The Government through the Ministry of Education has asked for calm as Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) examination papers continue to leak.
In a statement today reacting to the leakage of the papers, Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Education Chikondano Mussa said the ministry has noted the sad developments surrounding the examinations.
She added that Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) has convened an emergency board meeting to map the way forward following the leakage.
“Meanwhile, Government through the Ministry of Education is appealing for calm as we await the decision from the emergency board meeting at MANEB offices in Zomba whose results will be communicated to the public soonest,” reads part of the statement by Mussa.
MSCE candidates started sitting for their theory examinations yesterday but some of the papers have been circulating social media. Leaked examination papers include History, English and Biology.
The Ministry of Education initially downplayed the leakage saying the exams started circulating after examinations were already in progress.
However, the History paper exam for Tuesday afternoon also circulated on social media and it was then confirmed that it is the same one that got leaked.
Social commentator Onjezani Kenani has since urged MANEB to take action saying the examinations have lost credibility and the leakage will affect children in rural areas.
He said: “Children of the poor from our villages, who study with the aid of a paraffin lamp and have no access to WhatsApp, won’t have access to these leaked exam papers. But we’ll see the rich – who are sharing on WhatsApp – score 6 points, 7 points, and taking up space in all the universities. In the end, the gap between the rich and the poor will widen. MANEB and the Ministry of Education must stop this nonsense.”