Health Workers threaten to report Vice-President Usi to MHRC for rebuking nurse


 In a developing situation, the Physician Assistants Union of Malawi and the Society of Medical Doctors in Malawi have announced their intention to file a complaint against Vice-President Michael Usi with the Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC). 

This action follows an incident in Chikwawa where Usi publicly rebuked a nurse and permitted media coverage of the encounter.

According to Solomon Chomba, the President of the Physician Assistants Union, Usi’s actions have caused significant psychological distress to the nurses involved. 

Chomba has accused Usi of inflicting psychological torture through his public criticism and subsequent media exposure.

The controversy has sparked a broader discussion on the treatment of healthcare workers and the appropriate conduct of public officials in Malawi. 

The case is now set to be reviewed by the MHRC, which will determine whether Usi’s behaviour violated any human rights standards.
