani apa
Pray for hm.
Sorry Pope be strong!
Is it funny
I lv my Pope Franscis 4 ever
So is it funny
#Angels AChina God may forgive you
He’s only a human guys
That’s normal!!
It seems as if there is a dark cloud hanging over this old man last he was brutally attacked by a mad woman at Vatican city and that was not the first time it had been reported that onother mentally perturbed woman did attack the Pope earliar in that year, there is something wrong with this Pope
He got high off the incence and trip over his robe
Awa sangalephere kugwa pasi popo wasatana uyu akulimbikisa kwambili kt azikwatirana amuna wokhawokha or azimayi mlungu akumulanga akulimbisa zaku dima uyu kwakhala popo km uyu yekha satana yeniyeni
vuto losunga azigogo munyumba zowoneka bwino ndichoncho kkkkkkkkk osakamusiya kumudzi kwao bwa
i cant laugh at my family member who accidentally falls down,, some of u are paranoid in nature,,, someone has fallen down and u buzy laughing??,,, i wonder,,, some wires not functional
Ninjani wandawepo paumoyo wake?
The reasons he change the God laws like he is God he start God srs
And wht new? It cn hapen to anyone so?
kkkkkkkkkk koma palibe nkhani apa chifukwa ali ngati inu wawa
Just wanna find out if the reporter of this sick status has never fallen b4? Am curious please! !!!
We dont know truth ?
It is not pic mix iwe Limodzi.
Malamulo a Izeki, anamuuza kuti akafuna kugwa ayambe watsika njinga kaye kenako azigwa bwino. Ndiye apa, watsatira zomwe anaudzidwa ndi akulu-akulu achilamulo.
At that age, kugwa si chachilendo
Holly ghost fire
But why they didn’t show it on DW 446 channel and on NN7 even ENCA?
I don’t believe
He might have fallen physically, poor some of guys r falling spiritually coz of popes falling. kugwa or not, am a proud to be acatholic,, atagwa a bishop anu it wu not b news coz nobody knows ur xcpt u..
I dont see it ad a strange thing any1 can fall down it normal
Atreast u understand,with his age,en after all,its,anomal,thing even uuuu the,writer u have been,down,100 tyms .but no one had a story to tell us,about u
That is physical falling not holly sprit therefore human is about the body & sprit, so don’t worry wat consein about the body.
Dziwanda dzamukwana uyu.
Am not a Catholic, but what’s funny here? Isn’t it stupidity to laugh when an elderly man falls? Sometimes we may bring curses upon yourselves and torture the entere generation because of silly responses u sometimes give in such situations. Be very careful wth what u say. Remember what happened to Noah’s son. The falling from steps is a common thing that can happen to anyone. Mr chipanda am ashamed of u. Coz ur statement u could have said the same when Jesus Christ was being crucified kuti kodi ambuye amafa? Shame! Let’s respond wth responsibility.
Good bless you my sister am inspired bt ur comment . Am from South Africa, am a Catholic. Remember what Noah did to hs son.
So are you comparing pope with Jesus Christ?……..
Not comparing pope wth Jesus Christ, just righten u pipo coz u thing pope can’t fall down after all h is a human being. What is wrong wth u Son of shame? Pope is old 79 years its not a joke! His falling from steps there is nothing that u can judge him that he sinned! Remember to remember do the God’s anointed no harm, what ever the coz of his fall is between him and God not us to judge him like that! Africans wake up!
Akuti tidzilemekeza anthu akalamba chabwino, satana bible limamutcha kut ndi njoka yokalamba, atagwa lero phiiii ngat mene wagwera phwakeyu, simusekaaaa?
Akuti tidzilemekeza anthu akalamba chabwino, satana bible limamutcha kut ndi njoka yokalamba, atagwa lero phiiii ngat mene wagwera phwakeyu, simusekaaaa?
inu simunagwepo. is he God?
inu simunagwepo. is he God?
mfiti uyu angogwa kenako afa
mfiti uyu angogwa kenako afa
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk dziwanda dzonse Chaka chino dzikuyaluka kkkkkkk Holy one wangwa kkkkkkkk Holy one ndi Mulungu yekha osati satanayu
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk dziwanda dzonse Chaka chino dzikuyaluka kkkkkkk Holy one wangwa kkkkkkkk Holy one ndi Mulungu yekha osati satanayu
The only thing I know is that pope Francis #…fall down just lik you.Himself knows that he`s not God. So don’t laugh him at all.
