Over 15, 000 Malawians are expected to benefit in the second phase of the Malata and Cement subsidy program which will begin in June.
Spokesperson in the Ministry of land, housing and urban development, Charles Vintula, said the ministry is currently in the process of choosing beneficiaries for the initiative through the so called house development groups.

“We can say the program has commenced although it has not. Am saying this because now we are on a campaign of choosing who to benefit and which company to be selling the subsidized materials.
“We are planning that by June this year, the program will start producing its fruits” said Vintula.
The spokesperson further said the second phase has brought some new developments as companies selling the subsidized items have been categorise according to the percentage of the items which they will be selling.
The first phase of the program was launched last year in July and government says it want ensure that people in the country migrate to iron sheet houses but critics say the program has been marred by politics especially in the way beneficiaries are chosen.
Mukalandila mundiuze ndikugulani pamtengo was chimanga
Hahahaaaaaà thus y we want to have our country called united state of Thyolo and Mulanje, tokumana zopusazi nanga 15 thousands only
Kugula malata usanadye koma kwavuta
Koma akuluwa mutu sugwila ayi zili ndiphundi lanji izi zopindulira anthu ochepa malo mwakuti akanapeza njira zonthesela mavuto monga kusowa kwa ntchito njara kukwela kwazinthu zimenezi ndizimene zingapindulire wina aliyese osati za chamba mukunenazo ayi mwana angakuposeniso kuganiza??
Akunena za #second_phase_tsopano?,ayi chabwino athandize olemela kaleo,nanga siamene akupindulawo.Tikuziona ndimaso enafe,tidzaonana pantengo wakachele.
A malawi tatiyeni tipangange kaye Stock ya subsidy ya fertelizer kuti kodi programme imeneyi yapindulila bwanji amalawi frm two thousand up to Two thousand and fiftin I think its when we can know where we are going.Muchitidwe olandi landi umalimbikitsa Chinyengo,umbanda zosatira zake ndi umphawi wa dziko osati munthu.
Tikufuna Malawi izioneka bho monga mwadzina lake home heart of Africa
Annusa simukudziwa chomwe mukuchinena muli kutali ndi zinthu
Amalawi chonde tichepese inchitidwe ogulitsa mafupa awanthu m’chifukwa chake njala ikukula mdziko lathu. Mulungu sakukondwa nazo, tiyeni tilimbike kugwira ntchito ndi manja athu zikomo
Do so
Ngati mwalephera kukwani litsa program ya fetereza ndiye yimeneyi mukwanitsa tikunena pano makuponi anu alinyumba kusowa fetereza kokagula apa musamatinamize baba simukwanitsa ok ndava
izi zimathandiza anthu ochepa
Out 17 million people just 15 thousands Hahahaha even quarter not even better this program should stop coz its not fair
Big nonsense!.
Komadi tineneponso kuti muziti mukapereka katunduyu pambuyo pa nthawi mudzikayenderanso kuti mukaone kuti katunduyo anagwiradi nthito yoyenera ambili akumagulitsadi ndondomekoyi ndiyabwino chifukwa ikuthandiza osowa tiyeni tiyikonde kuti ipitilire kuyenda bwino
Indeed thus true the programme is married by politics especially in our constituancy Blantyre …… Kaya zikhale momwe zililimo basi
Aaaa First Phase Till Today Not Yet Completed, How Then You Talk Of Second Pharse? Nosense.
Tayendelakoni anthu amene munawapatsa katunduyo muwone ngati zikuyenda makamaka kuno ku kasungu kwa a TA Kawamba zinthu sizikuyenda katundu akuthatu kugulitsa.Ndondomekoyi siyabwino tangotsitsani mtengo wa feteleza basi.
Kuno ku Kasungu anthu akugulitsa katundu nyumba sizikukonzedwa ndiye kuti anthu akupindula pamenepa?
Betrail,this is not what you told the Malawians about this programm.There was a tym when we fought for black mans freedom and self rule but what waz next ,arm robbery ,corruption and cashgate but what was next Betrail,telling pple that we will do A B C D but you are doing the other, I now asking my self how many Chilembwe’s should be die and how many massiah’s should be born.
