A 21- year old Natural Resources Student (NRC) was on in the wee hours of Monday slain by a mob after he was feared to have stolen some property from a house belonging to a staff members at the institution in Lilongwe, Malawi Police say.
This has happened just when the students were coming on campus on the weekend from a holiday ready for studies on Monday.
There are reports that some guards found the student in the act and when locals mounted on him they tortured him to death.
However, Malawi24 could not independently verify these claims.

According to Lilongwe police publicist Kingsley Dandaula police are at the moment investigating the incident and he could not shed more light to the media about the whole incident which has left an unrest around the campus and has since sent a whirlwind of fear among the students.
Reports that Malawi24 has show that the mob was full of people from the community that surrounds the institution.
The law enforcers have made no arrests as of this evening and they also yet to state the condition they found the young slain student.
While College registrar Maxwell Mbweza could not give details of the student, he confirmed the bad news but said police were better placed to give more information.
It is not clear as to whether the student was really found stealing the said property or not.
This comes barely weeks after a similar unrest between students and villagers saw the closure of DMI-St. John the Baptist University in Mangochi.
How can pole catch a thief without informing the police? Anthu wa chiripo ndithu and wakuba amauzana anthu atatu basi .
How can pole catch a thief without informing the police? Anthu wa chiripo ndithu and wakuba amauzana anthu atatu basi .
He didn’t steal anything. Vuto munthu akaphedwa timafuna podzitetezera .
Chalakwika Ndikuphako Why Couldnt You Take Him To Police And If Proven Guilty He Could Brought To Book
Chalakwika Ndikuphako Why Couldnt You Take Him To Police And If Proven Guilty He Could Brought To Book
Ngt nkut ndiwakuba adaba chan?kno akapeezeka wakuba kumakhala gulu kma Bless kungopezeka wakufa adaba chan?
osatengela lamulo kumanja people,anthu tikungophana ngati nkhuku why??….like seriously from January to march this year almost twenty or more murder cases have taken place and 98% of those cases are caused by mob justice…Malawians get real for once,killing people for a crime not payable with their lives all in the name of mob justice…..kuthamangila kuchotsa chisoso mu diso la nzathu pamene zathu zili thoooooo mmaso….think twice before taking part in mob justice,it might be you or your loved ones next.
Sad !
nkhani apa ndi revenge basi..coz mwana wa xul amaziwika nd they killed him by purpose..tit for tat..
nkhani apa ndi revenge basi..coz mwana wa xul amaziwika nd they killed him by purpose..tit for tat..
While any human death is regrettable, ana a school ku Malawi mumayerekedwa. You get big-headed. Now a life is lost. My condolences to the bereaved family.
While any human death is regrettable, ana a school ku Malawi mumayerekedwa. You get big-headed. Now a life is lost. My condolences to the bereaved family.
ana akucollage kunziva udon mutha muona chasowa anatsekura nkhomo
This is so stupid post cz u wld ask them wat our dear fello student took in watchman house who does not even have screen in his house, there is politics cz the OC of NRC police stays there why did he not here the noisy that athief has been coat stealing property while they immedeatly come in campus tikagwira wakuba and threaten us with tear gas.May his soul rest in peace cz the process can not be reversed bt take note that we are silent cz we r mourning,bt areback wl pain u more than us.
Nt Gud……
Side effects of mob justice, very costly and dangerous… anyone can get killed as long as one or two crazy people start it….it’s sickening
Side effects of mob justice, very costly and dangerous… anyone can get killed as long as one or two crazy people start it….it’s sickening
nzabiza zimenezo munthuyo siwakuba
nzabiza zimenezo munthuyo siwakuba
ayenekela wana kumapanga zimenezo chamba chija mumapititsa kumeneko aboma kumanama kuti mkachitha koma mukuka gawa kwa wana a school umakachieselela ngati chili champhamvu mpake wana azipenga mkumakaba zotsatila zake ndizimenezo.
ayenekela wana kumapanga zimenezo chamba chija mumapititsa kumeneko aboma kumanama kuti mkachitha koma mukuka gawa kwa wana a school umakachieselela ngati chili champhamvu mpake wana azipenga mkumakaba zotsatila zake ndizimenezo.
