Malawi Triumphs Over Cholera: Outbreak Declared Over


The Ministry of Health through the Public Health Institute of Malawi has declared the end of the Cholera outbreak in Malawi.

A statement signed by Secretary for Health, Dr. Samson Mndolo indicates that the declaration has been made because the country has for the past four weeks not registered any confirmed case of cholera from identified suspected cases.

The Ministry has since attributed the halting of the outbreak to the continued implementation of intensive surveillance and control measures at both the community and facility levels in all the affected districts.

However, the Ministry says it will continue to be vigilant and support multisectoral cholera prevention and control interventions to ensure that any upsurges of diarrhoea diseases are timely identified and controlled.

Further, the Ministry, “requests the public to continue observing prevention measures including drinking of safe water, food hygiene, regular hand washing with soap, consistent use of toilets and reporting of any cholera suspected cases to the nearest health facilities.”

According to the Ministry, the declaration is in line with the public health surveillance guidance for cholera by the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) and the World Health Organization alert and response systems for public health threats.

Since 3rd March 2022 when the Cholera outbreak was declared, Malawi has been battling with a protracted outbreak registering a total of 59.376 cases and 1,772 deaths (case fatality rate of 3%).