Betrail,this is not what you told the Malawians about this programm.There was a tym when we fought for black mans freedom and self rule but what waz next ,arm robbery ,corruption and cashgate but what was next Betrail,telling pple that we will do A B C D but you are doing the other, I now asking my self how many Chilembwe’s should be die and how many massiah’s should be born.
Choyapa tsitsani mutengo wa feteleza kut anthu alime moyenela mbeu zawo and then agulise apeze ndalama yo gulila zinthuzo munthu ali ndi njala ungagule malata ndi cement uzidya zikatunduzo chond tiganizilene ife timakonda kulima malata pambuyo kugona pa bwino pamakoma uka khuta zikomo
Choyapa tsitsani mutengo wa feteleza kut anthu alime moyenela mbeu zawo and then agulise apeze ndalama yo gulila zinthuzo munthu ali ndi njala ungagule malata ndi cement uzidya zikatunduzo chond tiganizilene ife timakonda kulima malata pambuyo kugona pa bwino pamakoma uka khuta zikomo
You are a Christian or not?
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: dr.williamsherbaltempel@gmail.com, or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.
The doctor that i know is JESUS CHRIST nobody else on earth.
Kodi mu district azitenga anthu angati?
Ok,tamva bwana
Long time u started talking about this.I don’t know if some have already started receiving them
This stupid program has to be abolished.People who are already rich are the beneficiaries of this program not the targeted poor people.What I know is that a real poor person in malawi can’t afford to find k50,000 a year.
This stupid program has to be abolished.People who are already rich are the beneficiaries of this program not the targeted poor people.What I know is that a real poor person in malawi can’t afford to find k50,000 a year.
This stupid program has to be abolished.People who are already rich are the beneficiaries of this program not the targeted poor people.What I know is that a real poor person in malawi can’t afford to find k50,000 a year.
This stupid program has to be abolished.People who are already rich are the beneficiaries of this program not the targeted poor people.What I know is that a real poor person in malawi can’t afford to find k50,000 a year.
This stupid program has to be abolished.People who are already rich are the beneficiaries of this program not the targeted poor people.What I know is that a real poor person in malawi can’t afford to find k50,000 a year.
This stupid program has to be abolished.People who are already rich are the beneficiaries of this program not the targeted poor people.What I know is that a real poor person in malawi can’t afford to find k50,000 a year.
This stupid program has to be abolished.People who are already rich are the beneficiaries of this program not the targeted poor people.What I know is that a real poor person in malawi can’t afford to find k50,000 a year.
Worst of resources better Channel that money towards irrigation or building girls hostels in public secondary schools
No comment ndili jozi
Mafumu tsopano adyelele sopano zaulele iwo ayambapo business tsopano hesh,
u said the programme has bn abolishd nw u r saying the 2nd phase coming, wch z wch? km boma ili.. u r jst lukn 2 steal
What percentage is that to the nation population? That money would help better in irrigation cultivation. By the end of 5yrs,Malawi would be atleast somewhere in food- security
Bwanji sakuwauza za vendor kti asitse chimanga
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life, this is what i caused myself, for allowing my fiance make sex to me unsecured without protection, although i never knew he is HIV positive. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the traditional healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS…
Va ziii njala ikuvuta kumakakamila zimenezi
Komatu malata azikhala gauge yamphamvu osati mapepala a malata oti mvula yamatala kung’ambika.
Anthu osauka mmawaona kupusa inu
Ones’ a year on special, that’s shit.
zosaoneka mutu wake, zongogawana kutengela chipani, to me makes no difference which means its none of my buznez
mupite kumudzi kwanu mukaone momwe amasankhila anthu opindulao. osamangolankhula zamsnyi chonsecho simuziwa kuti amasankha bwanji
my statistics shows 13million malawians have no decent shelters.How would you achieve this to cover the 13million and how long wil you take ? Does your housing scheme cover Teachers,Police,Hospital staff, etc, If not the Scheme is rubbish ,the founder of the Scheme has feeble mind.Tell him to tackle water supply,electricity,job creation for the youth there are many more pressing issues than the eye can see.Can we have anAudit Report, for the two years work.Put it in our local Newspapers by May.Its our Tax money we have to know how our money has been used.