Chambachanu amene mwamuphan inuso mufa
Chambachanu amene mwamuphan inuso mufa
damn killing z not best solution 2 solve de problem stolen property can be replaced while de lyf can not be replaced apa ofunika kubwezera revenge
Dat’s True Property Can B Replaced And Not Lyf
damn killing z not best solution 2 solve de problem stolen property can be replaced while de lyf can not be replaced apa ofunika kubwezera revenge
Dat’s True Property Can B Replaced And Not Lyf
kom tiziopatu kuphuzilatu apazafikapa eeeee aya R,I,P god knws
kom tiziopatu kuphuzilatu apazafikapa eeeee aya R,I,P god knws
The problem is that mumayamba khalidwe lopusa ku secondary kumavuta ndie kuzolowera mpakana ku colllege ndie muzionatu violence nd mowa too much
The problem is that mumayamba khalidwe lopusa ku secondary kumavuta ndie kuzolowera mpakana ku colllege ndie muzionatu violence nd mowa too much
Kod bwanj ma student aku nrc amangophedwa ndi apolisi achita kumuombera???????
Kod bwanj ma student aku nrc amangophedwa ndi apolisi achita kumuombera???????
Ndende ya mizimu
Ndende ya mizimu
preoccupation at its best!
Tragedy story
Tragedy story
koma abale masiku ano olo kubatu mango enieni mu mtengo uziphedwatu
koma abale masiku ano olo kubatu mango enieni mu mtengo uziphedwatu
Too sad indeed
Too sad indeed
This time,Africans are crucifying themselves-shame!
This time,Africans are crucifying themselves-shame!
azimwidwe basi. iyeyo amatani mphindi za usiku?
azimwidwe basi. iyeyo amatani mphindi za usiku?
Punish o the killers God Let pple Die Naturally
so so bad
RIP bro; komasotu penapake dzima student dza ku NRC ndidzodotha komaso dzopepela bwanji;;; afuseni azanu aku DMI university ku mangochi kuti zikatele chimaenela kuchitika ndi chani. Ndakwiya nanu kwambiri,;;; ma community mmembers adzikuopani,,, why cant you revenge?
don’t put us on shame he did not stole anything but they jst killed him coz he was walking on late hrs,,,,, let us mourn our brother in peace we shall revenge,,hw can some one die like a hen,,,,
what is a meaning of resting in peace? l hope a thief can’t rest in peace bcz once u die in ur state of stealing its obvious that u secure your plot in hell, so I don’t think that in that place there’s peace!
oh nooooo!!!
The student wasn’t even in 20’s,the fuck do you get your updates?
Too bad,apa achita kukonza zinthuzi mwadala
this is y pple doubt u #Malawi24. ….how come u post unverified story ….without the name of the student ……it seems u just have that pleasure to leave pple in suspense. ……I even ask myself …..””r u really qualified u pple ????
this is why pple doubt u #Malawi24 becoz u bring in unverified stories
Sindkuvetsetsa zimene anaba sakuztchula, dzinalamunthuyosoosanena nanga ife titsimikiza bwanji kutmunthuyu amafunika ku phedwa??????
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS.
Noma 1 Wizards 2
i like the punishment enanu I think simunabeledweko… Thieves are witches and they deserves a punishment like that one mxieew amabwenzeretsa mmbuyo awa!
Boss koma kuphako NDE sikwabwino. Its too barbaric
Oooooh kubako nde ts cool…
Oooooh kubako nde ts cool…
Sanaberedwedi awa.azaziona.
Sanaberedwedi awa.azaziona.
machende ako
ts okay
Pali njira zina zomwe zingagwiritsidwe polanga anthu amenewa.
Pali njira zina zomwe zingagwiritsidwe polanga anthu amenewa.
akalowa amakatulukanxo Bro n continue life yawoyo yah killing ts a brutal decision but eish this guys amamvetsa kuwawa heavy
akalowa amakatulukanxo Bro n continue life yawoyo yah killing ts a brutal decision but eish this guys amamvetsa kuwawa heavy
Kumangowathyoka myendo basi
Ben i understand ur sentiments but you need to have in mind that those people from such community had to take the law into their own hands and the best punishment they opted was mob-justice which is not condoned in our laws therefore regardness of what this guy had done the people were suppose to take the guy to the law enforcers not killing ??….Now the communal will face the fate and once the investigations are done they will be charged with murder and serve the life sentence ….
that doesn’t matter my friend our law enforcers some times they late us down ..forexample somebdy stoles my friends laptop n zat friend of mine caught the guy red handed n issues the case to the police then after one or two weeks u saw the guy is free and back to normal life though the gudget has gone for good and u still see the guy and zinachitikadi.
then what’s that My friend.
