Concerned residents in Thyolo and Mulanje districts have expressed worry over Malawi government’s failure to address the issue of the estate land which is currently owned by colonialists.
Recently, government assured the residents that it will intervene in the matter but nothing tangible has come out.
Speaking to the local press, People’s Land Organisation (PLO) leader, Vincent Wandale, said government is taking the issue for political gains without considering people with small pieces of land.

“On our side we can say that what the people want from the government is not what the government wants to be done,” Wandale said.
He futher said that they tried to discuss the issue with government but no interest was shown from government side.
In the past, people in the districts worked in the estates in a Thangata system after white settlers snatched land from the locals.
Research that was done by Chancellor College specialists show that large amounts of the land belong to the residents of Thyolo.
Mukuona ngati mungakwanitse kuyendesa ma estate ngati amenewo asiyeni anzunguo inu mupite mukalande kundata ndemolo anu amenewo, komanso inu mukufuna malo achani simuzaza malawi yonse ndi kuzigulira malo anakuuza ambuyanu kuja
Anthu akufuna malo awo kodi ngati inali lease agreement inali ya zaka zingati?
Msilalam amadedwa ponena chilungamo Cashgate ndi akhristu eni ache Lingstone anamudula khosi ndi mubusa chilembwe,chilembwe anaba usiku mfuti azungu anayambitsa utsamunda kulanda minda
ndi zomwe mumafuna abwilibwisa!! azungu amene aja akutukula dziko inu ndiye mukufuna mudzikapangira zau mulakho? psw-u-u-w!! samukirani kuphiri kwanuko muzikapanga zanuzo ndi abathwa
There is a perfect sense to return the land since these fucking useless colonialists the impose sanctions on us. So the can aswell leave our land.
I think APM is going to destroy this country
The lomwe people must stop this nonsense with an immediate effect.
ayambe ndata
These ordinary ppl r benefit from these colonist,thy,re working there so wats wrong.who is behind de issue,gv hasnt failed but its some crazy ppl who put dis issue on de table.
Msatinyase ife ndinkhani yanuyo.
Same few people who are the one going to benefits out of those items
Mayaz we have to take bac our land tizilima bx iyaaaa
How many people benift in estates ?? Mukathamangisa onsewa muwalemba ntchito ????? Ngat mukulephera kulemba ntchito ma doctor ndi ndimaphunzitsi apa.muzaziyambe zimenezo dziko likazakhala bwino
Ada mwaiva nkhaniyi bwino bwino,or u had story over gvnt.
ppo here is sayng they need ther land back here on other comment ndendikut atati athamangise azunguwo anthu onsewo angapeze kut ntchito panopa ziko mmene lavutilamo,ndaiva bwinobwino and macoment aa anthu ndikuwamva sindimaliyankha boma & i dont hav nothng wth gvnt mwina mwandimva very clear
You want the land back?for what?makala,tea rooms and bottle stores?
Will malawians properly manage these estates once they takeover from current owners
fucken zanu anyani a mw 24
Christians exchanged the land with the bible that is why Kamuzu said stupid chrstianty and you opposed him CRY LOUDLY
islam is evil, muhammad the rapist!!
Defend if you want to defend
Even John Chilembwe although was a pastor was a thief he went at night steal Guns at Mandala,the in law of Livingstone grabed our Land find out
Machendeako iwe mu yao
Ndiye kukhala kwanu mbava za cashgate
Musayambe zenofobiya,anthu andale amakonda kugwilisa ntchito anthu amphawi kuyamba phokoso sumupindula. Zachitika kumayiko ena ,anathamangisa azungu,mayambidwe ake ndi omweo, tnink b4 you do.
We need our land back!
How did these so called colonialists obtain that land? Even some churches and parishes are no different
boma logona
Munkamutenga Winiko ngati wamisala m’mene amalimbana ndi nkhani zimenezi lero wakusiirani mukuliranso… Muziona
Is the land productive? Maphwiya must promise to produce quality tea if he owns the land
We just want donars to came and help us but we have our land with good soil and we are bless with that we need donars but not taking back the land. Let talk about history and political !are you sleeping our leader came on
Malawi is under anti-God Government and don’t expect and change or development, that’s all!
This is what our president said he doesnt know on BBC yet these things are taking place kwao komweko!!
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voice out Malawi the land is our own