MACRA condemns dissemination of graphic content Related to plane crash amidst national grief

Daud Suleman

The Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) has condemned the dissemination of graphic content relating to the plane crash that has claimed eight lives including the Right Honourable Saulos Klaus Chilima, emphasizing the need for respect and sensitivity during this time of grief.

In a statement signed by Director General Daud Suleiman, MACRA has expressed deep sorrow over the devastating incident, marking a period of national mourning.

Citing Section 97 of the Electronic Transactions and Cyber Security Act, MACRA has repronounced its commitment to educating the public on responsible online conduct and cyber hygiene.

The authority has appealed to citizens to avoid sharing distressing material and to honour the privacy and dignity of the bereaved families.

MACRA has also issued a reminder that distributing such content can cause significant emotional harm.

MACRA emphasizes the importance of digital responsibility, urging the public to uphold dignity and respect in the online sphere.

The departed Vice President will be buried on Monday at Nsipe in his home district of Ntcheu.

His memorial service will be held at Civo Stadium on Friday before prayers at St Patricks Catholic Church in Area 18.

Chilima, alongside Patricia Shanil Dzimbiri, who once served the country as the first lady during Bakili Muluzi’s era and seven others perished when their military plane crashed in Chikangawa in Mzimba district.

The government has since declared 21 days of mourning.


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