…Family demands K10 million
The Malawi Ministry of Health through Chikhwawa DHO has received a notice of intended suit which is demanding Government through Chikhwawa District Hospital to pay k10million in damages for disfigurement and suffering due to forced circumcision as well as loss of amenities of life to 9 years old (name withheld) of Chipakuza Village, T/A Lundu in Chikhwawa.

According to a document which Malawi24 has seen, father to the 9 year old victim realized that something was wrong with his child after he found him dumped close to his home by staff of SSDI.
SSDI is a component in the Ministry of Health, which receives support from USAID to execute male circumcision operations through a campaign dubbed Sankhani HIV prevention project.
The document which has since been served to the Attorney General and Chikhwawa District Hospital, stressed on the need for authorities to take this matter seriously, as the paramount aspect was the fundamental right of the minor, which had been violated and that in the whole scheme of events, the father was not respected as the parent of the victim.
The child was taken along with other unidentified minors after they had been coaxed by some sweets, juices and biscuits before being given Lifebuoy Soap as an antibacterial cleansing substance for the wounds
The father, Mr Sande, complained that the people involved, forcefully circumcised his son against values and customs of the Sena culture.
Mr Sande claimed that his efforts to get the matter resolved at district level did not materialize owing to lack of cooperation on the part of Chikhwawa DHO, Dr Majidu.
The father through private practice Lawyer, Patience Maliwa, of Knight and Knight is currently waiting for a response from the Attorney General office and the DHO before a formal writ is served against the Ministry of Health.
Fuck all this. Fuck this modesty. Wats gonna be of the child? Some tyms its better if u don’t do it at all. Dats y me is never gonna do it.
This stupid programme must be stoped. Fore skin is believed to have more nerves that are used in sensing during intromission. The removal of this forskin causes the machine to lose its effectiveness and complete utility leaving the man stressed. And the glans tend to be more thicker than it senses less during the act making the man not causing the woman to reach climax of the corpulation when the circum. In addition to that, circumsion makes a man to exprience sexual difficulties like failing to erect, delayed ejaculation that end up boredom in a woman. Foremost disadvantage is that it encourages the act of doing sex since the people work in false comfort zone thinking that they are fully protected from contracting the infections sexually. This increases the number of people contracting the HIV per day making a lot of people living positively. Foreskin was created with purpose, to cover the glans so that it should perform its function properly to the fullest pleasure. Research just carried out shows that 80% of circumcised men lives their entire life with regret for losing their penis without disclosing this to everyone. They never enjoy sex. This is not a solusion to HIV spread, it only helps more people to get infected since it is a false protection which has not yet been proved… I think the whites are using us as objects to be used in an experimentation to see the efficacy of the circumsion. And also the greedy people in those higher positions are the ones that are holding candles to the devil allowing them to conduct their experiments thing in poor countries like malawi knowing that we are already desperate for job opportunity, even money itself.
Musiyire midyomba ntchitoyo
zodulanaso aaa, madeyawo ife tzisunga bas bola soap.
Anapanga dala kumudula penisyo, it’s another way to have alot of GAYS in malawi.
koma ndizoona kuti ena akumapanga kanyenya wa makhunguwo.
Never say circumcision is a solution to HIV spreading. Never. This is misleading the society. It is just because people want money from donors
So sad..but circumcision for what..?
Tichiteko Comment:inu Aboma Mogwirizana Ndiunduna Wazaumoyo Ngat Zomwe Akunena Amalawi24 Zili Zoona Ndibwino Kuti Mdulidwe Uthe,chifukwa Mwayesapo Macondom Kuti Matenda Asafalikire Koma Zakanika Matenda Anafalikira Komanso Mpaka Lero Macondom Alipo Koma Anthu Akufabe Ndimatenda Omwewo A HIV/AIDS.Pano Mukubwera Ndi mdulidwe Zinthu Zomwe Zaika Anthu Ambiri Pamavuto Ena Mwaiwo Ndiana Omwe Akusowa Mtendere Ndichikhalidwe Chosayenera Ndichonyasa Ngat Chimenecho Chomwenso A Satanic,a Masenga Ndianyanga Apezerapo Mwayi Mogwirizazana Ndiinu Aboma Inu Ndikumapezapo Cholowa Koma Edzi Ndikumachakachabe Anthu Kuphatikizapo Omwe Ndi Akumdulidweo.Bwanji Osatenga Gawo Kufalitsa Uthenga Wakuziletsa Kwa Anthu Kapena Kuwauza Anthu Aope Mulungu Chifukwa Akaopa Mulungu Adzaopa Tchimo Lachiwerewere/chigololo Limene Mulungu Amadana Nalo Kotero Kut Matenda Tidzawagonjetsa Mosavuta Chfukwa Ngat Munthu,banja,mpingo Kapena Dziko Ziopa Mulungu Matendawa Adzakhala Kutali Ndiife.Koma Mdulidwe Ndicondom Sizizatha Kutha Kapena Kucepesa Ma
eeee http://www.jandooooooooo.com mmmmmh ndizinazake
Aaaaaaaaaaa ameneyo ndiye Malawi wayenera kudziwika ndi iziiiiii
mmalo mokakamiza ana kuti azipemphera cholinga choti malawi wammawa asazakhale wa cashgate you are forcing the to be circumsized for what
anaka durisa for future use
Atsegulaso jando mmasukulumu kod?
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee zakha bwanji?
People have responded to my post in various ways; now listen to me and listen good. Am not celebrating for what happened and the young man deserves to be compensated and be given the best treatment possible including as mkandawire transplant if it’s feasible. We’re talking about money here because accidents are also subject to insurance or compensation as it’s being referred in this context. The parents who took this lad for circumcision had good intentions for their son. The medical personnel also did their job because this is not the first procedure to be executed, others have been successful except this one. This is where the accident element comes in. The ministry should come out and apologize and take responsibility for this unpleasant mistake. As matter of reference, children should be allowed to make their own decisions when they grow up of whether to go circumcision or not. The same way with punching ears to wear ear rings for girls; this too must be an individual’s choice whether to do it or not. Again, this case was really an accident and my apologies to the young man and his parents. I rest my case, thank you very much.
“The child was taken along with other unidentified minors after they had been coaxed by some sweets, juices and biscuits before being given Lifebuoy Soap as an antibacterial cleansing substance for the wounds.”
