Anglican Church opens arms to homosexuals

Tiwonge Chimbalanga & Steve Monjeza are a gay couple who were arrested and jailed to 14 years in Malawi

Anglican Bishops from across southern Africa have resolved that gays and lesbian partners who enter into same-sex should be welcome in their congregations as full members.

Tiwonge Chimbalanga & Steve Monjeza
Monjeza & Chimbalanga were arrested having come out as gays

However, the bishops were divided over whether to marry same-sex couples in church‚ or to allow clergy to enter same-sex civil unions.

As a result, congregations are still not allowed to conduct gay weddings in their churches and the clergy are not permitted to be in same sex relationships.

According to a letter issued by Cape Town Anglican church on Monday, a document outlining guidelines on members living in same-sex unions will be sent to the church’s Provincial Synod for adoption.

In the letter, the church says it believes that its adoption by Provincial Synod would be an important first step in signaling to the LGBT community that the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, through their top deliberative and legislative body, see gays as welcome members of their body as sisters and brothers in Christ.

“We are of one mind that gay, lesbian and trans-gendered members of our church share in full membership as baptized members of the Body of Christ,” reads part of the letter.

However, the church says its congregations across southern Africa will not baptise children of same-sex couples, even though the church has agreed not to stigmatise the parents.



  1. Zimenene Almighty Jah Jah ananena zikuenera kuchitika,so don’t blame dose Anglican leaders coz if we can’t have some who can fulfill wat bible said den we’re not moving forward so wat we have to do my brothers n sisters we need to make our selfs sharp sharp.n idank Jah Jah especially for warned his pple of his second jouny of coming to dese word coz icn see dese is de great evidence of his secnd ulendo to de warned



  4. Yudas si ochimwisisa Kwambiri kuposa ife,chifukwa iye anapereka ambuye yesu. Ifeyo tikamachimwa timangofanana ndi yudasi asiyeni achina papawo tingochedwanazo.koma tikonze miyoyo yathu ambuye yesu glad 666 is coming after rapture.

  5. Yudas si ochimwisisa Kwambiri kuposa ife,chifukwa iye anapereka ambuye yesu. Ifeyo tikamachimwa timangofanana ndi yudasi asiyeni achina papawo tingochedwanazo.koma tikonze miyoyo yathu ambuye yesu glad 666 is coming after rapture.

  6. Yudas si ochimwisisa Kwambiri kuposa ife,chifukwa iye anapereka ambuye yesu. Ifeyo tikamachimwa timangofanana ndi yudasi asiyeni achina papawo tingochedwanazo.koma tikonze miyoyo yathu ambuye yesu glad 666 is coming after rapture.

  7. Guys the truth is painful to swallow and the thing is andale amatinamiza chifukwa choti we don’t want and not ready to hear the truth. You Catholic believers you must know who killed Pope John Paul 1 and why, i think if you start searching from there you will certainly know the truth. The Obama, Pope and United nations are fighting for New World order. The Pope’s part is to bring all religions to be one under one ruler the Pope himself.After this, is fulfilled its when we will see 666 coming into play. Go to revelations pali mpingo umene udzachite mbali posocheretsa anthu kuti 666 itheke. Which religion has the biggest followers in the world plus is busy getting involved in world matters at large. You can choose to see it coming or pretend you don’t see. But be warned its very dangerous to know but choose to ignore.

  8. Ok guys inu ndine tiyenitigwire choonadi ngatimomwe malemba bible likufunila. Bishops and pastors ndianthu ngatiife and amalakwa but does,not mean all Church members shall do the same. Ndine mukristu dzinalangali, nyimboyathu imatelo. Palibechondisintha mpang,ono pomwe ndinewa Anglican basi. Ambuye akuyang,anileni abale ndialongo pamene tikuphuzitsana kudziwa choonadi. Tsikulabwino

  9. Later we are going to see all the DIVERTED CHURCHES who (COSTANTINOPOLY) are now going to church on Sun’days because they are under Popecy rull they will also told to do the same

  10. Aaaaaa ineyo ndilibechonena panopa zafika porti munthu amane ali ndi umunthu sangaziwe chimene chikuchitika taonani mayiko onse pa dziko lapasi zimene zikuchitika amuna okha okha azimayi okha okha kumanga ma banja nkhondo zosatha umulungu wake uwowoneke mayiko onse apasi

  11. koditu amene sakudziwa za masiku otsiliza azingolira mpaka muzatonthola chomwe malemba adanena kuti chidzachitika palibe angaletse nde mau sakwanilitsidwatu tsoka ofuna kukwanilitsa malembawo .Anglican nde ya nzeru akudziwa kuti olo akanize athu azipangabe moti ma church enawo mulibe athu oterowo?

    1. Read Ezekiel 16:49 and call your god a liar when it claims Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of their inhospitality towards visitors,not homosexuality.
      Foolish people who believe a book of fairy tales is actually true are really evil when they use that book to attack and assault others for whom they love.

    1. You do not join homosexuality.You are born gay or not gay,no choice in the matter.
      It would take a very sadistic god to punish people for the way it created them.
      Aren’t we lucky no gods are real?

  12. musadabwe anthu amulungu amenewa ndi a business akufuna chopeleka chizichuluka tiyeni tipemphe mulungu kuti ma Bishop amenewa awalange pofuna kusocheletsa anthu ake.komanso mamember apingo umeneu achenjele angalangidwe limodzi.zimikanjo ngati zenizeni .

  13. Koma Ndizowona Zimenezi? Inu A Angrican Mpingo Wanu Ndiwachowonadi Koma? Ndiye Ngati Inu Ampingo Mukulora Za Gay, Nanga Akunja Atawaunikile Za Chowonad Ndindani? Mayo Ine Ambuye Mtikhululukire Ndithu!

