The Ntchisi First Grade Magistrate’s Court has slapped a Malawi teenager Chinsinsi Simoko, 18, to ten years imprisonment with hard labour for raping a 12-year-old girl.
The court heard that Simoko committed the crime during the year of 2014 and September 17 this year at Zambalero Village when the convict illegally married the victim against the will of her parents.
The court further heard that the convict and the victim were staying together as a family.
The convict pleaded guilty to the charge of defilement contrary to Section 138 of the Penal Code.
First Grade Magistrate Dorothy Kalua, who presided over the case , said she handed Simoko a stiff sentence to deter other would-be-offenders.
Simoko is from Zambalero Village in the area of Traditional Authority Chilooko in Ntchisi.
after readin th story it seems th guy raped his own wife?? n u call that rape???
Dude!? Ndendinu ovuta2
hahaha mayaz th two r married nde aziti wagwililira mkazi wako??
simple logic ikuti lunch imadyedwa nthawi ikamati 12:00pm nde mwati aunt wo ali ndi zaka 12? Masamu ake mukuwaona m’mene akuyendera? Sizochita kupitiliza izi
Plez tiope malamulo trkonde ziko lathu rape ndi mulandu waukulu so asamasokonezeka ndi za cashgate ganiziran mwana wanu ai akazi wanu wina awangwirire think b4 you coment
Ana anjoka!! Uyu angamafanane ndi wa cashgate? Uyu amayenera 5 wa cashgate 90yrs
Munthu wadya masamba arape amangidwa why?
Winakuno anagwililira nfana koma adatuluka after 2 wks.ozitsata andiuze ku inbox where me cn go wth dis case.
rape zaka 10 zachepa zikanakhala 20. wa cash gate naye alangidwe koma ikhale life in jail
amayesa zida ngati zikugwira ntchito.
Try to click the Link then read b4 commenting dnt depend only on heading plz
uja wa cashgate zaka 9 ogwilila 10 ndiye bola kuba cashgate
monga iwowo sanapangepo zawana? zopuxa bas
Wakolora zomwe anafensa
That’s Lyf Mayeso Kalinde Kapheni Chingwalu Ninah Inglis Sira Lemani Peter Manoma Kalinde Helmult Kalingalire Atupele Suman Kein Bullah Jr. Victor Kapachika Mind Vickson Mphatso Ben Thom Patrick Chimbalu Eddie Ubie Kamuna Chisomo Banda Louis Saviano Chinawa Ephraim Prince Munthali
pamenepo mwachita bo ameneyo alangidwe ndakunyadiran! komanso penapake apolisi mumabowa chinyengo chepetsan kuonankhope pogwira kapena kuweluza sizabwino gwiritsani ntchito lamulo osati dola
Nde APM naye amagwiririla2 coz Getrude sisize yake
Chithunzicho ndizomwe wachita mnyamatayo sizikugwirizanatu
Amayesa zida
anagwirizana ndu size yawo awa asaa shame in u
10yrs z too much consider the age of aboy..
osangobunyula bwanj?
Thats nt de bip issue bt cashgate z de issue 2 us malawianz!!!
be fair magistrates it was not a rape 18 to 12 mmmmmm palibepo kugwililira pamenepo amasewela amenewo
Still illegal
mukumakhala ndi nyere yofuna akazi koma ndalama mulibe mapeto ake ndi amenewa mukalambira ku ndende komweko 10yrs eesh!
Anapangana anawo zachamba
Wa cashgate 11yrs wa rape 10 hw dear a u Malawi
Zaukape zimenezo anzanu asaufileko sheet
madzi ozimitsila moto sanyasa…kkkkkk hahahahahahahahahaha
Wa cashgate who almost killed thousands of malawians 10yrs ndiye uyuso woti wangolawako andi wavutika ndi 1 person, 10yrs 2 . Zinazi kumaganiza .
Eyadi. Taganiza iweyo. Thief ndi rapist. That is being insensitive. He raped a twelve year old. Scaring her for life
Afiufuxe Bhobho Apeza Kut Chinali Chibwez
a12 yr old gel nwadyz nd dhilu so kaya bt icn sy dat anawa akumaziyamba dala&u cnt do othrws!!first ishd sae dat gelz shd b gvn astrong parental care&support coz mmm tkalowako2 ambri ku prison!ma word ov advise,dzko linavta instd ov invstgatn cashgate cases akulimbana nd ana okhaokha,18’s boy,12’s gel gel cnt u c dat thr’s no bg gap!!
Thats bullshit..anthu ngati inu ndamene u r fueling ma crimes ngati amanewa..u shud be ashamed of urself 4 sch evil attitude
kkk evil attitudes!! of course iput awrong comment mmm ok paja icommentd on Malawi’s syd!! sorry ndnangobadwrako ku malawi bt aBotswanaian ctzen thats y
Malawian courts, gud at grinding their axes against the poor
Hahahaha mnyamata wa 18 mkazi wa 21 ndye zichani?
Oh mpaka ten years wa cashgate 3 yearz..dnt knw whethr justice really exist…ndingot phee ndione
Cant you use real photos? shame on you Malawi 24.
Where will they get those photos. This is how all news broadcasters do it