Tell and educate him it seems he know nothing he is just following dpp@#chirwa
Out of ignorance @chirwa mind u Rome wasnt built in aday pang’ono ndipang’ono kudzafika 5yrs almost more than 2mil. Pple azakhala akugona mnyumba zamalata and in ten yrs to come ?? Thats development remember gvt is just paying half so kumbali ina ndikupereka encouragement ku anthu we’re now living in modern world nthawi ya nyumba zaudzu ikutha .even in Rsa boma likuwamangira manyumba osauka kma sakulandila nthawi imodzi ayi coz anthu ndiambiri thats why amayendela ma phase. Chikayamba kufika kwainu kumaomba manja chikayamba kwanzanu nchopanda nzeru maganizo otere mudziwachotsa mmutu
Extend your malata subsidy to Mtandire,Phwetekere,Kauma,Chinsapo,Bangwe,Ndirande wa zambiya,Pull down all Shacks give them malata subsidy malo ndachulawa nyumba zake sizokhala mtauni,zikunyozesa matauni.Umphawi wa nyumba ziri mmenemu bola ena akumudzi.Sono bwana aPolice,aPhunzitsi,akuChipatala zafikira liti nyumbazi ? Bwana mukayendere malo amtauni ndachula mundiuze ngati ziri nyumba zamtauni,osangokhala ku A43 ku nyumba za Cashgate tulukani muyende.
mafuken i dont think u wl like me ndikakuyankha
Out of 17 milion people here in malawi, only 15,000 have to benefit??? Be serious!!!! Thats an insult
sindikuziwa ngati anthu osaukisisa tilipo 17 million
Komanso ndakaika ngati osaukisitsa tilipo 15 pin okha
sindikuziwa ngati programme ili ndi limited frame. sindikuziwanso ngati pokutha zaka 5 or more akhalabe anthu 15pin opindulao
Mchawa Iwe Ulibe Nzelu,kodi Thandizo Lingatipeze Tose Nthawi Imodzi?
Anthu olemela alipo angati mmalawi muno, zaka 5 ziti zimenezo zatsala, inu muli ndi kumudzi koma, kuli nyumba zimgati za malata, malata amapangidwa kuti@#mafuken
Iweyo mgati uli wa Dpp ndilibe nawe ntchito koma ndikukamba chilungamo, its an insult 15,000 ndi anthu akadera limodzi wake up kuti tikufufuze iwenso pamemepo ngakhale toilet ulibe ungotsatila basi kupepela, ndinu ochenjera atumbuka@#tiwonge
Amayendela ma phase even fertiliser salandira onse sizingatheke .jb amagawa ngombe ,nyumba koma osati aliyense amalandira ,muzikula mumaganizo
hahahahahaha fertilizer amakhala wadziko lonse iwe kkkkk kusadziwa ndikufa komwe eti??? Akati subsidy imatanthauza chani iwe@#pieter
you’re right #Abdul, anthu 15,000
it’s too small
sakukwanilaso ndi #level ya Boma limodzi
koma aziti ka Area basi
kulibwino anthu kuwaphunzitsa nzeru zolandira izi sitizatukuka mpaka kalekale zaulele zithe .Izi mmidzi zamabwelretsa ziwawa kulibwino akonzeke kaye onse athandizikire limozi.kodi osauka mmalawi ndi angati popedza dziko lamalawi ndilosauka?.
Kuli bwino kutipezera chochita kusiyana ndizimenezi zopindulira anthu ochepa@#solomon
Exactly Brother ,Abdul osati izi zolandira kulibwino munthu alandire mbeza kuti azziwedza yekha somba .
Nkhani yake ndi imeneyo@#Solomon
Nkhani yabwino,abwana akuyesesa mulungu awatsogolere munthawi zonse.