  14. Just reading through your comments, it is abundantly CLEAR that it is YOU AFRICANS that have no love in your hearts!!! PARADING around, ALL of you PRETENDING to be GODLY and DEVOUT!! When in fact NONE of you know how to LOVE your gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.. JESUS himself loved ALL sinners!! But of course it is obvious YOUR MINS are still TOO SMALL to comprehend what the BIBLE is ACTUALLY trying to teach humanity!!! SHAME ON YOU “CHRISTIANS” for NONE of you really ARE christian at all.

    1. You make a statement like that only because you have never read all the evil that your god demands of his followers in your bible.

  15. church sidzapulumutsa muthu koma tchito zamuthu ndizo ndithawi yabwino kupanga chisakho choona koposa kutsata mdyelekez ooneka ndimansoyu

  16. Bishop wenyenga amavomereza zimenezi kulibwino ndigokhara pa Nyumba kusiyana kuti azindiuza za uchisilu ngati izi

  17. Mulungu wanu ndiuti amene wakutumani shame on u mpaka mipingo kuvomeleza eish pop akwatila wansembe basi zamasiku osiliza segulani maso abale wanga mwa ambuye chikho ichi chokha chitipitilile alekeni anzungu omweyo azipanga nyasizo osati ife ayi

  18. Mulungu wanu ndiuti amene wakutumani shame on u mpaka mipingo kuvomeleza eish pop akwatila wansembe basi zamasiku osiliza segulani maso abale wanga mwa ambuye chikho ichi chokha chitipitilile alekeni anzungu omweyo azipanga nyasizo osati ife ayi




    1. Aren’t we lucky that christ jesus is just a character in a stupid book of fairy tales.




  21. kkkk nonse anglican ngati mmatsatiladi mulungu wamoyo osati wabala or asherah. Tulukani church ili. mwina kawelengeni malemba za ma gay olo lesbian? usatana basi. maitanidwe palibe apa

  22. kkkk nonse anglican ngati mmatsatiladi mulungu wamoyo osati wabala or asherah. Tulukani church ili. mwina kawelengeni malemba za ma gay olo lesbian? usatana basi. maitanidwe palibe apa

  23. Anthu anga akuwonongeka chifukwa chotsadziwa.Anzanga tili mumasiku otsiriza tikuyenera kulapa mwana wamunthu alinkudza ndithu.Zinthu sizili bwino mudziko mwathu muno,tawona njala,kulimbirana ma udindo etc

    1. For the last three thousand years these are always the last days.

  24. Fodya. Even the Bible states that zabwino zisaphatikizane ndizoyipa. Unless they change their behavior….welcome them. If not there’s need to stone all the bishops for coming up with this blasphemy to the church.

  25. Mmmmmmmm……Nothng to comment nw, I really feel sorry for Anglican church followers, just watch your steps, I dn’t knw where u are going nw, it was beer then nw homesexuality!

  26. Anglican Roman cathoric mukusocheletsa anthu munasintha calendar munabisa bible leni leni kuika la fake pano mukuonekela poyela ntchito zanu kuti ndinu atumiki a satana chonde osawatsatila ankhwele amenewa

  27. Anglican Roman cathoric mukusocheletsa anthu munasintha calendar munabisa bible leni leni kuika la fake pano mukuonekela poyela ntchito zanu kuti ndinu atumiki a satana chonde osawatsatila ankhwele amenewa

  28. Koma abishop ena dyera mpakana kukana nkhalidwe la umunthu zoona. so now an animal z better dan a human coz an animal z able 2 identify a male from a female bt a human z failing.Tsoka odziwerengera.coz akudziwa za malamulo.

  29. Koma abishop ena dyera mpakana kukana nkhalidwe la umunthu zoona. so now an animal z better dan a human coz an animal z able 2 identify a male from a female bt a human z failing.Tsoka odziwerengera.coz akudziwa za malamulo.

  30. Zovuta zedi,nthaw ndi malemba zakwanila,komatu sinthabwala malemba amati masiku otsiliza chidziwitso chidzafalikila mipingo komaso pa radio nd zikuchitikad chatsala abale anzanga tilape tili munthaw ya chisomo musaiwale ikangodutsa nthaw yachisomo pemphero la aliyese ochimwa silidza mveka oyera adzakhalabe oyera ndipo ochimwa adzakhalabe ochimwa

  31. Zovuta zedi,nthaw ndi malemba zakwanila,komatu sinthabwala malemba amati masiku otsiliza chidziwitso chidzafalikila mipingo komaso pa radio nd zikuchitikad chatsala abale anzanga tilape tili munthaw ya chisomo musaiwale ikangodutsa nthaw yachisomo pemphero la aliyese ochimwa silidza mveka oyera adzakhalabe oyera ndipo ochimwa adzakhalabe ochimwa

  32. hahaha ndatseka iiii ndikudadaula kwaovomerezawe mmmmm ndilichitsoni ha ndiwe otembereredwa eshe ukusocheresa nkhosa za Ambuye iii ndakulililani.

  33. hahaha ndatseka iiii ndikudadaula kwaovomerezawe mmmmm ndilichitsoni ha ndiwe otembereredwa eshe ukusocheresa nkhosa za Ambuye iii ndakulililani.

