Police in Mzuzu have arrested 46 immigrants from Ethiopia yesterday who were found hiding in a tobacco field close to Ekwendeni in Mzimba district.
Public Relations Officer for Mzuzu Police Martin Bwanali confirmed the arrests of the illegal immigrants.
According to Bwanali, the police were tipped off by sources about the location of the immigrants.
Bwanali said the police found the immigrants in the said tobacco field in Mzimba district and they arrested them on the spot.
According to Bwanali, the arrested immigrants will be sent to the immigration department.
The police have since advised the general public to report illegal immigrants to police in order to promote security in the country.
The immigration department recently conducted awareness in some parts of the country in order to reduce the increase of illegal immigrants.
You mbwenumbwenus r fool of nonsense
Y r doing all that them
Ujst forgot that Malawi has no aeroplane usold it
Currently ur using Ethiopians one
Instead of fighting against food shortage which has come upon us
U r busy looking for another trouble
Demn guys
If u lyk arresting ppo go to immigration and arrest those who r buzy corrupting around immigration office
Shame on mbenumbwenus
Ur brothers are taking laws in their hands in boarders
They even charge custom one lux
Then y Dont u go and arrest them there
If I were u I would have to let them free
But bcoz its u mbwenumbwenu “no wonder”
Muwadyesa chian athu amenewo ife tomwe tikusowa chakudya
Muwadyesa chian athu amenewo ife tomwe tikusowa chakudya
Why not rescueng them?BE TRUE BROTHER’s KEEPERS.
A police mwachulukisa manyado mwaiwala ntchito apo akangokuwonesani Ndalama basi muwasiya ayambe mabusseness mtauni ndikukhalando nzika momuno malawi.
Alekeni pliz muziziwa kut abale anunxo ali Ku south Africa mwa illegal
Take them back to their land wi don’t need them includding burundians they must fuckoff here , they r selfish idiot
Tangowasiyani anthuwo kulikonse zimachitika izi,we are all Africans
They must take em back to their country those people they abuse our malawians brothers in SA they forget malawi its where they pass through when thyre going there.bad folks
Malawans are in south africa,.Ethiopians are in Malawi, Zambians and malawans are in Congo .let the one that has never committed adultery throw a stone at her. Jesus asked the croud that gathered
Naonso amachitakuyenda chigulu nchifukwa amagwidwa. Atayeni akubwerakuno kujuberg
Those people who are saying is a good move they are ideots they have never been in other countries really those people are our brothers.
Nkhani izi anzanu samalemba anatopa patsiku amagwila 500 to1000 ppo 46 basi kkkkkkkk atayeni apopole phanje basi.
Apolice aku malawi ndinu makape simudza lemela npaka kale madihlu awa anzanu aku endela bmw koma inu kupusa kufuna chimayala chadzi mabatani npaka kunkhwapa nyota kkkkk apolice aku south africa akuku hetani anthu muku wagwilawo pamenepo ndi aliese R500 aka khala waku iphyopia akakhala malawi ndi R300 wina aliese kukanika kuwa uza kuti ali ese apange pran inu ndi mbuzi bwanji akudutsaso chosecho pomwe ku south africa aku dziwa kuti tika enda mofewa bonya sama kukwanani guys mmmm malawi police ndemulandile bonasi tione ife kuno timango enda paspot ndi R20 paka vuta ndi R50 nthawi yomwe muku funa nyota inuyo anzanu kuno inifrom ikufuna kugwa ndí dola zimene anthu a shanga nitsa a police anzanu akapeza kuti ulibe kalikose amati tipange bwanji uli olo ka phone kaka ng.ono zinthelane nde iwe ndiku zindikila kwako umati ndilinako ndiku wapatsa mwasiyana
