Partners In Action for Sustainable Development (PASD) in partnership with Devoted Youth Action for Change (DYAC) are implementing “Tusinde” (let’s change) which is calling for a stop of all forms of violence against women and girls in Machinga.
Speaking when introducing the project at Traditional Authority Mposa in Machinga, PASD Executive Director, Amos Chiyenda said Tusinde intends to end all forms of Gender Based Violence in women plus young women and adolescent girls which is common in the area.
He said that the project also aims to deal with mindset change among people at Mposa area where women and girls should be accorded opportunity to realize their potentials in socio-economic development.
Chiyenda further observed an increase of early marriages among young women and adolescent girls of school going age in the area which compromise their education and livelihood.
“The project aims at bringing mindset change in Mposa area where women, young women, adolescent girls and the entire girl child enjoy life to the fullest without violence,” said PASD Executive Director.
He added that the project wishes to see young women and adolescent girls stay in schools and complete their education other than dropping out of school due to pregnancy and early marriages.
“I am sure the project will address all forms of Gender Based Violence which women, young women and adolescent girls face,” he said, citing forced child marriages as one of the factors that frustrate young women and adolescent girls’ education.
In collaboration with traditional leaders, PASD facilitated the formulation of 21 bylaws in Mposa area which are aimed at promoting young women and adolescent girls’ education apart from protecting them from all factors that lead to pregnancies and forced marriages, according to PASD Executive Director.
He said the bylaws will also take to task all those that will be responsible for forcing or arranging child marriages adding that all those that will be responsible for pregnancies will be referred to relevant authorities for legal actions.
Chiyenda therefore commended Traditional Authority Mposa for being male champions on anti-GBV saying this was also the first time for anti-GBV project to be implemented in his area.
He called on all people in the area to report all forms of GBV to relevant community level structures and law enforcement authorities for appropriate actions.
Traditional Authority Mposa commended PASD and DYAC for introducing the anti-GBV project in his area saying this was also the first-time men are entrusted to become male champions in anti-GBV.
“Let me appreciate your intervention on GBV in this area because this is the first men are entrusted to be champions of anti-gender-based violence,” Traditional Authority Mposa added.
PASD in partnership with DYAC are implementing Tusinde with financial assistance from the UN Women.