Does the above which I have copied from the article above suggest that the parent took his son to the hospital for circumcision? Please in future read stories carefully and then make comments. Do not irritate others with your lack of attention to detail but quickness to comment on things you did not even understand.
It is being alleged here kuti mwana anamutenga ali ndi anzache without the consent of the father.
The parents were not the ones who took this boy and others for circumcision. It was done without the knowledge or consent of the parents or legal guardians. This is assault and battery….a crime.
This child was kidnapped. Isn’t that a crime in
Ndi izotu.
Kuteroko basi ……
was it forced circumcision?
No one is forced, thts y we call it Voluntary Male Medical Circumscion. Lets wait how SSDI will respond. Ndiye nonse omwe mumaopa kudulidwa apa musachuluke nzeru
This was done to a child who is not capable of consenting. It is therefore NOT voluntary.
Eish so bd hw cn he live wtht doing …….ahaa its nt fair
mmmm sorry boys no comments
So sorry
Mdulidwe wafika pena, mpaka mngwanjuro! Mwana amulakwila azizangowoma 90 minutes game osamenya! Mwadula tsogolo!
Nonsenu mukuti ndi ngozi ndinu zisiru. Shame on u yes I cn evn sy it share and again dat yr foolish.yr bxy advise ppl kt kaduliseni kupewa khansa ndeno mwanayo aiziwa khanxa at hz age,? Lets take a Bible nd see pangano la mulungu ndi abraham sadakambepo xa khansa.so advise ppl in right way.zisiru zina zimakamba kt zimafuna kumamva kukoma in sex tym wch is stupit idea especially ntundu uwu wa.,?????
Thanks Makaveli Banda for your likeness on my comment.
Mdulidwe oterewu omadya ma forskin wayambisa ndan?mpaka amafuna adye penis nkhuli kuposa ya fisi.
Simunamukonde mwanayu mwamuonongela ufulu
Mnyanya kuchita kukakamiza mwini asakufuna, lero ndizimenezo kuseweretsa chilengedwe cha Mulungu.
How come?
pepa young bro akuphera tsogolo la sex
Kkkkkk zoopsya
Give him his bazuka back lol
Sungakhale soldier without a gun.
Coco En
Takhala tikunena ife kuti izi nzopanda pake..basi boma kukhala busy kumalimbikitsa chigololo pomanamiza anthu kuti mdulidwe umateteza HIV ndi cervical cancer…lero siizo mwamuvulaza mwana..its high time govt shud just accept that cervical cancer is on increase bcoz of these contraceptives..mind u Satana masiku ano akugwiritsa ntchito anthu ophunzira to mislead the world..now adultery sin is promoted in the name of circumcision lol
Get a lesson za uchisilu zanuzo..kumawakakamiza ana kuti akadulise…asiyeni..akazafika age yoti atha kupanga okha decision azapange…osati basi tiyeni..mwana wa zaka 9 kumupanga mdulidwe ma advantage ake oti..asapangise cancer ya khomo la chibelekelo? nanga iyeyo mwanayo khomo la chibelekelo akuliziwa? agalu ena amene mumakakamiza ana kodulisa #watchout zandikwiyisaa kwambiri
Was it circumsion or rather castration. Imagine Life without pen…
daaah mmmmm bila penis atatombaje mwezenu????duuu kaya kumeneko mwina kupewako zigololo
Are you telling us that the guy will never enjoy sex for the rest of his life,thats damn crazy, i mean the doctor what was he thinking? They should help him with operation to get the artificial.
Transplant is possible. Not cheap but possible.
A surgically constructed phallus cannot replace the exquisite sexual and sensory nerves of the original. The penis is unique and cannot be replaced.
This is a demonic act
why is the government intereseted in foreskin busines?
Something fishy goin on
In human nature with or without circumcision
One can still get disease
This is a very evil act. Anytime an adult takes a knife to the genitals of children an evil act is committed.
You are very right, something fishy is going on big time with the medically fraudulent “Voluntary Male Circumcision Campaign.” It’s the biggest medical scam in history. Racist targeting of Africans.
Munatuma anthu aja amapha albino or what without a penis kkk awoyee
Why 10m they must pay 50m
an this campaign mu stop w ime
10 million yachepa, amudulira mphatso ya moyo
Let the govt. replace it through operation in RSA if failed they must compaset with K50,000,000.
plastic surgery needed. 10m not enough for dat !
10 million z nat enuf……beta b 100 million alaaaa
Kodi ndi Malawi basi yomwe ili ndi anthu ossdulidwa? Ku South Africa kulibe zodulanazo. Kulitola dziko. Boma limulipire mwanayo. Mwanyanya kutengeka.
Shalom Chafulumira kakakaka, comment yako lol. Aaaaaah koma Shalom waganiza bwanji kkkkk wandiwaza heve.
Ngati sitisintha zaka hundred zikubwelazi kudzakhala azungu okha mdziko muno,katemela okakamiza ana masukulumu,mankhwala achani akuti zinthu zotere kale kunalibe inu asadwabwa bwanji agogo alipobe amkamwa chani? Satan akukhazikitsa maziko ake.ngakhare anthu amapenya koma saona kumva koma osamvetsetsa samalani mapeto ayandikira!
Vuto lotngera zikhulupiriro za wanthu wena ndi imeneyo ife asena ndi amanganja mwambo umenewo sititsata kodi a Malawi chikutivuta ndi chiani kumatsatira zofuna za anthu ena ndi zikhulupiriro zawo kodi banji mukuphunzitsa ndi kunyengerera ana pa zinthu zopanda pake ngati izi ? Kodi zimenezi zikuthandiza chiani pa moyo wa munthu nanga munthu ngati sangachite mdulideu chingamuchitikire ndi chiani tengeranipo phunziro mudzayerekeze kuchita mwana wanga momukakamiza mudzaona posiirapo
Disfiguring and suffering eti? Ndalama zangovuta mkulu
koma peter mutharika anayamba amudulapo asanayambe aliyense m’malawi muno?
I saw how they were enticing school children with soft drinks. But all is not lost. On top of the money the family should also demand an operation to have his dick back. This is now possible in RSA and other countries.