The only thing I know is that pope Francis #…fall down just lik you.Himself knows that he`s not God. So don’t laugh him at all.
That is anger from God ,,,God is nt happy wt them:false leaders of god they are the satanist yet the pretend as f they are true man of God……….let the power of God make them fall frequently until their bad mission is off
That is anger from God ,,,God is nt happy wt them:false leaders of god they are the satanist yet the pretend as f they are true man of God……….let the power of God make them fall frequently until their bad mission is off
kod pope ndikanyama kanji? mumufufuze muzakhumudwa makamaka inu mumamutsatanu ndangodutsa sindinatchole mkhwani.
babylon will fall one day
its beta he falled wen he wz proclaimng God’s Words ratha than sam ov u u 4 @ de bar
#may_God_Bless_de_pope_owez & be with him when returning 2 the holy city #Vatican
Ine Sindine Wa Roman Catholic Koma Tonse Ndife Ana Amulungu Tisanyoze Tiyen Timuyikize Mapephero Okalamba Ndimuthu Ngat Ife Tomwe Munthu Akamakula Zithuso Zimasitha Ena Samatha Kuona Patali Tiyen Tisunge Chikhalidwe Ndi Kulemekeza Anthu Amkulu Iwesoukunyozawe Ukukula Sukudziwa Dzaka Zomwe Wakusungila Mulungu (Gwada Ulape) .
Am to be a catholic
….. Ndikagwa ine = wadyapo …………. Akagwa papa ……………
kukhala wa cathoric sikuti ndinu ochimwa ayi tikati tiwonesese tonse ndi wochimwa koma ngati mukulambira mkulu wansembe kusiya kulambira mulungu serious kumwamba simukalowa ndinthu bcz wansembe alingati inu nomwe and akhoza kuchimwa kumene ndiye there is no wy to praiz him bcz iyeso akhoza kuchimwa
dziko lapansi lafika pa uchitsiru opembeza anthu not God tiyeni tikhale m’manso thats y de bible say owelenga khala m’manso kuti onyengayo asakupusise and just follow what de bible say abt de kingdom of God not follow what other
Y making it a big deal people? He is a human being like anyone else kugwa ikhale nkhani?Get a life people
dziko lapansi lafika pa uchitsiru opembeza anthu not God tiyeni tikhale m’manso
He must fear God
Only God has power
kodi zakumadzi anasiya kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
mulungu wa katolika wakalamba watopa kkkkkk ngati wayamba Yesu asanafike nanga akamadzabwera ndi kudzakhala ku phulikatu.
Tisataye chikhalidwe , Khalidwe ndi chuma ,
Am proud to be a Catholic
sorry amaonangati azingoyenda moyera?The beast about to rise has fallen…
zamannyazi izi y wagwa?mesa iye amadzitcha oyela?chomwe ife timadziwa oyela ndi Mulungu yekha.Mulungu amatsutsa this is just beginning simudati.wanyanya kutsutsana ndi malamulo a Mulungu uyu.time up o devils,now its time ov God.
He is not God, he is a human and will remain a human not God at all.Who told you that he can’t fell down?
he is human being
He is Human…he must fall…
Chimadabwitsa akulu akulu wa akagwa chonchi amachotsa ntchito bodyguard ….
Not my own handwriting…
Aaaaaa lucifer fire burn…!!!!!
Am a proud Catholic, everyone can fall its natural . Pope Francis Timakunyadirani a Khristu a Chikatolika.
munthuyu abale wakalambq ndinamuona akukanika kukwera ma steps ku kenya
Kugwa ndi kugwa basi. Inu simunagwepo?
thats bad, am so sorry my pope, hope u are not hate!
Iam proud to be a CATHOLIC. Long life our pope……God is with you!
It happens,remember he is epileptic just like Mugabe.
zachilendo!! koma ndi zoonadi? ngati ndi zoona, pepani amzanga nonse a catholic coz ndi zochitsa manyazi.pepani!!
Aka mkoyamba kasala kawiri kachitatu timva kuti Ku itary kwa chitika maliro apapa zikumbwerera akuyankhula mopusa
Shame on you pope
Where was Lucifer his god to help him,Glory to God and Holy to the Lamb that was Slain prophecy is fulfilled in front of th world
hahahaha babulo wagwa!
