She may have not wanted to end her business of sleeping with men as her only means of making ends meet but for 22 year old Thandie Gomeza, the drugs she took to abort a 5 month pregnancy have ended it all.
Thandie, a sex worker at t Dwangwa Trading Centre in Nkhotakota has died after she had taken excessive drugs in an attempt to terminate a 5-month pregnancy, police say.
”According to Sphiwe Banda, who used to share the room with deceased, on December 2, 2015, at around 20:00 hours, she found the deceased crying in agony. Upon being asked, she revealed that she was five months pregnant and that she had taken excessive drugs to abort it.”Malawi Police Facebook Page wrote on Saturday.
The lady was rushed to Nkhunga Health Centre where she died while receiving treatment. Postmortem results showed that death occured due to poisoning.
Thandie Gomeza hailed from Chiotcha village, Traditional Authority Mlonyeni, in Mchinji district.
Mimba yake ndi imeneyo mwajambulayo??mmaonjeza nanu bwanj
Go in pieces and rot in that hot fucking hell
Kkkk…wakolora zomwe anafesa
Galu ameneyi kodi kulibe oziwa kuloza amuloze ameneyu zosezi ndi amuluzi kunali athu ambili ku u d f kukasakha agwapewa kodi pitala analikuti popeza sitinkamuziwa fisi ameneyo amalawi ndithu mpaka kumu mvotela koma zosatheka anabela galu ameneyu koma ndi akuti phulisanjerwa zamoto eshiiiiiii koma ine sikulina ndizalola kumangidwa moyowanga ose chifukwa piter ndimamuzonda ndipo ndizakuwonesa uyelekeze kodi ndiuchumbawu umakupangisa ngati iweyo uliolemela ife ndiosauka uzitiganizilako galu iwe wamva
wages of sin is death
Kma ulape kae usanamwalirixixe.
Why didnt u go for a right place for abortion!u have lost ur precious life that would never come back.May your soul rest in peace
Kodi mmesa kumalawi kuno tinachulukana waitha ameneyo space ya iyeyo ndi kamwana ka hule kakanabadwako akanamatithera ma resources..njira ina yolerera imeneyo….
Sad news… But she has judged herself, ooo its warning to some ladys who is in practice…
It is a waste to spend money on prostitute. R.I.P
Okupha nzake nayenso aphedwe
Rip, regression has no remedy. You have payed ur case.
mahule wonse azafa imfa yowawa akangovomeleza zomachosa mimba
exellent 2 points
shame im sorry for unborn baby .all bitches get a lesson u r next.nanunso guys mpakana kufuna kubelekelana mwana ndi hule mmmm peter will forgive u
Nphoto ya ntchito zake ndimeneyo.
We can’t judge bcz we wannah also b judged ,death z not used RIP we dont no wat drv u to that busnes may God forgve ur sin .
igree wth we dont hv littie to judge her
Lord,thy kingdom come
afe kwambiri ameneyo
mphoto ya uchimo ndi imfa
Too bad
U mean sex workers in Malawi do not use protection?….. Ndangodutsapo ine vvvvmmmmh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kwake kwatha,tiyeni tione kt nafe otsalafe lanthu tidzatseka bwanji?Let’s not point out fingers here
Every works pays
pali ma comment obeba buanj..asaa
Bola iye pano akabadwaso ku america ku dziko lamkaka ndi uchi ife basi tizingomva za mtharika basi
wabodza iwe munthu akafa amakabadwanso dziko lina?
Ku america kulibe mkaka ndi uchi….opondeleza tonse ali kumeneko
kkkkkk indeka @ mercy, Mmmmmm bt bola dan dziko la mthalika @rabana
Was she a sinner more than anyone else? Unless you change, you shall all perish!!!!!
Very sad
shaaaaaa r i p
Who was the father? He should be blamed…..
It Ws Jst A Matter Of Time To Her Coz If It Wasn’t For The Abortion, AIDS Wudve Knocked Her Out Because All-In-All SHE WASN’T PRACTISING SAFE SEX In Her Pussy Selling Business #RIP Thou
It Ws Jst A Matter Of Time To Her Coz If It Wasn’t For The Abortion, AIDS Wudve Knocked Her Out Because All-In-All SHE WASN’T PRACTISING SAFE SEX In Her Pussy Selling Business #RIP Thou
Ena zimenezi amapangira umphawi RIP
Guys ndalama ndimene yavuta pa malawi ndimkuwona anayamba geni yogulisa thupi tingoti her soul rest in peace.