Apolice aku malawi ndinu makape simudza lemela npaka kale madihlu awa anzanu aku endela bmw koma inu kupusa kufuna chimayala chadzi mabatani npaka kunkhwapa nyota kkkkk apolice aku south africa akuku hetani anthu muku wagwilawo pamenepo ndi aliese R500 aka khala waku iphyopia akakhala malawi ndi R300 wina aliese kukanika kuwa uza kuti ali ese apange pran inu ndi mbuzi bwanji akudutsaso chosecho pomwe ku south africa aku dziwa kuti tika enda mofewa bonya sama kukwanani guys mmmm malawi police ndemulandile bonasi tione ife kuno timango enda paspot ndi R20 paka vuta ndi R50 nthawi yomwe muku funa nyota inuyo anzanu kuno inifrom ikufuna kugwa ndí dola zimene anthu a shanga nitsa a police anzanu akapeza kuti ulibe kalikose amati tipange bwanji uli olo ka phone kaka ng.ono zinthelane nde iwe ndiku zindikila kwako umati ndilinako ndiku wapatsa mwasiyana
Apolice aku malawi ndinu makape simudza lemela npaka kale madihlu awa anzanu aku endela bmw koma inu kupusa kufuna chimayala chadzi mabatani npaka kunkhwapa nyota kkkkk apolice aku south africa akuku hetani anthu muku wagwilawo pamenepo ndi aliese R500 aka khala waku iphyopia akakhala malawi ndi R300 wina aliese kukanika kuwa uza kuti ali ese apange pran inu ndi mbuzi bwanji akudutsaso chosecho pomwe ku south africa aku dziwa kuti tika enda mofewa bonya sama kukwanani guys mmmm malawi police ndemulandile bonasi tione ife kuno timango enda paspot ndi R20 paka vuta ndi R50 nthawi yomwe muku funa nyota inuyo anzanu kuno inifrom ikufuna kugwa ndí dola zimene anthu a shanga nitsa a police anzanu akapeza kuti ulibe kalikose amati tipange bwanji uli olo ka phone kaka ng.ono zinthelane nde iwe ndiku zindikila kwako umati ndilinako ndiku wapatsa mwasiyana
Ndiye muwatumiza kwawo?
Ndiye muwatumiza kwawo?
Ndiye muwatumiza kwawo?
DJ allan DJ dukes
Yaa good ma Ethiopia ndianthu ankhaza kwabasi. Remember anazatentha mmalawi watchitotu kujoni kopanda kulakwa mwezi wathau sikaleso. Kumtentha ndiparafin nkufera pompo. Ndiye asabere kumalawi ameneo ndiachiwembu.
Yaa good ma Ethiopia ndianthu ankhaza kwabasi. Remember anazatentha mmalawi watchitotu kujoni kopanda kulakwa mwezi wathau sikaleso. Kumtentha ndiparafin nkufera pompo. Ndiye asabere kumalawi ameneo ndiachiwembu.
Mukawatsekera mutani nawo? Muwadyetsa chiyani? Nanga mungakwanitse kuwanga deport?
hahaha amangiwe amenewo kod kwaoko njalaa/chani??
Please Mr officers leave those are our brother we are Africans people. are on move daily up and down they can’t stay like you just pwee in your country. If u want to arrest people u can arrested the white people u scared to arrest then bcs us white skin ndiye kupusako kuopa mzungu very stupid Malawi police
Release them pliz,they have rights to lodge anywhere as long as they are black pple
Leave them pliz,remember these are african & this is african continent why you arrest our brothers from another mama.
Do Remember That Malawian Are Killed At S A? How Many Malawian Are Deported? Send Them To There Original Country. Wake-up My Malawi Country.
Anthuwa ndi mongodzeramo amapita ku R.S.A komwenso akatsegula bznes amalemba a Malawi ntchito tangowatayani
Koma ndakhaza man akayigwila ndalama galu ndi iwe si anthu ma ephiopia mbuzi zeni zeni mwayiwala ndi omwewa amafuna kutiontchela mmalawi mzanthu mu jozi
Dida Hassan Ndinaiwaladi
Man zikomo pondikumbutsa
Dida Hassan Ndinaiwaladi
Man zikomo pondikumbutsa
They Try to act .Ethiopians are not good people the mast stay in Jele & deported back .
Send them back now not sending them ku refugee camp. Akwere chiwaya basi
Tangowasiyeni inu amenewo
Amabwera jozi
Beatrice Thobela ulilatu akutuma eti?
Anthu Inu Takwana Muno Mukufuna Chiyani? Mukufuna Kukhalengati Ku China.
leave Ethopians plz they are gud people if they were somalis yes
Leave them mukungotengapo Uchimo.
Why arresting innocent defenceless people who are try to find ways to survive?
