A social commentator has called out Salima North West Parliament Jessie Kabwila for claiming that government is torturing former President Bakili Muluzi.
Social commentator Onjezani Kenani has condemned Kabwila saying Muluzi should face justice like other suspects.
The constitutional court on Monday ruled that Muluzi should be forced to explain the source of his wealth during trial of the K1.7 billion case. The former president is facing 15 corruption related cases.

Kabwila on Wednesday told Parliament that the case is being delayed and government is torturing the former head of state.
She was supported by United Democratic Front lawmaker Lillian Patel who said the party is tired of what is happening.
In his reaction, Kenani called out Kabwila saying Muluzi should clear his name if he wants to be respected.
He observed that discontinuing the case as a mark of respect to Muluzi will create a dangerous precedent.
“Heads of state will be stealing, play all sorts of tricks to avoid answering charges in court, then have their cases discontinued just so they can be treated with respect as former heads of state,” said Kenani.
According to Kenani, a head of state who wants to be respected cannot steal money meant for the poor and stash it in his personal account.
“Such a person is a thief, a robber, a pilferer, a pickpocket, an embezzler, a swindler, a criminal, a kleptomaniac, a plunderer, a bandit and a brigand. Such a person cannot and will never deserve respect. This is why it is imperative for the former head of state to clear his name in a court of law. Only then will he be treated with respect,” he said.
He warned Kabwila and fellow Parliamentarians against abusing their legislative powers to undermine the court’s decision.
Muluzi, 74, is suspected to have stolen K1.7 billion when he ruled Malawi between 1994 and 2004. The former president is accused of diverting the public funds to his personal account.
Last year, Muluzi’s lawyers applied to the Constitutional Court to determine the constitutionality of Section 32 of the CPA, which puts the burden on the accused to prove their innocence against the general principle where the burden lies in the hands of the state.
His lawyers described the state’s demands that Muluzi should explain origins of his wealth as an infringement on his constitutional right to remain silent.
But the Constitutional Court in Blantyre on Wednesday ruled that Section 32 of the Corrupt Practises Act (CPA) is valid hence the former president cannot choose to remain silent during his trial.
olakwa ndi abale ake,bwanji osamutengera ku chipatala asadayambe kugenda?
Sikombira Zopusa Ku Parliament.
Government is not torturing Muluzi. Muluzi is making money. They are in the same boat. They can’t cheat us.
kabwira ndi one
Kabwila akunena zoona President wakale akuzunzika nanga mpaka 12 years milandu isakutha zibwanatu zimenezo,
akamaliza ya Muluzi ya nkhan ya malemu Bingu ilowe m’bwalo
Kabwira you are headless chicken you mean pipo Like Muluzi should not be questioned simply because they were president s ,Do you know that you are promoting corruption in thus country ,shame on you Kabwira
Zopusa kwambiri mmalo mothetsa njala apa
Out to where while she is already out
Kabwira is just trying to hav strong people behind her back what changes her mind fighting against corruption. If u cant change your style u gonna end up a puppet .
we have a lot of pressing issues that need attention at our disposal. Lets live this Muluzi issue to the judicially while the house attend to the important and urgent issues..
kabwira amabwiradi mbanje kkkk
Kabwila is not serious about the issue of Muluzi, is corruption to be backed? How powerful was 1.2 billion when the money was mismanaged to assist the poor Malawians? Who do the MPs in support want to be arrested because of corruption cases? Have they done the same so they also need to be pardoned, Dont write on water
Mayiwa akuwoneka ngati #Amafukiza,kuyambira kuzokamba zawo mawonekedwe awo! andikayikisa sister fire weniweni.
Ee Koma Mai Ameneneyu Walimbana Ndi Chakwela Pano Ndi Boma Tsopano Eish!
BT tolling truth kabwira is number one mayiyi ndi mutu
J Mutu Sukugwila
Ndale za Malawi muno ndi zoti mundivotere ndilemere inu mudzisauka ( mnim)
Mwalasa boss anthu anasandusa business ndochepa amapindulira anthu awo
M’zimai uyu mutu wake sumayenda bwino ayi ndipo poyamba ali ku school kuja pomwe amalimbana ndi abingu ndimkayesa kuti amaganiza bwino bwino komano atangobwera Ku ndale ndipamene ndidazindikira kuti sazindikila zimene akuyankhura nthawi zambiri. Nanga tangoganizani momwe zinthu zafikila kunyasalande pa nkhani ya katangare wina oti akuyimira anthu pa nkhani za malamulo angamakwere pa chulu mkumati musiyeni munthu amene adawonga ndalama za amphawiyo!!!!!!! Aaaa dzana lomweri amabwebweta kuti Ife tikalowa m’boma tidzathetsa katangare koma sakuwona kuti akudzipaka paka???????? Koma mai ameneyu ayi ndithu misala siposa apa
Kabwila is only frastrated in many ways, but soon will be aligned.. Sorry my mentor..
Koma zoti kunjaku kuli njala mukuziwa? Why r u not bzy 2 find solution 2 this problem u foolish politians. Under fire? Why? Foolish
mukati foolish mukuphatikiza onse kapena ndi Kabwila yekha pa nkhaniyi? mukuzitsata koma????
Jessie i told u ,u mxt stop smoking Indian hemp….Judicially s independent body far from parliament
under fire what? why don’t you go after chaponda haaaaa?
dziko ndi athu ake