R.I.P you kill then you die too,sorry God have mercy!!!!! abortion=murder so even th@ gal yes iwe take care of yourself 4 this deceased may luk foolish now but you will luk foolish more than this 1!!!
Nkhani yabwono.amafuna kukhala dolo pano kape
Nanga chokolo akhala ndani
may her soul rest in peace
Wafera Zake
There is a reward 4everyone.
Abortional message is a population concern
Plain yanga!!!!
Iiii nawe Martin maliro akhudzanso pitara? Mmmmm
Mphoto yauchimo ndi imfa!
Zomvesa chisoni
Bola iyeyo wamwalira koma wabadwaso ku banja linalake lolemera ku Sweden. Iwe ndi ine tikubvutikabe pa Malawi pano ndi mkuluyu, uyu mumati uyu, ujeni uyu, uyu pitara mutharika. Uyu akuti akukweza school fees koma kukana kuonjezera malipilo kwa ogwira m”boma. MHSRIP
rest in peace
ankangochindisa chisawawa opanda condom?
lesson learnt to wud be.
bola ndinabandulamo kkkkkk
Osaweluza .kuweluza kwa mulungu
Its just for mphoto yake.
Ndimene imfa yake anamukonzela
Thats good ilike it
Afana mwakamba bwino?
Zofuna zimenezo
Zofuna zimenezo
Good news
Kupha mbalame ziwili ndi mwala umodzi. Her killing intention was granted abundantly.
this is not end of all,, coz of u had mistaken to hav with pregnancy,,,most girls/wemens think that they not do well coz of it,,,,,,dnt do that,,sometimes that we aborti may b wanna be the presedent(to be jb,) and also prostitution is not the way to find the money,,,,we hav more self employment why people do that????and when u do that,, u may knw the God each n evry time he is checking on u,,so ur ready to answer the questions from God???
Walandila malipiro ake auchimo ameneyo 2 in 1!
Ena atengelepo mphuziro big up because Lord its almighty
Tingoti Naleke Wawa!
Ntchito zina nzopweteketsa
Mphoto ya uchimo ndi imfa,enanu mutengere phunzilo pa munthu ameneu.mzimu wake uuse mu mtendere tikakumana komko
wages of sin is dead thats all.
Sorry! If one is sex worker does not have to fall pregnant! How will you work? There cant be maternity leave, no pay, no leave grant and nobody to look for you! That is why people chose to get married even if they are beautiful and marketable. Drugs are no good! Condoms until when? Until you are 60? No! Nature has it. Warning to all kids up there! Do not tease and lease your own life!
However, this is because of poverty, unemployment, nobody to marry you, nobody to support you! What else can you do? Any business is risky. Anybody can do it!
Ndalama sitipanga chogona abale.
kwawo kwantha, Lets see our wages of sin, kuti ndiwotani.
Shit…….5months !
ok! walakwa kuwiri pamenepa,kuzipha yekha ndi kufuna kuchotsa pathupi
zake izo wafa waluza
The reward of evil z death.
bible says the wages of sin z death,,dats it tikaonana konko
sins of the flesh. Aliyense adzadya thukuta lake
umbuli umenewu…y not go fo family planning methods?
the major problem is access to safe abortion is what makes most women to die while carrying out the abortion.
How sad
Bola Muzifadi Nonseee! Kusiya Ndkupha Mwazi Osalakwa
No weapon formd against unborn baby shall prosper…try it azinena mmodz mmodz zikamvuta.
ooh my jesus christ!
Wachita bwino
Ow that its painful for killing innocent child bt does they want children they dnt get bt the whore they get ow
Opha mzake nayenso aphedwe! akauseee!!!!!
No doubt about dat,Remenber: The wages of sin is death.
Behold the works of the devil! To Steal, Kill and Destroy! .
#Steal…devil stole all the peace and prosperity that was due to this young lady sometimes way back.
#Kill…… the devil has killed her and the unborn baby. .woe!
#He has destroyed her soul .
Everything happens to teach somebody a lesson.