  34. I believe to day that all Christians churches its not churches of God its 4 satan even trimple six it will come 4m that side

  35. Ikaolaimozi zosezaola aii sichoncho ife timaopa mulingu osati bishop ngatimomwe anthuena mungaganizire. In Anglican Church we do not have time for supporting devil , sorry guys. Komaso chenjelani pozuzulakwanu inumutiabwinonu muchachimweso ngatimomwe alankhulira m,bale wangayu Gwiremaso Jack. Sitimatumikila satana komaiye otilelengayo

  36. if we say gayism is in the hormones..should we say our hormones are diffrent from those of wild animals and cats dogs. ..cause suprisingly i havent seen these animals shaging each other….arrest my case

  37. if we say gayism is in the hormones..should we say our hormones are diffrent from those of wild animals and cats dogs. ..cause suprisingly i havent seen these animals shaging each other….arrest ny case

    1. Every single animal species on the planet,man included,has homosexual components as well as heterosexual ones.If nature had no need of homosexuality that trait would be extinct.Since it is always present in all societies it must be needed.
      If you have never seen gay animals perhaps it is because you don’t get out much.

  38. Ndine Mslamu weni weni, koma apa pokha sindikutha kumvetsa kti amene wavomera zimeneziyu wazitenga kti. Kapena mwina tiziti atha kutipatsa lemba lina lake kuchokera mu buku loyera lomwe likuvomeleza zimenezi. Apa bola moto uja ukanangobwera kuztiotcha zinthuzi zisanafike kumapeto kweni kweni. Koma iwe Malawi why kapena kupusa, olo kapena tulo kwambiri eti. KOMATU MUDZAFA IMFA YOWAWA MUKAPITITLIZA MCHITIDWE UMENEWU

  39. check our step, relationship with God not just say time is over. my brothers and sisters tiyambepo kuchita mau, tipitilize, tibwelere pa mau. izi zichitikazi ndichenjezo kwa amene Ali malo khutu

    Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: [email protected] or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: [email protected] AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS..

    Hello my name is Lizzy Joe, I want to give a testimony about my HIV virus that was cured by a great spell caster. Since last 16 years I have being a HIV positive patient. I never think I we live long again and am so grateful to Dr Greg Carlos who help me cured my HIV virus last 3 weeks. I was in a great pain so I told one of my best friends about my situation; she told me that there is a great spell caster that can cure my VIRUS. I asked her if she had his contact, she gave me his email and phone number, I emailed him and he talked to me and he perform the necessary things and he told me that after 14 days, I should go for a test. Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now a HIV negative I couldn’t believe myself I went to see another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet earth, so i contacted him and thanked him for is good work. Please if you are having a similar problem please visit him or contact him at: [email protected] or whatsApp: +2348146867873… ALL THANKS TO Dr Greg Carlos.

    Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: [email protected] or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: [email protected] AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS..

  43. Which chapter in the bible says this? Why are they not baptize children from same sex?Are you sure that same sex can produce children? Is it done to have a lot of followrrsvin your church? I read in the bible no teaching like this one. Off course I know if you repent of your sinful acts God will forgive but to this it shows end I times. Choose other churches to worship God I mean the true God not devil

  44. Pharisees, men pleasers instead of pleasing God, greedy dogs who always ministers for money,
    Blind guiders how can they lead a blind person, the end will be falling into a pit both of them,

    Hypocrites who put laws and give a heavy load to their followers yet they themself cant practise or touch with their finger.

    Hell awaits!!

  45. Since the number of religious people in any and all religions is in a sharp decline around the world perhaps the Anglicans are seeking new ways to keep their collection plates full.
    Are you aware that half the countries in Europe as well as Canada will have less than 30% of their population who declare they have any links with any religious group in about ten years.Totals are about 35% now.Finland and Denmark haven’t built many new churches or repaired many old one since the Second World War.Canada has had many churches abandoned by the religious because nobody could pay the costs of operations.Many were remodeled into fancy expensive condos in the center of cities.Others were just leveled.

  46. Koma guys the truth is chisilamu ndi mpingo wabwino,,, chi christu kuchuluka mayina amachalichi,,, pentecostal anglican witness of jehova roman Catholic living waters chani mchani maina ndi. osayamba, iwe ngati wa Catholic suwungapite kukapemphera ku living waters zinthu zake zovuta, wina aliyense akuyambitsa chalichi ndi dzina lake cholinga kufuna ndalama chopeleka, akuti mukupeleka kwa mulungu kodi mulungu ali mchalichimo, osapeleka ana amasiye bwanji,,, kumachita kunena kuti mbale iyi ndiyoponya ma coins inayi ma notes iyi ma notes akulu akulu koma zoopsa, azimayi avala ma minskirt pant akudindika kuwonekela, mwendo panja a pastor kumangotota muntima, ali koma amai awo nde ali ndi mwendo wabwino matako abwino, angakome dog style,,,, azimayi muzivala bwino kuchalichi osamavala ngati mukupita ku club,,,,,

    1. Anthu amenewa ndiokananika ndipo sazachenjela mpaka kale kale….ndipo eti pali anthu ena they still do believe kuti mulungu kulibe..shame on them

    2. Ndipo ambiri mwa iwo amati mulungu wawo ndi jesus,, akusokonekela kwambiri moti ali ndi picture mnyumba mwawo ndikumati yesu uja ndi uyu, kusaziwa kuti iye uja ndi actor dzina lake ndi Brian Deacon.

  47. I pray those bishops chikho chimenechi chisazawaduse azadaliseso ukwati wa ana awo of same sex,th@s wen atazadziwe kut ndizachabe. I beg to differ mwana nane ndimamufuna

  48. Naonso Ali gulu lomwelo ya ma gay (agalu) mtsogoleri opusa ndikufunse kaye kodi ukufuna kutukwadwa kapena ayi panyelo pako ubwelezenso

  49. Kuno Ku Capetown Desmond Tutu anayamba kalekale kumanga maukwati eterewa kodi simuziwa kuti mipingo yambiriyi ndi ya pansi panyanja? Baibulo likuti tulukani m’menemo anthu anga. Anthu anga awonongeka chifukwa chosaziwa. Ingotulukamoni munsiyire chalichi lakero bishopoyo. Bwanji mungokakamira Anglican ngati alukherani misomali?

