‘No hunger in Malawi’ Government maintains


At a time when Malawians in rural areas are already falling down to hunger, government maintains that there is no such a such a situation despite the media reporting on the matter lately.

Government says  it has enough maize to feed people throughout the country and no one will die of hunger.

Minister of Information Jappie Mhango said Malawians should not worry about the hunger situation as government has enough maize to feed people in the country.

“We have enough maize to feed people in the country and it has been distributed in various ADMARC depots of the country and ADMARC is filled with enough maize available for people to buy,” said Mhango.

No maize in ADMARC depots.

The hunger situation in the country has become worrisome as some citizens are now buying Madeya for their daily survival.

In some ADMARC depots there is inadequate maize making people to buy the commodity from vendors at a higher price.

A recent report by Malawi24 indicated that in Mzuzu City for instance, people have been scrambling for maize grains which in most cases was going at not less than MK300 per tin.

According to some residents who spoke to this paper, Madeya is much cheaper than buying the actual maize that most vendors sell at a minimum price of MK2800 per 20 kilogram which is almost double the price for the same at ADMARC.

“ADMARC is unreliable these days, they sell maize to vendors and each time we go there, they keep telling us they have no maize thus to buy from vendors requires more money. We find our relief in Madeya,” said Martha Gunde.

Meanwhile people are still banking on government’s promise that it will work round the clock to make sure nobody dies of hunger in the country.



  1. mmmm mukanaziwa simukanatelo come and c here nanga feteleza mwakweza.kod mukufuna kutipha?

  2. kodi bambo lucius banda tiziti muli nawo mbali imozi anyhuwa? Bwana mavuto simukuwaona anthu tikuvutika ndi njala ndiye akakhuta aziti njala kulibe?

  3. Lero mpamene mukuti Bingu ayi,kale lija mumkati chani,abingu omwewo ine wakumpoto koma ndinkamusapota Chakwera mwina bwezi tikukambira pena,vuto ndilanu kumwera konko mumavota nditiana tanthete tomwe ati tichulukitse mavoti ndemukulilanso chani,chimadziwika kuti nchakuya chitsime pomwe madzi aphwera mesa aphwera tsopano?

  4. Pamsana pake choyamba mtima wanga ukuyaka moto kma kutukwana ndipamene ukhale pansi No chiyani? mumuuze ma chee ake kmans matako ake pamodzi ndi Mai ake ndi prezident amene anthu akufa ndinjala azilankhula zamatuvi zakezo stupit mulungu akantheni anthuwa plz akutichimwitsa chifukwa chankhaza zimene aktionetsela

  5. u hv leftovers while some are empty stomached… Dont be selfsh amalawi siakutown kokha kumidzi ndie kuli mavuto adzaoneni pitani mukaone

  6. zachisoni poti ukalodzedwa sumanunkha komanso paja chosadziwa anagundika kuombera mfiti mmanja.zachisoni kumakumbuka chimtindiri chaanthu chikupsa ndidzuwa mmaque kalikiliki omuvotera pitala ndiamzake,koma tawonani lero malawi mmene waipilamu

  7. Mmmmmm am very sorry with my mother Malawi Nyasala where we belive in a fello humanb that he can provide us with food. Look now how mvula ikugwera. Koma si mkwiyo wa Namalenga uwu? You my fello Malawians tell me do these ppo who know the trueth and then say no hunger for political rezon did they go to Mosq or to Church? If yes please Almighty God do something that they might lern to say the truef. God bless Nyasaland munsunge mumtendere.

  8. my good friends ,even if we can cry now and again,dziko lapansi silidzachotsa zowawazi,mmalo mwake lets keep on prayng wth faith (ufumu wake udze umene uzachotse timaulamuliro tolepherati) tisamangochimwapo apa

  9. Ukamadya ukuona ngati anthu kumizi akudya eti , zomvensa chisoni kwabasi . Ngati chimanga chilipo bwanji osasia kwa admark anthu azigula .

  10. Ma mp wo akumapita okhuta Ku nyumboco kapena kupata kwawo there want to say every one he have food, mwaba yiba ndalama za boma bas ndikunat there is no njala koma chakha ndikadziwa kulodza mudakatha nose kut go!!! Munenepe nd ana anuwo koma mundiva wina aneneso

    1. japi mhango should go to the villages and tell them that, then we shall see if he comes back alive. yes some admarc markets have maize(for show); but if it is not being sold to the public, then we can safely say there’s no maize. mw24, pse proof read your articles, the grammar is disgusting, and scanty facts.

  11. Inu, week yapitayo pa MBCtv amaonetsa nkhalamba ziwira zikudandaula kuti zikumadya kamodzi pa tsiku ndipo matsiku ena akumagona osadya. Ndiye bomali likuti kulibe njala. Why hiding the truth??? If you admit, what is wrong with that?? This is the same thing che Bisnowart was talking about the then MCP.