Azigwa mwana wa mulungu Yesu katatu kulibwanji muthu ..ife sitipembedza pope koma poti yesu anasiya mpingo ndiye Roman cathoric ndawonera pa jazeera palibe anawonetsa atagwa?
Wakhala ndi #Pitala_Bwampini_mthalika nayenso paja amangogwa zili zonse
Ndapanga kafukufuku pope akudwala zika virus
Falling is a natural incident. Let him who has never fallen down before curse the pope. Now, are we doing justice when we hurl insults at the pope for just falling, a natural incident itself?
Forgive all who, for no reason, decide to ridicule the pope.
Kkkkk kukakamila adzagwaso kachikena
sometimes learn to keep quite and just watch, #why??!!??, because your comment takes ur stupidity to the public, #LIKE_IT_OR_NOT
Ooooh my dear battling with old age.
Kkkkkkkk zinazi kusekesa ay no coment on dt….
Deep down everybody knows what is in inside him/her
Red wine.
Big gay falls down! !!!! NEWS HEADLINES
like ibu.
Kkkk tikuoneni maria wachaulele chodzadza…kunachema abwana! Mpaka miyendo upside down kkk
Ndi ngozi basi. Nothing strange.
My grsndmom adviced me not to laugh at older pipo wen they fall down or fail to do something due to old age….Kusowa khalidwe kumeneko..is there any fun from munthuwankulu kugwa?
Satana ndi njoka yokalamba, atagea apa susekaaa?
Satana ndi njoka yokalamba, atagea apa susekaaa?
I don’t see anything strange here just because they are leaders you think falling is news worthy
Pepani, spiritual father wa catholic wagwa kkkkkk fall of babylon .
Ndiye ngat anagwa titan, inu simugwa?? Hes human too
End times..
Am not a Catholic member but I feel sorry for the incident. Advance to all fellow Malawian, tiyeni tisataye chikhalidwe chathu cholemekeza anthu achikulile. Ndikhulupilira kuti Iwe ndiine tidalipo nthawi ija yomwe wokalamba akasenza Katundu tinkamulandira, kumuphikira. Kodi tikayamba ife kunyoza what about mmbado ukubwelau tidzawuphunzitsanji?? Tiyeni tilhale anthu odziwa kulemekeza!!!
Kulemekedza Satana Jabulosiyo?
Kodi Sadziwa kuti Pop Francis Ndiye Mdyerekedziyo?
Sukusula mmaso mwako Mb’ale wanga!
Satanaso ndi okalamba udzimulemekeza
Satanaso ndi okalamba udzimulemekeza
I think we are different on humanitarian background Ras Cornlad. And i think that we raster, we are popular in respect for the elderly so my question is, are you really a Raster? Hence I learnt the doctrine of Rasterfalian and none cited to insult or disrespect the elderly. Jah Rasterfali!!!
I think we are different on humanitarian background Ras Cornlad. And i think that we raster, we are popular in respect for the elderly so my question is, are you really a Raster? Hence I learnt the doctrine of Rasterfalian and none cited to insult or disrespect the elderly. Jah Rasterfali!!!
Pompano wina angwaso komkuno hahaha!!
Iwe sunaphunthwepo chibadwire iwe mbewa eti?
Kkkk Wat A Shame!
Kkkkkkkkk hahahahahahaaaa chakalamba ichi muntenge Bushili akhale pope wanu kkkkkkkk wayaka ntengo waminga kulibwanji ofubwa amend mukuti nfwinfwinfwiii pitani mukachizuse chisatanik chanucho munthu amachita ngozi pamalo a flat chamba eti?
How could you be so heartless? Who are you to judge? By the way am not blamin you, the problem is the founder of fb coz he let ideots to enterfere in some people’s movies……..shame ooh!
English is vuto to u… …”he dd not notice a step down” is this flat?