  50. Kodi anthuni olalika akamati samalani ndimipingo ya sun’day ambirife timachita makani lero ndiizitu Anglican uve wapoyera.

  51. atsongoreli mwatani kma mukunkhumudwitsa akhrist .AROMA 1:18-32tawerengani inu muti mabishopnu .uchimo wanuwo ukhale wanu.musatsokeletse anthu a Mulungu ,pogwiritsa ntchito udindo wanu.ngati mwatopa siyaniena alamulire.mpingo mchifukwa anthu ati ndi wasataniki mwandinkhumudwisa

  52. ati the church will recognize and baptise the but not the children so where will the kinds come from hahaha palibe chanzeru apa MW24 titiuze za Peter ndi achina Kabwela apa…izi ayi tisazanazo kaye kunyasa

  53. From today am no longer in Anglican. Scriptures have been fulfiled on you! God told the Islael, ” if ull see such idiol worshipers dont part or worship with them together”.

  54. Nanuso mabishop a Angrican mukufuna kuti akalange nkhosa pamodzi ndi m’mubusa wake yemwe? Chonde akhrist inu a Angrican musavomele Satanism ya mabishop anu,asiyeni iwowo akawone Hade,asakupotozeni,tsatirani bible osati nyasi zaozo!

  55. To be a bishop,a pastor ,prophet etc,it doesn’t mean that u are saved,it just names, but to be aman of God(holiness),watch out!!!!!!

  56. Now u see Isaid dat ored is 1arm of satanic.They no hide now they tell udat,thy o allowed gys lesbian n homesexuals in their churchies no problem dats the way of christianity.Mind u gahena is waitin.

  57. Anthu a #Anglican opusa inu ngati #Agalatia chifukwa munasephana ndi a Katolika mumaganiza ngati mbalame mukuweta ng’ombe zazimuna zokha zokha mukuyembekezera kuti zichulukane kkkkk mpingo wanu watha basi naga mwayambazi ndakwiya nanu nonseeeee!

  58. Even here in RSA daughter of archbishop Tutu married to another woman so what can u expect from other fellow bishops to say about same sex marriages?

  59. Ampingo mwaganiza bwanji apa?I have seen that the Almight God is with you good preachers. It’s Ammagerdone time

  60. Kunalembedwa pa izi ndi chifukwa chakenso amabungwe akumati mukuwaphera ufulu otelewa.tsoka kwa iye atsatila onyengayooooooo,patsara ma page anayi kuti timalize bible,tizaona ya amaliongo….pakuti anatichenjeza za izi mu bible….

  61. These Bishops say they have resolved to welcom gays and lesbians. Its ok, Do they have any chapter from the Bible to support their actions? if not, did Jesus do or accept that? Izi ndiye zachikunja a Malawi.

  62. Satanism being gi ven access into the church.Who doesn’t know the issue about Sodom and Gomorah?We are inviting the fire to come soon.Our church leaders are to blame for taking advantage of the illiterate pple.Read the Bible with the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

  63. Be very careful real christian these people are nt chosen by GOD akanakhala kut amapemphela mchoona sindikukhulupilira kut angamavomeleze nyasi ngat zimenezo now those real christians your duty should be seen{prayng&fasting alwez}..

  64. Musadabwe paja ma Bishop a aglican ndinchitidwe wawo omalemba ntchito tiana tatimuna ndicholinga choti azipanga nawo zachisembwere.Akufuna amasuke koma sindikudziwa kuti mabaibulo omwe amagwilitsa ntchito ndiatiwo?Zitsiru zenizeni.wr

  65. Kodi abusa amenewa amamva ndi kutanthauzira bwanji mau a mBaibulo? Koma amalalikiradi mu choonadi? Akususana ndi chilengedwe cha Mulungu? Pepani dziko likufika kumasiriziro. Azibusa akugalukira Mulungu tsopano

  66. Nothing surprised me here coz I kno that Anglican is a Europeans church therefore” whatever they do they worshiping white people not the God I kno” Even Jesus himself he didn’t accept gay act…..

      1. It is more foolish to expect Anglicans to join humanity than for gay people to join a sick religion.

  67. No shadow doubt about this rubbish. This religion is belong to the pple who are generally Satanists. No any person can forgive someone when he committed a sin is only the creator who knows how he did but these religions DO. The religion of GOD does not have any strings attached by any human nature who go to the toilet and has got desires of life. Now time has come to seperate between wheet and weeds. If we are talking about 10 commandments of GOD, u say that time was passed who told u that, all these problems created by Paul who was decievng pple sayng he sent by GOD to preach the gospel but was a blue lie. He changed the system after the appostals knew that Paul was a thug. Now he started changng some Holy books and putting his rubbish, this what he said as a message to any person who follows him, ‘ what ever he was saying was not from God but from his own mind. Today pple are still following his rubbish because of passions and desires of this world. Watch out my dear friends I LOVE U ALL.

