The Ministry of Education has urged education officers to adhere to the entry age policy in public primary schools to maximise learning efficiencies.
Principal Secretary in the ministry, Chikondano Mussa, made the sentiments recently during a media interaction at Capital Hill where she stressed on the need for reinforcement of government policies through vibrant inspectors, advisors, parents and other opinion leaders.
She highlighted that the entry age policy for standard one learners is six years and expressed concern that some schools are still in the act of enrolling children who are under aged.
“Lack of adherence of the policy is counterproductive to the successful implementation of the Primary School Curriculum and Assessment Reform Policy, which is delivered through the Learner Centered Approach meaning only learners who have developed mentally can effectively participate in lessons,” she said.
Mussa also cautioned education officers to desist from demanding registration fee on any child being enrolled in standard one since enrollment is free.
She further spoke against the practice of heaping 100 to 300 learners in class with one teacher doing the actual teaching while other teachers are either just standing or sit on the sides.
The Ministry of Education expects Directors of Education, Youth and Sports (DEYS), Chief Education Officers, Principal Education Officers, Primary Education Advisors and Head teachers to follow government policies when admitting learners into standard one.
Some of the policies include; adhering to 60:1 pupil teacher ratio where learners are divided into manageable classes of 60 at all times.Mussa said districts that do not do a rationalisation of teachers will consequently not be given more teachers.
Reported by Twimepoki Mangani