Dats Y Ndimaopa Eee Zoopsa
koma nanu ma dotolo nzanu mungam’dule chiwalo chokoma ngati chimene chija???mukufuna kukoma muzikumva nokha anzanu mwafula fula uko kulakwa kumeneko …….kukoma kwa ma second kuja even 10 million sizikulowana aaaaa…..
Ine ndinapanga mdulidwewo koma anandifusa kuti kodi titaye khunguli? Chinali chirsakho changa choti andipase kuti ndikawa onetse akadzi wanga,ndipo anandipatsa popanda vuto lina lirilotse. Ndie mukamati makunguwo akupita nao kuti? Ndi chitsakho chako kutenga kapena ai. Mutsawaopsyeze anthu apa.
Kaya ZANU izo inebola anakandimbudzula ndinathana nazo zamduridwe wanuwo
Amuchotsela Go Tv Entertaining Girls Kkkkkkkkk
Nayenso amdule yake afanane
Too bad…
Thats unfortunate, & 10 million will not replace it anyway!!!!
Ndimaluzi amenewa, zikaperekedwa nanenso ndikubwera mundidule ndidye nawo zimenezi….
Ndichifukwa chake ife atonga kunkhata bay timadana ndimudulidwe timakana zimenezo, km apo mwamulakwira mwana.
Iwe Tionge pakuti pako zikugwirizana ndi chislamu apa umbuli bass ndipo ndiwe munthu opanda dzeru ndipo mwana wa hule,chislamu chalakwa chani pa manyi anupa,hule otha ntchito
zili ndi eni ake izi ayi or ayike futi pamsana toto
Plastic surgery exist.no need to worry about.
Eish which nonsense people like that kufuna chan mpaka kuchotsa chikopa
Mumangomva kuvinidwa ait?? Zilindimadela aketu zinthuzi. Komaso@mw 24 kukakamula zinthu hw can usay amudula penis as if amudula yonse?? It’s only penis’s head ok??kumalemba bwino nkhanizi otherwise u will make pple kusiya kuvinidwa mwamva??
kkkk ameneyo sazathekaso kupanda yinayake kkkk
Kudulidwa is a must!! Shym 2those who r nt circumicised!!idiots!!
Anthu aku chikwawa ndinu openga kwabssi
Y people go for circumcision you don’t know kuti zikopa zija amakagulisa ena nkumadyelera? Kkkkkkkkkk zipitani muzilemeresa wanthu
It seems ma 10 million aphweka ku ministry of Health
Mdulidwe umene mukunena inu amalawi 24 ndiomweu unanenedwa mmabuku kapena ndi zachiwembu komaso sindikuvetsa kuti amuchotsa maliseche ake ngati zilichoncho musanene kuti ndi mdulidwe omwe tikuudziwa ai
Poor kid will never know the taste of a pussy smh
very sad komanso boma mmene lidayambira kulengeza za mdulidwe ife zidatitopetsa kmva pano mwayamba kukakamiza mm kulakwa
Musova ana kuwuzani kuti mbolo imadulidwa ndani?
Iam really of the idea that this decision of getting circumcised o nt shld rest on oneself ……nt parents deciding for u wen yo still young. Its sad wat happened thr,but personally I dnt have a problem with t circumcision
kkkkkkkkk no coment
kkkkkkk ndiyinyake inyake iyi hahahah anamutuma nde sibo
lets just pray for Him….ndalamayo ithandiza chani???
ndivo tukana
Zabwera udyo2 izi Malawi sazatheka bax.
Too bad
I have been saying that,circumcision is nothing,nothing!nothing! at all. Why people are still sticking to these stupid and old believes?.Malawians when are you going to wake up?.Jesus Christ told us that,the main law is to love your neighbour us you love yourself not that nonsense of circumcision,stupid!.
But even Jesus was circumsised…its right there in the bible
Yes he was surcumsised becoz anali mu Yuda muthu weniweni thus the way he lived,but in my belief i don’t cee the value of da fuck and cheap practice spiritually as perfect.Love ur neighbor as you love urself thus the basic and main principle of Heavenly life passport. Plix no more cutting in the name of bible and Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ was circumcised but then he died for our sins and St. Paul commanded not to circumcise any more.
Choncho! Mbamba Yanga Sinchita.Vitsiru Mwadula Dodo Yamwanayo Tsono Pakati Pokhala Nd mbolo Ya Umve Mkumasoka Bohboh Ndi Izi Zachitikaz Deal Ndi Iti ?Ine Siningabode !!
Mwaphwanya ufulu wa mwana apa,moyo wake onse!
Transgender therapy in rich countries could turn the boy to a girl.Its unbiblical though..
Transgender doesn’t really change sex….only appearance. It is false.
The individual would have to want to change genders very badly for it to work.
I rather doubt any male child, after such an unimaginable shock as he has just experienced with the loss of his penis, would think that changing genders would fix that.
Ndingozi yachitikayo Allah achiza zimenezo gys mamuna osadulidws ndionyass kapena kuti ndi odetsedwa, ngati mukufuna kunvazambili mutha kuyimba panambala iyi +27634415393
iwenso ulibe nzeru wamva. kunyasa ngati manyi akanyimbi
This is very sad, a ministry akanangopanga approve prepex azachite mdulidwe womwe akhoza kukupanga koma mkumaenda chimodzimodzi….i dont know why they are taking so long…mapeto aketu anthu aziwopa zimenez…
Abale zangovuta apa ndipo zimachitika koma musadane ndikuvinidwa
Heheheeee koma guys mwapha mumba yamwanau, amadulira chikwanje chan????? kkkkkkkk amafuna label ndzimenezo
Munyaaa kumangokhalira kudula za mzanu pomwe zanu ndizosadula alipire basi
Kkkkkkk koma mbuli zinazi zikudana ndI n’dulidwe kkkkkk ukanakhala kuti ndiwachabe sizikadamukhuza ngakhale jesu komakwamunthu amene amamusatila Jesu akuyenela kupanga zimene iye ankapanga chotsani umbuliwo amwene mwakula
Kd mbuzi iwe, w@ was it meant by circumcision im the old testament? Be wise osapusapo apa,
There are two things involve here: 1. Reproduction system blocked 2.cerculatory system disturbed and I there4 think de child has to be compasated with atleast …. One hundred million kwacha only K100000000 and not K10million as such. With de followin reasons: 1. No reproduction from him,,very painfull so to speak. 2. Urenation disturbed, artificial pipes wil b used, as such he wil be require to visit expensive pvt hospitos as gvt owned hospitos have no enough medication. Andi with that K10million isn’t fit. 3. Personally and mentally shaken, nobody can refix. Ndatha ine wokanisitsa ndulidwe!!!