  68. Reading bible is easier,bt to enterpret the word frm bible,is not easy this church eldery have shaded with blood money Thus why Heroid asked the jews to say btwn jesus and Barba?It means Heroid break the law delibuletly.Timadziwa kt malemba amakana maukwati otere,kma nanga iwowo mphamvu imeneyi akuitenga kt? Be arlet guys


  70. paster thnk sin imakoma ukamapanga koma judge ment yapang`ono kodi inuyo munatuluka kwa abambo kapena amayi? mulungu wakhala opusa mwachenjela inu ? panopa nyimbo za agrican ndimaikonda kwambiri koma Siinuyo mumaimba koma ziwanda that why mvula sikugwa mulungu wakwiya koma kkkkkkkkkk A basi abale anga tikhale osamala siagrican yokha ayi ma church. ambiri io akufuna kuti anthu asiye kukhulupila mulungu kkkkkk our god is vry powerfull no one like him devil is lie

  71. paster thnk sin imakoma ukamapanga koma judge ment yapang`ono kodi inuyo munatuluka kwa abambo kapena amayi? mulungu wakhala opusa mwachenjela inu ? panopa nyimbo za agrican ndimaikonda kwambiri koma Siinuyo mumaimba koma ziwanda that why mvula sikugwa mulungu wakwiya koma kkkkkkkkkk A basi abale anga tikhale osamala siagrican yokha ayi ma church. ambiri io akufuna kuti anthu asiye kukhulupila mulungu kkkkkk our god is vry powerfull no one like him devil is lie

  72. From Google this is happening in South Africa Provincial Synod not Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana which belongs to Central Provincial Synod. Nigeria Provincial Synod is also against South Africa decision but they can’t control provincial synod belonging to S.A. In conclusion, we are in last days.

  73. KKKK, kothawila kwatulukila nkhondo ndimati ndithawile ku anglican koma shiiii kwanunkha alambila fano miyendo .

  74. sizodabwitsa izi zikuyenela kutero kuti Bible likhale lowona as it was in the days of Sodom and gomorah so it shall be in the last days iwowo akudziwa kuti posachrdwa ayamba kupanikiza mipingo pankhani imeneyi akufuna aliyese avomeleze basi

  75. Admin, mapazi akumanzerewo. Anakuuzani ndani zimenezo?? The only nation that supports gays is South Africa, all African Anglican churches do not allow such things. so be careful with your stupid posts, I know you are that stupid to post irrelevant news to get people’s attention, but you’ve gone too far this time. you better watch it, before you get sued for false information

  76. Mmmmmmmmmm nthawi yamatsautso ija yafikadi tsopano khulupirirani abale ndi alongo, nayeso bishop ngati ndidyera muchitika uchitsiru ngati mkufuna kupeza members ndicholinga chakuti azikupatsani chopereka mwapepera nazo, kuchisilamu sungamve zoti wina amuna okha okha akufuna kumagwitsa ukwati oyera chifukwa mu quraan sizidalembedwe nga iwe Bishop lamulo lakolo udalitenga kuti? ndiyankhe.

  77. dont forget that bishops siosankhidwa ndi mulungu koma amapita ku xool kukamphunzira za u bishop, kusankhidwa ndi mulungu kuti umutumikire ndi kuphunzira za mulungu kuti umutumikile ndizosiyana coz ngati ukukaphunzira zotumikira mulungu u invest money and you need to harvest after, so these people re nt choosen by God, but forced them selves to God, they re nt holly, and some of them re satanics they manage to perform some miracles, healing, and wat so ever in the name of lusifara, but always remember God no sleeps

  78. Is not pushing it but its practising it within the church. If you don’t believe me just Google homo sexuality in Roman Catholic Church even the Pope knows this.

  79. Am an Anglican but abandoning dogmatic and embracing strange beliefs is uncalled for. This is not God guiding these Clergy but the devil himself. am appalled at this decision. I for one will leave Anglican and wont be part of this new religious belief.

  80. no wonder u r following ant-Christ we’re waiting to hear from ur bst friend Roman Catholic stupid dogs may some1 kill that shit stinking there Demet

  81. atate athu muli kumwamba ufumu wanu udze kufuna kwanu kuchitidwe monga kumwamba chomwechonso ansi pano mutikhululukire zochimwa zathu monga ifenso tiwakhululukira otichimwira musatisiye ife (muchinyengo) koma mutipulumutse kwa(choipacho) amen

  82. Ana akubadwawa azawaphunzitsa zau gay then sikuzakhala kubereka ana mmabanja kenako mtundu wa anthu uzatha, ngati utazatsale ochepa mzungu azuwulamula mopheka mmene afuniramo

  83. Kkkkkkkkk ndikamava zithu ngati zimenezo ndimangosangalala kuti pano tangotsala ndi ma page ochepa m’baibulo ndipo ngati izi sidzingachitike ndiekuti tikanamutenga ngati onama komano anati kwa iwo ali maso awone ndipo kwa amene ali ndi makutu amve ndipo mukadzaona zithu ngati zimenezo mudzadziwe kuti tili extra time tidzilapa mkuyag’ana wotiombolayo Jesus Christ

    1. You shud always be prepared to back up your arguments @ Mphatso! Giving evidence when you say something which requires clarification is very important! Anyway, am one of them! A CATHOLIC AND VERY MUCH PROUD!!

  84. F**k freaky bishops selling out their souls lyk pops in a shops..why calling the name God in your false teachings…how can u say u will not baptise children from same sex couple you are mad???? How can same sex bare a child??? Go s**k yo dirty ass

  85. Nonsense. what that. He is not Bishop of the church but of satanic gathering. how come. tsaaaa stupid bishop full of rubbish in his mind shame on yu satanist Bishop

  86. Kod akutengela kusakwatila kwa iwowo bas axiwasocheresa athu amulungu watan ziko lapatsi mbuye ndiyende muchitsomo chanu pot mwainu ndimapezamo phavu zitidwalisa mutu izi guyz kwa okhulupilila mau awatso si na bishop koma mabionukha

  87. Amene anabweratsa mabukuwa sukulu zinasocheretsa anthuwa savetsetsa mawuwa sazindikira amene anabweretsa maluwa mtengowo unayeretsedwa pa guwa iyi sindakatulo bayibulo linasokonezedwa kubabulo ndi achina papa paulo anasintha zilankhulo kuletsa zakudya zot ana amulungu azilandile ndi chiyamiko anayambitsa mawukwati onyasa ndye ndindan amene ungamuwuze dandawulo pot ndi omwewo anasintha lamulo guyz ingotulukani chipembedzo!!!