Mulungu akukhululukile poti sukuziwa chomwe ukuchita
Chizungu chavuta ndithu
kkkkkkkkkkk koma iwe
Go back to xool
once a Catholic always a Catholic whatever u say won’t affect my faith in Catholic. watch your tongue nd do not judge for ur not judged
let’s all wait for the judgment day. that’s when we will tell who is right nd wrong
Colleta put yo faith in Chirst… don’t put yo faith in catholic
vuto ndi sukulu sanave english muuzeni awerengeso
Ndi munthu oyendelanso magazi.. Kuphonyesa 1 stap olo iwe walembawe ukhonza kugwa. Live him alone coz inu mukagwa ndiye kuti ndipamzele olandila chimanga chokutumizilaniso iyeyo through ma N.G.O..
eeeee pankholo panu kusowa nkhani et?yesu anagwa kangt?munapangapo post apa?manyanu
kodi mwati mkulu uyu anavomeledza mathanyura(maukwati ogonana amuna okhaokha)?
No one z above God…….
yeah good… that beast must fall.
Nokha mukuti he missed the step that means olo mukanakhala inu mukanagwa am nt a catholic koma kugwa ndi kugwa basi
kkkkk holy father kkkkk babelon agwe..
Hahaha Munthu kugwa ikakhale nkhani???? Na me n ma familly were Catholics 4lif!
So what is a problem
Ambuye amagwa?… Babylon has fallen for sure, this just shows that the pope is a mortal and sinful person just like any of us even though he is taken to be “holy father” a title only meant for the only God in heaven.
Eeeh!! Yapezekanso Holide ina,kkkk chonde sungirani dateli kuti chaka chilichonse tidzikhala ndi Holide ya “Kugwa kwa a papa”
Once a catholic, still a catholic and always a catholic. Ngati inuyo mukunyozanu simunagwepo mupitirize kunyozako period!
Truth wll set us free devil wll never win..
Kkkkkkkkk Hw Can He Win? always fighting alosing battle
No comment kuopa mmawa
Malawi 24, be serious, wat can we benefit 4rm dis story? just falling, den its news, of course he z a public figure. bt i dont tink we readerz can benefit anyting 4rm dis story, unles if some facts re not revealed.
Iwonder Y u pple Talking Bad Things Abt Catholic Shouldn’t Know Dat Ur Late,we Know Who We Praise 4 Only God, Busy To Learning how 2 Demolish Athers, We Are Humun Will Never Be The Same
Akanagwa peter wa mutharika pali nthungululu apa
Kodi udindowo osamawapatsa achinyamata bwanji ? Kugwako mmesa nkukula ? Akatolika 2 much kulemekedza Munthu than Mulungu.
Facebook inakupeza mochedwa eti? Pali chotukwanira apa. Umbuli..shame on u.
Heheh mukunchejwa nkumapanga reply ma comment anga, zanu izo, mtengo wa zipatso zokoma ndumene umagendedwa kwambiri, not as to punish it but for the sweet fruits.
#Catholic_for_life zikumpwetekayo akachukuche ng’ona
unu ameneyu ndi munthu ngt inu nomwe. mumafna mudzimkweza ngt mtumiki bwanji?
amene amamutenga ngati oyera kwambiri ndiamene akuti palibe vuto koma vuto lilipo apa
Amene sanagwepo ayambe ndiye kuseka ndikunyoza Pope. Am proud to be a catholic.
Ine sindingwepoo hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaga satana wagwa
Ine sindingwepoo hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaga satana wagwa
It happen to anyone, so is it a story?if it was a news we could tell you 24 same day when it was happen.so your telling people after 1 week,mumadikira kulemba zammaluwa ndaona.kumatifutsa akatolikafee tizikuuzani zochitika ku ekelezia ngati mungamazifune.osamangolemba zopanda nchele apa.
useless things,simunawonepo munthu akugwa?? enanu muli busy kuweruza anzanu mwayiwala zoti nanu muli ndi zofowoka zanu,mukuchotsa chisoso cha mzanu yet chanu chatsala pang’ono kukubayani
#Nellie tamangowawelengera ma comment awowo basi osanena zambiri Mulungu ndiye adziwa tili mmasiku otsilidza.
Kuikira Ku mbuyo Satan shame on you
mulungu akukhululukire #Benito
Mulungu wa chiloma wagwa
kkkkkkkk zolemba zasowa eti???
popeza inu munapeza kale chipulumutso chanu….kodi ndizomwe mumaphunzitsidwa kumipingo kwanuko kut muzinyoza mipingo ina….tangogwilisani chomwe mwapezacho…koma muzimva manyazi mukamalankhula ndikunyoza munthu yemwe sanabwere ngakhale pakhomo panu kuzakusautsani
Moti iwe nkhani ya ma gay yomwe akulimbikitsa satanayu sinakukhudze?