As long as the testicles remain, reproduction is possible. Not easy but possible.
Perhaps technically it would be possible for such an individual as this poor boy, to grow up and father children, from sperm harvested from him, however the severe blow to his well being, with this horrific accident that destroyed his penis, and all his ability for sexual pleasure, he may be in no mood to even think about having children, ever.
Ngati yako ndiyodula ndichitsankho chako,ngati ili yosadula ndichitsankho chakoso,in life we have choices
@Enock anazolowera za umvezo komanso enawa ndimantha ndiye pobwera ndi ma vesi ngati anthu a mu bible anali osavinidwa
hahahaha wanga nono
circumcision is very Bad… zotengera tengera si Boh they should return the boy penis
mwamuna opanda mboro ali ngat khasu lopanda mpini.mfanayi sazachindako moyo wake ose? mayo ine!!! makolo ake opanda mzeru taonani mwadulisa mboro ya mwana
Amulakwila mwana. Angomusintha akhale wamkazi if possible
Consequencies Of #Foolishnestisim
What a sad news thats why me i decide not to take part kuopa nkhani zake ngati zimenezi.
Too bad
useless people,don’t do it again
no more sex for the little bro forever?sorry young boy life is full of shit anyway.he must become a catholic priest
ayao samafa ndi mdulidwe chifukwa ndi chikhalidwe chao inu osatira napepe
Am feeling sorry for the young man, bad things happen to good people but am made to believe that this was just an accident which could happen elsewhere. However, the young man deserves the compensation but this should not stop people from undergoing the process, it is very important and worthy pursuing. I went through the same process last year and am just fine. It is another way of knowing your status with regards to HIV because its a must to be tested before the procedure. Iyo inali ngozi basi let’s go boys and men to do it, it shall do us more good than harm. Am a living testimony, am a married man who just went through this process last year and all is well, Amen.
Man don’t tell us your testimony.Ndiangati lero akumwa makwara otalikitsa moyo chosecho ali wodulidwa?
Bro, age matters the most. Why not waiting for them until something around 12 or 15 years? After all here in Malawi we don’t have well qualified and dedicated civil servants. If it were overseas or even in RSA that could never be a problem. They must send him abroad for penis replacement, above paying the damages
After all your testimony has nothing to do with the issue at hand. At what age were you circumcised?
Dont persuade ur culture to other pple
Osamadula msonga, ibala bwanji zipatso opanda msonga (peter mawanga song)
Zofuna mbaibulo ananena kuti mdulidwe siwokakamiza read Galatians chapter 6 vs 7-14
lyf iz nothing without dis ting …….
can money bring that manhood back?
Apa ndiye yalakwa mwawononga katundu wamwana no 10milliyon yachepa mwana azingosilira amuphera tsogolo
eee kumalawi inakakhala kuti ndi series ee bwezi ili season 50 yabwino…..nkhani mbwelekete.adotolowoso adulidwe basi + boma kaya amene anawatumayo apeleke kuposa zija amabazija ……..
Its funny but areal man to lose penis is not a joke but lucky american they started to transplant penis from adonar I hope government will do that!!
sindizalola kut mwana wanga apangidwe zopusazi coz udulidwe usadulidwe ndichimoz moz ndipo osadulidwa osati amachita kulembedwa pachipumi kut awa ndiosadulidwa awa ndiodulidwa iyaaaa ndichimoz moz or kubed ndi more fire osadulidwa
Wawo ngati achimwene che withheldwo anachita kuwapanga za vozidi then akubomawo akuyenera kuwapanga comparisonate basi.zindu zimenesi zimavunika maprovet ake oziwa bwino ozangoti ndimadotolo ozavinidwa omwe, boma likuyenera kuchita kontirakiti maprovetishon nangaliba ochoka kumapiri kumachinga ma amachawa iyayi
Ndiyeno mukadula zimapita kuti kukawedzela miracle money? Kudulidwa or kusadulidwa YESU akubwera. If u r misusing the penis bcz of mdulidwe matenda sangakuope
1o million yikuchepa kwambiri zinazi uyu mkuti circum chani?aaayi
mmmm koma tipita enafe chonchi? zoopsatu iZIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Are they going to buy another gun for him with that money?
10m is less money….he deserve 100m
mh kaya he ll b single 4eva
too bad
mpakana forced hmmm bvuto lopanga fprce limenelo koma 10 million yachepa angakhale zili zokaikitsa ngati akwanitse kupeleka 10 million yo
Yes compasate him
Why destroying machine gun a mwana? For what purpose? do you think God made these forskins mistakenly? K10 milion yachepa ampatse chipepeso cheni cheni; apo bi! Amubwenzere makina ake. Kkkk!
Enipher Enitso Nagome Check coments lol
Kodi akanakhala kut apanga ndi angaliba,akanatchajidwa 10m? Bwanji sitiyamika job ma doctor athu amagwira? How mdulidwe wakhala ukupangidwa ndi ma nurse popanda vuto lili lonse? Kuthekanso anadula bwinobwino zangolowa ufiti wakwao. Lets take it as a human error ngat adnadula udyo..koma ngat anadula bwino and his body is failing to recover its a body error. But koma sinati asalipire but i hate kumanena za chipongwe kwa ogwira ntchito mu chipatala,nawonso ndi anthu. I think u better also castrate him kut asazamakhalenso ndi chilakolako
amubwezere chonde chakecho ndikapital imenei
aboza inu munakamuona / basi muufuna kuopseza a2 asamapange zimenezo?
Apo wapulumuka ku muliriwu basi
am sorry for this incident. however, let me share wat i read on CNN. Doctors have performed a PENIS transplant in USA this week. am not a Doctor but in layman’s language, a penis transplant involves getting another live penis and “connect” it to the one who has lost his. like the case in USA, the person lost his as a result of Cancer. infact from the comments made on this transplant, it is clear that the case in USA is not the first of itfs kind; in South Africa, India, they have ever done such an operation. hence, ther iss hope for the boy. the question shud be “who will foot the bill? who will be the donor?”
