Police in Zomba arrest man for offering his stepson for sale


Police in Zomba district are keeping in custody a 25-year-old man, Chimwemwe Zololo for offering for sale his 2-year-old stepson at Njala village within the district.

Deputy Public Relations Officer for Zomba Police Station Sergeant Aaron Chilala has confirmed the arrest of Chimwemwe Zololo.

Sergeant Chilala has told Malawi24 that on January 27, 2024, Zololo called on a certain businessperson proposing that he’s selling a 2-year-old boy who happens to be his stepson.

He said that upon receiving the request, the businessperson tipped the police about the ordeal and was advised to meet the suspect in order to make an arrest.

The two agreed to meet at around 16:00 hours of the fateful day and Zololo was arrested as he was negotiating to strike a deal. 

Police then summoned the wife to the suspect for an  interview who admitted to have been told by her husband about the deal of selling the boy in order to solve some economic challenges they are facing but she discouraged him from doing such an abominable thing.

Meanwhile, the suspect is under police custody, awaiting trial.

Zololo hails from Chimbalanga village, Traditional Authority Chiwalo in Phalombe district.
