Incompetence at the Helm: How Chief Justice Rizine Mzikamanda is Undermining Malawi’s Judiciary


Malawi’s judiciary has long been plagued by allegations of corruption and incompetence, and at the centre of this storm is Chief Justice Rizine Mzikamanda. Appointed in January 2022, Mzikamanda’s tenure has been marked by controversy and criticism.

But what exactly makes him incompetent, and how is this affecting the entire judicial system?

1. Lack of Transparency and Accountability

One of the primary concerns surrounding Mzikamanda’s leadership is the lack of transparency and accountability within the judiciary.

Critics argue that he has failed to address corruption and misconduct within the system, allowing it to perpetuate and undermine the public’s trust. 

This lack of accountability has led to a culture of impunity, where judges and magistrates feel they can act with disregard for the law and its procedures.

For instance, there have been numerous reports of judges taking bribes and making rulings based on personal interests rather than the law. 

Additionally, the judiciary’s handling of high-profile cases has been criticized for lack of transparency, with many questioning the impartiality of the judges.

2. Inadequate Judicial Reforms

Mzikamanda has also been criticized for his failure to implement meaningful judicial reforms. 

Despite promises to address the system’s inefficiencies and biases, little progress has been made. 

The judiciary remains slow and ineffective, with many cases taking years to resolve. 

This has led to frustration among the public and an erosion of confidence in the system.

Furthermore, the judiciary’s infrastructure remains outdated, with many courts lacking basic facilities and resources. 

This has resulted in inefficient case management and prolonged delays. 

The lack of technology integration has also hindered the judiciary’s ability to adapt to modern demands.

3. Questionable Appointments and Promotions

Another area of concern is Mzikamanda’s handling of appointments and promotions within the judiciary. 

Critics argue that he has prioritized loyalty over merit, appointing and promoting individuals based on their connections rather than their competence. 

This has led to a decline in the quality of justice and further undermined the public’s trust.

For example, there have been instances where judges with questionable track records have been promoted to higher positions, despite concerns raised by legal experts and civil society organizations. 

These appointments have compromised the integrity of the judiciary and perpetuated a culture of cronyism.

4. Consequences of Incompetence_

The consequences of Mzikamanda’s incompetence are far-reaching and devastating. 

The judiciary’s reputation has been severely damaged, and public trust has been eroded. 

This has led to increased tensions and instability within the country, as individuals lose faith in the system’s ability to deliver justice.

Moreover, the lack of effective judicial oversight has allowed corruption to permeate other institutions, undermining the rule of law and democratic governance. 

The economy has also suffered, as investors and businesses lose confidence in the judiciary’s ability to protect their rights.

_Way Forward_

To address the crisis in Malawi’s judiciary, it is essential that Mzikamanda is held accountable for his actions. 

This requires a comprehensive investigation into allegations of corruption and misconduct within the judiciary.

Furthermore, meaningful judicial reforms must be implemented to address the system’s inefficiencies and biases. 

This includes investing in infrastructure, technology, and training for judges and magistrates. 

The appointment process must also be reformed to prioritize merit over loyalty.


In conclusion, Chief Justice Rizine Mzikamanda’s incompetence has had a profound impact on Malawi’s judiciary. 

His lack of transparency and accountability, inadequate judicial reforms, and questionable appointments and promotions have all contributed to the system’s decline. 

To restore faith in the judiciary, it is essential that Mzikamanda is held accountable and meaningful reforms are implemented. 

Only then can Malawi’s judiciary begin to rebuild and provide the justice its citizens deserve.

By Twink Jones Gadama


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