  12. guys amene ali ndi phone number kapena E-mail address ya bwana minister of labour , kapena a vice president anditumizile ku inbox kwanga inenso ndine m’malawi , asamatipondeleze ife tikuona, kaya ndi admin wa page iyi malawi 24 tipatseni ma phone numbers ngati mukusungila

  13. guys amene ali phone number kapena E-mail address ya bwana minister of labour , kapena a vice president anditumizile ku inbox kwanga inenso ndine m’malawi , asamatipondeleze ife tikuona, kaya ndi admin wa page iyi malawi 24 tipatseni ma phone numbers ngati mukusungila

  14. guys amene ali phone number kapena E-mail adress ya bwana minister of labour , kapena a vice president anditumizile ku inbox kwanga inenso ndine m’malawi , asamatipondeleze ife tikuona, kaya ndi admin wa page iyi malawi 24 tipatseni ma phone numbers ngati mukusungila

  15. Tiyeni tileke zomagolozana zala, why up to now tikulephere kusunga food enough 4 our household consumption? Timayenera kuzidikila kuti i need so much kgs for my family, ndikumapanga njira zoti we use propery 2 avoid kumadikila boma kuti litipase chakudya, yes ma floods anaononga mbewu, tiyeni chaka chino tiike mphamvu polima kwambiri,

  16. And why selling less than 50kg per munthu?
    K8,000 per bag why?
    Please fear God and don’t insult the poor n needy people in those rural areas where this proofs ur lies.

  17. Mukamadya ndalama zakubazo musamathe mau anthu womwe sanabe nao ndalamazo akuvutika kusowa chochita .panopa ena akati adya ndimango basi nanga akatha mangowo atani nao ana . Ndiye mukamalankhula manyi anuwo muziganiza

  18. If your Anus is loaded with rotten food that you ate yesterday,just get a piece of newspaper & go to the toilet & consider yourself lucky..but dont say theres no hunger,thats total insult..yes am talking to whoever is saying so.

  19. mhango should go to the villages and make his claimes. let’s see if he will come back alive. yes there is maize in some admarc markets. but if it is not sold to the ppublic, then it is not there. mw24, pse proof read your articles before publishing, grammar is disgusting, and facts non existent.

  20. Kuli jala Ku Malawi most Malawian tikuthawa ko chikwa can jala NDE ngat iwe uli and UFA usaganize kut mzako alinabho

  21. Total unfair coz come kuno a2 akuphika mango kuno ndie muzit kulibe njala zausilu basi chimanga admarc yakwathu kuno kulibe wen talking lyk muziganiza za a2 osat kunyumba kwanu

  22. presdent uyu ndi boma lake ndi ozikonda kwambiri why akt kulibe njala pamene anthu akudya madeya owawa? eesh then tipasen chimanga mma admarc tiguletu zukanikanso owowoh!

  23. Boma lopusa ili,ngati anthu sakufa ndi njala ndiye kuti sakuvutika? kodi mukudikura wina afe ndiye muvomeleze kuti kuli njala,zoti anthu akuvutika simukuzuwa? sopano ngati simukuziwa nde udindo wanu ndichani

  24. Ndinu agalu kwambili mkuti kulibe njala bwanji mkumagulitsa ma 20kg?

  25. bola inu a Milazi poti inu ndi banja lanu mukutafuna koma ife azibale anthu tikuwawona akuvutika ndi njala zipatala kumaxo kuno kumudzi…

    1. Kod akamati kulibe njara amatanthauza kungogura 40kg? lero.kod mumadya 40kg pa chaka kapena.I have said coz madera ena chimanga chikatha sichibwera msanga means we still lack enough maize.Sikut mukagura enaso agura anthu akuvutika muyende

    2. Lets b honest, this word hunger is nt propery used, we better say shortage of maize. We malawians at 51 we r waiting 4 gvt even 2 provide food for us. Shame !!!

  26. I wish I cud hv known where the parents of Jappie liv otheyz all the children includin dogs in the rural areas know that kuli njala yosinja nayo ana mu mtondo this yr.

  27. ndiwe minister opusa kwambiri chimangacho chili ku……..kwakoko? upite midzimu ukaone anthu mene akumvutikira ndi njala.ukamachindana ndi akazako basi uli kulibe njala.FOKOF

  28. Boma la bodza. muufuna anthu afe kaye ndiye muzibweretsa chimanga choola komanso chokwera mtengo choti amphawi sangathe kugula. umphawi mmidzi uli tho, mmalo mowamvera chisoni anthu malinga ndti umphawi omwe ulipo, koma mmalo mwake mukukakweza fertilizer wa makoponi chimanga chimene choti agule adye mmabanja mwawo chikuchedwa kufika mmaadmarc komanso chokwera mtengo kuwonjezera apo amphawi mukuwauza kuti azilipira school fees mokwera zedi komanso certificate imodzi, mukuganiza kuti pofika 2020 mudzakhala umphawi wochuluka motani? nanga umbuli udzakhala wochuluka motani? ngati banja likulephera kugula madeya oti adye pakhomo, nanga ndalama ya school fees aitenga kuti? padakali pano mmitu ya amphawi mwangodzadza..?????????????? (Kodi dziko lathu la mkaka ndi uchi lija likulowera kuti?.

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