Joyce Banda Foundation reaches out to 6,000 children in nursery schools in Zomba


Joyce Banda Foundation has so far reached out to more than 6,000 children who have been enrolled in nursery schools in Zomba by providing them with various food and non-food items for effective early childhood development.

Community Development Officer at Barry Segal Center Nursery School which is under Joyce Banda Foundation, Brown Masingati disclosed this at Group Village head Mtogolo at Senior Chief Malemia where 60 children graduated from pre-school to primary schools.

The graduated nursery school children are expected to start classes in primary schools on September 16, according to the school calendar.

Masingati said a nursery school at Barry Segal Center graduates many children who are enrolled in many primary schools, adding that before being enrolled in primary schools the children are capable of numerating, reading and writing.

He said that the centre strives to prepare the children very well before they are enrolled considering that this is the duty and responsibility of nursery school.

Barry Segal Center is part of the Joyce Banda Foundation and the foundation distributes flour for porridge to promote school feeding.

Masingati comment ded forpresidentntDr. Joyce Banda for providing guidance and technical expertise to issues of child care in nursery schools. 

“We thank the former president. Dr. Joyce Banda for her continued support towards early childhood development in nursery schools at Senior Chief Malemia’s area,” Masingati added.

One of the parents whose child graduated from the Barry Segal Center, Mary Sagona said her child was able to numerate read and write, adding this has prepared the child very well to start primary education in September.

Village head Kalembo commended Barry Segal Center for preparing the children for primary education and further hailed Dr. Joyce Banda for constructing the Barry Segal Center.