Anthu amenewo tu samalakwa ayi yawo ndi busines komanso choti mudziwe anthuwo muwatulutse apaseninso ufulu
Mukuwamanga alakwa chani anthuwo akungodutsa akubwela kuno ku SOUTH AFRICA, kumalawiko azitani,,,? Musayiwale mmayikomu muli amalawi ambiri akukhala kopanda zowayeneleza including me, nde mukumanga anthu oti akungodutsa remember anthuwa kwao ndikolemela kuposa Malawi nde akuthawa nkhondo & adutsa mayiko angapo pakatipa nde inu mukuwamanga ndimawatumiza kwawo zachamba zokhazokha
apolice apa mpanje mbola bwanji inu simungalimbane ndi mphava zikuchita kuyenda monyada kumalawiko mukukalimbana ndi za ziiii koma zinazi gays inu muli ndichani kut anthu angakubelen asiyen anthu akubwera kuno ku mjon ife ngat kuno tikumva bho gulu lake ndilimenelo pezan zochita kuli zambirimbiri zochita osakhala kulimbana ndi anthu osalakwa pamenepo mumaona ngat tikuchemelelan ayi ndinthu kagwileni mphamva za cash get zija tizakupasan ulemu ngat simukuwatulutsa anthuwo ndibwera kokho ndikukokan makutu nonse’ ziwan ichi anthuwo anthuwo akungopeleka ulemu chifukwa palibe chomwe mungawine futizo mulibe mumayenda ndi mimtiko za ziiiii tasiyen anthu akuzapanga ndalama kuno umphaw ndi wanu ndakwiya nanu apolice akumalaw mukatele mumayenda monjanja mumvekele tagwira ntchito apaa koma inu mundilankhulitsa pambali mwachitule anthuwo akubwera kuno kwanuko akongodutsa kulibe ndalama kumeneko musawachedwetse anthu mmmmmmmmm inu mwamva koma?
Choka iwe ndakudziwa siiwe umagulitsa tomato mu Jozi mu iwe? Ndauzatu. akuthamangize apeze mnzakowina azigulitsa
Ngati Mwawagwira Pa Mzuzu Nanga Kwinako Ayenda Bwanji?Achoseni Amene Anali Pa Duty Tsiku Limelo Ma Road Block A
Police arrest bakili muluzi now its ethopians hahaha MP
Mmmh inensotu ndine folena BT I’m doing zimene ndinabwerela awo asiyeni because sadaononge kathu kamunrhu
Mukulepheea kumanga okuba nakobidi aboma
kkkkkkk ok
Ine andipasiratu ma US dollars ndikuwasunga pa enukweni
kusowa chochita A Police, tawasiyeni anthu akungodutsa. akubwera kuno amenewo.
kusowa chochita A Police, tawasiyeni anthu akungodutsa. akubwera kuno amenewo.
kusowa chochita A Police, tawasiyeni anthu akungodutsa. akubwera kuno amenewo.
Akati kuno mbava zamfuti apolice sadzaoneka n kuphonyera dala map nkudikila zithawe koma pama foreigner makutu mmwamba….. #akapokola_simudzathekanso
Akati kuno mbava zamfuti apolice sadzaoneka n kuphonyera dala map nkudikila zithawe koma pama foreigner makutu mmwamba….. #akapokola_simudzathekanso
maEthiopianz amandidabwitsa hevy..kuchoka mdziko lanu momwe zinthu zilibwinoko than kuno..mukufuna kuno chani?..muzafera ku malawi kuno chifukwa chosowa mankhwala mzipatala,mufa nd udzu cox water-board stoped providng water,escom ndie osachita kukamba izo ndi nkhani zina…takulandirani ku HELL kuno..kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Amafuna apeze passport yaMalawi nde azipitano mayiko abwinowo..coz passport ya Malawi its easy kuipeza
maEthiopianz amandidabwitsa hevy..kuchoka mdziko lanu momwe zinthu zilibwinoko than kuno..mukufuna kuno chani?..muzafera ku malawi kuno chifukwa chosowa mankhwala mzipatala,mufa nd udzu cox water-board stoped providng water,escom ndie osachita kukamba izo ndi nkhani zina…takulandirani ku HELL kuno..kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Amafuna apeze passport yaMalawi nde azipitano mayiko abwinowo..coz passport ya Malawi its easy kuipeza
maEthiopianz amandidabwitsa hevy..kuchoka mdziko lanu momwe zinthu zilibwinoko than kuno..mukufuna kuno chani?..muzafera ku malawi kuno chifukwa chosowa mankhwala mzipatala,mufa nd udzu cox water-board stoped providng water,escom ndie osachita kukamba izo ndi nkhani zina…takulandirani ku HELL kuno..kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Amafuna apeze passport yaMalawi nde azipitano mayiko abwinowo..coz passport ya Malawi its easy kuipeza
ya Malawi its eazy kuyipeza? Go to imigration hous you wil big Queue,wait for thier passport.. It meanz mudziko lawolo sangapeze passport?….