Lord have mercy!
thats nice anakamwalira 999 mwina anthu akanasintha bitches
Azifabe ena ambiri
Dandaulo la ana osabadwa liwunikidwe,amabungwe mukalimbana ndi boma,osayiwa dziwonetsero za anthu otaya mimba ngati awa.am worried for unborn baby,mayi wake analibe chikondi.rip
zachamba basi zofuna n azitha basi amenewa
Shame, RIP
We r all short of God’s glory coz we hv sinned against u Lord.R.I.P
choipa chitsata mwini
Kod luwinga filling station munalengeza kuti yaphya ndi itiyo?
Komano ali mumafunsidwe kumwamba chifukwa wapha munthu komanso wazipha yekha
mphoto ya uchimo ndi imeneyo.
Shaaa chakudya cha anthu chapita wasiya anthu pa mphepo munthu uyu ndamva kuti anali ndi makasitomala ambiri koma eee mzathuyu analimba mtima mpaka kupatsa mimba hule
joe gwaladi anayimba amalume munalimba mtima mpakana hule kumwela mchape
She has a case to answer!
Reaping what she sowef
May ur soul rest in hell bitch
kkkkk kma zofuna
The reward of sin is death
Very sad. It also happens to ladies who are not whores.
two people have lost their lives …. how sad. Prayers for their loved ones .
Zake zimenezo
welcome to hell
U see, trying to set a trap to kill unborn innocent baby but nkudzapezeka kut nayenso wagweramo. Atleast such a thing must be a lesson to others. Lord hv mercy
Mphoto ya uchimo ndi imfa
Osamakamba za mbiri amenewo ndi mayitanidwe amene allah anamakhozela.Tizifunse kuti ine ndi inu mayitanidwe athu ndi otani?
Yuo must b a big fool don’t call the name of Allah for any stupid tings aaaa adha inunso ahahahaha uchidzetetu uwu?
Mulungu zikumudza pamenepa waganiza bwanji aise, munthu amafuna kupha mzimu osalakwa yet you are saying ndi maitanidwe amulungu for sake
koma asilam so stupid
Maverous M Mwenyeali,,,,,rephrase “not asilam so stupid” rather say “johns sanamah so stupid”
No offence koma dont generalise coz of one persons stupidity
I think u’ve ever encouraged yua own sisters to go for abortions, no doubt.
Mr Johns Sanamah plz be wise when commenting on the public domain. Am not a muslim koma apa nde mwayipitsa chipembedzo chanu koma next tym try to be careful enough!
Ine ndaona macoment onse koma yandipatsa chidwi ndi matha ndimeneyi ya Mr Sanamah,nthawi zina tiyeni tizakamba momwe nkhani iriri chifukwa nkonzenkonze ananyula maliro a eni. Mulungu osamamuseweletsa kapena kumusinjirira ngati ndi malume athu. Kupha ndi ntchimo Mulungu amatelo ndiye mukati maitanidwe mukuthauzanji. Kod Yehova amamuitana munthu kut akafe kapena kuchipulumutso? Kunali sauli Mulungu anamuitana kut akalakire uthenga wamoyo ndipo anasitha kukhala Paul. Musamanyozetse zipembedzo chifukwa ena atha kumaona ngat ndimomwe chipembedzo chanu chimakuphunzitsani kut munthu akapanga zimenezi ndimaitanidwe
Nonse amene mapanga reply coment yanga ndakunyadirani koma apa sindinachule aziakolo anu ifa iliyonse imabwela ndichikhozero cha allah iye amaziwa mmene iwe ndi ine tingafele kaya kuzipha allah anaika kale timetable yake.Kumuchula allah mwina ndiumbuli wanuyo wakupangitsani arabic amachula allah mchewa ngati iwe ndi mulungu ndiye mawu oti “stupit” achoka kuti pamenepa ngati mukufuna muziwe maina ena mundipeze ku inbox
Mwezi oyamba kudutsa, kenako wachiwiri mpaka kufika 5 months mkuyamba kuganiza zochotsa mimbayo? She must have been very stupid
She harvested what she sows, She was planning to kill unborn baby without knowing that she was preparing her way to heaven. Who deserves to die?