Most africans think they are immuned after circumcision. ARV business syndicate
They are bad people they must be requested to compasate 90 million to the victim
alomwe akufuna tizitsatira timiyambo tawo topusa!
ahahah! sad but funny
even at the Hospital there is Forced Circumsision?
Hiiiii Khodi khani,,,zimafunika angaliba eni eni izi,,,osangoti,,, Nanga osadulidwa angadule mzake? Mwikhooo
Mwaononga Spoon Nanga Phala Azimwa Bwanji Mwanayo?
They don’t know how painful this “operation” is…going for MC should be a decision made by a particular person himself…we don’t have to force people …On the other hand Chroy akuyamika kumwamba coz the operation on him was properly done lol
Bwanji nyini sadula zonze kodi
No need to force those who are willing must go to those who dont want must not forced ndiye ufulu ukuimbidwawo uli kuti atchipitsa ndalamayo
kkkkk watsogola ameneyo palibe azamupeza
Shop yake iti akugulisa shaft ten miter?
zabodza izi nfana anachila bwinobwino no complications….makolo ndiomwe anamizidwa kuti atha kutapapo cash!!!
Ndizimene mkufuna yaine ayi dont dare kk kumulakwila mwana ndeazizangowayang’ana mabuya momwe akutchipira matsiku ano akungoyenda ovulavula bola pathumba
Koma you guys and your reporting eeeishh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The boy healed bwinobwino and there are no complications. Get your facts right, He was actually not even abducted…. makolo angofuna cash apa not what you guys are reporting!!!
Yachepa cashyo umoyo wamuthu 10 miter ai awonjezele
penis=10 million. ineso ndufuna 10 tipange bwa?
Kumulakwila mwana ndiye K10 million igula topitoyo?
asiye zodula ana.kodi dziko lathu likupita kuti. The problem is that we’re drived by foreign countries if they said do this and that we just said yes bwana. Look at our education if they said you have to teach while you sit down to respect learners we can say yes bwana. that is poor Malawi
circumsision is not bad man..tho we are drived by foreign countries
Wrongly correct bro.circumsision Ws there even tym of Jesus..osati zmene munenazo
Mmmh inu ndiye mukuyankhula ziti?
Kd mukutsutsanu muli ku Malawi konkuno…? Simuzwa kt Malawi akulamuliridwabe ndi azungu bt indirectly and moreover they say the boy had suffered the loss due to ”FORCED CIRCUMCISION.” Don’t u get the point?? Circumcision should be based on free will not by force,
circumcision or watever u call it is a stupid practice!!!!!!& dont mention Jesus on silly issues like these.one has lost manhood here and u say its gud just bcoz of yo religion or tribe?
Osandulidwa sikuchita makani kwache. Kodi anthu samwalira ndi malungo? Mankhwala komaso ma nurse alipo? Izi zimachitika basi. Aliyese afune asafune adulidwe basi ife za umvezo ayi, kumasunga ndeya ku maliseche wachani?
Kodi mukaduridwa khungulo likumapita kuti? Coz bopeni ilibe caver aweeee bebi singalembe kkkkkk
A big fool says osadulidwa amakhala ndi deya…. Koma ochenjera amadziwa kt ”it depends on personal hygiene,” ngt munthu ukuzisamalira there is no problem. Those who r saying circumcision is biblical it means u know nothing, u r in darkness. Circumcision was a convenant between God and His pple not as they say today, remember Satana amabwera ndimzeru ngt yokoma bt its not like dat. Amangofuna akuiwalise za Mulungu wako,,,,, wise up!!!!!!
So do you mean a person can forsake God because of circumcision?
Aaaaah zaziiiiiii
circumcise your heart by stop sinning , what is the motive behind ?
Kudulidwa umafuna wekha osamakakamizana .mwana ankakamiza mapeto ake waluza mboro yonse ndiyeno azakwatira bwanji ?boma limpitise ku maiko akulu akulu akamuikenso
Mulungu anali olakwa kulenga dick ali ndi coverd?
Whats The Use Of This Practice Odulidwawo They Are Highly Affected With HIV osadulitwawo they are better off because they abstain.
Kudulidwa ndichani? Jst accept jesus christ to b ur seviour mwana wosalakwa mwadulako penis yake wooo!
osanamizana apa nkhani ya dulidwe olo bible ilimo zangochitika basi evn kunkhondo asilikali salemphela mozi ovulala mmm zangovuta
the motives behind m’dulidwe are these;(1)sukhala nawo pa chiopsyezo chotenga ka chilombo koyambitsa matenda a Edzi,the fact is munthu amene anadulidwa songa ya mbolo yake imakhala youma olo atachinda maka bwanji simasupuka amasupuka ndi mkaziyo .am nt defending odulidwa but am telling u the truth.hiv kuitenga kwake wen it comes to sex ngati mwasupululana kabala kako ka freshko kakakhudzana ndi kakeko thats where u can get tha virus.motive ya chiwiri; performance ya muthu odulidwa in bed is always good .motive ya chitatu iliso yotsiliza is hygiene ;mbolo yodulidwa siitulutsa nawo bad odour ngati mmene ichitila yosadula olo munthuyo atakhala kuti amaisamalila bwanj sizingafanane…..izozo zangoona kuchitika it happens operation failes sometimes
Or yesu anadulidwa imeneyo ndi ngozi
inenso ndikadulisa yonse mwina ndizembe aids mwanayo waizemba aids ali ndi mwayi
Zomvesa chisoni
Eshiiii zovuta2 kkkkk
Phuma, .ten million yokhayo?
that’s y i dont like zachi pagan izi….Mulungu anandipasa ngini ya sharp sindingapange zopusazo ……mwanayu basi chake palibe basi ndizachisoni komanso zisekesa
ten meter nde akagula yina
koma ndiye mwamulakwira asaaa! so he will miss punani 4life? zibwana
Ndimene akukomena ana ndi ankazi ndalamaso ndiyachiyani zachamba basi ine tikhoza kubwezelana apo bii amubwezele chake mwanayo ameneyo ndiye fodyayo amadula bwanji iye
Gaddaff wasatira nzake ine changachi mayaz palibe azadule
Kumuphela ufulu mwana, Dr ameneyo achotsedwe ntchito and ngati ali mwamuna atenge yakeyo ampatse mwanayo, ten million yachepa n mchitidwe umenewu uthe ulibe phindu coz azingoononga ma chaft aeni ake.
