The Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has warned vehicle owners and drivers who fail to remove their cars from the authority’s promises that they risk paying fines.
In a statement released, Malawi Revenue Authority has warned the general public that, with effect from 1st December 2016, the Authority will start collecting penalty fees of K5,000 per day on any vehicle that fails to leave the authority’s premises after completion of custom formalities.
“This will apply on vehicles that overstay due to entry for transit, entry for consumption, entry for warehousing, entry for export and entry for temporary import or temporary export,” said MRA in a statement.
According to the authority, the penalty will become payable three hours after release documents are handed to the agent or driver.
MRA said the requirement is subject to section 138 sub-paragraph(c) which states that any person who enters any part of a Customs area contrary to the orders of an officer or refuses to leave any part of Customs area when lawfully directed to do so, shall be guilty of an offence.
kkkkkk an2 ena munangozolowera kutukwana basi Mulungu azikukhululukirane its apolicy ku maiko onse an2 wo chimagulira iwo katundu kunja ku Malawi alilo ndi chani? wogula katundu kunja simphawi bwana O Justice chimenecho muciziwe.
Koma ya olokutiko imadya pomwe ayimangilila nde ndichoncho ngati
Dziko la Malawi umphawi suzatha coz timakhomererana thoka, chimene amatichajira vindalama vambiri pa katundu ochepa sindikudziwa iyayi anthu akuyesetsa kuti azitha kulitukula ziko kama mbuzi zina kumakhomeraso mmalo moti azisangalala kuti anthu akuyesetsa mbali yao koma ai ndithu, MRA stupid pipo
Dziko la Malawi umphawi suzatha coz timakhomererana thoka, chimene amatichajira vindalama vambiri pa katundu ochepa sindikudziwa iyayi anthu akuyesetsa kuti azitha kulitukula ziko kama mbuzi zina kumakhomeraso mmalo moti azisangalala kuti anthu akuyesetsa mbali yao koma ai ndithu, MRA stupid company
A MRA ndi mbuzi za anthu, anthu ansanje ndi kupeza kwa ena. Koma magalimoto sitisiya kugula no matter what.
A MRA okuba
A MRA ndi anthu a jealous amatchaja ndicholinga choti ulephere chifukwa iwowo alibe
Ma Automatic Akut MA Licence Ogura
Ma Automatic Akut MA Licence Ogura Tikagura Tidzaombora Mumanyanya Kusema Mitengo
Nanu muli ndi vuto,,,,mumang’amba kwambiri kuposa mmene anagulira mwini’yo