Moti iwe nkhani ya ma gay yomwe akulimbikitsa satanayu sinakukhudze?
ukhale ndimanyaz even ndifunso lako lomwelo….du u thnk am a gay? hv u ever speak to ze pope and h dd tell u? z h ur idol zat u r following hm? tax pokhala inu angwiro…am sua mudapulumuka kale mungodikira nthawi….but God iz zea looking at u and me?
AmunA inu Abaleeee Musamalimbana ayi pa zoterezi.KoDi inu simunawerenga malemba pa chibvumbulutso chapter 17 vs 2 pamene mau akunena kuti Yohane adaona mmasomphenya a mkazi wa chigololo amene anachita chigololo ndi mafumu a dziko lapansi ndipo iye anawalezeletsa ndi vinyo wa chigololo chake? Kodi inu simunawelenga pamene Yeremiya adawauza ana a islael kuti amvere Mulungu koma iwo adakana kuti sitizamvera Mulungu? Mulungu mmodzi ndipo alibe mlowa mmalo ndipo pAlibenso dZina lina pAnsi pa thambo lomwe lingAyerekezedwe ndi Yesu kaya Papa kaya Muhamadi kaya akulu akulu a Seven nDi mipingo yonse onsewa ndi anthu wamba a chabe chabe ndipo sayenera kupembezedwa.Inu ngati mumapembeza anthu a pa dziko Tsoka ligwera inu.Ine wochimwa koma sikuti ndingakhale chete pamene ochimwa amzanga akukhala mu mdima. Opani MulunGu ndipo mumpatse iye ulemu.
But this pope sizikuyenda.mulungu wapita amadwala chimfine
zili bwino kut mwapezerako mpata otha zakukhosi kwanu….zats cant change my mind….
Punishiment From God
He deserve death not just a 4
That’s the fall of Roman Catholic Empire!
He fall down like mugabe not like peter muthalika?, y giving a far example yet u hv a gud example beside u?
Babulo wagwa
No matter what you say or do, nothing will change my faith. Banzai Papa Francois!
Are you drunk?
He is a Human being
Umphawi ndiumene ukupangatsani…zopanga post zatha kodi
Chilombo nyotuluka pamazi http://www.satanic.com
he is real ant-christ Babylon is falling down
Are you happy when you see someone struggling? Whats the matter here?
Once a Catholic
Always a Catholic
Catholic in me forever
I forgive all amene mukunyonza.
kkkkkk….devil falls
Ndipo onyozowa Mulungu awakhululukire. Proud catholic
Olo Atpanda Kuti Khululukira Kumotoko Tikakhalako Tokha…Za Ziii
umadziwa kokalowa eti.
U Dont’ve Power To Forgive,bt Forgivenes Only Comes From Almighty God Jehovah Through His Son Jesus. Why Pope,monks,priest, Fathers Forgive Ur Sins?? Akanatchoka Mwendo Ndi Dzanja Lomwe Mfana Ameneyo,that Would’ve Been Better.
And the devils falls! Yes! Ife takuwuza kuti utikhululukire? Zukuwawa ngati anagwawo ndi ambuyako bwanji? Kkk iwe
Proud to be catholic? Malo moti udziti proud to be son and worshiper of God u r busy praising the church and this devil
Proud to be catholic? Malo moti udziti proud to be son and worshiper of God u r busy praising the church and this devil
Ndani sanagwepo? za ziii
Zaziiiii stupid reporters,anakuuzani kuti iyeyo sangagwe ndani?nonsense
Tidzawina nkhondo mphamvu yake mulungu
The fall of pope the fall of roman catholic “ananyanyira mpaka kupepesa kwa ma gay ” I ll would have been happy if he falls from upper stairs and bursts like a chameleon!!!!
kkkkkkkk wandisekesa
koma man inu kkkkkkk
Anthu inu tamaveseseni bible am not a Catholic member koma ndidava zimwe pope adatanthauza ,,he said adapepesa powaweluza kuti ndiochimwa pakuti kuweluza ndikwamulungu romans 14 ves 1 in the bible tawelengani mwina mungave nokha zomwe pope adatanthauza kkkkk
Godfry mathanyula ndi tchimo or Not
wachta bwno kkkk
nose mukuseka apanu munagwapo komaso mumachimwa ndithu nde nthamolo bwanj
Ada Inuyo Mwandiwaza Heavy, Inenso Nkanakonda Atamva Nyunyunyu Kwambiri Nkulu Ameneyo.
danger left winger akut pope akuva nyunyunyu.