kkkk chonchi? Fortitude Sylvia Malizani
kkk bwnj man Don
kkkk ndimistake iyi aise, palibwino ndikhale mmene ndinabadwira
kkkk ine ndnabwelera ofka fika man mm sznthu bro
kkkk unachita bho aise, timaorganisation tati mbwee mtauniti tipeze zina zochita
Haha paja am anurse ndkudula mosamala
kkkk iyah ndakana
Aah hahaha simbho kma.. Atenge chakecho amvekere mfanayo
shaaaa pachebetu
Boma liwonepo kanthu pomulipila mwanayo ndimakolo ake
No Comment
damn! Am never getting curcumcised
plz we beg u. Kkkkkk
Nope,,,,,, not a chance
Its now possible to have penis transplant,so the Government must compensate and pay the damages and all neccessary expenses for this boy to have a transplant.
ine nde muzachita kulodzetsa ndi mfutitu apa shuwa!! za m’dulidwe ndakana!!!
eeeeish they must pay them times ten amuwonengera katundu mwana uyo moyo sungakome opanda chida chimenecho
so whats the big deal requestng the money?? tell em to find another excuse… maluz bas… gone gone bas…..
Iwe ukulankhula zimenezo utaphyatira nchila. Tikuti mfana waluza nchila ungamve bwanji ali wako?
Iwe su uli nawo mchira u don’t see a problem. They need to give 10 mwana yo
Ine izo ndiye ndimakanilathu……..n sindingachite kudulisa mnyamata wanga kuti akhale wadazi…… #zikanali_kuchitika_apo_zangoyamba!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chifukwa chake ife sitidulitsa mind you Shaft sichikhadabo kuti vhchikaduka chimeraso..muziwenga zikhadabo basi osati michira popewa ngozi
kkkkk kungodula katundu amene uja źako zada ulibenso tsogolo pa dziķo pano nanunso adotolo mumadula ndi nkhwnģwa? osamayetu inu mwamva mpaka mzanu kumudula ukwati zoona
Mwana amuchotsela mpamba
Iiiiiiiiii ndiye mwati angokhapiratu? Mulandu wake ulingati kupha albhino
where z the connection between circumusion and loss of penis?ok where z the ground of claim? Who forced him?
mmmm sorry for that.
It was written in Bible even Jesus Christ Himself waz circumcised,its gud 2b circumcised bcz its health,we can prevent some STIDS,ngakhale chigololo Chimakoma ndi Ojandula,but ijst felt sry 2young DUDE Even if he Compesated His Life will never be the same,Banja lopanda mwana koma muli ndi chuma there is no LIFE!
Circumcision has no medical benefit. It does not prevent any disease. The only thing it does is change the way it looks.
Circumcision is useless. Why in Mangochi 90 % of men are circumcised but the rate of Aids is the highest countrywide
Proof please! Provide it!
In the,United States most men are circumcised yet the HIV rate is high. Other countries where no one is circumcised, rates are very low.
we nid an evidence abt ur research!!!!!!
wat is meant by circumcission is useless? wat is useful if I may ask u? wheatbrankeeper , damn!
Wat I knw circumcision z done to prevent the spread of Ca cervix(cancer ya khomo lachibelekelo)ndi ochepa amuna amazisamalira kwambiri ,,,,foreskin ija imasungla HPV(human papilloma virus)imene imayambisa cancer ,,,
Kd in old testament anati azidulidwa popewa cervical cancer and HIV, kapna as a covenant??? Bullshit…. Devils intention… Cholinga ndichoti anthu azichta zachiwerewere mosaopa matenda in other words… Kulimbikisa chigololo which is contrary to God
very useless.i suport u bro!!!
TeeKay Felix T Manyungwa so you agree with me that this practice is devilish
Ebrahim Jamal Go to ministry of health and ask for statistics. MANGOCHI & MACHINGA topping the list in Aids.
Ebrahim Jamal Go to NAC or ministry of health
Ebrahim Jamal Ask NAC or Ministry of health
Raphael Inkosi Mtanga Khundi Ngakhale atandithira doom nkamwa I can not let go my beautiful skin kkkķkkkkkkkk
why cutting foreskin .God created it leave as it is . Circumcision leads to genetal erectile dysnfuction .Government must pay .His life has been destroyed now forever .No bonking any punani.
Yosadula yomweyi amayiyamikira isaaaaa
Why do you cut your hair or shave your beard? Surely it was created to be like that!
#jamal talk something that can make sense .#hair has no side effect.
hahaha man God created it but in Genesis, God asked abraham to do that to his Descendants..so which God are ya Refferin to?
Abraham was Circumcising his servants to show that they’re his, not because they prevent HIV, #Growup pple
Circumcision does not lead to erectile dysfunction. Where do you get your FACTS from? Thin air?
Asamatpusise Azunu Amenewa Chirichose Tiziwa Vera Sakuziwa Kt Ndialendo Mmalawi Muno iiiiiyaaa
Man Gift Zgambo
Waw u r stil keeping a4skin.think twice.do you know de negativ effects 2 ua swit?even de bible or quran tells us dat God comanded abraham to be circumucised 2geda with his son including u.ndie de isue asithe njira azimayi asamadule pachikhalidwe nzosayenera. And akadula pazikhala bedrest 4 5days ithink zitha kusintha.
apa pachuluka agalu achisilamu alibe nzeru paja. Mdulidwe umene Paul amanena ndiwamu Uzimu osati kuthupi mwamva agwape asilamu inu.. Muzipita kumecca konko kuno ayi.
Mmmmmmm!!!!zosakhala bwino muli ndimwayi poti mwakana ndi makolo opemphera ndikanakhla ine mukananya nayo billion MIRACLE MONEY
Uli bho mfana kutota kumazuza.
kkkkkkkk penis ndi chizungu koma mboro woooooow alibe tsogolo mwana wopanda mboro afe ndithu amene alibe ichi dziko muno aaaaa
Ndalama Ndi Chilengedwe Ndizosiyana Apa Mwamupundula Mwanayu
how can they value the magnificent penis with only just 10million kwacha, that’s not enough just pray to God for replacement , miracles do happens
sazajongolanso mfanayo,#compersate_him
Anadulilatu mpaka pa phata?
oooops…poor boy,,wasemphana ndi zinthu zabwino..
mwava?? zija ndimanena ine zija ndi izi….ine nde mudzachita kundithamangitsa Roy View Banda
Where is the proof lol
tamuoneleni…here is the proof
Zongolembazi? D u knw that sm pipo are getting paid to write bad things about some “good” things?