R.i.p kona wosayiwala kuti moto umapita kuli tchile
Hmmm 5 months is a bby y not take to orphanage….wicked soul rot in hell
Mmm take it easy God will take care of that mama
Sikufuna kukhala hule koma mavuto uyu wafayu analakwisa kutelo chifukwa unborn baby siwolakwa mulungu amuchitile chisoni huleyi plus mwanayo
Ayi, koma sikuti walakwisayi. And i hail her death as an important milestone
We shall meet RIP
Don’t RIP,God is going to burn u ,am not worried about her
Warandra photo ameyo
Ause ndi mtendere
Ngati kuli kotheka ambuye amukhulurukire ndi kumulandila kumoyo wosatha, ngati kuli kosatheka nanga ndingati chani? Ndilibe chonena.
idont know her,idont go for bitches koma kusangalara kuti munthu wamwalira it jst shows how foolish ur,udont know wat drove her into propsititution.Evry one is a sinner wy judging others?enanu abare anu anafa ndi AIDS,ufiti wats difference with this young poor girl?what the hell is wrong with you people!! May her soul rest in total peace
Ndiwe Gologolo “enanu abale anu anafa ndi AIDS ufiti wats difference with this poor girl”kodi abortion si ufiti? AIDS ukukambayo si akufalitsa ndi omwewa #mahurewa? Adapatsidwa mimba wich means kuti agonedwa ma plain….. Sukuziwa kusiyana kokufa nd AIDS n’ UFITI? Aids anthu amatha kupatsidwa kudzera mukugwiriridwa,kupatsilidwa ndi okondedwa awo m’banja dikira uzaziona… Koma sindikukaika kuganiza kokha nde kunakuraka pomwe umaremba nyasizi mxxxiee 🙁 🙁 munthu kufa akupha wina mkumati ng’wi ng’wi ng’wi
Kkkkk therez nothing to back up here,she was a killer,amafuna aphe nde zamubwelera yekha nde palibe chabwino apa.mulungutu amakwiya guys.
Haha Martn ndi Atima nkhani mayakhula kale ndipo ndikugwirizana nanu. Tingowozela kwauza amwenewa kut palibe amene kusangala kut munthuyu wamwalira kapena kuweluza komaso kubakila zomwe wachita munthuyu pamene tikudziwa kut ndi ntchimo chifukwa MAU amatelo sibwino. Nkhani iriyapa ndikupha ndipo situyang’ana kut mavuto ake anali otani. Amwene dziwani kut moyo wina omwe wapita apa mavuto mukuwanenawa sumawadziwa koma waphedwa. Ndipo kod kuchotsa mimba ndikuthana ndi mavuto? Ndiye sindikudziwa kut mzimu wake ukausa muntendere munjira yanji chifukwa wazipha komaso wapha wina
useless prostitutes go hell….reap what sow
Zozifunira Dala
Choipa chitsata mwini.
Only god can judge(RIP)
chimene chimapita mozungulira chimabweranso mozungulira
No comment
Aliyense amakolola zomwe (RIP)we walima (
Go well beach
She is burnin in hell right
go to hell b****ch
mmmmm wat doesn’t kill u make u stronger
rip….Wat Goes AROUND comes around!!.
story is true bt photo is false!
Yakusaka yeleyo chaji changali babagwe
Imfa zina koma aaaah anyway zofuna R,I.P
Whatever you sow you shall reep!
U guys r running out of news huh? Is yo editor in chief of yo news approved this crap so called “article ” to be published??? Nonsense
Choipa chitsata mwini tizakawonana komweko kwako kwatha.
Nanga solar planet ndikuonayi ndi chani?
amaenda mmbaliii! Iyaaa! Onse apiteee
Koma Agalu Amenewa,hell Z Waiting!
Zofuna wina ndiye uyeseso mutha muona
okumbira mbuna mzake adzagwelamo yekha rest in fire
Thanks very much
Rest In Problems (R.I.P) Bitch
mavuto aliko mzko koma tura kwa jesus….sins leads to death
Ukunena zoona..
Awuze m’bale mphoto ya utchimo ndi imfa
Mphoto ya uchimo ndi imfa,ndiyebe tingoti RIP,,,,,,ngati uti ukakhaleko mtenderewo!
Congratulations! I think ena mwa inu mahule mutengerapo phunziro. Ndikati mahule sindekuti aku bar okha, ndi iwe wemwe kahule kapakhomo iwe
Wapakhomo ndiye oopsa kuposa wa pa bar
#kay u r too much ….congratulations …?…kikikikikikikiki
i hop kwanu simufa coz imfa chichinthu chosangalasa
I dont care R I P