Anglican Church opens arms to homosexuals

Tiwonge Chimbalanga & Steve Monjeza are a gay couple who were arrested and jailed to 14 years in Malawi

Anglican Bishops from across southern Africa have resolved that gays and lesbian partners who enter into same-sex should be welcome in their congregations as full members.

Tiwonge Chimbalanga & Steve Monjeza
Monjeza & Chimbalanga were arrested having come out as gays

However, the bishops were divided over whether to marry same-sex couples in church‚ or to allow clergy to enter same-sex civil unions.

As a result, congregations are still not allowed to conduct gay weddings in their churches and the clergy are not permitted to be in same sex relationships.

According to a letter issued by Cape Town Anglican church on Monday, a document outlining guidelines on members living in same-sex unions will be sent to the church’s Provincial Synod for adoption.

In the letter, the church says it believes that its adoption by Provincial Synod would be an important first step in signaling to the LGBT community that the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, through their top deliberative and legislative body, see gays as welcome members of their body as sisters and brothers in Christ.

“We are of one mind that gay, lesbian and trans-gendered members of our church share in full membership as baptized members of the Body of Christ,” reads part of the letter.

However, the church says its congregations across southern Africa will not baptise children of same-sex couples, even though the church has agreed not to stigmatise the parents.