Hahaha.. Udzafa ndi mantha Peter Kandoje.
bola kudzafa ndi mantha ndili ‘yonse’ kusiyana ndi…..ndilibe kkkk
Hehehe.. Kuopa kunlphonyana ndi ujeni
eeeeh iiih Caleb #LG aise kkkk
Life is even more good the other side.
palibe zimenezo @caleb…
Hehe.. I have a testimony.
Gonthi uyu….
palibe zimenezo, nane ndili nawo umboni
kkkkk koma Peter
#Tiko mafanawa akufuna andipange geni
matha amenewo
ayi aaah mantha, kusamala ngini lol
Kkkk.. Kumeneko ndikusakonda thupi lako.
Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin and not the penis. This is when I hate reporters, they distort facts….tiuzeni chachitika kweni kweni. And actually, it is now that we are hearing about VMMC, kale timangopita kutchire ndi angaliba and nothing of this sort happened
The sad thing about this is also that they are doing it during school session thereby putting some pupils to nurse their wounds for some weeks and miss classes, if you don’t trust me just come to Linga fp school in the same district, what a shame, boma kuyambitsa angaliba awo awo kuletsa enuake ozidziwa, kabwezeni chamwanacho basi
The sad thing about this is also that they are doing it during school session thereby putting some pupils to nurse their wounds for some weeks and miss classes, if you don’t trust me just come to Linga fp school in the same district, what a shame, boma kuyambitsa angaliba awo awo kuletsa enuake ozidziwa, kabwezeni chamwanacho basi
The sad thing about this is also that they are doing it during school session thereby putting some pupils to nurse their wounds for some weeks and miss classes, if you don’t trust me just come to Linga fp school in the same district, what a shame, boma kuyambitsa angaliba awo awo kuletsa enuake ozidziwa, kabwezeni chamwanacho basi
forced? how? i kno its voluntary
The sad thing about this is also that they are doing it during school session thereby putting some pupils to nurse their wounds for some weeks and miss classes, if you don’t trust me just come to Linga fp school in the same district, what a shame, boma kuyambitsa angaliba awo awo kuletsa enuake ozidziwa, kabwezeni chamwanacho basi
Ife tinapita kusimba bwinobwino zachikuda tinachila.koma awa akut zamakono kungofuna kuwononga ana basi bola asamapweteke mpaka kuzakanika kubeleka apa
Zkudabwitsa man
Ndingozi zimachitika komabe mwatiopsa sitipitansotu, chonde osamangosiira ma student ntchito za chipatala chifukwa zimakhudza moyo wamunthu kusiyana ndi za maphunzirotu ndiye muthandizeni mwanayo.
pakufunika asanakujandule muzisainirana contract kut akangokuvulaza 100,000
U think 100 000 u can buy a penis? Kod mumaganiza kut Mulungu ndiwopusa kumulenga munthu choncho apo Mulungu wafuna kut ukulu wake uwonekere bwanji anthu tikusewera nd chirengedwe cha Mulungu Ambuye awakanthe ose akupanga omwe akupanga zimenez ngat sasita ndikulapa
Why stupid doctor?????
We dnt knw wt reallly happened,,nkutheka anapanga bwinobwino kma kunyumba sanasatile malangizo ,,ndye bala linalowa gangrenous ndye adula we Neva knw
Sometimes doctors are careless
Sometimes doctors are careless
Ndingozi zimachitika komabe mwatiopsa sitipitansotu, chonde osamangosiira ma student ntchito za chipatala chifukwa zimakhudza moyo wamunthu kusiyana ndi za maphunzirotu ndiye muthandizeni mwanayo.
That is a big loss….sorry boy u will never know wht significant is that thing…mwina moyo winawo…
Kkkkkkkk yaaa!
zamuvuta bax kkkk
Alibho ameneyo sazafa ndi edzi
Za n’duludwe izi sindingapange apanga dala amenewo apereke ndalamazo aa nfana avutika
Eeeee kubunyula mmene kumakomelamu wina nkumaseweletsa shaft choncho, apeleke basi 20Million
The Medical Officer Was Negligent, Losing A Penis Is Very Painful Therefore The Money Is Not Enough As The Victim Will Have No Kids
Oh mi gash. Mwai kut samwa gondolosi, likadakhaula boma ndithu.
This is so sad I feel sory 4dat young generation
Kwele ni kusawisyetu watesilaga mwantundu chiii amangwetu.
Shaaa koma jando
Ayamba kuononga ma shaft? amubwezere
Pamenepo si ana aziopa
Mwabwezelesa mmbuo tchito
Kkkkkkk sory bro chibwenzi chako chizidyetsa tsopano
Iyi nde ndewutu
Kuchotsana chinyadilo zooona,asaaaaaa
shaaaa! kubunyula kukukomelamo eeeh
Hahaha adha
zoona2 inu simukunjoya amulakwila hvy
Ine Dulidwe Yiya Ndakana
Ena amapanga zaukape apelleke basi
No coment
where are they selling them at ten million?
You wanna sell yours too?? lol
yes kikiki
ngat kuli ma oparation akmuikile ina mfana…Amulakwila kwambili.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeee mwat bwanji aaaaaa
Mmmm shame little boy. Ndiye wina aziti eee kadulitse chikhalini cho abambo aka Ali nayo yosadula kkkk akayambe kudula abambo akewo first then anthu enaso akadulitsa kkk.ine ndiye ayii God already created me like this I don’t even want to change chilengedwe chake
Lost a penis? eish!!!!! chiwerengero cha anthu chichepa basi si chiwalo chadulidwa nanga asa.
iiii moti sazachindas0?? nde momwe chimakomera chigololo eishh amuphera ufulu mwanaa
Ndalamayo Akagulila Chani?
Akagula mbolo ina yachisulo
Watsoka basi
thank God yanga inayenda bho 🙂
M’madula ndi grinder.?
M’mamphuzilila mwa wa eni kapena?
