A mobile court at Senior Chief Chikowi in Zomba has found Ronnex Bandawe guilty of burning a hand of his niece aged six for allegedly stealing a cob of green maize.
With funding from UNICEF, Development Communications Trust (DCT) facilitated hearing of Ronnex Bandawe vs State case as a way of bringing judicial system closer to communities in their locality.
DCT Programmes Manager, Bettie Chumbu advocated for mobile courts at Senior Chief Chikowi in Zomba when Senior Resident Magistrate in the district was hearing a case of Ronnex Bandawe who was being accused of burning a hand of his niece aged six for allegedly stealing a cob of green maize.
Chumbu therefore said mobile courts are the way to go because communities will be accorded opportunity to appreciate how courts administer criminal cases including crime against children.
DCT has so far documented more than ten criminal cases that require mobile court hearings.
“We would like the judiciary to consider mobile courts hearings to ensure that criminal cases are heard right in the community,” DCT Programmes Manager added.
Youth network chairperson at Senior Chief Chikowi’s area, Wongani Chawinga welcomed the mobile courts saying this will help in reducing crime against children.
Chawinga added that the youths at Senior Chief Chikowi area working in collaboration with community based crime prevention structures to fight against crime.
In the meantime, Zomba Senior Resident Magistrate Court has found Ronnex Bandawe guilty of burning his niece’s hand.
Senior Resident Magistrate Christopher Makumba is expected to make ruling on the case on April 18.
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