But do you know that stealing a laptop is lesser offence than killing a human being ??? ……..the law provides for bail to each and every one regardness of the offence the culprit has comitted .so its just unfortunate that your friend was a victim and that the enforcers did not help him ……..but you should not wonder or blame them when your naked eyes saw the culprit in the streets its because of the bail he was granted of which the law condones ………now to the herein issue the people have taken the law into their own hands mob justice
anyway ts your field i understand you nomore arguments here…. and what your saying is what you learnt in class and thus what’s in the books but on the ground and in real sense ts painful chair!
anyway ts your field i understand you nomore arguments here…. and what your saying is what you learnt in class and thus what’s in the books but on the ground and in real sense ts painful chair!
Something you sacrificed to get it for 20 years someone comes and take it for free within seconds. How could you feel if you are to be in that shoes? I condemn the act of stealing but i’m not supporting the killing because I’m a believer and I know vengeance is for God and killing somebody (a human like you) is total judgement. RIP!
The Grammar Of These Posts Seems To Be Like That Of A Primary School Pupil, Maybe I Need To Ask. Are You All Who Have Commented Here Primary School Learners?
The Grammar Of These Posts Seems To Be Like That Of A Primary School Pupil, Maybe I Need To Ask. Are You All Who Have Commented Here Primary School Learners?
The Grammar Of These Posts Seems To Be Like That Of A Primary School Pupil, Maybe I Need To Ask. Are You All Who Have Commented Here Primary School Learners?
The Grammar Of These Posts Seems To Be Like That Of A Primary School Pupil, Maybe I Need To Ask. Are You All Who Have Commented Here Primary School Learners?
The Grammar Of These Posts Seems To Be Like That Of A Primary School Pupil, Maybe I Need To Ask. Are You All Who Have Commented Here Primary School Learners?
The Grammar Of These Posts Seems To Be Like That Of A Primary School Pupil, Maybe I Need To Ask. Are You All Who Have Commented Here Primary School Learners?
“Mop justice”? Lol. Koma guys enanu mubwelelenso Ku school mwawonjeza.
kumangochi mwana wa sukulu apha munthu wa mudzi,kwa tengani ku nsanje anthu okwiya apha anthu odula ziwalo,ku chigumula BT mbava zapha driver kuwona ngati alindalama komanso kuba galimoto,lero anthu apha mwana wasukulu uku America ndi Rasher,Papa pomwepo sakuonana ndi DISO labwino Israel mkati momo zikusonyeza kufika kwa mwana wa munthu kaciwili.
in situations like this. I guess its good to mention a name so that those who know him shld b able to knw.
Blessings mithi that’s his name
Blessings mithi that’s his name
He Did Not Deserve Such A Mysterious Death But A DPP Akudziwapo Kanthu Pakuphedwa Kwa Mnyamatayuu!
Easy the truth chiululika, guys I hav talked with people who were closer to de incident, and just hate the parallel story being posted here, easy the good Lord is watching
kodi paja chasowa zidaterenso koma osamatero ai ndipo boma lake lidarli lomweri tsiku linatu mulungu adzatiyankha RIP
Nothing to say R.I.P.
koma inu
So sad I conderm this mop justice, mwana wanzanu mpaka kumupha! RIP
Who so ever kill someone must be killed
Uuuuummmmmhhhh Peter ndi DPP yako waona… Amwene mwamwaliranu mukamunenele Pitala wakulekelelani mpaka kudiwa? Wausilu PETER… OK RIP anyway…
whats his name?
Mphamvu ya quarter system kumangotenga mbava ku univesity kusiya eni oifuna school nde pali chachilendo apa!
I walked down to NRC, its sad alot has said but there is noone who is saying they caught the young red handed. He was drunk and he didnt even know where he was going. Its a shame people are dying in this way like chickens. Please NRC POLICE show us that you know how to investigate. MAY HIS SOUL REST ITERNAL PEACE!
I walked down to NRC, its sad alot has been said but there is noone who is saying they caught the young red handed. He was drunk and he didnt even know where he was going. Its a shame people are dying in this way like chickens. Please NRC POLICE show us that you know how to investigate. MAY HIS SOUL REST ITERNAL PEACE!
