Suspected thief dies after falling from rooftop in Blantyre


A suspected thief aged 45 has died in Blantyre after he fell from the roof of a house where he allegedly wanted to steal.

The incident happened at Msusa village in Blantyre District.

Blantyre Police Station deputy spokesperson Sergeant Aubrey Singanyama has identified the suspect as Richard Mafaiti from Beni Village in the area of Traditional Authority Somba in Blantyre.

It is reported that, during the night of August 27, 2022, Mafaiti  went to an unfinished house in the same area with intent to steal.

After successfully jumping over the brick fence, he managed to climb ontop of the roof of the house and his footsteps raised an alarm to the security guard of the premises.

Upon noticing the presence of an intruder,  the security guard then shouted for help. This then  prompted the suspect to jump down from the rooftop, thereby,  landing with his head to the ground.

Due to the impact, Mafaiti died instantly after sustaining a deep cut on his head.  According to Singanyama, Chilobwe Police detectives visited the scene of the incident and detected no marks violence.

Meanwhile, the deceased body is at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital pending postmortem.