‘No hunger in Malawi’ Government maintains


At a time when Malawians in rural areas are already falling down to hunger, government maintains that there is no such a such a situation despite the media reporting on the matter lately.

Government says  it has enough maize to feed people throughout the country and no one will die of hunger.

Minister of Information Jappie Mhango said Malawians should not worry about the hunger situation as government has enough maize to feed people in the country.

“We have enough maize to feed people in the country and it has been distributed in various ADMARC depots of the country and ADMARC is filled with enough maize available for people to buy,” said Mhango.

No maize in ADMARC depots.

The hunger situation in the country has become worrisome as some citizens are now buying Madeya for their daily survival.

In some ADMARC depots there is inadequate maize making people to buy the commodity from vendors at a higher price.

A recent report by Malawi24 indicated that in Mzuzu City for instance, people have been scrambling for maize grains which in most cases was going at not less than MK300 per tin.

According to some residents who spoke to this paper, Madeya is much cheaper than buying the actual maize that most vendors sell at a minimum price of MK2800 per 20 kilogram which is almost double the price for the same at ADMARC.

“ADMARC is unreliable these days, they sell maize to vendors and each time we go there, they keep telling us they have no maize thus to buy from vendors requires more money. We find our relief in Madeya,” said Martha Gunde.

Meanwhile people are still banking on government’s promise that it will work round the clock to make sure nobody dies of hunger in the country.