UTM members extend a warm welcome to Peter Mutharika at the VP’s funeral

Peter Mutharika

In a gesture of unity and reconciliation, members of the United Transformation Movement (UTM) extended a warm welcome to former President Peter Mutharika at the funeral of Vice President Saulos Chilima on Monday 17th of June 2024. 

The sorrowful moment, held at Nsipe in Ntcheu underlined the spirit of national solidarity and respect among political leaders during a time of collective mourning.

UTM members, alongside other attendees, greeted Mutharika with applause and expressions of mutual condolence as he arrived at the funeral ceremony. 

The scene, marked by bipartisan gestures of respect, highlighted a rare instance of political adversaries setting aside differences to honour the memory of a revered statesman.

Vice President Saulos Chilima, known for his commitment to unity and progressive governance, was honoured by a diverse gathering of political figures, dignitaries, and citizens. 

The ceremony served as a platform for reflection on Chilima’s legacy and his impact on Malawian politics and society.

President Lazarus Chakwera, in his eulogy, emphasized the importance of unity and reconciliation in advancing the nation’s development agenda. 

He praised Vice President Chilima’s contributions to governance reforms and social justice initiatives, calling for continued collaboration across party lines to fulfil Malawi’s potential.

Former President Peter Mutharika did not speak at the funeral gathering.

The warm welcome extended to Mutharika by UTM members and other attendees reflected a broader sentiment of national unity and solidarity during moments of profound loss. 

It exemplified Malawi’s resilience and commitment to democratic values, transcending political divisions for the greater good of the nation.

As Malawi continues to mourn the passing of Vice President Saulos Chilima, the gestures of unity observed at his funeral serve as a poignant reminder of the pitiful for cooperation and progress when leaders prioritize the common interests and aspirations of the Malawian people.


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