    1. mwini mpingo ndi ndani, mukati atuluke atulukira yani , kodi mpingo timachita kulowa ,ofuna kutsata yesu ayenera kusenza mtanda

    2. Kwa amene amadziwa mbiri ya mpimngo, kuti mpingo udayamba bwanji? Nanga kuti mipingo ichuluke zinayamba bwanji? Kwa iye sizingakhale za chilendo .

  88. Complete bunch of idiots,can u call that Church as Holy at the same time practicing Satanic?Rather die poor,if it was my Church deffenately i was going to withdraw my membership from the church,but its good that i belong to another Church

  89. #Anglican church i think u have to change your name to #Anglican_lesbians&gays_Church Those people who fear God i think u must come out from that church!!

  90. sizachilendo kumva izi zinayamba kale ndiaja2 anampeleka mwana wa mulungu nde muganiza ndi mfundoyanzelu iti yomwe angatuluse kudziko??

  91. Amenewa ndamene kuseli amauza asogoleri adziko kuti tili pambuyo panu nkhani za ma gay and lesbians. Chofunika amene muli ku mpingowu,,,,pemphelani mwakuya kwa Mulungu kuti akuchoseni ziwanda zoipa adakulowesanizo. Ndikupeza mpingo wina or kukhala ngati ine pheeeee pakhomo ndi Mulungu wanga no stress ndi mipingo. Apa zaonekelathu kuti mpingowu ngwa Satanic no doubt. Angowutentha anthu mene titatenthere ma Gay nd lesibians

  92. Mipingo Iyi Ndiyakuba Angofunapo Ndalama Bac Pajaso Ansembe Awo Amakwatira Ndiye Muzitombana Kutumboko Mabishop Koma Opanda Mzeru

  93. Nowadays it’s all praying points controlled by devil! Either a Bishop, a Pastor, a Preist, a Sheikh, or a Muft all doing moral things! We only need to follow what our true God z telling us n the choice z ours ! Today z Anglican next tym ll b another religion

  94. Yeah ndizoonadi kutero sizikutanthauza kt ampingowo aloleza gay aYi koma anthu akufuna kuwaphunzitsa munjila yachikondi kt zomwe akuchitazo ndi zonyasa

  95. tikamati Chikhristu simpingo wa Mulungu koma ndizochokera kwa Satana zimene mumapanga Akhristu mumakana, nanga ichi ndiye chani ichi???? Mateyu 24 vesi 23-26. Proud to be a Muslim Alhamdulillah

  96. Look at the 2 men in the back of the van. Look at their faces… Do you have no Christian compassion?
    Look at the mocking, crowds drunk on hate. What would Jesus do??

  97. Apa ndalama yalakhula chilugamo chakhala chete.koma chimene mugaziwe atsogoleli aMulungu mukusocheletsa nkhosa za ambuye ndipo mufa ifa yowawa musamale

    1. musakhale otengeka ngati bango ndi madzi kumene mutapiteko mukapephela ndi angel. musitha mipingo ingati remain there & help the work of the lord

  98. eeee pipo musathe mau nkamwa …..pangani za mitima yanu….kaya muyankhula monyoza chani wil stil remain an Anglicana…ungoziwa wekha mumtima mwako iwe nd mulungu basi

    1. Muzafera zomwezo pomwe choonadi mukuchiziwa.kuli bwino kumapangilathu zisankho zoyenera,kusiyana ndikumagura tiketi yaku gehena.

    2. a kamuzu zat will neva happen to central province…Malawi w nt in sourthen nde i dnt tink zat nonsense can happen hre…and ukuonaso wekha kot sungapange attend chinthu choti ku malawi sichingachitike

    3. Iwe ndie tchisilu cha munthu kwambiri zoona ur backing of gays and lesbian unabandwa banja la ma gay ndi lesbian kodi???if nt why accpt it get a lyf fuck u wit anglican

  99. nawonso ma bishop ndi anthu sikuti potio iwowo atero ndiye kuti mulungu akugwirizana zazo ayi awo ndi maganizo awo ngati munthu, tiyeni tidzipepherera atsogoleri amipingo kuti asasokeletsa nkhosa za ambuye.

  100. Kodi ukwati wa anthu amenewa umamangidwa ku church?ndipo ndi mubusa wake yuti amene amaimilira ndi kukhalira umboni ukwati wa anthu amenewo.ndiye kuti ameneyo si mu busa.

  101. Tulukani mmenemo anthu anga ,tulukani mmenemo anthu anga atero ambuye . .come out of her my people says the lord

  102. Tulukani mmenemo anthu anga ,tulukani mmenemo anthu anga atero ambuye . .come out of her my people says the lord

  103. Ngati kunalembedwa kuti Yesu adzafela pa mtanda ndipo adzawuka kwa akufa palibe yemwe akanaletsa. Chimodzimodzi izi zinalembedwa zama siku otsiliza. Ndiye olo mutukwane olo mutuluke mu mpingomo palibe chingasithe. Ubwino wake samakakamiza ayi, ofuna azitosana kuthako kapena ndi zala chiweluzo pomaliza.

