Winiko naked parade in pictures: Live commentary

Naked protest against albino attacks

Malawi24 will be covering the protest that Member of Parliament for Mulanje South, Bon Winiko Kalindo, has organised to protest the killing of people with albinism.

Kalindo had said that he will protest naked but changed tune at the last minute claiming that it is illegal to walk naked in the country.

Below are some of the earlier images from the march:

Winiko naked protest 4 Malawi naked protest

Winiko naked protest 4
Not yet naked
Winiko naked protest
Addressing the naked protesters
Naked protest against albino attacks
one of the naked protesters
Winiko naked protest 3
Not yet naked: Winiko with another protester

Winiko naked protest 2



  1. As MP must b examplerly and representable,walking naked it won’t make sense,what hell is that.But those murderer’s they will jurdged according their deeds

  2. kuvala ma pant ndi naked yimeneyo?kupusa basi apo chimozimozi anthu osambila munyanja kaa simukuona?Nanga mwapindulapo chani pamenepo?Uchisiru basi,munthu woziwa kumenya ndeu sathamangira kuvula malaya kuti amenye bwino.

  3. Kuzakhala mwambo wa mdulidwe pa 28 june 2016. Atsikana onse osavinidwa nawonso ali ndi mwayi wokavinidwa. Atsikanawa amaoneka kuti ndi osavinidwa

  4. mukusowa zolemba eti u think we are joking ..Winiko mukunamizira and u taking this issue so simple.zausiru basi upload stories inregard to their importance…stupid

  5. #Kalindo and his friends shows us good example for taking off their shirts to disappointed of killing #albinos not like nyasatimes written about it inu buys kuvulira ana m´makwalalamu.

  6. Comments without Sense are all over Social networks when Something happens..!!This kind of Parade took place in S.Africa some years back by ANC women to their State house in Pretoria & it had An impact during Apatheid time..Let me pose A Question…1.Sending adelegate in Tanzania to explore how did they endup the same kind of killings & the Parade which is Useful??Before we open our mouth let us be mindful on wat we are talking….!!

  7. wat… can one show his extent of commitment to albino killings By KUVULA? Kkk…..thats Silly n stupid……Fyn maybe i shud show my commitment by stonin at Vehicles on the road EEhhh ?

  8. wat… can one show his extent of commitment to albino killing By KUVULA? Kkk…..that Silly n stupid……Fyn maybe i shud show my commitment by stonin at Vehicles on the road EEhhh ?

  9. this shows that we are living in the last days and the bible says the truth becouse it was already procliamed by bible in 2 Timothy 3 evils in the last days

  10. winiko is a fool clever ine sindinaone mp opepela ngati .ameneyu kuyenda maliseche mmalo mochitsa misonkhano youza anthu za kuipa kwa kuphana use common sense kungofuna kutchuka basi!

  11. winiko is a fool clever ine sindinaone mp opepela ngati .ameneyu kuyenda maliseche mmalo mochitsa misonkhano youza anthu za kuipa kwa kuphana use common sense kungofuna kutchuka basi!

  12. winiko is a fool clever ine sindinaone mp opepela ngati .ameneyu kuyenda maliseche mmalo mochitsa misonkhano youza anthu za kuipa kwa kuphana use common sense kungofuna kutchuka basi!

  13. pwiyapwiya che bon winiko kalindo naked parade is not a solution for the people with albino but lets put these murder suspect to our judge to interprate the costitiont then the get sentence with hard labour not naked parade

  14. misunderstanding, is that wat u call naked? iwas there but ddnt c any, apart from seing once map of hell in his short trouser n other map ya zimimba zozaza ndi nsima non was naked. even a Bon Kalindo atat avule palibe angakhalepo nonse mutha kuthawa, atha kupanga okha mademo. so plz b frank wen advertising tel the truth osat zot mukope anthu coz enafe tinapita kut tikajambule malisechewo koma sinawaone which means tangotaya nthawi nkadapanga zina

  15. I personally don’t have a problem with those parading coz they just show thw extent they will go to end the Albino Killings, instead of criticizing them would rather people come up with their own ideas which they think Will help, and this kind of parade which might seem ridiculous but I believe will bring attention to the issue at hand than ever before so #teamwiniko

  16. Winiko u also discusting i dont think walking naked in public can change evil spirit to those who kiling albinism find another solution than making drama lomwe unkadwela kalero what will the youngstars think after seeing your nakednes? God please help my country Malawi Winiko needs a docter or anyone who can advice him how to respect his private part

  17. Zonse zomwe zikuchitikazi, kupha Albion, kuyenda osavala, njala, nkhondozi, zonsezo zikusonyeza kutha kwa nthawi, yesu wasala pang.ono afika ndithu! Zoopsa za masiku osiliza ndiye ndizimenezi, mulape nonse omwe mukupha Albion nthawi yatha.

