Teen jailed for breaking into school and stealing items worth K68,000


Blantyre Senior Resident Magistrate’s court has sentenced 19-year-old Samuel Naluso to 18 months imprisonment with hard labour for breaking into a school and stealing items worth K68,000.

The court heard through state prosecutor  Sub Inspector Jimmy Matandika that on June 6, 2022 the convict broke into Blantyre Baptist Academy premises where upon entering in one of the classrooms, he stole three laptop bags and a raincoat, all valued at K68,000.

Naluso was seen by one person who shouted for help and Naluso was apprehended.

At Manase police unit, Naluso was charged with the offence of breaking into a building and committing felony therein which contravenes section 311 of the Penal Code.

Appearing in court, Naluso pleaded guilty to the charge levelled against him. In mitigation, he asked the court to exercise leniency when passing sentence considering that he is homeless.

In his submission, Sub Inspector Matandika asked the court to give stiffer punishment citing that the convict had a plan to commit such a crime and that the offence is a serious one which attracts a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail.

Passing sentence, Senior Resident Magistrate Akya Mwanyongo agreed with the state and therefore slapped Naluso with 18 months imprisonment with hard labour.

Samuel Naluso comes from Mpaso Village,Traditional Authority Chimaliro in Thyolo District.

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