Stop alluvial gold mining, says Ministry of Mining


The government through the Ministry of Mining has ordered the immediate stop of alluvial gold mining activities at Traditional Authority (T/A) M’biza in Zomba.

The Minister responsible, Monica Chang’anamuno made the order after reports of several abuses at the mining site.

In her remarks on Tuesday, after a consultative meeting with officials from Zomba and Chiradzulu District Councils and community members from T/A M’biza, Chang’anamuno stated that her Ministry received several reports about child labor, sexual abuse, labor exploitation, and other social ills.

“After visiting the site and seriously considering all issues, I order immediate closure of mining activities in Zomba and anyone found doing any mining activity henceforth, will face the wrath of the law,” she said.

Reports also indicate that people who mined the alluvial gold did not have proper documents and were foreigners.

Commenting on this, the Minister highlighted that it was against the laws of the country for foreigners to engage in mining without proper documents.

She argued that it is time to seriously regulate Malawi’s mining industry so that the country benefits from its mineral deposits.

“Mineral exploration is a severe and sensitive issue that must be handled carefully. As long as I am the Minster of Mining, I will not accept foreigners siphoning our minerals and no more illegal mining in Malawi,” she highlighted.

The Minster has however urged chiefs to be cautious and patriotic and stop accommodating or protecting foreigners who engage in illegal mining.

In her remarks, Sub-Traditional Authority, Idana whose area has been heavily damaged commended Chang’anamuno for ordering the closure of the gold mine.

“We support the decision and we will make sure that no one is found mining gold until proper procedures have been followed,” she said.

Meanwhile, according to the Mining Act, only registered miners can do mining activities within a specified place.