Malawi government through the ministry of Local Government and Rural Development has disclosed that ward councillors are to get their mobility loans from May this year.
Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development spokesperson Muhlabase Mughogho said government is to give K1 million loan to each ward councillor to purchase motorbikes.
The councillors through their umbrella body, Malawi Local Government Association (MALGA), appealed to government to provide them with K1 million each to purchase motorcycles as one way of dealing with the transport challenges the councillors face.

Following government’s delay in providing the loan, MALGA sent a petition in July 2015 to the Malawi leader Peter Mutharika to intervene on the matter.
Three months after receiving the petition, Mutharika ordered that the councillors should be given the loans.
The councillors are to be deducted money from their K80,000 monthly package as a recovery procedure for the loan.
Wht will happenn if pple will not vote for them again?
If u are staying in malawi its just mean u r in Prison
Yet Malawi is broke, ine dziko linolo ndi olamulira ake sindzalimvetsa
Ndiye bwino mayendedwe amativuta popita kumowa ndi kuzibwenzi.kkkkkkkkkk
Loan given to temporary workers.They are on experimental basis,why give them loans.Their performances not yet seen.All we hear are quarells between MPs and Councìllors.Hold that money until we see their fruits. Let us start Councillors Loans in 2019.Meanwhile Give that money to Teachers who are building the nation.Give loans to civil servants and to Needy students in Universities.Dpp Gvt has a big problem with Priorities.Too myopic.
Kkkkkk Agetud woo ndiye angowelengela basi
It sound gud!I think this loan wil help our Councillors. keep it on Mr President
kkkkkkk. malawi. ndiameneyo ndi mudziwa ine
How long is a ward councillors appointed?
A k1,000,000 loan to be paid back from their monthly package how much?
Is the monthly package the councillors salary or money used for transport and office?
K5000 a month will take 16 1/2 years
K16,666 a month will take 5 years
Then they will want a petrol allowance, then a maintenance allowance,
Am sure the councillors appreciate the government loan but it may become a loss to the government,