Bless Yesterday it means u were saying byebye to us.whom should we chart with ok rest in internal peace only God knows
Too bad. rest in peace
How come u know his age but simukudziwa dzina lake
What is property? did he stole chithumwa?
Pepani anamfedwa Mulungu odziwa kutonthoza akutonthozeni….Rip NRC student
So sad. Zomvetsa chisoni…..RIP bule
People who did it should face justice
May ur soul rest in pc BLE.U were more than a friend,class mate last semi,i 2n’t imagine lyf without.it’s indeed sad not 2 c u earier in ur 20’z,i hope not only 2 m but also uy parent cing they invested on u…..abule neigbour only last semi
Rlp sorry
Too bad
As the former Students union Council Veep, i condemn such type of justice! Mob justice will only dent the image of our school. Killing is evil guys so is stealing! Let’s find good solutions of dealing with issues! !!!!!
He didn’t stole anything….they just need to explain to us clearly what really happened. Tikagwira wakuba mu campus police sichedwa kubwera bwanji a police sanapite m’mene zimachitika izi yet ku juniors ndikufupi ndi police unit? Anyway, R.I.P Blessings
He didn’t stole anything….they just need to explain to us clearly what really happened. Tikagwira wakuba mu campus police sichedwa kubwera bwanji a police sanapite m’mene zimachitika izi yet ku juniors ndikufupi ndi police unit? Anyway, R.I.P Blessings
Kulakwa kwakukulu @ Melody!
Zonama basi student angabe chani pakhomo pa mulonda those pple anangofuna kumupha
so bad
Remember, All Who Judge Will Be Judged, Who Can Say I Hav Never Sinned?
it would have been better if they caught him,surrender him to the police after then.Honestly speaking,he ddn’t deserve death because he was not caught red handed
Why so much killings in our beloved country ?????
He cant rest in peace coz he z not @ heaven, he z a thief up to now
Robert Hassan Shooters
So sad mmmm!
Its bad. I feel they would have proved more about the student if so. In my opinion they would have brought him to campus for further proof. Otherwise I don’t support the act to the said student,diseased.
May b he waz a habitual criminal…
May b he waz a habitual criminal…
If habitual, i feel the college authorities would have acted on the guy. How do we prove that it was habitual? Remember he was astudent.
If habitual, i feel the college authorities would have acted on the guy. How do we prove that it was habitual? Remember he was astudent.
so i still oppose the act done to this student
so i still oppose the act done to this student
so i still oppose the act done to this student
so i still oppose the act done to this student
Thruth is needed, RIP.
Sad news
Misfortune indeed
So the student has no name?
Sad news ,those people that have killed him must face the law because they have shown that they are more powerful than the law
Pajaso Chasowa Munamuphaso Chonchi. Boma Lake Lomweli. Anyway We Dont Say Anything Only God Knows.
Chilichoxe kumangolowesa ndale bax stupid
U 2 Man.
ok uyu sakukhudzana ndi ndale?nanga kabwira akut chan popeza ndiyemwe watchuka ndikumenyera ufulu.
ok uyu sakukhudzana ndi ndale?nanga kabwira akut chan popeza ndiyemwe watchuka ndikumenyera ufulu.
don’t lie to us as if we are fulls hire;if l my ask wht kind of propety does he stell? or tizichitilana ziwembu zophana like ths?
Eish chingerezi chavutapo apa
Bola wamva Salomy hahahaha ‘fulls’
i second Salomy
kkkkkk, “fulls, stell, if i my ask “
Nonse ndinu ma fulls hire
Ukawelengenso mabuku a Darwin aixe! U cannot write such broken English!
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ndakomoka kaye
Apa nde ngezi mwaipha mapeto man,ikanakhara jiya mukanakhodza 99% lol check ur spellings dude akazi azakuseka
kkkkkkk koma mbobayu ndi more! Can’t stop laughing kkkkkkk
Vuto Lamunthu Wokuda Ndilimeneri,moti Mumukonze Mukumuseka,kodi Zimene Walemba Inu Simunazimve Eeeeh.Always A Fool Speaks Louder
Ukafunse Sibo ndi dingase.
