Persons with disabilities have right to showcase their talents – MACOHA

Persons with disabilities Malaiw

Malawi Council for the Handicapped (MACOHA) has reiterated on the need for persons with disabilities to be recognized as people who have the right to freedom of expression and cultural participation.

Executive director for MACOHA, George Chiusiwa said this during All shades of beautiful fashion Show at Bingu International Convention Center (BICC) in Lilongwe.

Chiusiwa indicated that people with disabilities have the right to showcase their talents that includes in the fashion industry.

“The right to freedom of expression and cultural participation should not be limited by physical or cognitive impairments. Through events like the All shades of beautiful fashion show, as a nation, we should aim to break these barriers, allowing people of all abilities to express themselves creatively and show their talent and potential,” said Chiusiwa.

All Shades of Beautiful Fashion Show allows people with disability as well as those without disability to showcase their talent through unique designs.

The event was attended by Minister of Tourism, Vera Kamtukule, European Union Ambassador, Rune Skinneback, the British High Commissioner, Fiona Ritchie, US Embassy delegates and other government officials.
