National Registration Bureau Moves to Improve Vital Statistics Collection

National Registration Bureau

Malawi National Registration Bureau (NRB) has launched an initiative to establish Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) committees in all districts across the country, aiming to enhance the registration of births, deaths, and marriages.

NRB director, Noel Chikhungu, revealed that although hospitals are already registering births and deaths, a significant gap exists in collecting data from communities, with many events being missed.

To address this, the bureau has commenced establishing CRVS committees, starting with the central and southern regions this week, with completion expected by the end of the month.

The formation of the CRVS committee at the district level was finalized today in Mchinji after a meeting with the District Executive Committee members.

District Commissioner for Mchinji, Lucia Chidalengwa, has welcomed the move, stating that community involvement will bring meaningful impact.

By establishing these committees, the NRB aims to bridge the data gap and ensure that all births, deaths, and marriages are registered, providing a more accurate picture of the country’s vital statistics.
