Thousands to benefit in second phase of Malata, cement subsidy


Over 15, 000 Malawians are expected to benefit in the second phase of the Malata and Cement subsidy program which will begin in June.

Spokesperson in the Ministry of land, housing and urban development, Charles Vintula, said the ministry is currently in the process of choosing beneficiaries for the initiative through the so called house development groups.

Malata subsidy in the offing. (Google image)

“We can say the program has commenced although it has not. Am saying this because now we are on a campaign of choosing who to benefit and which company to be selling the subsidized materials.

“We are planning that by June this year, the program will start producing its fruits” said Vintula.

The spokesperson further said the second phase has brought some new developments as companies selling the subsidized items have been categorise according to the percentage of the items which they will be selling.

The first phase of the program was launched last year in July and government says it want ensure that people in the country migrate to iron sheet houses but critics say the program has been marred by politics especially in the way beneficiaries are chosen.