Liverpool vs Sevilla @21:00
Ndi ngozi,,,,t wasnt intetion to do d@,,,,,,,,,apangapo ambiri n all went well with them,,,,,,,jst accept ndingozi inachikai
Even accidents are compensated for. Imagine loosing your reproductive organ! He should be surely compensated
Though the money won’t ne equal to the lost organ
what if it was yo son??
Ndalama yachepa
It was an accident. Anapita mmakwao kukakamiza? Any surgical procedure imakhala ndi ma possible complications.
awapaze ndalamazo zopano azigogoda bwanji mamuna
awapaze ndalamazo zopano azigogoda bwanji mamuna
Iwe umakagona mahule dairy ndipo umaufila, pomwe mwanayo sadzalawapo mkazi moyo wake wose,, so stop talking no sense
Nde akapasa ndalama zithandiza chan??? Abwezeresapo ??? T z gone,,,,ts gone???????aaaha!
kaya ndalamazo sizipindula kanthu bola iperekedwe anthuwo awone kusintha…
Akanakhala wanu mwana simunakakhululuka inu……musati chili kwa nzako chigwire nyanga
Asangalala ndi an2 ,,nanga mwanayo whts his benefit frm de money???
Ndingozi ndiye kuti chani? Ngakhale Achisilamu, akhala akudulana zaka zambili, koma sadapangepo zimenezo. Achisilamu ndi athu oti sadaphunzilepo za operation.
Koma amakwanisa.
kodi iwe atakhala mamuna wako sungamamuthawe nyumba kumakanyobesa kwina iwe.ifetu tikudandaula coz katundu amupwetekayo ngofunika
Ndalamayo agula chinthu choti azikumbukira akaona bala lake
cimodzimodzi akanangomupha ndithu
ndalamayo yachepa
Palibe za ngozi,it must be k20 million and above !!
Waukape iyeyo do you know de painful of circum. And we r talkin of de whole dinkamu.mdulidwe sapanga munthu wamayi.wat kind of gender is dis munthu wanyawu akadule yet valve idakapuma mu boxer.apereke basi n yachepa.
panyero pako! Pamtumbo galu. Nyini yako. Bumbu lakoso. Ngozi yakumatako kwakoko panyero.
iwe ndi galu wamva..
Ndimtundu wanji wangozi if i may ask?
Mwana azamutomba uli pala akukhumba mwanakazi ngati iwe?Ungazomela iwe kukhala na mwanalulume wambula mbolo ?
Maejor mwaonjeza its just amatter sharing ideas.munaphunzira kt zimene.u av behaved as if u r not amalawian.
anthu ena kubvunda nkamwa pali chotukwanira apa?
Ngozi yachan? Mumangotenga munthu kudimba apa ndi kuxul komwe sanapite kumakagwira ntchito yot sangakwanitse bwanji?? Ten mitayotu ituluke apo biii….ifenso timudula bas
Iwe Nelly ngoz ya chani? I mean a penis is a gift frm God n sombody takes it away thru a stupid operation u call t Ngozi?
Nelly kodi iwe ukati ngozi wat kind if ngozi is it makolo athuo amkatelo?sizoona amulipire 10m yacepa amalawi tipenye tacoka kutali umphawi kapena ciani?uzakapangise wako mwana ndiye uzizati ngzi kebeleka nkowawa ngati suziwa wamva..
Munthu osabeleka sakhalad ndi chison ndi mwana wa nzake bwanj! Shame on u NELLY
Adali maganizo anga,,,perekani anu nanu,,,,,,,,,,kutukwana ckuthandizayi,,,,,,,,,pali chotukwana apa,,,,kuola mkamwa basi
I think suzachitanso kulankhula mwano umenewu inuyo mungakhale opanda shaft(mzimbasolora)
Simwano koma maganizo,,,,,,,kupeza fundo zolemba pasentence yanga ,,,,,,,,panga yako ,,,,,
maganizo a bho pot ts far frm u!!!!!
Ndalama dzingachuluke bwanji sidzingathe kugula katundu ameneyu.
sorie to dat yung1 dats y i hate ds organization dem them
Organisations behind circumcision are benefiting greatly from it…trust me its never done in good faith!
Yes, FOLLOW THE MONEY and you will find who is behind the MEDICALLY FRAUDULENT African Circumcision Campaign.
So sad apo ndiye mtudu wathatu.
amadula atalezera Dr yo!
Ten Meter yachepaposo pamenepo,
kodi ndekuti nkhaniyi adangoiyamba koma palibe anthu enieni oidziwa eti? tsono akunama’ka {compazation} ikufunika 50m angadzaname.
ndiye amatani mpaka kumuchosa chokudya cha anthu enacho mmmm
m mene zikomela pa bed.Sorie bro I fil your pain.
Asala amphaka Ena awa mwina tingapitidwe mphepo Captainn Licky Elliot Mabanker Kamwela Chifundo Robson Likolome Nyasu Trito Isaiah
amwene opanda john t,,,,,,,,,, ndi zilango,,,,zaululika basi
aaaaaaaaa….. as long as k10 million ilipo…. mphaka wina avayanso..kkk
tinayiwala kuti mphaka wachiwiri ndiwe paja
not me…. Isaiah
kkkkkk Isaiah sangakane,,, aaah eliot mulibe chibwez jon wachan? kadulisen
hahaha single
kkkkkk ine double
10 million ndi gomora ungasankhe chan
kkkkkk better gomora:::::::
Koma abale
Oh shame! But why?
ndiye wina azit ukadulise,,,,,,
Damn this
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk,,kani penis ndyondula chochi et
K k k k k k k usamaletu kwambiri
nane andidule bac,uphawi wandkwana kkk
kma abale znaznatu iz
Will they buy another penis if they will be given K10 million?
Hahaha! very sad
Shaaa apite kukapangitsa transplant akuti zikutheka ku USA ndalama akupanga demandyo yachepa sithandiza kanthu pa moyo wake.
kkkkkk koma kumeneko
Ooooops!!! Am so sorry for that poor innocent boy…..Even itakhala K100 million singafanane ndimakomero amaonongelawo.
hahahahaha koma adha
Yaaaa,ada,zachisoni badi…Zimaposa ndalama kukoma kwake izi.
Choka ilibho ameneyo sazafa ndi edzi
What about tb or ibora?
kkkkkkkk koma kumeneko
liyoliyoliyooooo! kkkkkkkk
yalakwa, nzachabechabe izi