Mau Aubrey…(y) (y)
Bola kulemba chichewa Malume
komatu ma foni a touch amapanga cipongwe, nde ukangotumiza osaona kuti walembanji
kkkkkkk English sizibwanatu iiiiii
Kkkkkkk koma guys
Eeeh, hehe!
ndaseka abale
ndaseka abale
Kukonza ndikumeneko koma sometimes let’s avoid embarrassing ourselves simply by writing what we know is right and correct in terms of vocabulary. We can’t say this man just made some mistakes. He is just illiterate nothing else. Wanzeru akanaziwa kuti walemba zosayenera but by the fact that he didn’t realise the poor grammar in his comment, that tells you he sucks…….osamvera chisoni he could have avoided this by putting his comment is chichewa.
msati mseke kkk
osamaseka guyz ma fone a touch screen amasokoneza zimene umafuna kunena or ukamalemba chichewa kumabwerabe mawi nchizungu ndiye ukapanga kuwona kuti zimawonesa ngat kt mwina ndiwe mbuli koma ayi
Phwahahahahahahahahahaha!! ndakomoka
Phwahahahahahahahahahaha!! ndakomoka
Phwahahahahahahahahahaha!! ndakomoka
Phwahahahahahahahahahaha!! ndakomoka
Phwahahahahahahahahahaha!! ndakomoka
Phwahahahahahahahahahaha!! ndakomoka
Phwahahahahahahahahahaha!! ndakomoka
Phwahahahahahahahahahaha!! ndakomoka
Munthuyi ndi mbuli 100%.Osamunyengerera osanamiziranso ma 4n a touch screen apa.Mpaka fools:fulls,stole:stell,here:hire kkkkkkkkupusa komatu ku xool ati anali madolo odya xool fees lero ndi izi
Munthuyi ndi mbuli 100%.Osamunyengerera osanamiziranso ma 4n a touch screen apa.Mpaka fools:fulls,stole:stell,here:hire kkkkkkkkupusa komatu ku xool ati anali madolo odya xool fees lero ndi izi
0 kwa 100 rip english
0 kwa 100 rip english
chizungu vs mwale master
chizungu vs mwale master
Kkkk kma gys mpaka kupanga trace ma mistakes onse hehe lol
Kwa munthu amene ali ndi smartphone touch, akuziwa momwe zimakhalira palibe khani apa.
Kwa munthu amene ali ndi smartphone touch, akuziwa momwe zimakhalira palibe khani apa.
Kkkkkk Mwati Munamizire Foni, Anyway The Wages Of Sin Is Death
Kkkkkk Mwati Munamizire Foni, Anyway The Wages Of Sin Is Death
ifeso ma touch wo tili nawo ndi awa tikulembapo chichewa kuopa kulemba vizungu zosamveka bwino kikikiki
Mob justice woyeeee!
If you say that ”he” was caught red handed stealing, then thats good news. Masiku ano kupititsa wakuba ku Police mkulinga uli ndi nthawi. And palibe zonverana chisoni chifukwa akubawa akuonjeza
very sad news
Very bad,what did he still to deserve death?
Stealing is not allowed!
That is good news and i hail it as an important milestone towards reducing crime in malawi
Revenges belong to God no matter how many mayb killed bt such cases will neva end
My u dont hv a proof if so is they evidence of confisticated property
Dont lie that they caught him stealing property can you tell us which property did they get with him?this is very bad his parents and relatives had some hope in him that after completing his studies they will have something from him now you have done this very bad and unfortunate God knows all
thats the price!Mphoto ya tchimo ndi imfa
thats the price!Mphoto ya tchimo ndi imfa
Do you have the avidence that he was stealing something?or you are just answering for fun?
this is not a funny story. be serious. Its a great loss to his parents to loose such a youth. makolo amawerengera. May his soul rest in peace
this is not a funny story. be serious. Its a great loss to his parents to loose such a youth. makolo amawerengera. May his soul rest in peace
You know some people they dont mind when talking idont know what would they say had it been it happened with their relative?its atotal shame
Much As We Dnt Support Mob Justice, It Should Be A Lesson To Others! Wrong Place At Wrong Time Pano Ndi Izi
Much As We Dnt Support Mob Justice, It Should Be A Lesson To Others! Wrong Place At Wrong Time Pano Ndi Izi
Zabodza izi.
Ndi zowona even pa zodiak alengeza
Zabodza izi.
Ndi zowona even pa zodiak alengeza
So bad
So bad
wow sad story ,eshiiiih
wow sad story ,eshiiiih