  18. Holding protests is a constitutional right for every Malawian ,I was surprised to hear Mr Kalindo who crossed the line by saying he was organising Naked protests.In fact as a member of Parliament my opinion is Mr Kalindo is better positioned to understand how laws are made.But contrary to that, he has been talking to the media about the naked protests .The parliament does not make Bills, it is there to approve bills into laws. Him and DPP should sit down and come up with bill if he wants it that way.That will mean that Mr Kalindo is aware of what he is doing.Anyway that is the supposed to be the procedure.

    Personally, I condemn the brutal killings of people with albinism because it is a total contradiction to our constitution, moreover they are people just like ourselves .
    My suggestion on the way forward
    As a country we should understand that we have law which talk about murderers in general ,so lets enforce the law, so that it becomes effective. Am worried that if this time the whole attention shifts to the problem at hand, the criminals will also shift their attention to other minority groups which means we will not be able to contain the problem anymore.We all know that it is not along time ago when the elderly were being killed on the basis of witchcraft suspicions.
    Please lets look forward

  19. instead of walking around naked the winiko guy should have been hunting down the albino killers…this naked parade shit will change nothing…

  20. Uyu ali pa chithunziyu ndi mmodzi mwa ogwira ntchito ku MW 24 amene akuthandizira kuti MW 24 Yawoyo ikhale ngati yayambako kulemba zoona coz anthu pano anayitulukira kuti sinayambe ya postako nkhani yoona chiyambireni

  21. im chewa and iknow that killing inocent peaple its totally sin acording to 10commandment of laws , so do u think naked matching iz gonnar make thise killers to stp killing inocent peaple? y dont u catch the killers and punish thm to show u where they r going or selling the bones of our brothers and sisters and deal with the buyers. i think the buyers will stop to buy and killers they also stop killing bcouz no where they can go and sell the bones of our brothers n sisters. first deal with the buyers ithink iz gonnar b ok full stop

  22. mmmmmmmm Winiko anali serious eti kkkkkkkkkkk but how can this stop Albino killings maybe those murders will be shy after seeing Winiko’s phwiphwi????? I don’t understand this.

  23. Iknow many people in this world they addicted with money this life is not Rast is for temporary you know the truth but you not tell the truth Jah well tell the truth soon Jah brass i

  24. Uchitsilu awiko alapo amupopa kt apatsa ndalama zambili akayenda maliseche mwati ndi mp wadela iti koma ndiwokwatila koma nangaakazake akuti bwanji kkkkkkkkkkkkk koma uchitsiluwinawu

  25. Eeeeee apa ndiye mulungu apitiliza kutilanga mpaka kuyenda ndi kabudula wankati mmmmmmm koma winiko umajambula video kapena?

  26. Soon. Jah is caming time we’ll tell now you know who is Raster fara Revolution time. They is no peace no love no Harmony no more evil need only blood. Blood money

  27. Mwina Pakuchokela Chimbuchi Iye Ngat Ogwila Ntchito M’boma Akupadziwa Ndipo Akukhulupilira Kt Akayenda Maliseche Zithandiza

  28. I don’t think we can fix a problem with onother problem. A naked protest by a diplomat is another problem hence it gives a very terrible impact to the young stars viewing live on public media. Shame on these mediocre politicans

    1. man ,manaliko olo mwangomvetsedwa?anavula ndani?lembani zithu zoona zokhazokha osati zopanda umboni,ma boxer yes osati maliseche

  29. Kiling albinos is total evil….koma anyamata a malisechewa sindikuwamvetsetsa….Maybe these guys who are killing albinos will switch to kudula ma shaft akaona naked parade yo…good idea thou

  30. Kodi akuphedwa ndi ma albino basi .principals are the same y not enawa death penalty simunagube we are all equal whether albino or not albino no one deserve death

  31. Kodi bomali kulitenga ngati podyera? Osakamba mwaseriours bwanji kunyumba yamalamuroko ngati akukana ndiye kuti akudziwapo kanthu abomawo chifukwa akuphawo ndiwanthu bomaso ndiwantu ndipovuta kuyigwira duna iyo imangogura mafupawo

  32. Winiko should be supported because people who are killed are Malawians and should be protected by fellow can you feel if you mother has killed by name of albino but you,your not born as your mother.

