Minister of Transport hails Zomba City for upgrading roads

Jacob Hara

Minister of Transport and Public Works Jacob Hara says he is impressed with infrastructural developments in Zomba City which include upgrading of city’s roads and bridges.

The minister visited Namiwawa road in the CBD and Naphambo bridge on Likangala river and said he was convinced with how the city authority is utilising financial resources in the infrastructural projects.

” I’m impressed with the dual carriage of Namiwawa. This shows that the council is doing it’s best in roads upgrading,”

Hara said there was need to increase funding for infrastructural projects in the city to improve the city’s face.

He also requested Zomba City Council to consider local contractors when awarding contracts to ensure they benefit and creat jobs for locals.

“But make sure you award contracts to those that are competent and have good record of doing quality work,” Hara added .

Despite government upgrading some roads in the country, the minister said he was concerned with increased incidences of road accidents due to drunkardness and other forms of reckless driving.

Zomba City Mayor, Davie Maunde also hailed the Minister of Transport and Public Works for touring road projects in the city and for commending the local authority for job well done.

He pledged that the council will ensure that roads and bridge projects finish successfully and within the estimated time.

In Zomba, the minister also toured Zomba Works Training Center that stoped working some years ago.