Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare says there is a new trend in early marriages in the communities of Malawi as parents are now marrying off more boys before they turn the age of 18.
Director of Child Affairs in the Ministry of Gender, McKnight Kalanda, said on the sidelines of commemorations of Day of the African Child at Chimtolo Village, Traditional Authority Khongoni in Lilongwe district, that a survey to detect how many children got married during Covid-19 showed high figures in most districts, including Lilongwe.
“In Lilongwe what we have seen is that even boys are getting affected. There are more boys that are also being married off before the age of 18. So, this is a new trend which needs to be addressed because previously we used to talk of girls but now it is even more to boys,” said Kalanda.
He said there is need for collaborative efforts, especially with community-based organizations, so they integrate child protection issues in their programs to better address issues of early marriages.
Executive Director for Yamba Malawi, Getrude Kabwazi, said her organization is determined to provide support and address the challenges that impede on children.
Reported by Leonard Masauli
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