  33. will it change anything apart from exposing organs that are supposed to be covered in public?? We are equally concerned with the killings of albinos but walking naked needs a medical check up

    1. walking naked is not insane, what difference does it make covering body organs or not? who does not have penis,vagina jst to metion afew, if you are ashemed if this winiko’s conduct then you must also be ashamed of albino killings and show us what you are doing to see. this marpractice come to an end.

  34. Mai malawiwe!!!,suja unali oopa mulungu,namalenga, jehova, Allah, chisumphi, God, yaweh.lero taona anako zomwe achita salabadanso ukulu wache wa namalenga at akafuna kulankhula,kt zimveke koma avule,kt apeze ndalama km akhetse mwazi wanzao ndekutinso inu olamula mwamata phula mmapilikaniro kofikana anthu alankhule ali mbulanda kapena mufuna mulungu asalaze malawi.

  35. ndaona zalowaso sewelo, kulila timalila pazanapanja. uchimondiumene wachuluka ngofunaka amalawi tonse tilape kwa mlengi pamodzi kuti kuphanaku kuthelete mukavula ife tingowana ma 5kg anuwo bas sikungapangise kusitha zinthu

  36. That’s humanity………. opha mzake nayeso aphebwe I lyk that.Y r we killng each other don’t we knw that we r equr b4 God’s site wat kind of evil z this ?

  37. Mukapitiriza kumpha anzathu inu Nduna Ma MP ma khansala a police unit amfuma anyakwawa president tikuitanano BOKO HALAMU ok mwajailano

  38. No benefits ths ndi mphamvu ya chamba imenei.

    Boma ndilomwe likudziwa chimene likupanga. Boma pa lokha silingalephere kuwasamala anthu okwana 2300.

    Ndi business yakuboma komweko imenei.

  39. Kodi okhuzidwa ndi amuna okha?akadzi bwanji,aaaaaah wonetsani ubeleki pochita kenakake,………………..adzimayi.

  40. whether is him or not anyway but why Malalwi famous with killings of people with albinism? Go to zambia mozambique south africa in America michael Learns is an albino. The government has stoped people form reporting any suspect of this why? the leaders are so economic with the truth.

  41. May be this comment won’t be important for the majority of people here.Some will ignore it and most of u won’t bother to read and it will go unnoticed along with other comments. May be I will be criticized for this but I would like all of you to know that I am selling a Phone.

  42. We need a good and lovely readership like winiko.It seems if he can be a president he can able to make malawi batter.

    1. Why should I go to hell? Is it because that my culture prohibits me from exposing my gonards? Or is it for the fact that I am a Sena? Mind you,these are my private parts not public parts. So,if that is a sin then I think that hell is waiting for me. But as for you #Herbert kaya ndani I think you are mentally dillunged and you need to mind your own business. By the way, I’m proud to be a #Sena

  43. Uthenga wafika guys we don’t need to see your private takes a good and warming heart to take off your expensive clothes off. You have shown us that your are human being ngochepa angatero my aonetsa uumuthu kwa abale anthuwo omwe anaphedwa ndifiti zauve. Koma ena chidwi chili pamaliseche osati uthenga guys, Winiko is one of rich people koma kuvura suit kuvara zotelezo kwaine I’m touched.

    1. Kudzichepetsa kupotsa kuzitama, Winiko is not stupid the guy is rich. Has wife and kids, expensive clothes and cars. Kwaine uthenga supotsa apa. I don’t think you’ve penis though

  44. No wonder is only less 50 pipo attending,, naked protest? ? Fuck it o fully support the motive of the protest koma zovulazo

    1. Aaaaaa tawelenga kale Iwo amafuna kutsutsa Kuti sanavule koma pomwe alakwitsa ndipoti atenga photo YA Wina not Winiko nde ndikumati winiko ameneyo si winiko mzanga Kayafa Kajibatiki Banda

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