  104. inu amalawi 24 muzifufuza bwino its not all southern Africa Bishops limenelo ndi bodza coz Malawi,zambia,zimbabwe & tanzania ali mu provice ya central africa & the head is archbishop Albert Tchama from zambia & ma bishop oxe ndi 15 icluding 4 dioxeses in malawi & provice yomwe yavomeleza zimenezi ndi ya southern africa yomwe muli south africa,mozambique,lexotho ndi swalziland & provice yomwe muli malawi,zambia,zimbabwe ndi Botwana anakana zimenezi,choncho inu a malawi 24 musasokoneze anthu muziyamba mwafufuza bwinobwino

  105. Ineweniweni muanglicana ubatizo, ulimbitso zonse ndinapanga ngati weniweni mukristu waanglican koma topic iyi yokha bodza ndisaname uuuuu sindikugwilizananayo kkkkk. Ndipo muchikhulupiliro timati, ndikhulupilira mulungu mmodzi atatewathu wakumwamba.

  106. Ndikanakhala ndine mkhristu mkangodziwilatu kuti chikhristu si mpingo nkanatuluka tsiku lomwelo.Nanga idzidzi ndi zichani kwenikweni mmmm.

  107. اعمال الماربيل والبيرن والاستوكا انتيك والسواحلى والشمواه واعمال الاسبونش والتعتيق والترخيم والباتين والفايبر والكروكليه والاجلسيه والكمبليكو واعمال الذهب والفضى النحاسى والبرونزى كمائي وايطالى وفينو ودوكو واكريلك وميتالك وا عمال الاستر وتليمع واللاكيه والبلاستيك مط ونص ولامع من الاخر اللى مش حيدوس لايك ربنا يساام يساامحه

    ولله الحمد آخر أعمالنا تحياتنا لكل متابعينا اذا عجبك شغلنا تسعدنا إعجاباتكم وتعليقاتكم تشطيبات شقه العمر عالموضه وعلى أد الإيد 2016 ( لسنا الوحيدون ولكن بفضل الله تعالى متميزون ) وده مش مجرد كلام فى إعلان تحيه شكر وتقدير. الساده أعضاء الجروب. يسرنا ان نقدم عرض من اقوى عروض عام _٢٠١٦. : تشطيبات ديكورات شقه العمر على اد الايد. صيانه وتاسيس احدث التصميمات تنفيذ بمهاره تشطيبات من عالطوب للمفتاح كافه اعمال. العماره. السباكه -والكهرباء- والجبسمبورد- وألنجاره- والسيراميك- والالوميتال- وكافه اعمال الديكور- جبس ونقاشه واستر وخلافه- اعمال سابقه مشرفه. بخبره عشرون عام فى مجال التشطيبات. ولان ده شغلنا اكتسبنا النجاح فاهدينا التميز. يمكن فيه غيرنا كتير بس مش زينا. سعيد احمد سليمان. ثقه. امان. زوق رفيع ولله الحمد 01222399546. 01094884180 سيدى بشر اول الدولى خلف رويالتي.رd=1432283067047041. الاسكندريه profile.php?id=16153279ر

  108. They are not brothers and sisters in Christ but brothers and sisters in satan.

  109. Nzokhazokha za masatana izi. Wachilungamo ndi iweyo amene uli ndi nzeru zoona choipa ndi cha bwino mmoyo wako. Mipingo yonse pano inazindikiridwa kuti imatumikira lusifala mdzina la Yesu. Samalani abale.

  110. Hehehe koma abusa ngati inu mulipachilango kwa mulungu 1 kuti mupezeka pa dziko munabadwa kuchoka mumphapu ya amayi koma lero mukunena kut amuna azikwatilana okha ndinu mubusa kapena muneneri onyenga 2 mutiloze mubukula la mulungu mulembeka zoti muzikwatilana nokhanokha amuna 3 muziwe kuti ano ndimasiku otsiliza cz pamene zafikapa ndimulungu ayi sanalenge kut akazi akwatilana okha kaya ndikulemela zanuzo 4 tikukuonani zimene mukupanga pitilizani before 2020 muona zodabwsa pamene dziko la malawi lawika ndeye dzamulungu palibe chifukwa chake mavuto sasintha kuvomereza zilizzonse. Bt jst pray kuti zinthu zikhale bwino cz muphana popanda ntchito, koma inu ubusa wakanika pamenepa pangani zakayisala wanu ndimaona anglican amayimba bwino ndimphavu ya satana koma heeeeee kaya akukuonani inu mulungu

  111. thats what christianity iz behind ! encouraging pple not to follow laws of the almighty creator ( our beloved god ) ,

    but let me remind u this : that what u are practicing iz sodomy , other pple b4 u already got punished for that and urs iz just on the way u ll get it soon as long as u ll die , u ll get it there !

  112. Palibe chodabwitsa zonsenzi nzili mmalemba ndipo palibe ndi mmodzi yemwe angathese izi kudzakhala maukwati achilendo ndiizi amuna okha okha ena kukwatirana ndi galu > njala nsanje nkhondo aneneri onyenga zivomerezi kuphana kenako kudzatuluka chilombo chanyanga 10 chimene chidzapwanye ndikupondereza Ma ufumu apadziko lapansi (pop) dziwani kuti mwana wamunthu ali Mkudza tsoka kwa iwe okwanilitsa Malembawo

    1. Becca Wathu Kay yes I will tell him, it takes time for him to understand. He is my only friend who also happens to b a slow learner, osamupsera mtima chonde

    2. This is what alot of Catholic people don’t want to hear but why should we not warn them that this Pope they are following is not what they think he is.

    3. O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Read what is written in the prophecy of Daniel and Revelation. Who is the dragon? Who is the beast? And who is the woman? In biblical translation.

    4. O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Read what is written in the prophecy of Daniel and Revelation. Who is the dragon? Who is the beast? And who is the woman? In biblical translation.

