MRP appeals to women not to clap hands for destroyers

Bantu Saunders Jumah

President and Commander in Chief of Muvi wa Chilungamo Revolutionary Party (MRP) Bantu Saunders Jumah, has appealed to women and mothers not to clap hands at men who are destroying the country advising them to be like Mai Florence Tsamwa Order of the Lion of Malawi (OLM).

Jumah said Mai Tsamwa, the then League of Malawi Women Blantyre Chairperson told Kamuzu Banda on 14th May Kamuzu Day that people were dying of hunger a development which made Kamuzu to send Mr. Wadson Deleza, Robson Chirwa and John Tembo to Kenya to look for maize to Malawi.

He said he has been following events at BICC in Lilongwe when women are being seen dancing before President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera blaming DPP for his own mistakes he has created in government by allowing corruption to blanket the country.

Speaking through his facebook page followed by millions of Malawians and Africans on the continent, Jumah has told women and mothers in Malawi that the MCP Tonse Alliance government started borrowing on 27th June 2020 at the time the DPP-led government left 1.1 billion US Dollars foreign exchange.

Jumah said President Chakwera has no right and reasons to blame the DPP recalling that he has been blaming the DPP since 2014 when he was an opposition Leader of Parliament and is continuing the same to this day, 2024.

He said the ACB submitted 84 corruption suspects to President Chakwera but to this day, no one is in jail or paid back the money they stole observing that if the DPP messed up the country why Chakwera has taken 4 years without taking the culprits to court.

The MRP President said President Chakwera has been cheating the nation attributing his failure to run the country to the Russia-Ukraine war, the Covid-19 pandemic, the Cholera outbreak, Tropical Cyclones including Freddy and announcing austerity measures to benefit himself and his ministers.

“The country’s neighbours are progressing, it is only Malawi involved in such calamities blaming the DPP and Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika for his own mistakes,” said Jumah.

He said it is sad that politicians are destroying the country taking advantage of women clapping hands at them for speaking lies and nonsense advising them that the Tonse Alliance government has borrowed K10 trillion in 4 years’ stay in government bringing the country’s total debts to K10.56 trillion with nothing to show on the ground.

Jumah has urged women as “MBUMBA” to stand up their decisions must be concrete and decisive so that together in one unity of purpose, they can redeem the country from the hands of destroyers to give it to the Revolutionaries for the country to change for the better.
