MCP media team in hot soup over zigoba


Malawi Congress Party (MCP) media team members have been dragged to court for defamation over the use of  pseudo accounts (Zigoba) on Facebook.

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) media team members have been interrogated by police over the use of pseudo accounts (Zigoba) on Facebook to defame others.

The MCP media team members have allegedly been using pseudo Facebook accounts such as Martha Kayuni, Kholomana Mankhwala, Kwathu Kunyanja, Catherine Banda, Alex Botha, Lizzie Nyasulu and Christina Mataya to defame and harrass other people.

There are also allegations that the accounts have posting fake information about the Malawi Government.

Today, members of the MCP media team gathered at Area 3 Police Station after one of the members, Kondwani Mdooko, was summoned for questioning.

It is alleged that Mdooko is one of the persons who has been using the fake Facebook accounts.

Police are yet to comment on the interrogation of Mdooko.

Political parties in Malawi usually have media teams whose members create fake accounts and hide behind anonymity on social media to attack members of other parties.

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