Even me l was going to be mo happy if falling from top to the ground,why is he leading people of God to hell
Sikoyambanso adanwanso mu mpapaya when he was 22
Akanangoferatu osadzukanso!
What a Shit Satanist He’s!
Lord have mercy on you.
anamwa mkala bongo kkkk
Lol,why?thought you follow your leaders.
Ulemelero wapadziko lapansi uwu ndmaganiza monga munthu wamulungu akadadziwa kuti agwa or Mulungu waCathoric akadamutetezela……
Let me listen Gift Fumulan’s track titled “Mphamvu yake mulungu”
May u all fall down and burst like a chameleon
kkkkkkkk hahaha mphamvu yake mulungu!!!!
Rodgers Kampira may the Lord GOD have mercy on you too brah…….coz it seems like sumukudziwa chili chonse madala….
mnyamata wa Prigatorio.. chitsilu cha munthu satana afuna kutipha ameneyo.. chilombo chidzabwera ngat nkhosa… bakha ameneyo.. ali nd nyanga amatamba ameneyo…
kkkkkkk nde mwat anamwa mkala bongoo???
Man U r rt,milungu yosema
Ngakhale Ambuye Yesu anagwapo
Aliense amagwa, chalakwikapo nchani pamenepa ?
Dzasowa Nkani zofalitsa
He’s human, he can fall like everyone fells. What is so special to report about the falling down of a Pope , have u not seen pipo falling? Even u the reporter u’ve fallen before & u’ll still fall down.
Olo bambo ao anagwapo
Kkkkkkkk Koma Guys.
Wakulu samagwa yekha akagwa ndiyekuti patelela thats why ili nkhani
Tsono m’mene wagwamu chadabwitsapo n’chiyani? Tsono Akhristu’fe tisiye kukapemphera chifukwa choti Pope wachita ngozi?
yemwe tidyanaye limodzi ndiyemwe adzatipeleke! now listen,no body from Malawi 24was at the scene of this accident now who could have managed to capture this photo in ashot range without rosary?
ndipo olo atafa …devil of this world pope
Technology man !!! He deserve dearth
kma #phiri mpka devil umakwna ana anjoka awa kkkk
Silly and psychiatritic comments too much kanundu
Mr #Daniel nkhani ili paliponse iyi ndipo kumeneko mwaiona mochedwa kwambili.
Ndizona anagwa akulu olo pa bbc nkhani anaikamba mutsusa chani
No News at all… bring information which we can call it a News, meaning should be something that does not happen and then exists!
School imachotsa umbuli koma uchitsiru umatsalirabe!!! ndawonera post iyi
Uchisilu umatha ukagwilisa ntchito umunthu moyenela
Edna Shaibu Chiwa K Banda
This man is changing the bible akuti God told him to do so
Sophie that talk started way back with pope Benedict..cowaards will owez create stories against others so as to make followers confident on them..ur churches have no doctrines other than teachng wat the catholics do…haahaaa
I dont see it as falling, he just obeyed the law of gravity and touched the ground… if he will fall, we will hear the victory of another one
So what?
Uku ndi ku lankhula kwa mMalawi !kunyoza ndikutukwana ndiye zimaziwa MMalawi
sorry ..nothing intresting
Vatican has fallen
Historic! why choose old popes? God used to choose young men like;David,Josiah,Assa etc! These catholics,….!
Was Peter young as well? God chooses whoever he pleases. His ways are not our ways thus he is called God. Ndangodutsamo. Be quick to read than to comment.
Who chooses popes,be sincire,is it GOD?
was abraham young????????????
@gabriel so you dont even know that he believed in God until his old age,that moment her wife had no child until a late time to concieve,do you read the bible or you just listen about Abraham in radios
njoka yokalamba
These catholics are totally lost and blind spiritually and their popes will Cotinue missing steps and fall!! hahaa…..
Sorry Pope
Za zii! Vuto ndi inuyo chifukwa mukava kuti pope mumava ngati akuti mulungu pomwe dzina ili ndi udindo omwe munthu ngati inuyo amalandira.
Nanga palisade munthu amene wanena kuti ndi mulungu. ? Werengani bwino ndikumvetsa. .