    5. Williams Kamphande sure. They should read how dreams and prophesies were masulilad in the Bible. One must be spiritual to see what it means. Sorry penapo ndinavutika kuganiza eee

    6. Vuto anthu akungokhala ndi maso akuthupi basi aumzimu alibe kotero pali dzina zoti simundadzione ndi maso anu anuwo pokhapokha mukhale mu umzimu ndipo tidzaziwa choonadicho

    7. Vuto anthu akungokhala ndi maso akuthupi basi aumzimu alibe kotero pali dzina zoti simundadzione ndi maso anu anuwo pokhapokha mukhale mu umzimu ndipo tidzaziwa choonadicho

    1. You’re a lier, Catholic and Anglican are different, Anglican camw out of Catholic because they wanted their priests to be getting married,no wonder they r supporting this.

    2. You’re a lier, Catholic and Anglican are different, Anglican camw out of Catholic because they wanted their priests to be getting married,no wonder they r supporting this.

    3. Mr which roman catholic church z pushing same sex marriage? We nid to learn to tell de truth n do u av evidence of wat ua sayin. f der r churches dat r fighting against dat agenda z the roman catholic….

    4. Paul Tangwena. But we do appreciate your comment though. It lets us know that we do have idiots among us still.

    5. This has nothing to do with the Catholic Church. So put your egos out of this and think before commenting…. I rest my case. In the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit.

    6. But Vatican is the headquarters of Roman Catholic plus the Pope live there. How can you say i don’t believe in God but i believe in Jesus. Please be humble and look closely you will know and see the truth. Mulungu samalanga munthu asanamuchenjeze, ndiye the moment the moment the Anti-Christ will come out people will say koma anthu amatiwuzatu. Same masiku aNowa anthu anaudzidwa koma sanamvere same is happening now.

    7. Mr Paul…do u know that every information which you find on the net .,,its people who update it….? if u r not aware ov that…start hvng it in ur my from 2day own wardz………dnt spoil ur friends denominations…I was born when ma parents where catholics,,,raised like cathalic and 2die catholic again no mata how bad u cn talk abt ma denomination,,,..i will still remain catholic…and proud to b catholic..,.Full stop

    8. I knew that someone would bring in the Catholic Church in this! The Catholic Church this, the Catholic Church that! Why do most people who are non~catholics talk a lot about the Catholic Church! Why Cant you focus on your own churches? Am Catholic and proud! If it means i going to hell simply because am Catholic, let it be!!! I will see hell fire myself, so why should you be concerned as if you will be among those in hell? Chifukwa mukamayankhula mumakhala ngat kut inu nde munapulumuka kale chifukwa cha mpingo omwe muli, chonsecho kut tifufuzane zochita zathu mwinanso wina amene ali mkatolika, yemwe mummantenga mwana wa satana, angakhale wabwino koposa in the eyes of God! Once again focus on your own denominations rather than on other people’s denominations!!

    9. You can talk in anyway you wanna talk, but the Catholic church was, is and will continue to be there! I dont know what you gain when you say nasty things about the Catholic Church? No wonder, your protestants, so your job is to protest! So i understand you people somehow!

    10. Am not surprised. Those who talk bad about the Catholic Church are Seventh Day Adventist church members whose reasoning skills are similar to those of a standard 5 dropout. After all a sun and a moon cannot give light at the same time.

    11. True that @ Johan! And Some are those from some pentecostal churches and ena amakhala akatolika opumawa, they claim to know the church better! !

    12. Which Catholic Church is pushing this agenda. Not the one I know. Why do some rumour mongers choose to tell ‘raw’ lies? The Catholic Church teaches about accepting them if they are prepared to be converted and live a normal life. Don’t comment out of the context of this article. It says Anglican Bishops in southern African NOT Catholic Bishops. Maybe you have your own catholic church; not the one that was founded on a rock. Anthu enanu bwanji simuchita manyazi kunena bodza…

    13. On website anyone can put whatever he wants to put under any name. So the homosexual Vatican is not the Roman Catholic. If u want to know about true Vatican Google Roman Catholic. We know ur propaganda. Of tarnishing the image of Roman Catholic.

    14. Ngakhale mphamvu za imfa sizidzaugonjetsa. Mpingo wa Katolika siwamunthu ndipo anauyambitsa simunthu. If there is one or a few unholy people in the Church it does NOT the Church unholy chifukwa anauyeretsa ndi Yesu Khristu mwini. VERY VERY PROUD TO BE A CATHOLIC…

    15. Ngakhale mphamvu za imfa sizidzaugonjetsa. Mpingo wa Katolika siwamunthu ndipo anauyambitsa simunthu. If there is one or a few unholy people in the Church it does NOT the Church unholy chifukwa anauyeretsa ndi Yesu Khristu mwini. VERY VERY PROUD TO BE A CATHOLIC…

  113. Nanga akafuna kukwatisa ukwati muziwadalisanso.Nanga ukwatiwo uzikhala oyera.Koma England church eee.Mukazaona chonyasa chaima pa malo oyera onse owerenga baibulo azindikire kuti nthawi yachimaliziro yafika.Ndinaziwa ine kuti awa ngakhale akuvala mikanjo sianthu aMulungu.Mbava zamumpingo.

  114. azipembezo? my foot! ana anjoka! guyz osazakhulupilila azipembezo! only God shud b trusted anawa akungobisalila kuchipembezo,zimbavu!

  115. Mm ene boma limavomera nkuti mipingo ikulu ikulu ya satanic itavomeledza kale, kaya m uisova bola ine mpingo wanga umaletsa mathanyulawo

  116. Azichotsa pati izi mu bukhu loyera.Aiwala za sodom (Sodomy) ndi gomola?Masiku otsiliza?

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