Circumcision gone wrong…boy loses penis in Chikhwawa

Albinos Malawi

…Family demands K10 million

The Malawi Ministry of Health through Chikhwawa DHO has received a notice of intended suit which is demanding Government through Chikhwawa District Hospital to pay k10million in damages for disfigurement and suffering due to forced circumcision as well as loss of amenities of life to 9 years old (name withheld) of Chipakuza Village, T/A Lundu in Chikhwawa.

Circumcision gone wrong in Malawi…boy loses penis in Chikhwawa
Victim was taken while playing with others

According to a document which Malawi24 has seen, father to the 9 year old victim realized that something was wrong with his child after he found him dumped close to his home by staff of SSDI.

SSDI is a component in the Ministry of Health, which receives support from USAID to execute male circumcision operations through a campaign dubbed Sankhani HIV prevention project.

The document which has since been served to the Attorney General and Chikhwawa District Hospital, stressed on the need for authorities to take this matter seriously, as the paramount aspect was the fundamental right of the minor, which had been violated and that in the whole scheme of events, the father was not respected as the parent of the victim.

The child was taken along with other unidentified minors after they had been coaxed by some sweets, juices and biscuits before being given Lifebuoy Soap as an antibacterial cleansing substance for the wounds

The father, Mr Sande, complained that the people involved, forcefully circumcised his son against values and customs of the Sena culture.

Mr Sande claimed that his efforts to get the matter resolved at district level did not materialize owing to lack of cooperation on the part of Chikhwawa DHO, Dr Majidu.

The father through private practice Lawyer, Patience Maliwa, of Knight and Knight is currently waiting for a response from the Attorney General office and the DHO before a formal writ is served against the Ministry of Health.