NRWA says closure of illegal boreholes will bring sanity

Masozi Kasambala, is spokesperson of National Water Resource Authority (NWRA),

The National Water Resource Authority (NWRA), Masozi Kasambala, says closing all illegal water supply systems will bring sanity in the water sector in the country.

Public Relations Officer for NRWA, Masozi Kasambala, told Malawi News Agency (MANA) in an interview that the Authority would go on an exercise to close all illegal water supply whose purpose is to allow the public access good and sustainable water.

Kasambala further highlighted that NWRA will maintain its stance on the project and cautioned drilling companies to treat the ultimatum seriously.

He said: “It is true that the Authority issued a 90- day ultimatum that all individuals and institutions with illegal supply systems such as unlicensed boreholes must declare them with the Authority by November 24, 2023 or the authority will be left with no option but to seal them off.”

Responding to NWRA position, a concerned citizen Khadijah Mwale said the project is good but there are a lot of things that NWRA should put into consideration.

She said access to water is a big challenge in the country as many people cannot afford to use piped water.

“As one of the concerned citizens in the country, i am very worried that if these wells and boreholes are closed, we are going to suffer as it has proved that access to safe water is a big challenge in the country and not all of us can afford piped water, so closing these water supply systems is the same as killing us,” she said.

Meanwhile, Mwale has asked NWRA to come up with alternative solutions that will help the citizenry if the wells and boreholes they depend on get closed.

Reported by Levison Lester and Sheminah Nkhoma