Apolice zilibho
Apolice zilibho
Free them
Free them
arrest bakili n muthalika.leave them fellaz alone. incase you forgot. Malawi (warm heart of Africa)
arrest bakili n muthalika.leave them fellaz alone. incase you forgot. Malawi (warm heart of Africa)
One Africa
One Africa
good move Malawi police
good move Malawi police
Ngati theba ndikuimva bho nde ndi anthu ake omwe mwawamangawo so plz atulutseni ulendo wawo ndiwakuno osaiwala amayenda miyezi miyezi kuti atulukire theba
Ngati theba ndikuimva bho nde ndi anthu ake omwe mwawamangawo so plz atulutseni ulendo wawo ndiwakuno osaiwala amayenda miyezi miyezi kuti atulukire theba
Apolisi aku MALAWI akatelo amaenda monjanja amvekele apa ndiye ntchito tikuigwiratu aaaaaaa kukuuzan kut mufufuze za cash gate kuli ziiii muli mitu biiii
Apolisi aku MALAWI akatelo amaenda monjanja amvekele apa ndiye ntchito tikuigwiratu aaaaaaa kukuuzan kut mufufuze za cash gate kuli ziiii muli mitu biiii
eeeeeee kma agalu amenewa kwawo amathawa chani? iiiiiiii kma o
Thats the only achievement the POLIICE of today can boast about kkkkkkkk. The police has arrested illegal immigrants, the police has arrested one Mr. so so for cultivating indian hemp, the police have arrested one Mr. so so for stealing chicken and one for stealing goats. The police has arrested sex workers for this and that but you can not hear of the police arresting armed robbres after overcoming them, you can not hear the police has intercepted bank robbers, you can not hear of the police arresting the albino abductors but all you hear is the police has arrested someone for forgetting a baby in the shop kkkkk
Hahaha amwene tatipatseni ma details anu mukanenela ku Police
Hahaha amwene tatipatseni ma details anu mukanenela ku Police
Not forgetting those of corruption,you won’t find them being arrested
Not forgetting those of corruption,you won’t find them being arrested
Freedom of speech Mr. Leo Lenzo. Dont forget you are in a democrativ era so you have to call a spade a spade not a big spoon. Thats my real name,browse it and you will get me,i dont keep my mouth shut when i see or hear something in disarray.
Freedom of speech Mr. Leo Lenzo. Dont forget you are in a democrativ era so you have to call a spade a spade not a big spoon. Thats my real name,browse it and you will get me,i dont keep my mouth shut when i see or hear something in disarray.
Freedom of speech Mr. Leo Lenzo. Dont forget you are in a democrativ era so you have to call a spade a spade not a big spoon. Thats my real name,browse it and you will get me,i dont keep my mouth shut when i see or hear something in disarray.
R u one of the Anyambuties? Kulimba mtima choncho bwanji, osamasewela ndi boma, mwana oipa maganizo iwe
Coward Lenzo like a child who dies on his mamas back because he didnt cry
Hahaha yes de police’ve arrested mr soso fo steatiling just a cable of 24 metres kkkkkkk imeneyo nde nyasaland police bro kkkkkkkk
POLICE ya pa nyasaland man koma kupanga ma ubale ndi mbava man kkkk@ Bright
POLICE ya pa nyasaland man koma kupanga ma ubale ndi mbava man kkkk@ Bright
kkkkkk tell them straight @ bright
They are just passers-by. Leave them please!
sad nwes,i like 2 much those people from Ethiopia,plz must take out all of ppls
Waleken waka wanthu
ndiodutsa amenewo
that’s good musawatuluse Let’s feed back in RSA thi is our country n we have the power to do everythn with these foreigners in illigal ok guys.
Do you know how much will it cost to keep, feed and deport those 46 people?
Do you know how much will it cost to keep, feed and deport those 46 people?
Are these South Africans?
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on 2348143143878.
Ah iwe panya pako unatikwana wamva, koma nde uli ndi ntchito, kumachita kuwadikila anews kuti uzikhala the first one to comment nkongo wako ndithu
Ah iwe panya pako unatikwana wamva, koma nde uli ndi ntchito, kumachita kuwadikila anews kuti uzikhala the first one to comment nkongo wako ndithu
sakuima kumeneko asiyen ulendo wawo ndi wa ku south africa
Free em
Arrest em all. akuzatibera ma kwacha athu
leave them bangene we need forex in our country leave them come in myb things will change
Atumizeni kwawo
Musawatulutse agalu amenewo akutizuza kuno kujoni kobasi
amakula amenewa ndi autsilu heavy aixe
amakula amenewa ndi autsilu heavy aixe
Andema kuti akupase mchere pamavuta asekeleni kumene
Yimeyo Ndye Ntchto Yawo