#felix sukunama sakudziwa kuti pope ndi munthu ngati mmene alili iwowo kusowa zolemba,kaya agogo anu sanaagwepo
Mateyu 24 :15, Reve. 13:1-10 Ndi Chilombo Chimene Chinanedwa Mu Bible.
A daniel, u might b that chilombo,time tells, maybe u b enchroched wit a tremendous evil spirit sooner or late,unles u make t clear that this z the beast. Who r u t judge others
Daniel readng the bible like a novel. bible sitimawerenga ngt news and hop to understand it..
Daniel you are insane….
seriously no news …
Bad news for abig Man. life is like that.
Whats funny here?have u ever seen a person falling down?umbuli.com
Lucifer burn!!
Kkkkkk wawa atsogo
Amene sanagwepo atha kunyoza or kuseka
ndiye atangwa mesa anadzuka,,,naye ndimunthu ngati ife tomwe aliyense amangwa and sulota kuti ndigwa malo awa nthawi yakuti zadzana izi nanu aMalawi 24 aaaa!!!tisaweluzane pliz
kkkkkk koma mwachedwatu kupanga post Ine naonera kale live
yesu wa aroma wayambiràtu ķugwa nanga mtànda adzagwa nawo kangati?
Izikagwa ndege ndiye akachite munthu,, mumalimbama ndizinthu za ziiiiiiiiiii zosapindulisa ngati izo
yesu wa aroma wayambiràtu ķugwa nanga mtànda adzagwa nawo kangati?
Ndi mtsogoleri, not Yesu. Mulungu akukhululukire.
not msogoleri koma yesu wa a Catholic, why u praise him than almighty?, remember to keep sabbath day to be holy not Sunday, the scripture says
Kugwa olo bingu
Its all about time-mark.
Its just the begining coz padziko palibe mlowa mmalo wa ambuye yesu everybody knows that.
Its just the begining coz padziko palibe mlowa mmalo wa ambuye yesu everybody knows that.
How is this news any way? it happened close to a week now,
and why liken him to mugabe?
You say he didn’t know there is a step…..then thats de reason he has fallen….no news.
oyipa ndi ndani, tizayankha for every careless word we say,, who died and make u god to judge others?.
Even th priest azayakhanso nawo kswamulungu who gave them power to forgive sin? ….
Da emmo, Jesus dd not leave through back door going to heaven, he gave us authority, and he even said belivers wu b able to do more than wat he did while he was on earth,, so priest forgive sins with the authority of HE who sent them to go n ma discples.
whats wrong with falling?He has fallen more than 3 times. The only person who will never fall is you because you dont have brains.
bcc hv nt
That’s clear indications that he’s a human being, so people must stop worship him. He’s not God.
whr du u gt ths information bcz evn bbc hv ths information u lieng ppl bcr tgtr wth ur nws 24rptrs
de god of catholics kkk zangoyamba ulendo wing azationexa ma demonic tatoo
doesss he hav demonic tatoos?have u evr seen them?hw do u distinguish demonic tatoos from ordinary tatoos?
the main problem is tht u people handle hm as god but we handle him as our leader….
the main problem is tht u people handle hm as god but we handle him as our leader….
Jah say no!!
Zisiyeni nkhalamba zizigwa mwa ufulu wawo…. mwatani kodi? vyamba ait
the fall of oipayo the fall of barbelon
great babylon has fallen
Nkhani ya dzana iyi, mukuiwona lero kkkkk moreover president amene akukulamuliraniyu anagwa pamaso pa asilikali adzitho.
Banzai Papa Francois!
anagwa basi kkkkkkkk thiiiiiiiiiiii alape za homesexial zija
Anagwadi man that devilish puppet with a hair cut like a soccer mum an ugly cockroach
It was just a normal fall which could happen to every person bt its exaggerated coz he is a public figure
that’s what happens when u try to turn away from God`s commands…satana wachabechabe
Love and prayers 24/7
There is nothing special/new about that… Even you yourself can fall because u r a person
Wat if he doesn’t fall,wat. Will he be like..???
The head of catholics
Mmmmh next……????
zimuvuta ndithu mpaka naye avure udindo basi.
Zimuonekelabe ameyo until atavomeleza kuti homosexuality ndi untchimo waukulu
man dd the pope say homo siuchimo?