Health workers to stage sit-in

Nurses-doctors Malawi

Health workers across the country will next month stage a sit-in to force the Malawi government to raise their salaries.

The National Organization of Nurses and Midwives (NONM) and the Physician Assistants Union of Malawi (PAUM) have announced that from 10th June 2024, healthcare workers from all Public and CHAM Hospitals across the Country will go for a sit-in.

A notification letter by NONM and PAUM, indicates that the two bodies have resorted to stage the sit-in following government’s failure to provide a conclusive date and feedback on the implementation of the agreed-upon health sector specific allowances.

According to the letter which bears the signatures of NONM president Shout Simeza and PAUM president Solomon Chomba, the industrial action will be participated by all nurses, midwives, clinicians, clinical associates, clinical officers, dental therapists and medical assistants across Malawi.

The two bodies says; “The delays in the implementation of the agreed-upon allowances are disappointing and undermine our commitment to contact and dialogue which the leadership of the organisations have exhibited thus far.

“In light of this, the National Executive Council for NONM and PAUM have collectively resolved to proceed with a sit-in as per the collective demand of the membership of both organisations who as we speak are languishing in poverty despite their dedication and service to humanity.”

It is reported that during this period, all nurses, midwives, and clinicians will go to their respective workplaces in full uniform and participate in the sit-in to demonstrate their solidarity and unionism.

NONM and PAUM have noted the sit-in’s potential negative impact on healthcare services, and says they sincerely hope that this action will prompt the relevant authorities to expedite the implementation of the agreed-upon allowances.


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